/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.rebind; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.BrooklynCatalog; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.catalog.CatalogItem; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Application; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.entity.Entity; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.location.Location; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.classloading.BrooklynClassLoadingContext; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.ha.ManagementNodeState; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.RebindContext; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.RebindExceptionHandler; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.RebindSupport; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.BrooklynMemento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.BrooklynMementoManifest; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.BrooklynMementoManifest.EntityMementoManifest; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.BrooklynMementoPersister; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.BrooklynMementoRawData; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.CatalogItemMemento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.EnricherMemento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.EntityMemento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.FeedMemento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.LocationMemento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.Memento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.PolicyMemento; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.mgmt.rebind.mementos.TreeNode; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.objs.BrooklynObject; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.objs.BrooklynObjectType; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.policy.Policy; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.Enricher; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.sensor.Feed; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.BrooklynTypeRegistry; import org.apache.brooklyn.api.typereg.RegisteredType; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.BrooklynFeatureEnablement; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.BrooklynLogging; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.BrooklynLogging.LoggingLevel; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.internal.CatalogInitialization; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.catalog.internal.CatalogUtils; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.enricher.AbstractEnricher; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.AbstractApplication; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.AbstractEntity; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.entity.EntityInternal; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.feed.AbstractFeed; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.AbstractLocation; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.location.internal.LocationInternal; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.classloading.JavaBrooklynClassLoadingContext; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.BrooklynObjectManagementMode; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.BrooklynObjectManagerInternal; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.EntityManagerInternal; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.LocationManagerInternal; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.ManagementContextInternal; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.internal.ManagementTransitionMode; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.persist.DeserializingClassRenamesProvider; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.persist.PersistenceActivityMetrics; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.mgmt.rebind.RebindManagerImpl.RebindTracker; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.AbstractBrooklynObject; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.BrooklynObjectInternal; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.proxy.InternalEntityFactory; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.proxy.InternalFactory; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.proxy.InternalLocationFactory; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.objs.proxy.InternalPolicyFactory; import org.apache.brooklyn.core.policy.AbstractPolicy; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableList; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.collections.MutableMap; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.core.flags.FlagUtils; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.exceptions.Exceptions; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.guava.Maybe; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.javalang.Reflections; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.text.Strings; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Duration; import org.apache.brooklyn.util.time.Time; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.google.common.base.Optional; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Stopwatch; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; /** Multi-phase deserialization: <ul> <li> 1. load the manifest files and populate the summaries (ID+type) in {@link BrooklynMementoManifest} <li> 2. instantiate and reconstruct catalog items <li> 3. instantiate entities+locations -- so that inter-entity references can subsequently be set during deserialize (and entity config/state is set). <li> 4. deserialize the manifests to instantiate the mementos <li> 5. instantiate policies+enrichers+feeds (could probably merge this with (3), depending how they are implemented) <li> 6. reconstruct the locations, policies, etc, then finally entities -- setting all fields and then calling {@link RebindSupport#reconstruct(RebindContext, Memento)} <li> 7. associate