/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.test.support; import java.util.List; import org.testng.ITestContext; import org.testng.ITestNGMethod; import org.testng.ITestResult; import org.testng.TestListenerAdapter; import org.testng.internal.ConstructorOrMethod; import org.testng.internal.Utils; /** * Reporter printing out detailed messages about what TestNG * is going to run and what is the status of what has been just run. * * To see messages from this reporter, either run Ant in verbose mode ('ant -v') * or set verbose level to 5 or higher * * @author Lukas Jungmann * @since 6.4 * * THIS IS AN EXACT COPY OF THE CLASS IN org.testng.reporters * EXCEPT FOR THIS COMMENT AND log(String) CHANGED TO BE PROTECTED */ public class VerboseReporter extends TestListenerAdapter { /** * Default prefix for messages printed out by this reporter * */ public static final String LISTENER_PREFIX = "[VerboseTestNG] "; private String suiteName; private final String prefix; private enum Status { SUCCESS(ITestResult.SUCCESS), FAILURE(ITestResult.FAILURE), SKIP(ITestResult.SKIP), SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE(ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE), STARTED(ITestResult.STARTED); private final int code; private Status(int i) { code = i; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public int getCode() { return code; } } /** * Default constructor */ public VerboseReporter() { this(LISTENER_PREFIX); } /** * Create VerboseReporter with custom prefix * * @param prefix prefix for messages printed out by this reporter */ public VerboseReporter(String prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; } @Override public void beforeConfiguration(ITestResult tr) { super.beforeConfiguration(tr); logTestResult(Status.STARTED, tr, true); } @Override public void onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult tr) { super.onConfigurationFailure(tr); logTestResult(Status.FAILURE, tr, true); } @Override public void onConfigurationSkip(ITestResult tr) { super.onConfigurationSkip(tr); logTestResult(Status.SKIP, tr, true); } @Override public void onConfigurationSuccess(ITestResult tr) { super.onConfigurationSuccess(tr); logTestResult(Status.SUCCESS, tr, true); } @Override public void onTestStart(ITestResult tr) { logTestResult(Status.STARTED, tr, false); } @Override public void onTestFailure(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestFailure(tr); logTestResult(Status.FAILURE, tr, false); } @Override public void onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(tr); logTestResult(Status.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE, tr, false); } @Override public void onTestSkipped(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestSkipped(tr); logTestResult(Status.SKIP, tr, false); } @Override public void onTestSuccess(ITestResult tr) { super.onTestSuccess(tr); logTestResult(Status.SUCCESS, tr, false); } @Override public void onStart(ITestContext ctx) { suiteName = ctx.getName();//ctx.getSuite().getXmlSuite().getFileName(); log("RUNNING: Suite: \"" + suiteName + "\" containing \"" + ctx.getAllTestMethods().length + "\" Tests (config: " + ctx.getSuite().getXmlSuite().getFileName() + ")"); } @Override public void onFinish(ITestContext context) { logResults(); suiteName = null; } private ITestNGMethod[] resultsToMethods(List<ITestResult> results) { ITestNGMethod[] result = new ITestNGMethod[results.size()]; int i = 0; for (ITestResult tr : results) { result[i++] = tr.getMethod(); } return result; } /** * Print out test summary */ private void logResults() { // // Log test summary // ITestNGMethod[] ft = resultsToMethods(getFailedTests()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("\n===============================================\n"); sb.append(" ").append(suiteName).append("\n"); sb.append(" Tests run: ").append(Utils.calculateInvokedMethodCount(getAllTestMethods())); sb.append(", Failures: ").append(Utils.calculateInvokedMethodCount(ft)); sb.append(", Skips: ").append(Utils.calculateInvokedMethodCount(resultsToMethods(getSkippedTests()))); int confFailures = getConfigurationFailures().size(); int confSkips = getConfigurationSkips().size(); if (confFailures > 0 || confSkips > 0) { sb.append("\n").append(" Configuration Failures: ").append(confFailures); sb.append(", Skips: ").append(confSkips); } sb.append("\n==============================================="); log(sb.toString()); } /** * Log meaningful message for passed in