package org.jcae.vtk; import gnu.trove.list.array.TFloatArrayList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class UNVParser { private static final int TETRA4_MASK = 0x10000000; private static final int HEXA8_MASK = 0x20000000; private static final int TRIA3_MASK = 0x10000000; private static final int TRIA6_MASK = 0x20000000; private static final int QUAD4_MASK = 0x40000000; private static final int BEAM2_MASK = 0x80000000; private float[] nodesCoordinates; private TIntIntHashMap nodesIndicesMap; private boolean hasBeam2, hasTria3, hasTria6, hasQuad4, hasTetra4, hasHexa8; private ArrayList<String> surfaceGroupNames=new ArrayList<String>(); private ArrayList<int[]> surfaceGroups=new ArrayList<int[]>(); private TIntArrayList surfaceIndices=new TIntArrayList(); private TIntArrayList volumeIndices=new TIntArrayList(); private TIntIntHashMap elementSurfaceIndicesMap, elementVolumeIndicesMap; public float[] getNodesCoordinates() { return nodesCoordinates; } /** * @return * @deprecated use getGroupNames instead. */ @Deprecated public String[] getTria3GroupNames() { return getGroupNames(); } public String[] getGroupNames() { return surfaceGroupNames.toArray(new String[0]); } public int[] getTria3FromGroup(int groupId) { int[] elids=surfaceGroups.get(groupId); int cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & TRIA3_MASK) != 0) cnt++; } int[] toReturn=new int[cnt*3]; cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & TRIA3_MASK) == 0) continue; int iid=(val & ~TRIA3_MASK); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); } return toReturn; } public int[] getQuad4FromGroup(int groupId) { int[] elids=surfaceGroups.get(groupId); int cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & QUAD4_MASK) != 0) cnt++; } int[] toReturn=new int[cnt*4]; cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & QUAD4_MASK) == 0) continue; int iid=(val & ~QUAD4_MASK); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); } return toReturn; } public int[] getBeam2FromGroup(int groupId) { int[] elids=surfaceGroups.get(groupId); int cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & BEAM2_MASK) != 0) cnt++; } int[] toReturn=new int[cnt*2]; cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & BEAM2_MASK) == 0) continue; int iid=(val & ~BEAM2_MASK); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); } return toReturn; } public int[] getTria6FromGroup(int groupId) { int[] elids=surfaceGroups.get(groupId); int cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & TRIA6_MASK) != 0) cnt++; } int[] toReturn=new int[cnt*6]; cnt = 0; for(int val: elids) { if ((val & TRIA6_MASK) == 0) continue; int iid=(val & ~TRIA6_MASK); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); toReturn[cnt++]=surfaceIndices.get(iid++); } return toReturn; } public boolean hasBeam2() { return hasBeam2; } public boolean hasTria6() { return hasTria6; } public void parse(BufferedReader rd) throws IOException { double unit = 1.0; String line; elementSurfaceIndicesMap=new TIntIntHashMap(); elementVolumeIndicesMap=new TIntIntHashMap(); nodesIndicesMap=new TIntIntHashMap(); while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { line = rd.readLine(); int blockID=Integer.parseInt(line.trim()); switch(blockID) { case 2411: case 781: readNodes(rd, unit); break; case 2412: readFace(rd); break; case 164: unit=readUnit(rd); break; case 2435: case 2430: readGroup(rd, blockID); break; case 790: readLoadSets(rd); break; default: while (!(line = rd.readLine()).equals(" -1")) { // Do nothing } } } //If there are triangles but no groups if(surfaceGroupNames.size()==0 && surfaceIndices.size()>0) { surfaceGroupNames.add(""); int[] group=new int[surfaceIndices.size()]; int i = 0; for(int val : elementSurfaceIndicesMap.values()) { group[i]=val; i++; } surfaceGroups.add(group); } //free indices maps. nodesIndicesMap=null; elementSurfaceIndicesMap=null; elementVolumeIndicesMap=null; } private void readFace(BufferedReader rd) throws IOException { String line; while (!