policies+enrichers+feeds to all the entities <li> 8. manage the entities </ul> If underlying data-store is changed between first and second manifest read (e.g. to add an entity), then second phase might try to reconstitute an entity that has not been put in the rebindContext. This should not affect normal production usage, because rebind is run against a data-store that is not being written to by other brooklyn instance(s). But clearly it would be desirable to have better locking possible against the backing store. <p> When rebinding to code in OSGi bundles, thecatalog item id context is inferred as follows: * most of the time the creator will be passing "my catalog item id" (or API could also take "BrooklynObject me" as a creation context and the receiver query the creator's catalog item id) * look at the context entity of Tasks.current() (if set) * propagate the catalog item id when doing setEntity, addChild * when none of the above work (or they are wrong) let the user specify the catalog item <p> Precedence of setting the catalog item ID: 1. User-supplied catalog item ID. 2. Creating from a catalog item - all items resolved during the creation of a spec from a catalog item receive the catalog item's ID as context. 3. When using the Java API for creating specs get the catalog item ID from the context entity of the Tasks.current() task. 4. Propagate the context catalog item ID to children, adjuncts if they don't have one already. */ public abstract class RebindIteration { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RebindIteration.class); protected final RebindManagerImpl rebindManager; protected final ClassLoader classLoader; protected final RebindExceptionHandler exceptionHandler; protected final ManagementNodeState mode; protected final ManagementContextInternal managementContext; protected final Semaphore rebindActive; protected final AtomicInteger readOnlyRebindCount; protected final PersistenceActivityMetrics rebindMetrics; protected final BrooklynMementoPersister persistenceStoreAccess; protected final AtomicBoolean iterationStarted = new AtomicBoolean(); protected final RebindContextImpl rebindContext; protected final Reflections reflections; protected final BrooklynObjectInstantiator instantiator; // populated in the course of a run // set on run start protected Stopwatch timer; /** phase is used to ensure our steps are run as we've expected, and documented (in javadoc at top). * it's worth the extra effort due to the complication and the subtleties. */ protected int phase = 0; // set in first phase protected BrooklynMementoRawData mementoRawData; protected BrooklynMementoManifest mementoManifest; protected Boolean overwritingMaster; protected Boolean isEmpty; // set later on protected BrooklynMemento memento; // set near the end protected List<Application> applications; public RebindIteration(RebindManagerImpl rebindManager, ManagementNodeState mode, ClassLoader classLoader, RebindExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, Semaphore rebindActive, AtomicInteger readOnlyRebindCount, PersistenceActivityMetrics rebindMetrics, BrooklynMementoPersister persistenceStoreAccess ) { // NB: there is no particularly deep meaning in what is passed in vs what is looked up from the RebindManager which calls us // (this is simply a refactoring of previous code to a new class) this.rebindManager = rebindManager; this.mode = mode; this.classLoader = checkNotNull(classLoader, "classLoader"); this.exceptionHandler = checkNotNull(exceptionHandler, "exceptionHandler"); this.rebindActive = rebindActive; this.readOnlyRebindCount = readOnlyRebindCount; this.rebindMetrics = rebindMetrics; this.persistenceStoreAccess = persistenceStoreAccess; managementContext = rebindManager.getManagementContext(); rebindContext = new RebindContextImpl(managementContext, exceptionHandler, classLoader); reflections = new Reflections(classLoader).applyClassRenames(DeserializingClassRenamesProvider.loadDeserializingClassRenames()); instantiator = new BrooklynObjectInstantiator(classLoader, rebindContext, reflections); if (mode==ManagementNodeState.HOT_STANDBY || mode==ManagementNodeState.HOT_BACKUP) { rebindContext.setAllReadOnly(); } else { Preconditions.checkState(mode==ManagementNodeState.MASTER, "Must be either master or read only to rebind (mode "+mode+")"); } } public List<Application> getApplications() { return applications; } RebindContextImpl getRebindContext() { return rebindContext; } protected void doRun() throws Exception { loadManifestFiles(); rebuildCatalog(); instantiateLocationsAndEntities(); instantiateMementos(); instantiateAdjuncts(instantiator); reconstructEverything(); associateAdjunctsWithEntities(); manageTheObjects(); finishingUp(); } protected abstract void loadManifestFiles() throws Exception; public void run() { if (iterationStarted.getAndSet(true)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Iteration "+this+" has already run; create a new instance for another rebind pass."); } try { rebindActive.acquire(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Exceptions.propagate(e); } try { RebindTracker.setRebinding(); if (ManagementNodeState.isHotProxy(mode)) readOnlyRebindCount.incrementAndGet(); timer = Stopwatch.createStarted(); exceptionHandler.onStart(rebindContext); doRun(); exceptionHandler.onDone(); rebindMetrics.noteSuccess(Duration.of(timer)); noteErrors(exceptionHandler, null); } catch (Exception e) { rebindMetrics.noteFailure(Duration.of(timer)); Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e); noteErrors(exceptionHandler, e); throw exceptionHandler.onFailed(e); } finally { rebindActive.release(); RebindTracker.reset(); } } protected void checkEnteringPhase(int targetPhase) { phase++; checkContinuingPhase(targetPhase); } protected void checkContinuingPhase(int targetPhase) { if (targetPhase!=phase) throw new IllegalStateException("Phase mismatch: should be phase "+targetPhase+" but is currently "+phase); } protected void preprocessManifestFiles() throws Exception { checkContinuingPhase(1); Preconditions.checkState(mementoRawData!