/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.location.byon; import static org.apache.brooklyn.util.groovy.GroovyJavaMethods.truth; import java.io.Closeable; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.Location; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.LocationSpec; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineLocation; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineLocationCustomizer; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.MachineProvisioningLocation; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.NoMachinesAvailableException; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.LocationManager; import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.AbstractLocation; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.cloud.CloudLocationConfig; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.base.Objects; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken; import org.apache.brooklyn.location.ssh.SshMachineLocation; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.CollectionFunctionals; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableSet; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.config.ConfigBag; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.SetFromFlag; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.stream.Streams; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.WildcardGlobs; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.WildcardGlobs.PhraseTreatment; /** * A provisioner of {@link MachineLocation}s which takes a list of machines it can connect to. * The collection of initial machines should be supplied in the 'machines' flag in the constructor, * for example a list of machines which can be SSH'd to. * * This can be extended to have a mechanism to make more machines to be available * (override provisionMore and canProvisionMore). */ public class FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation<T extends MachineLocation> extends AbstractLocation implements MachineProvisioningLocation<T>, Closeable { // TODO Synchronization looks very wrong for accessing machines/inUse // e.g. removeChild doesn't synchronize when doing machines.remove(...), // and getMachines() returns the real sets risking // ConcurrentModificationException in the caller if it iterates over them etc. private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.class); public static final ConfigKey<Function<Iterable<? extends MachineLocation>, MachineLocation>> MACHINE_CHOOSER = ConfigKeys.newConfigKey( new TypeToken<Function<Iterable<? extends MachineLocation>, MachineLocation>>() {}, "byon.machineChooser", "For choosing which of the possible machines is chosen and returned by obtain()", CollectionFunctionals.<MachineLocation>firstElement()); public static final ConfigKey<Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer>> MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS = CloudLocationConfig.MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS; private final Object lock = new Object(); @SetFromFlag protected Set<T> machines; @SetFromFlag protected Set<T> inUse; @SetFromFlag protected Set<T> pendingRemoval; @SetFromFlag protected Map<T, Map<String, Object>> origConfigs; public FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation() { this(Maps.newLinkedHashMap()); } public FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation(Map properties) { super(properties); if (isLegacyConstruction()) { init(); } } @Override public void init() { super.init(); Set<T> machinesCopy = MutableSet.of(); for (T location: machines) { if (location==null) { log.warn(""+this+" initialized with null location, removing (may be due to rebind with reference to an unmanaged location)"); } else { Location parent = location.getParent(); if (parent == null) { addChild(location); } machinesCopy.add(location); } } if (!machinesCopy.equals(machines)) { machines = machinesCopy; } } @Override public String toVerboseString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(this).omitNullValues() .add("id", getId()).add("name", getDisplayName()) .add("machinesAvailable", getAvailable()).add("machinesInUse", getInUse()) .toString(); } @Override public AbstractLocation configure(Map<?,?> properties) { if (machines == null) machines = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (inUse == null) inUse = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (pendingRemoval == null) pendingRemoval = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (origConfigs == null) origConfigs = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); return super.configure(properties); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation<T> newSubLocation(Map<?,?