/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.xstream; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.xstream.CompilerIndependentOuterClassFieldMapper; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.xstream.CompilerCompatibilityTest.EnclosingClass.DynamicClass; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.xstream.CompilerCompatibilityTest.EnclosingClass.DynamicExtendingClass; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.xstream.CompilerCompatibilityTest.EnclosingClass.EnclosingDynamicClass; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.xstream.CompilerCompatibilityTest.EnclosingClass.EnclosingDynamicClass.NestedDynamicClass; import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Log; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.MapperWrapper; // To get the generated synthetic fields use the command: /* find core/target/test-classes -name CompilerCompatibilityTest\$EnclosingClass\$* | \ sed s@core/target/test-classes/@@ | sed 's@.class$@@' | sed s@/@.@g | \ xargs javap -classpath core/target/test-classes/ | grep -B1 this */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class CompilerCompatibilityTest { private EnclosingClass enclosingClass = new EnclosingClass(); private DynamicClass dynamicClass = enclosingClass.new DynamicClass(); private DynamicExtendingClass dynamicExtendingClass = enclosingClass.new DynamicExtendingClass(); private EnclosingDynamicClass enclosingDynamicClass = enclosingClass.new EnclosingDynamicClass(); private NestedDynamicClass nestedDynamicClass = enclosingDynamicClass.new NestedDynamicClass(); // NOT SUPPORTED // private DynamicExtendingClassWithDifferentScope dynamicExtendingClassWithDifferentScope = // enclosingClass.new DynamicExtendingClassWithDifferentScope(enclosingDynamicClass); public static class EnclosingClass { public class DynamicClass { //Oracle/OpenJDK/IBM generates //final EnclosingClass this$0; //eclipse-[groovy-]compiler generates //final EnclosingClass this$1; } public class DynamicExtendingClass extends DynamicClass { //The field here masks the parent field //Oracle/OpenJDK/IBM generates //final EnclosingClass this$0; //eclipse-[groovy-]compiler generates //final EnclosingClass this$1; } public class EnclosingDynamicClass { //Oracle/OpenJDK/IBM generates //final EnclosingClass this$0; //eclipse-[groovy-]compiler generates //final EnclosingClass this$1; public class NestedDynamicClass { //Oracle/OpenJDK/IBM generates //final EnclosingClass this$1; //eclipse-[groovy-]compiler generates //final EnclosingClass this$2; } } // WARNING: Combination NOT SUPPORTED. Not enough information in XML to deserialize reliably, // having in mind that different compilers could be used for parent/child classes. // If we really need to, we can extend the heuristic to check for field types or assume that // only one compiler was used for the whole class hierarchy covering some more cases. // // The problem is that we have two fields with different names, without relation between the // indexes in each one. Changing compilers (or combination of compilers) could change the // indexes independently in each field. This makes it impossible to infer which field in the xml // maps to which field in the object. // When having identical field names with parent classes XStream will put a defined-in attribute // which makes it possible to deserialize, but it can't be forced to put it in each element. // public class DynamicExtendingClassWithDifferentScope extends NestedDynamicClass { //Oracle/OpenJDK/IBM generates //final EnclosingClass this$0; //eclipse-[groovy-]compiler generates //final EnclosingClass this$1; //constructor required to compile public DynamicExtendingClassWithDifferentScope(EnclosingDynamicClass superEnclosingScope) { superEnclosingScope.super(); } } } @Test public void testXStreamDeserialize() throws Exception { deserialize("/org/apache/brooklyn/util/core/rebind/compiler_compatibility_eclipse.xml"); deserialize("/org/apache/brooklyn/util/core/rebind/compiler_compatibility_oracle.xml"); } private void deserialize(String inputUrl) throws Exception { XStream xstream = new XStream() { @Override protected MapperWrapper wrapMapper(MapperWrapper next) { return new CompilerIndependentOuterClassFieldMapper(super.wrapMapper(next)); } }; InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(inputUrl); try { Object obj = xstream.fromXML(in); assertNonNullOuterFields(obj); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); throw e; } finally { in.close(); } } private void assertNonNullOuterFields(Object obj) throws Exception { Field[] testInstances = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); for (Field instanceField : testInstances) { Object instance = instanceField.get(obj); Class<?> type = instance.getClass(); do { for (Field field : type.getDeclaredFields()) { if (field.getName().startsWith("this$")) { Object value = field.get(instance); assertTrue(value != null, field + " should not be null"); } } type = type.getSuperclass(); } while (type != null); } } }