=null, "Memento raw data should be set when calling this"); Preconditions.checkState(mementoManifest==null, "Memento data should not yet be set when calling this"); // TODO building the manifests should be part of this class (or parent) // it does not have anything to do with the persistence store! mementoManifest = persistenceStoreAccess.loadMementoManifest(mementoRawData, exceptionHandler); overwritingMaster = false; isEmpty = mementoManifest.isEmpty(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void rebuildCatalog() { // Build catalog early so we can load other things checkEnteringPhase(2); // Instantiate catalog items if (rebindManager.persistCatalogItemsEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating catalog items: {}", mementoManifest.getCatalogItemIds()); for (CatalogItemMemento catalogItemMemento : mementoManifest.getCatalogItemMementos().values()) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating catalog item {}", catalogItemMemento); try { CatalogItem<?, ?> catalogItem = instantiator.newCatalogItem(catalogItemMemento); rebindContext.registerCatalogItem(catalogItemMemento.getId(), catalogItem); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onCreateFailed(BrooklynObjectType.CATALOG_ITEM, catalogItemMemento.getId(), catalogItemMemento.getType(), e); } } } else { logRebindingDebug("Not rebinding catalog; feature disabled: {}", mementoManifest.getCatalogItemIds()); } // Reconstruct catalog entries if (rebindManager.persistCatalogItemsEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing catalog items"); for (CatalogItemMemento catalogItemMemento : mementoManifest.getCatalogItemMementos().values()) { CatalogItem<?, ?> item = rebindContext.getCatalogItem(catalogItemMemento.getId()); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing catalog item {}", catalogItemMemento); if (item == null) { exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.CATALOG_ITEM, catalogItemMemento.getId()); } else { try { item.getRebindSupport().reconstruct(rebindContext, catalogItemMemento); if (item instanceof AbstractBrooklynObject) { AbstractBrooklynObject.class.cast(item).setManagementContext(managementContext); } } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onRebindFailed(BrooklynObjectType.CATALOG_ITEM, item, e); } } } } // See notes in CatalogInitialization Collection<CatalogItem<?, ?>> catalogItems = rebindContext.getCatalogItems(); CatalogInitialization catInit = ((ManagementContextInternal)managementContext).getCatalogInitialization(); catInit.applyCatalogLoadMode(); Collection<CatalogItem<?,?>> itemsForResettingCatalog = null; boolean needsInitialItemsLoaded, needsAdditionalItemsLoaded; if (rebindManager.persistCatalogItemsEnabled) { if (!catInit.hasRunFinalInitialization() && catInit.isInitialResetRequested()) { String message = "RebindManager resetting catalog on first run (catalog persistence enabled, but reset explicitly specified). "; if (catalogItems.isEmpty()) { message += "Catalog was empty anyway."; } else { message += "Deleting "+catalogItems.size()+" persisted catalog item"+Strings.s(catalogItems)+": "+catalogItems; if (shouldLogRebinding()) { LOG.info(message); } } logRebindingDebug(message); // we will have unnecessarily tried to load the catalog item manifests earlier in this iteration, // and problems there could fail a rebind even when we are resetting; // it might be cleaner to check earlier whether a reset is happening and not load those items at all, // but that would be a significant new code path (to remove a directory in the persistent store, essentially), // and as it stands we don't do much with those manifests (e.g. we won't register them or fail on missing types) // so we think it's only really corrupted XML or CatalogItem schema changes which would cause such problems. // in extremis someone might need to wipe their store but for most purposes i don't think there will be any issue // with loading the catalog item manifests before wiping all those files. itemsForResettingCatalog = MutableList.<CatalogItem<?,?>>of(); PersisterDeltaImpl delta = new PersisterDeltaImpl(); delta.removedCatalogItemIds.addAll(mementoRawData.getCatalogItems().keySet()); getPersister().queueDelta(delta); mementoRawData.clearCatalogItems(); rebindContext.clearCatalogItems(); needsInitialItemsLoaded = true; needsAdditionalItemsLoaded = true; } else { if (!isEmpty) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager clearing local catalog and loading from persisted state"); itemsForResettingCatalog = rebindContext.getCatalogItems(); needsInitialItemsLoaded = false; // only apply "add" if we haven't yet done so while in MASTER mode needsAdditionalItemsLoaded = !catInit.hasRunFinalInitialization(); } else { if (catInit.hasRunFinalInitialization()) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager has already done the final official run, not doing anything (even though persisted state empty)"); needsInitialItemsLoaded = false; needsAdditionalItemsLoaded = false; } else { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager loading initial catalog locally because persisted state empty and the final official run has not yet been performed"); needsInitialItemsLoaded = true; needsAdditionalItemsLoaded = true; } } } } else { if (catInit.hasRunFinalInitialization()) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager skipping catalog init because it has already run (catalog persistence disabled)"); needsInitialItemsLoaded = false; needsAdditionalItemsLoaded = false; } else { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager will initialize catalog locally because catalog persistence is disabled and the final official run has not yet been performed"); needsInitialItemsLoaded = true; needsAdditionalItemsLoaded = true; } } // TODO in read-only mode, perhaps do this less frequently than entities etc, maybe only if things change? catInit.populateCatalog(mode, needsInitialItemsLoaded, needsAdditionalItemsLoaded, itemsForResettingCatalog); } protected void instantiateLocationsAndEntities() { checkEnteringPhase(3); // Instantiate locations logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating locations: {}", mementoManifest.getLocationIdToType().keySet()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : mementoManifest.getLocationIdToType().entrySet()) { String locId = entry.getKey(); String locType = entry.getValue(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("RebindManager instantiating location {}", locId); try { Location location = instantiator.newLocation(locId, locType); rebindContext.registerLocation(locId, location); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onCreateFailed(BrooklynObjectType.LOCATION, locId, locType, e); } } // Instantiate entities logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating entities: {}", mementoManifest.getEntityIdToManifest().keySet()); for (Map.Entry<String, EntityMementoManifest> entry : mementoManifest.getEntityIdToManifest().entrySet()) { String entityId = entry.getKey(); EntityMementoManifest entityManifest = entry.getValue(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("RebindManager instantiating entity {}", entityId); try { Entity entity = (Entity) instantiator.newEntity(entityManifest); ((EntityInternal)entity).getManagementSupport().setReadOnly( rebindContext.isReadOnly(entity) ); rebindContext.registerEntity(entityId, entity); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onCreateFailed(BrooklynObjectType.ENTITY, entityId, entityManifest.getType(), e); } } } protected void instantiateMementos() throws IOException { checkEnteringPhase(4); memento = persistenceStoreAccess.loadMemento(mementoRawData, rebindContext.lookup(), exceptionHandler); } protected void instantiateAdjuncts(BrooklynObjectInstantiator instantiator) { checkEnteringPhase(5); // Instantiate policies if (rebindManager.persistPoliciesEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating policies: {}", memento.getPolicyIds()); for (PolicyMemento policyMemento : memento.getPolicyMementos().values()) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating policy {}", policyMemento); try { Policy policy = instantiator.newPolicy(policyMemento); rebindContext.registerPolicy(policyMemento.getId(), policy); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onCreateFailed(BrooklynObjectType.POLICY, policyMemento.getId(), policyMemento.getType(), e); } } } else { logRebindingDebug("Not rebinding policies; feature disabled: {}", memento.getPolicyIds()); } // Instantiate enrichers if (rebindManager.persistEnrichersEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating enrichers: {}", memento.getEnricherIds()); for (EnricherMemento enricherMemento : memento.getEnricherMementos().values()) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating enricher {}", enricherMemento); try { Enricher enricher = instantiator.newEnricher(enricherMemento); rebindContext.registerEnricher(enricherMemento.getId(), enricher); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onCreateFailed(BrooklynObjectType.ENRICHER, enricherMemento.getId(), enricherMemento.getType(), e); } } } else { logRebindingDebug("Not rebinding enrichers; feature disabled: {}", memento.getEnricherIds()); } // Instantiate feeds if (rebindManager.persistFeedsEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager instantiating feeds: {}", memento.getFeedIds()); for (FeedMemento feedMemento : memento.getFeedMementos().values()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("RebindManager instantiating feed {}", feedMemento); try { Feed feed = instantiator.newFeed(feedMemento); rebindContext.registerFeed(feedMemento.getId(), feed); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onCreateFailed(BrooklynObjectType.FEED, feedMemento.getId(), feedMemento.getType(), e); } } } else { logRebindingDebug("Not rebinding feeds; feature disabled: {}", memento.getFeedIds()); } } protected void reconstructEverything() { checkEnteringPhase(6); // Reconstruct locations logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing locations"); for (LocationMemento locMemento : sortParentFirst(memento.getLocationMementos()).values()) { Location location = rebindContext.getLocation(locMemento.getId()); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing location {}", locMemento); if (location == null) { // usually because of creation-failure, when not using fail-fast exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.LOCATION, locMemento.getId()); } else { try { ((LocationInternal)location).getRebindSupport().reconstruct(rebindContext, locMemento); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onRebindFailed(BrooklynObjectType.LOCATION, location, e); } } } // Reconstruct policies if (rebindManager.persistPoliciesEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing policies"); for (PolicyMemento policyMemento : memento.getPolicyMementos().values()) { Policy policy = rebindContext.getPolicy(policyMemento.getId()); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing policy {}", policyMemento); if (policy == null) { // usually because of creation-failure, when not using fail-fast exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.POLICY, policyMemento.getId()); } else { try { policy.getRebindSupport().reconstruct(rebindContext, policyMemento); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onRebindFailed(BrooklynObjectType.POLICY, policy, e); rebindContext.unregisterPolicy(policy); } } } } // Reconstruct enrichers if (rebindManager.persistEnrichersEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing enrichers"); for (EnricherMemento enricherMemento : memento.getEnricherMementos().values()) { Enricher enricher = rebindContext.getEnricher(enricherMemento.getId()); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing enricher {}", enricherMemento); if (enricher == null) { // usually because of creation-failure, when not using fail-fast exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.ENRICHER, enricherMemento.getId()); } else { try { enricher.getRebindSupport().reconstruct(rebindContext, enricherMemento); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onRebindFailed(BrooklynObjectType.ENRICHER, enricher, e); rebindContext.unregisterEnricher(enricher); } } } } // Reconstruct