/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.external.vault; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.external.ExternalConfigSupplier; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; /** * Test the operation of the Vault external configuration supplier. * * <p>To run this test, you must have a working Vault server, and set a number of properties to allow the test to * query your Vault server.</p> * * <p>You should start, initialise and unseal your vault according to the Vault documentation. Then you should insert * a secret into Vault:</p> * * <p><tt>vault write secret/test password=foobar</tt></p> * * <p>Then set system properties so that the test can reach Vault and knows about the secret:</p> * * <p><tt>-Dtest.brooklyn.vault.endpoint=<br /> * -Dtest.brooklyn.vault.path=secret/test<br /> * -Dtest.brooklyn.vault.propertyName=password<br /> * -Dtest.brooklyn.vault.propertyExpectedValue=foobar</tt></p> * * <p>You will also need to configure authentication methods for the individual tests. Refer to the "see also" section * to find each method that needs further configuration.</p> * * @see #testAppIdAuthenticationWithAutomaticUserId() */ public class VaultExternalConfigSupplierLiveTest { private String endpoint; private String path; private String propertyName; private String propertyExpectedValue; @BeforeClass public void setUp() throws Exception { endpoint = getTestProperty("endpoint"); path = getTestProperty("path"); propertyName = getTestProperty("propertyName"); propertyExpectedValue = getTestProperty("propertyExpectedValue"); } private String getTestProperty(String name) { String propName = "test.brooklyn.vault." + name; String propVal = System.getProperty(propName); if (Strings.isBlank(propVal)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(propName + " is not set"); return propVal; } /** * Test using a hard-coded authentication token. * * <p>This provider does not do authentication, but instead uses a known token for authentication. When Vault is * initialised, it will give you an <em>Initial Root Token</em>, which can be used for this test. However, * obviously, passing around a well-known root token is A Bad Idea for use in production, and would largely undo all * the useful security that vault provides.</p> * * <p>Set these system properties:</p> * * <p><tt>-Dtest.brooklyn.vault.token=1091fc84-70c1-b266-b99f-781684dd0d2b</tt></p> */ @Test(groups = "Live") public void testHardCodedToken() { String token = getTestProperty("token"); ExternalConfigSupplier ecs = new VaultTokenExternalConfigSupplier(null, "test", ImmutableMap.of("endpoint", endpoint, "token", token, "path", path)); assertEquals(ecs.get(propertyName), propertyExpectedValue); } /** * Test using the "userpass" authentication backend. * * <p>Configure Vault to enable userpass and add a new user ID with password:</p> * * <p><tt>vault auth-enable userpass<br> * vault write auth/userpass/users/brooklynTest password=s3kr1t policies=root # the "root" policy allows unrestricted access, you will want to use a different policy for real use * </tt></p> * * <p>Set these system properties:</p> * * <p><tt>-Dtest.brooklyn.vault.username=brooklynTest<br /> * -Dtest.brooklyn.vault.password=s3kr1t</tt></p> */ @Test(groups = "Live") public void testUserPassAuthentication() { String username = getTestProperty("username"); String password = getTestProperty("password"); ExternalConfigSupplier ecs = new VaultUserPassExternalConfigSupplier(null, "test", ImmutableMap.of("endpoint", endpoint, "username", username, "password", password, "path", path)); assertEquals(ecs.get(propertyName), propertyExpectedValue); } /** * Test using the "App ID" authentication backend, with a MAC-address based user ID. * * <p>First, determine the MAC address of your system. This is system dependent, but a good guess will be to * inspect the routing table to determine the default route, and take the MAC address of the interface that the * default route would use. Express the MAC address as a series of 12 low-case hexadecimal digits, without any * symbols.</p> * * <p>Configure Vault to enable App-ID, add a new app ID, and authorise the MAC address to the app ID:</p> * * <p><tt>/vault auth-enable app-id<br> * vault write auth/app-id/map/app-id/brooklyn value=root display_name=Brooklyn # the app ID here is "brooklyn"; the "root" policy allows unrestricted access, you will want to use a different policy for real use * vault write auth/app-id/map/user-id/0c4de9bca2db value=brooklyn * </tt></p> * * <p>Set these system properties:</p> * * <p><tt>-Dtest.brooklyn.vault.appId=brooklyn</tt></p> */ @Test(groups = "Live") public void testAppIdAuthenticationWithAutomaticUserId() { String appId = getTestProperty("appId"); ExternalConfigSupplier ecs = new VaultAppIdExternalConfigSupplier(null, "test", ImmutableMap.of("endpoint", endpoint, "appId", appId, "path", path)); assertEquals(ecs.get(propertyName), propertyExpectedValue); } /** * Test using the "App ID" authentication backend, with an explicitly-given user ID. * * <p>Configure Vault to enable App-ID, add a new app ID, and authorise your chosen user ID to the app ID:</p> * * <p><tt>/vault auth-enable app-id<br> * vault write auth/app-id/map/app-id/brooklyn value=root display_name=Brooklyn # the app ID here is "brooklyn"; the "root" policy allows unrestricted access, you will want to use a different policy for real use * vault write auth/app-id/map/user-id/testUser value=brooklyn * </tt></p> * * <p>Set these system properties:</p> * * <p><tt>-Dtest.brooklyn.vault.appId=brooklyn<br /> * -Dtest.brooklyn.vault.userId=testUser</tt></p> */ @Test(groups = "Live") public void testAppIdAuthenticationWithExplicitUserId() { String appId = getTestProperty("appId"); String userId = getTestProperty("userId"); ExternalConfigSupplier ecs = new VaultAppIdExternalConfigSupplier(null, "test", ImmutableMap.of("endpoint", endpoint, "appId", appId, "path", path, "userId", userId)); assertEquals(ecs.get(propertyName), propertyExpectedValue); } }