(line = rd.readLine().trim()).equals("-1")) { // first line: type of object StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); int ind = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); int type = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); line = rd.readLine(); //RECORD 2 switch(type) { case 21: // Linear beam st = new StringTokenizer(line); elementSurfaceIndicesMap.put(ind, BEAM2_MASK | surfaceIndices.size()); for(int i=0; i<2; i++) surfaceIndices.add(nodesIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()))); hasBeam2 = true; break; case 74: // Membrane Linear Triangle case 91: // Thin Shell Linear Triangle case 41: // Plane Stress Linear Triangle st = new StringTokenizer(line); elementSurfaceIndicesMap.put(ind, TRIA3_MASK | surfaceIndices.size()); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) surfaceIndices.add(nodesIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()))); hasTria3 = true; break; case 92: // Thin Shell Parabolic Triangle st = new StringTokenizer(line); elementSurfaceIndicesMap.put(ind, TRIA6_MASK | surfaceIndices.size()); for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { surfaceIndices.add(nodesIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()))); st.nextToken(); //keep only vertex nodes } hasTria6 = true; break; case 94: // Thin Shell Linear Quadrilateral st = new StringTokenizer(line); elementSurfaceIndicesMap.put(ind, QUAD4_MASK | surfaceIndices.size()); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) surfaceIndices.add(nodesIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()))); hasQuad4 = true; break; case 111: // Solid Linear Tetrahedron st = new StringTokenizer(line); elementVolumeIndicesMap.put(ind, TETRA4_MASK | volumeIndices.size()); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) volumeIndices.add(nodesIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()))); hasTetra4 = true; break; case 115: // Solid Linear Brick st = new StringTokenizer(line); elementVolumeIndicesMap.put(ind, HEXA8_MASK | volumeIndices.size()); for(int i=0; i<8; i++) volumeIndices.add(nodesIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()))); hasHexa8 = true; break; } } } private void readGroup(BufferedReader rd, int blockID) throws IOException { String line = rd.readLine(); while (!line.trim().equals("-1")) { // read the number of elements to read in the last number of the line StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); String snb = st.nextToken(); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { snb = st.nextToken(); } int nbelem = Integer.parseInt(snb); // Read group name surfaceGroupNames.add(rd.readLine().trim()); TIntArrayList facelist = new TIntArrayList(); while ((line = rd.readLine().trim()).startsWith("8")) { st = new StringTokenizer(line); // read one element over two, the first one doesnt matter while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { st.nextToken(); String index = st.nextToken(); int id=elementSurfaceIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(index)); facelist.add(id); nbelem--; if (blockID == 2435) { st.nextToken(); st.nextToken(); } } if (nbelem <= 0) { line = rd.readLine(); break; } } surfaceGroups.add(facelist.toArray()); } } private void readTetra4LoadSet(int element, int faceId, TIntArrayList group) { int p1=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p2=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p3=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p4=volumeIndices.get(element++); group.add(TRIA3_MASK | surfaceIndices.size()); switch(faceId) { case 1: surfaceIndices.add(p1); surfaceIndices.add(p2); surfaceIndices.add(p3); break; case 2: surfaceIndices.add(p1); surfaceIndices.add(p2); surfaceIndices.add(p4); break; case 3: surfaceIndices.add(p2); surfaceIndices.add(p3); surfaceIndices.add(p4); break; case 4: surfaceIndices.add(p1); surfaceIndices.add(p3); surfaceIndices.add(p4); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Face ID should be 1,2,3 or 4"); } } private void readHexa8LoadSet(int element, int faceId, TIntArrayList group) { int