feeds if (rebindManager.persistFeedsEnabled) { logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing feeds"); for (FeedMemento feedMemento : memento.getFeedMementos().values()) { Feed feed = rebindContext.getFeed(feedMemento.getId()); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing feed {}", feedMemento); if (feed == null) { // usually because of creation-failure, when not using fail-fast exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.FEED, feedMemento.getId()); } else { try { feed.getRebindSupport().reconstruct(rebindContext, feedMemento); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onRebindFailed(BrooklynObjectType.FEED, feed, e); rebindContext.unregisterFeed(feed); } } } } // Reconstruct entities logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing entities"); for (EntityMemento entityMemento : sortParentFirst(memento.getEntityMementos()).values()) { Entity entity = rebindContext.lookup().lookupEntity(entityMemento.getId()); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager reconstructing entity {}", entityMemento); if (entity == null) { // usually because of creation-failure, when not using fail-fast exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.ENTITY, entityMemento.getId()); } else { try { entityMemento.injectTypeClass(entity.getClass()); ((EntityInternal)entity).getRebindSupport().reconstruct(rebindContext, entityMemento); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onRebindFailed(BrooklynObjectType.ENTITY, entity, e); } } } } protected void associateAdjunctsWithEntities() { checkEnteringPhase(7); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager associating adjuncts to entities"); for (EntityMemento entityMemento : sortParentFirst(memento.getEntityMementos()).values()) { Entity entity = rebindContext.getEntity(entityMemento.getId()); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager associating adjuncts to entity {}", entityMemento); if (entity == null) { // usually because of creation-failure, when not using fail-fast exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.ENTITY, entityMemento.getId()); } else { try { entityMemento.injectTypeClass(entity.getClass()); // TODO these call to the entity which in turn sets the entity on the underlying feeds and enrichers; // that is taken as the cue to start, but it should not be. start should be a separate call. ((EntityInternal)entity).getRebindSupport().addPolicies(rebindContext, entityMemento); ((EntityInternal)entity).getRebindSupport().addEnrichers(rebindContext, entityMemento); ((EntityInternal)entity).getRebindSupport().addFeeds(rebindContext, entityMemento); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onRebindFailed(BrooklynObjectType.ENTITY, entity, e); } } } } protected void manageTheObjects() { checkEnteringPhase(8); logRebindingDebug("RebindManager managing locations"); LocationManagerInternal locationManager = (LocationManagerInternal)managementContext.getLocationManager(); Set<String> oldLocations = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(locationManager.getLocationIds()); for (Location location: rebindContext.getLocations()) { ManagementTransitionMode oldMode = updateTransitionMode(locationManager, location); if (oldMode!=null) oldLocations.remove(location.getId()); } for (Location location: rebindContext.getLocations()) { if (location.getParent()==null) { // manage all root locations try { ((LocationManagerInternal)managementContext.getLocationManager()).manageRebindedRoot(location); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onManageFailed(BrooklynObjectType.LOCATION, location, e); } } } // TODO could also see about purging unreferenced locations cleanupOldLocations(oldLocations); // Manage the top-level apps (causing everything under them to become managed) logRebindingDebug("RebindManager managing entities"); EntityManagerInternal entityManager = (EntityManagerInternal)managementContext.getEntityManager(); Set<String> oldEntities = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(entityManager.getEntityIds()); for (Entity entity: rebindContext.getEntities()) { ManagementTransitionMode oldMode = updateTransitionMode(entityManager, entity); if (oldMode!=null) oldEntities.remove(entity.getId()); } List<Application> apps = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String rootId : getMementoRootEntities()) { Entity entity = rebindContext.getEntity(rootId); if (entity == null) { // usually because of creation-failure, when not using fail-fast exceptionHandler.onNotFound(BrooklynObjectType.ENTITY, rootId); } else { try { entityManager.manageRebindedRoot(entity); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionHandler.onManageFailed(BrooklynObjectType.ENTITY, entity, e); } if (entity instanceof Application) apps.add((Application)entity); } } cleanupOldEntities(oldEntities); this.applications = apps; } private <T extends BrooklynObject> ManagementTransitionMode updateTransitionMode(BrooklynObjectManagerInternal<T> boManager, T bo) { ManagementTransitionMode oldTransitionMode = boManager.getLastManagementTransitionMode(bo.getId()); Boolean isNowReadOnly = rebindContext.isReadOnly(bo); BrooklynObjectManagementMode modeBefore, modeAfter; if (oldTransitionMode==null) { modeBefore = BrooklynObjectManagementMode.UNMANAGED_PERSISTED; } else { modeBefore = oldTransitionMode.getModeAfter(); } if (isRebindingActiveAgain()) { Preconditions.checkState(!Boolean.TRUE.equals(isNowReadOnly)); Preconditions.checkState(modeBefore==BrooklynObjectManagementMode.MANAGED_PRIMARY); modeAfter = BrooklynObjectManagementMode.MANAGED_PRIMARY; } else if (isNowReadOnly) { modeAfter = BrooklynObjectManagementMode.LOADED_READ_ONLY; } else { modeAfter = BrooklynObjectManagementMode.MANAGED_PRIMARY; } ManagementTransitionMode newTransitionMode = ManagementTransitionMode.transitioning(modeBefore, modeAfter); boManager.setManagementTransitionMode(bo, newTransitionMode); return oldTransitionMode; } protected abstract boolean isRebindingActiveAgain(); protected Collection<String> getMementoRootEntities() { return memento.getApplicationIds(); } protected abstract void cleanupOldLocations(Set<String> oldLocations); protected abstract void cleanupOldEntities(Set<String> oldEntities); protected void finishingUp() { checkContinuingPhase(8); if (!isEmpty) { BrooklynLogging.log(LOG, shouldLogRebinding() ? LoggingLevel.INFO : LoggingLevel.DEBUG, "Rebind complete " + "("+mode+(readOnlyRebindCount.get()>=0 ? ", iteration "+readOnlyRebindCount : "")+")" + " in {}: {} app{}, {} entit{}, {} location{}, {} polic{}, {} enricher{}, {} feed{}, {} catalog item{}", new Object[]{ Time.makeTimeStringRounded(timer), applications.size(), Strings.s(applications), rebindContext.getEntities().size(), Strings.ies(rebindContext.getEntities()), rebindContext.getLocations().size(), Strings.s(rebindContext.getLocations()), rebindContext.getPolicies().size(), Strings.ies(rebindContext.getPolicies()), rebindContext.getEnrichers().size(), Strings.s(rebindContext.getEnrichers()), rebindContext.getFeeds().size(), Strings.s(rebindContext.getFeeds()), rebindContext.getCatalogItems().size(), Strings.s(rebindContext.getCatalogItems()) }); } // Return the top-level applications logRebindingDebug("RebindManager complete; apps: {}", getMementoRootEntities()); } protected void noteErrors(final RebindExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, Exception primaryException) { List<Exception> exceptions = exceptionHandler.getExceptions(); List<String> warnings = exceptionHandler.getWarnings(); if (primaryException!=null || !exceptions.isEmpty() || !warnings.isEmpty()) { List<String> messages = MutableList.<String>of(); if (primaryException!=null) messages.add(primaryException.toString()); for (Exception e: exceptions) messages.add(e.toString()); for (String w: warnings) messages.add(w); rebindMetrics.noteError(messages); } } protected String findCatalogItemId(ClassLoader cl, Map<String, EntityMementoManifest> entityIdToManifest, EntityMementoManifest entityManifest) { if (entityManifest.getCatalogItemId() != null) { return entityManifest.getCatalogItemId(); } if (BrooklynFeatureEnablement.isEnabled(BrooklynFeatureEnablement.FEATURE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_INFER_CATALOG_ITEM_ON_REBIND)) { //First check if any of the parent entities has a catalogItemId set. EntityMementoManifest ptr = entityManifest; while (ptr != null) { if (ptr.getCatalogItemId() != null) { RegisteredType type = managementContext.getTypeRegistry().get(ptr.getCatalogItemId()); if (type != null) { return type.getId(); } else { //Couldn't find a catalog item with this id, but return it anyway and //let the caller deal with the error. //TODO under what circumstances is this permitted? return ptr.getCatalogItemId(); } } if (ptr.getParent() != null) { ptr = entityIdToManifest.get(ptr.getParent()); } else { ptr = null; } } //If no parent entity has the catalogItemId set try to match them by the type we are trying to load. //The current convention is to set catalog item IDs to the java type (for both plain java or CAMP plan) they represent. //This will be applicable only the first time the store is rebinded, while the catalog items don't have the default //version appended to their IDs, but then we will have catalogItemId set on entities so not neede further anyways. BrooklynTypeRegistry types = managementContext.getTypeRegistry(); ptr = entityManifest; while (ptr != null) { RegisteredType t = types.get(ptr.getType(), BrooklynCatalog.DEFAULT_VERSION); if (t != null) { LOG.debug("Inferred catalog item ID "+t.getId()+" for "+entityManifest+" from ancestor "+ptr); return t.getId(); } if (ptr.getParent() != null) { ptr = entityIdToManifest.get(ptr.getParent()); } else { ptr = null; } } //As a last resort go through all catalog items trying to load the type and use the first that succeeds. //But first check if can be loaded from the default classpath if (JavaBrooklynClassLoadingContext.create(managementContext).tryLoadClass(entityManifest.getType()).isPresent()) return null; // TODO get to the point when we can deprecate this behaviour!: for (RegisteredType item : types.getAll()) { BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader = CatalogUtils.newClassLoadingContext(managementContext, item); boolean canLoadClass = loader.tryLoadClass(entityManifest.getType()).isPresent(); if (canLoadClass) { LOG.warn("Missing catalog item for "+entityManifest.getId()+" ("+entityManifest.getType()+"), inferring as "+item.getId()+" because that is able to load the item"); return item.getId(); } } } return null; } protected static class LoadedClass<T extends BrooklynObject> { protected final Class<? extends T> clazz; protected final String catalogItemId; protected LoadedClass(Class<? extends T> clazz, String catalogItemId) { this.clazz = clazz; this.catalogItemId = catalogItemId; } } protected class BrooklynObjectInstantiator { protected final ClassLoader classLoader; protected final RebindContextImpl rebindContext; protected final Reflections reflections; protected BrooklynObjectInstantiator(ClassLoader classLoader, RebindContextImpl rebindContext, Reflections reflections) { this.classLoader = classLoader; this.rebindContext = rebindContext; this.reflections = reflections; } protected Entity newEntity(EntityMementoManifest entityManifest) { String entityId = entityManifest.getId(); String catalogItemId = findCatalogItemId(classLoader, mementoManifest.getEntityIdToManifest(), entityManifest); String entityType = entityManifest.getType(); LoadedClass<? extends Entity> loaded = load(Entity.class, entityType, catalogItemId, entityId); Class<? extends Entity> entityClazz = loaded.clazz; String transformedCatalogItemId = loaded.catalogItemId; Entity entity; if (InternalFactory.isNewStyle(entityClazz)) { // Not using entityManager.createEntity(EntitySpec) because don't want init() to be called. // Creates an uninitialized entity, but that has correct id + proxy. InternalEntityFactory entityFactory = managementContext.getEntityFactory(); entity = entityFactory.constructEntity(entityClazz, Reflections.getAllInterfaces(entityClazz), entityId); } else { LOG.warn("Deprecated rebind of entity without no-arg constructor; this may not be supported in future versions: id="+entityId+"; type="+entityType); // There are several possibilities for the constructor; find one that works. // Prefer passing in the flags because required for Application to set the management context // TODO Feels very hacky! Map<Object,Object> flags = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); flags.put("id", entityId); if (AbstractApplication.class.isAssignableFrom(entityClazz)) flags.put("mgmt", managementContext); // TODO document the multiple sources of flags, and the reason for setting the mgmt context *and* supplying it as the flag // (NB: merge reported conflict as the two things were added separately) entity = (Entity) invokeConstructor(null, entityClazz, new Object[] {flags}, new Object[] {flags, null}, new Object[] {null}, new Object[0]); // In case the constructor didn't take the Map arg, then also set it here. // e.g. for top-level app instances such as WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp will (often?) not have // interface + constructor. // TODO On serializing the memento, we should capture which interfaces so can recreate // the proxy+spec (including for apps where there's not an obvious interface). FlagUtils.setFieldsFromFlags(ImmutableMap.of("id", entityId), entity); if (entity instanceof AbstractApplication) { FlagUtils.setFieldsFromFlags(ImmutableMap.of("mgmt", managementContext), entity); } ((AbstractEntity)entity).setManagementContext(managementContext); managementContext.prePreManage(entity); } setCatalogItemId(entity, transformedCatalogItemId); return entity; } protected void setCatalogItemId(BrooklynObject item, String catalogItemId) { if (catalogItemId!=null) { ((BrooklynObjectInternal)item).setCatalogItemId(catalogItemId); } } protected <T extends BrooklynObject> LoadedClass<? extends T> load(Class<T> bType, Memento memento) { return load(bType, memento.getType(), memento.getCatalogItemId(), memento.getId()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T extends BrooklynObject> LoadedClass<? extends T> load(Class<T> bType, String jType, String catalogItemId, String contextSuchAsId) { checkNotNull(jType, "Type of %s (%s) must not be null", contextSuchAsId, bType.getSimpleName()); if (catalogItemId != null) { CatalogItem<?, ?> catalogItem = rebindContext.lookup().lookupCatalogItem(catalogItemId); if (catalogItem == null) { if (BrooklynFeatureEnablement.isEnabled(BrooklynFeatureEnablement.FEATURE_AUTO_FIX_CATALOG_REF_ON_REBIND)) { // See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/BROOKLYN-149 // This is a dangling reference to the catalog item (which will have been logged by lookupCatalogItem). // Try loading as any version. if (CatalogUtils.looksLikeVersionedId(catalogItemId)) { String symbolicName = CatalogUtils.getSymbolicNameFromVersionedId(catalogItemId); catalogItem = rebindContext.lookup().lookupCatalogItem(symbolicName); if (catalogItem != null) { LOG.warn("Unable to load catalog item "+catalogItemId+" for "+contextSuchAsId +" ("+bType.getSimpleName()+"); will auto-upgrade to "+catalogItem.getCatalogItemId()); catalogItemId = catalogItem.getCatalogItemId(); } } } } if (catalogItem != null) { BrooklynClassLoadingContext loader = CatalogUtils.newClassLoadingContext(managementContext, catalogItem); return new LoadedClass<T>(loader.loadClass(jType, bType), catalogItemId); } else { LOG.warn("Unable to load catalog item "+catalogItemId+" for "+contextSuchAsId +" ("+bType.getSimpleName()+"); will try default class loader"); } } try { return new LoadedClass<T>((Class<T>)reflections.loadClass(jType), catalogItemId); } catch (Exception e) { Exceptions.propagateIfFatal(e); LOG.warn("Unable to load "+jType+" using reflections; will try standard context"); } if (catalogItemId != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to load catalog item "+catalogItemId+" for "+contextSuchAsId+", or load class from classpath"); } else if (BrooklynFeatureEnablement.isEnabled(BrooklynFeatureEnablement.FEATURE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY_INFER_CATALOG_ITEM_ON_REBIND)) { //Try loading from whichever catalog bundle succeeds. BrooklynCatalog catalog = managementContext.getCatalog(); for (CatalogItem<?, ?> item : catalog.getCatalogItems()) { BrooklynClassLoadingContext catalogLoader = CatalogUtils.newClassLoadingContext(managementContext, item); Maybe<Class<?>> catalogClass = catalogLoader.tryLoadClass(jType); if (catalogClass.isPresent()) { return new LoadedClass<T>((Class<? extends T>) catalogClass.get(), catalogItemId); } } throw new IllegalStateException("No catalogItemId specified for "+contextSuchAsId+" and can't load class from either classpath or catalog items"); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No catalogItemId specified for "+contextSuchAsId+" and can't load class from classpath"); } } /** * Constructs a new location, passing to its constructor the location id and all of memento.getFlags(). */ protected Location newLocation(String locationId, String locationType) { Class<? extends Location> locationClazz = reflections.loadClass(locationType, Location.class); if (InternalFactory.isNewStyle(locationClazz)) { // Not using loationManager.createLocation(LocationSpec) because don't want init() to be called // TODO Need to rationalise this to move code into methods of InternalLocationFactory. // But note that we'll change all locations to be entities at some point! // See same code approach used in #newEntity(EntityMemento, Reflections) InternalLocationFactory locationFactory = managementContext.getLocationFactory(); Location location = locationFactory.constructLocation(locationClazz); FlagUtils.setFieldsFromFlags(ImmutableMap.of("id", locationId), location); managementContext.prePreManage(location); ((AbstractLocation)location).setManagementContext(managementContext); return location; } else { LOG.warn("Deprecated rebind of location without no-arg constructor; this may not be supported in future versions: id="+locationId+"; type="+locationType); // There are several possibilities for the constructor; find one that works. // Prefer passing in the flags because required for Application to set the management context // TODO Feels very hacky! Map<String,?