> newFlags) { // TODO shouldn't have to copy config bag as it should be inherited (but currently it is not used inherited everywhere; just most places) return getManagementContext().getLocationManager().createLocation(LocationSpec.create(getClass()) .parent(this) .configure(config().getLocalBag().getAllConfig()) // FIXME Should this just be inherited? .configure(newFlags)); } @Override public void close() { for (T machine : machines) { if (machine instanceof Closeable) Streams.closeQuietly((Closeable)machine); } } public void addMachine(T machine) { synchronized (lock) { if (machines.contains(machine)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add "+machine+" to "+toString()+", because already contained"); } Location existingParent = ((Location)machine).getParent(); if (existingParent == null) { addChild(machine); } machines.add(machine); } } public void removeMachine(T machine) { synchronized (lock) { if (inUse.contains(machine)) { pendingRemoval.add(machine); } else { machines.remove(machine); pendingRemoval.remove(machine); if (this.equals(machine.getParent())) { removeChild((Location)machine); } } } } protected Set<T> getMachines() { return machines; } public Set<T> getAvailable() { Set<T> a = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(machines); a.removeAll(inUse); return a; } public Set<T> getInUse() { return Sets.newLinkedHashSet(inUse); } public Set<T> getAllMachines() { return ImmutableSet.copyOf(machines); } @Override public void addChild(Location child) { super.addChild(child); machines.add((T)child); } @Override public boolean removeChild(Location child) { if (inUse.contains(child)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Child location "+child+" is in use; cannot remove from "+this); } machines.remove(child); return super.removeChild(child); } protected boolean canProvisionMore() { return false; } protected void provisionMore(int size) { provisionMore(size, ImmutableMap.of()); } protected void provisionMore(int size, Map<?,?> flags) { throw new IllegalStateException("more not permitted"); } public T obtain() throws NoMachinesAvailableException { return obtain(Maps.<String,Object>newLinkedHashMap()); } @Override public T obtain(Map<?,?> flags) throws NoMachinesAvailableException { T machine; T desiredMachine = (T) flags.get("desiredMachine"); ConfigBag allflags = ConfigBag.newInstanceExtending(config().getBag()).putAll(flags); Function<Iterable<? extends MachineLocation>, MachineLocation> chooser = allflags.get(MACHINE_CHOOSER); synchronized (lock) { Set<T> a = getAvailable(); if (a.isEmpty()) { if (canProvisionMore()) { provisionMore(1, allflags.getAllConfig()); a = getAvailable(); } if (a.isEmpty()) throw new NoMachinesAvailableException("No machines available in "+toString()); } if (desiredMachine != null) { if (a.contains(desiredMachine)) { machine = desiredMachine; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Desired machine "+desiredMachine+" not available in "+toString()+"; "+ (inUse.contains(desiredMachine) ? "machine in use" : "machine unknown")); } } else { machine = (T) chooser.apply(a); if (!a.contains(machine)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Machine chooser attempted to choose '"+machine+"' from outside the available set, in "+this); } } inUse.add(machine); updateMachineConfig(machine, flags); } for (MachineLocationCustomizer customizer : getMachineCustomizers(allflags)) { customizer.customize(machine); } return machine; } @Override public void release(T machine) { ConfigBag machineConfig = ((ConfigurationSupportInternal)machine.config()).getBag(); for (MachineLocationCustomizer customizer : getMachineCustomizers(machineConfig)) { customizer.preRelease(machine); } synchronized (lock) { if (inUse.contains(machine) == false) throw new IllegalStateException("Request to release machine "+machine+", but this machine is not currently allocated"); restoreMachineConfig(machine); inUse.remove(machine); if (pendingRemoval.contains(machine)) { removeMachine(machine); } } } @Override public Map<String,Object> getProvisioningFlags(Collection<String> tags) { return Maps.<String,Object>newLinkedHashMap(); } protected void updateMachineConfig(T machine, Map<?, ?> flags) { if (origConfigs == null) { // For backwards compatibility, where peristed state did not have this. origConfigs = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); } Map<String, Object> strFlags = ConfigBag.newInstance(flags).getAllConfig(); Map<String, Object> origConfig = ((ConfigurationSupportInternal)machine.config()).getLocalBag().getAllConfig(); origConfigs.put(machine, origConfig); requestPersist(); ((ConfigurationSupportInternal)machine.config()).addToLocalBag(strFlags); } protected void restoreMachineConfig(MachineLocation machine) { if (origConfigs == null) { // For backwards compatibility, where peristed state did not have this. origConfigs = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); } Map<String, Object> origConfig = origConfigs.remove(machine); if (origConfig == null) return; requestPersist(); Set<String> currentKeys = ((ConfigurationSupportInternal)machine.config()).getLocalBag().getAllConfig().keySet(); Set<String> newKeys = Sets.difference(currentKeys, origConfig.entrySet()); for (String key : newKeys) { ((ConfigurationSupportInternal)machine.config()).removeFromLocalBag(key); } ((ConfigurationSupportInternal)machine.config()).addToLocalBag(origConfig); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <K> K getConfigPreferringOverridden(ConfigKey<K> key, Map<?,?> overrides) { K result = (K) overrides.get(key); if (result == null) result = (K) overrides.get(key.getName()); if (result == null) result = getConfig(key); return result; } protected Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer> getMachineCustomizers(ConfigBag setup) { Collection<MachineLocationCustomizer> customizers = setup.get(MACHINE_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS); return (customizers == null ? ImmutableList.<MachineLocationCustomizer>of() : customizers); } /** * Facilitates fluent/programmatic style for constructing a fixed pool of machines. * <pre> * {@code * new FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder() * .user("alex") * .keyFile("/Users/alex/.ssh/id_rsa") * .addAddress("") * .addAddress("") * .addAddress("") * .addAddressMultipleTimes("me@", 5) * .build(); * } * </pre> */ public static class Builder { LocationManager lm; String user; String privateKeyPassphrase; String privateKeyFile; String privateKeyData; File localTempDir; List machines = Lists.newArrayList(); public Builder(LocationManager lm) { this.lm = lm; } public Builder user(String user) { this.user = user; return this; } public Builder keyPassphrase(String keyPassphrase) { this.privateKeyPassphrase = keyPassphrase; return this; } public Builder keyFile(String keyFile) { this.privateKeyFile = keyFile; return this; } public Builder keyData(String keyData) { this.privateKeyData = keyData; return this; } public Builder localTempDir(File val) { this.localTempDir = val; return this; } /** adds the locations; user and keyfile set in the builder are _not_ applied to the machine * (use add(String address) for that) */ public Builder add(SshMachineLocation location) { machines.add(location); return this; } public Builder addAddress(String address) { return addAddresses(address); } public Builder addAddressMultipleTimes(String address, int n) { for (int i=0; i<n; i++) addAddresses(address); return this; } public Builder addAddresses(String address1, String ...others) { List<String> addrs = new ArrayList<String>(); addrs.addAll(WildcardGlobs.getGlobsAfterBraceExpansion("{"+address1+"}", true /* numeric */, /* no quote support though */ PhraseTreatment.NOT_A_SPECIAL_CHAR, PhraseTreatment.NOT_A_SPECIAL_CHAR)); for (String address: others) addrs.addAll(WildcardGlobs.getGlobsAfterBraceExpansion("{"+address+"}", true /* numeric */, /* no quote support though */ PhraseTreatment.NOT_A_SPECIAL_CHAR, PhraseTreatment.NOT_A_SPECIAL_CHAR)); for (String addr: addrs) add(createMachine(addr)); return this; } protected SshMachineLocation createMachine(String addr) { if (lm==null) return new SshMachineLocation(makeConfig(addr)); else return lm.createLocation(makeConfig(addr), SshMachineLocation.class); } private Map makeConfig(String address) { String user = this.user; if (address.contains("@")) { user = address.substring(0, address.indexOf("@")); address = address.substring(address.indexOf("@")+1); } Map config = MutableMap.of("address", address); if (truth(user)) { config.put("user", user); config.put("sshconfig.user", user); } if (truth(privateKeyPassphrase)) config.put("sshconfig.privateKeyPassphrase", privateKeyPassphrase); if (truth(privateKeyFile)) config.put("sshconfig.privateKeyFile", privateKeyFile); if (truth(privateKeyData)) config.put("sshconfig.privateKey", privateKeyData); if (truth(localTempDir)) config.put("localTempDir", localTempDir); return config; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation<SshMachineLocation> build() { if (lm==null) return new FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation<SshMachineLocation>(MutableMap.builder() .putIfNotNull("machines", machines) .putIfNotNull("user", user) .putIfNotNull("privateKeyPassphrase", privateKeyPassphrase) .putIfNotNull("privateKeyFile", privateKeyFile) .putIfNotNull("privateKeyData", privateKeyData) .putIfNotNull("localTempDir", localTempDir) .build()); else return lm.createLocation(MutableMap.builder() .putIfNotNull("machines", machines) .putIfNotNull("user", user) .putIfNotNull("privateKeyPassphrase", privateKeyPassphrase) .putIfNotNull("privateKeyFile", privateKeyFile) .putIfNotNull("privateKeyData", privateKeyData) .putIfNotNull("localTempDir", localTempDir) .build(), FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.class); } } }