arguments. * Message itself is of form: * $status: "$suiteName" - $methodDeclaration ($actualArguments) finished in $x ms ($run of $totalRuns) * * @param st status of passed in itr * @param itr test result to be described * @param isConfMethod is itr describing configuration method */ private void logTestResult(Status st, ITestResult itr, boolean isConfMethod) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String stackTrace = ""; switch (st) { case STARTED: sb.append("INVOKING"); break; case SKIP: sb.append("SKIPPED"); stackTrace = itr.getThrowable() != null ? Utils.stackTrace(itr.getThrowable(), false)[0] : ""; break; case FAILURE: sb.append("FAILED"); stackTrace = itr.getThrowable() != null ? Utils.stackTrace(itr.getThrowable(), false)[0] : ""; break; case SUCCESS: sb.append("PASSED"); break; case SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE: sb.append("PASSED with failures"); break; default: //not happen throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported test status:" + itr.getStatus()); } if (isConfMethod) { sb.append(" CONFIGURATION: "); } else { sb.append(": "); } ITestNGMethod tm = itr.getMethod(); int identLevel = sb.length(); sb.append(getMethodDeclaration(tm)); Object[] params = itr.getParameters(); Class<?>[] paramTypes = tm.getConstructorOrMethod().getParameterTypes(); if (null != params && params.length > 0) { // The error might be a data provider parameter mismatch, so make // a special case here if (params.length != paramTypes.length) { sb.append("Wrong number of arguments were passed by the Data Provider: found "); sb.append(params.length); sb.append(" but expected "); sb.append(paramTypes.length); } else { sb.append("(value(s): "); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(Utils.toString(params[i], paramTypes[i])); } sb.append(")"); } } if (Status.STARTED != st) { sb.append(" finished in "); sb.append(itr.getEndMillis() - itr.getStartMillis()); sb.append(" ms"); if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(tm.getDescription())) { sb.append("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < identLevel; i++) { sb.append(" "); } sb.append(tm.getDescription()); } if (tm.getInvocationCount() > 1) { sb.append(" ("); sb.append(tm.getCurrentInvocationCount()); sb.append(" of "); sb.append(tm.getInvocationCount()); sb.append(")"); } if (!Utils.isStringEmpty(stackTrace)) { sb.append("\n").append(stackTrace.substring(0, stackTrace.lastIndexOf(System.getProperty("line.separator")))); } } else { if (!isConfMethod && tm.getInvocationCount() > 1) { sb.append(" success: "); sb.append(tm.getSuccessPercentage()); sb.append("%"); } } log(sb.toString()); } protected void log(String message) { //prefix all output lines System.out.println(message.replaceAll("(?m)^", prefix)); } /** * * @param method method to be described * @return FQN of a class + method declaration for a method passed in * ie. test.triangle.CheckCount.testCheckCount(java.lang.String) */ private String getMethodDeclaration(ITestNGMethod method) { //see Utils.detailedMethodName //perhaps should rather adopt the original method instead ConstructorOrMethod m = method.getConstructorOrMethod(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("\""); if (suiteName != null) { buf.append(suiteName); } else { buf.append("UNKNOWN"); } buf.append("\""); buf.append(" - "); if (method.isBeforeSuiteConfiguration()) { buf.append("@BeforeSuite "); } else if (method.isBeforeTestConfiguration()) { buf.append("@BeforeTest "); } else if (method.isBeforeClassConfiguration()) { buf.append("@BeforeClass "); } else if (method.isBeforeGroupsConfiguration()) { buf.append("@BeforeGroups "); } else if (method.isBeforeMethodConfiguration()) { buf.append("@BeforeMethod "); } else if (method.isAfterMethodConfiguration()) { buf.append("@AfterMethod "); } else if (method.isAfterGroupsConfiguration()) { buf.append("@AfterGroups "); } else if (method.isAfterClassConfiguration()) { buf.append("@AfterClass "); } else if (method.isAfterTestConfiguration()) { buf.append("@AfterTest "); } else if (method.isAfterSuiteConfiguration()) { buf.append("@AfterSuite "); } buf.append(m.getDeclaringClass().getName()); buf.append("."); buf.append(m.getName()); buf.append("("); int i = 0; for (Class<?> p : m.getParameterTypes()) { if (i++ > 0) { buf.append(", "); } buf.append(p.getName()); } buf.append(")"); return buf.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { return "VerboseReporter{" + "suiteName=" + suiteName + '}'; } }