p1=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p2=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p3=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p4=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p5=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p6=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p7=volumeIndices.get(element++); int p8=volumeIndices.get(element++); group.add(QUAD4_MASK | surfaceIndices.size()); switch(faceId) { case 1: surfaceIndices.add(p1); surfaceIndices.add(p2); surfaceIndices.add(p3); surfaceIndices.add(p4); break; case 2: surfaceIndices.add(p5); surfaceIndices.add(p6); surfaceIndices.add(p7); surfaceIndices.add(p8); break; case 3: surfaceIndices.add(p1); surfaceIndices.add(p2); surfaceIndices.add(p6); surfaceIndices.add(p5); break; case 4: surfaceIndices.add(p2); surfaceIndices.add(p3); surfaceIndices.add(p7); surfaceIndices.add(p6); break; case 5: surfaceIndices.add(p3); surfaceIndices.add(p4); surfaceIndices.add(p8); surfaceIndices.add(p7); break; case 6: surfaceIndices.add(p1); surfaceIndices.add(p4); surfaceIndices.add(p8); surfaceIndices.add(p5); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Face ID should be 1,2,3,4,5 or 6"); } } private void readLoadSets(BufferedReader rd) throws IOException { rd.readLine(); //RECORD 1 (skip) String name=rd.readLine(); //RECORD 2 (skip) String line; TIntArrayList groupTetra4=new TIntArrayList(); TIntArrayList groupHexa8=new TIntArrayList(); while (!(line = rd.readLine().trim()).equals("-1")) //RECORD 3 (type 2) { // first line: type of object StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); st.nextToken(); //skip face pressure load label int element=elementVolumeIndicesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); int faceId=Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken()); if((element & TETRA4_MASK) != 0) { readTetra4LoadSet(element & (~TETRA4_MASK), faceId, groupTetra4); } else if((element & HEXA8_MASK) != 0) { readHexa8LoadSet(element & (~HEXA8_MASK), faceId, groupHexa8); } rd.readLine(); //RECORD 4 rd.readLine(); //RECORD 5 } if(!groupTetra4.isEmpty()) { surfaceGroupNames.add(name); surfaceGroups.add(groupTetra4.toArray()); } if(!groupHexa8.isEmpty()) { surfaceGroupNames.add(name); surfaceGroups.add(groupHexa8.toArray()); } return; } private void readNodes(BufferedReader rd, double unit) throws IOException { TIntIntHashMap indices=new TIntIntHashMap(); TFloatArrayList coords=new TFloatArrayList(); float x, y, z; String line; int k=0; while (!(line = rd.readLine().trim()).equals("-1")) { // First number : the node's id StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); int index = new Integer(st.nextToken()).intValue(); line = rd.readLine(); // line contains coord x,y,z st = new StringTokenizer(line); String x1 = st.nextToken(); String y1 = st.nextToken(); String z1; if(st.hasMoreTokens()) z1 = st.nextToken(); else z1 = "0.0"; x1 = x1.replace('D', 'E'); y1 = y1.replace('D', 'E'); z1 = z1.replace('D', 'E'); x = (float) (Double.parseDouble(x1) / unit); y = (float) (Double.parseDouble(y1) / unit); z = (float) (Double.parseDouble(z1) / unit); indices.put(index, k++); coords.add(x); coords.add(y); coords.add(z); } this.nodesIndicesMap=indices; this.nodesCoordinates=coords.toArray(); } private double readUnit(BufferedReader rd) { double unit = 1.0; String line; try { //retrieve the second line line = rd.readLine(); line = rd.readLine(); // fisrt number : the unit StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line); String unite = st.nextToken(); unite = unite.replace('D', 'E'); unit = Double.parseDouble(unite); while (!(line = rd.readLine().trim()).equals("-1")) { // ??? } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return unit; } /** * Debug * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { UNVParser unvp=new UNVParser(); unvp.parse(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/home/jerome/cassiope/resources/example/tecplot50x50x50.unv"))); System.out.println(unvp.getQuad4FromGroup(0).length); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } }