/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.internal.ssh; import static org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys.newConfigKey; import static org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys.newStringConfigKey; import java.io.File; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.brooklyn.config.ConfigKey; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.config.ConfigKeys; import org.apache.brooklyn.location.ssh.SshMachineLocation; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.stream.KnownSizeInputStream; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration; /** * Defines the methods available on the various different implementations of SSH, * and configuration options which are also generally available. * <p> * The config keys in this class can be supplied (or their string equivalents, where the flags/props take {@code Map<String,?>}) * to influence configuration, either for the tool/session itself or for individual commands. * <p> * To specify some of these properties on a global basis, use the variants of the keys here * contained in {@link ConfigKeys} * (which are generally {@value #BROOKLYN_CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX} prefixed to the names of keys here). */ public interface SshTool extends ShellTool { /** Public-facing global config keys for Brooklyn are defined in ConfigKeys, * and have this prefix prepended to the config keys in this class. * These keys are detected from entity/global config and automatically applied to ssh executions. */ public static final String BROOKLYN_CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX = "brooklyn.ssh.config."; /** * @deprecated since 0.9.0; use {@link SshMachineLocation#SSH_TOOL_CLASS} * * This configuration does not belong on SshTool: all other config here relates to configuration * used by the SshTool, rather than for instantiating the SshTool. Therefore instead set the * configuration in SshMachineLocation where the SshTool is instantiated. */ @Deprecated public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_TOOL_CLASS = newStringConfigKey( "tool.class", "SshTool implementation to use (Deprecated - see SshMachineLocation's sshToolClass)", null); public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_HOST = newStringConfigKey("host", "Host to connect to (required)", null); public static final ConfigKey<Integer> PROP_PORT = newConfigKey("port", "Port on host to connect to", 22); public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_USER = newConfigKey("user", "User to connect as", System.getProperty("user.name")); public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_PASSWORD = newStringConfigKey("password", "Password to use to connect", null); public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE = newStringConfigKey("privateKeyFile", "the path of an ssh private key file; leave blank to use defaults (i.e. ~/.ssh/id_rsa and id_dsa)", null); public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA = newStringConfigKey("privateKeyData", "the private ssh key (e.g. contents of an id_rsa or id_dsa file)", null); public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE = newStringConfigKey("privateKeyPassphrase", "the passphrase for the ssh private key", null); public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> PROP_STRICT_HOST_KEY_CHECKING = newConfigKey("strictHostKeyChecking", "whether to check the remote host's identification; defaults to false", false); public static final ConfigKey<Boolean> PROP_ALLOCATE_PTY = newConfigKey("allocatePTY", "whether to allocate PTY (vt100); if true then stderr is sent to stdout, but sometimes required for sudo'ing due to requiretty", false); public static final ConfigKey<Long> PROP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = newConfigKey("connectTimeout", "Timeout in millis when establishing an SSH connection; if 0 then uses default (usually 30s)", 0L); public static final ConfigKey<Long> PROP_SESSION_TIMEOUT = newConfigKey("sessionTimeout", "Timeout in millis for an ssh session; if 0 then uses default", 0L); public static final ConfigKey<Integer> PROP_SSH_TRIES = newConfigKey("sshTries", "Max number of times to attempt ssh operations", 4); public static final ConfigKey<Long> PROP_SSH_TRIES_TIMEOUT = newConfigKey("sshTriesTimeout", "Time limit for attempting retries; will not interrupt tasks, but stops retrying after a total amount of elapsed time", Duration.TWO_MINUTES.toMilliseconds()); public static final ConfigKey<Long> PROP_SSH_RETRY_DELAY = newConfigKey("sshRetryDelay", "Time (in milliseconds) before first ssh-retry, after which it will do exponential backoff", 50L); // NB -- items above apply for _session_ (a tool), below apply for a _call_ // TODO would be nice to track which arguments are used, so we can indicate whether extras are supplied public static final ConfigKey<String> PROP_PERMISSIONS = newConfigKey("permissions", "Default permissions for files copied/created on remote machine; must be four-digit octal string, default '0644'", "0644"); public static final ConfigKey<Long> PROP_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE = newConfigKey("lastModificationDate", "Last-modification-date to be set on files copied/created (should be UTC/1000, ie seconds since 1970; default 0 usually means current)", 0L); public static final ConfigKey<Long> PROP_LAST_ACCESS_DATE = newConfigKey("lastAccessDate", "Last-access-date to be set on files copied/created (should be UTC/1000, ie seconds since 1970; default 0 usually means lastModificationDate)", 0L); public static final ConfigKey<Integer> PROP_OWNER_UID = newConfigKey("ownerUid", "Default owner UID (not username) for files created on remote machine; default is unset", -1); // TODO remove unnecessary "public static final" modifiers // TODO Could define the following in SshMachineLocation, or some such? //public static ConfigKey<String> PROP_LOG_PREFIX = newStringKey("logPrefix", "???", ???); //public static ConfigKey<Boolean> PROP_NO_STDOUT_LOGGING = newStringKey("noStdoutLogging", "???", ???); //public static ConfigKey<Boolean> PROP_NO_STDOUT_LOGGING = newStringKey("noStdoutLogging", "???", ???); /** * @throws SshException */ public void connect(); /** * @deprecated since 0.7.0; (since much earlier) this ignores the argument in favour of {@link #PROP_SSH_TRIES} * * @param maxAttempts * @throws SshException */ public void connect(int maxAttempts); public void disconnect(); public boolean isConnected(); /** * @see super{@link #execScript(Map, List, Map)} * @throws SshException If failed to connect */ @Override public int execScript(Map<String,?> props, List<String> commands, Map<String,?> env); /** * @see #execScript(Map, List, Map) */ @Override public int execScript(Map<String,?> props, List<String> commands); /** * @see super{@link #execCommands(Map, List, Map)} * @throws SshException If failed to connect */ @Override public int execCommands(Map<String,?> properties, List<String> commands, Map<String,?> env); /** * @see #execCommands(Map, List, Map) */ @Override public int execCommands(Map<String,?> properties, List<String> commands); /** * Copies the file to the server at the given path. * If path is null, empty, '.', '..', or ends with '/' then file name is used. * <p> * The file will not preserve the permission of last _access_ date. * * Optional properties are: * <ul> * <li>'permissions' (e.g. "0644") - see {@link #PROP_PERMISSIONS} * <li>'lastModificationDate' see {@link #PROP_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE}; not supported by all SshTool implementations * <li>'lastAccessDate' see {@link #PROP_LAST_ACCESS_DATE}; not supported by all SshTool implementations * </ul> * * @return exit code (not supported by all SshTool implementations, usually throwing on error; * sometimes possibly returning 0 even on error (?) ) */ public int copyToServer(Map<String,?> props, File localFile, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer); /** * Closes the given input stream before returning. * Consider using {@link KnownSizeInputStream} for efficiency when the size of the stream is known. * * @see #copyToServer(Map, File, String) */ public int copyToServer(Map<String,?> props, InputStream contents, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer); /** * @see #copyToServer(Map, File, String) */ public int copyToServer(Map<String,?> props, byte[] contents, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer); /** * Copies the file from the server at the given path. * * @return exit code (not supported by all SshTool implementations, usually throwing on error; * sometimes possibly returning 0 even on error (?) ) */ public int copyFromServer(Map<String,?> props, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer, File local); // TODO might be more efficicent than copyFrom by way of temp file // /** // * Reads from the file at the given path on the remote server. // */ // public InputStream streamFromServer(Map<String,?> props, String pathAndFileOnRemoteServer); }