> flags = MutableMap.of("id", locationId, "deferConstructionChecks", true); return (Location) invokeConstructor(reflections, locationClazz, new Object[] {flags}); } // note 'used' config keys get marked in BasicLocationRebindSupport } /** * Constructs a new policy, passing to its constructor the policy id and all of memento.getConfig(). */ protected Policy newPolicy(PolicyMemento memento) { String id = memento.getId(); LoadedClass<? extends Policy> loaded = load(Policy.class, memento.getType(), memento.getCatalogItemId(), id); Class<? extends Policy> policyClazz = loaded.clazz; String transformedCatalogItemId = loaded.catalogItemId; Policy policy; if (InternalFactory.isNewStyle(policyClazz)) { InternalPolicyFactory policyFactory = managementContext.getPolicyFactory(); policy = policyFactory.constructPolicy(policyClazz); FlagUtils.setFieldsFromFlags(ImmutableMap.of("id", id), policy); ((AbstractPolicy)policy).setManagementContext(managementContext); } else { LOG.warn("Deprecated rebind of policy without no-arg constructor; this may not be supported in future versions: id="+id+"; type="+policyClazz); // There are several possibilities for the constructor; find one that works. // Prefer passing in the flags because required for Application to set the management context // TODO Feels very hacky! Map<String, Object> flags = MutableMap.<String, Object>of( "id", id, "deferConstructionChecks", true, "noConstructionInit", true); flags.putAll(memento.getConfig()); policy = invokeConstructor(null, policyClazz, new Object[] {flags}); } setCatalogItemId(policy, transformedCatalogItemId); return policy; } /** * Constructs a new enricher, passing to its constructor the enricher id and all of memento.getConfig(). */ protected Enricher newEnricher(EnricherMemento memento) { String id = memento.getId(); LoadedClass<? extends Enricher> loaded = load(Enricher.class, memento); Class<? extends Enricher> enricherClazz = loaded.clazz; String transformedCatalogItemId = loaded.catalogItemId; Enricher enricher; if (InternalFactory.isNewStyle(enricherClazz)) { InternalPolicyFactory policyFactory = managementContext.getPolicyFactory(); enricher = policyFactory.constructEnricher(enricherClazz); FlagUtils.setFieldsFromFlags(ImmutableMap.of("id", id), enricher); ((AbstractEnricher)enricher).setManagementContext(managementContext); } else { LOG.warn("Deprecated rebind of enricher without no-arg constructor; this may not be supported in future versions: id="+id+"; type="+enricherClazz); // There are several possibilities for the constructor; find one that works. // Prefer passing in the flags because required for Application to set the management context // TODO Feels very hacky! Map<String, Object> flags = MutableMap.<String, Object>of( "id", id, "deferConstructionChecks", true, "noConstructionInit", true); flags.putAll(memento.getConfig()); enricher = invokeConstructor(reflections, enricherClazz, new Object[] {flags}); } setCatalogItemId(enricher, transformedCatalogItemId); return enricher; } /** * Constructs a new enricher, passing to its constructor the enricher id and all of memento.getConfig(). */ protected Feed newFeed(FeedMemento memento) { String id = memento.getId(); LoadedClass<? extends Feed> loaded = load(Feed.class, memento); Class<? extends Feed> feedClazz = loaded.clazz; String transformedCatalogItemId = loaded.catalogItemId; Feed feed; if (InternalFactory.isNewStyle(feedClazz)) { InternalPolicyFactory policyFactory = managementContext.getPolicyFactory(); feed = policyFactory.constructFeed(feedClazz); FlagUtils.setFieldsFromFlags(ImmutableMap.of("id", id), feed); ((AbstractFeed)feed).setManagementContext(managementContext); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("rebind of feed without no-arg constructor unsupported: id="+id+"; type="+feedClazz); } setCatalogItemId(feed, transformedCatalogItemId); return feed; } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes" }) protected CatalogItem<?, ?> newCatalogItem(CatalogItemMemento memento) { String id = memento.getId(); // catalog item subtypes are internal to brooklyn, not in osgi String itemType = checkNotNull(memento.getType(), "catalog item type of %s must not be null in memento", id); Class<? extends CatalogItem> clazz = reflections.loadClass(itemType, CatalogItem.class); return invokeConstructor(reflections, clazz, new Object[]{}); } protected <T> T invokeConstructor(Reflections reflections, Class<T> clazz, Object[]... possibleArgs) { for (Object[] args : possibleArgs) { try { Optional<T> v = Reflections.invokeConstructorWithArgs(clazz, args, true); if (v.isPresent()) { return v.get(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.propagate(e); } } StringBuilder args = new StringBuilder(); if (possibleArgs.length<1) args.append("no possible argument sets supplied; error"); else if (possibleArgs.length<2) args.append("args are "+Arrays.asList(possibleArgs[0])); else { args.append("args are "+Arrays.asList(possibleArgs[0])); for (int i=1; i<possibleArgs.length; i++) { args.append(" or "); args.append(Arrays.asList(possibleArgs[i])); } } throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot instantiate instance of type "+clazz+"; expected constructor signature not found ("+args+")"); } } protected BrooklynMementoPersister getPersister() { return rebindManager.getPersister(); } protected <T extends TreeNode> Map<String, T> sortParentFirst(Map<String, T> nodes) { return RebindManagerImpl.sortParentFirst(nodes); } /** logs at debug, except during subsequent read-only rebinds, in which it logs trace */ protected void logRebindingDebug(String message, Object... args) { if (shouldLogRebinding()) { LOG.debug(message, args); } else { LOG.trace(message, args); } } protected boolean shouldLogRebinding() { return (readOnlyRebindCount.get() < 5) || (readOnlyRebindCount.get()%1000==0); } }