/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * David Thompson = bug 214171 -Class cast exception *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.lookup; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.CaseStatement; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.FunctionExpression; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter; public class BlockScope extends Scope { // Local variable management public LocalVariableBinding[] locals; public MethodBinding[] methods; public int numberMethods; // for variable allocation throughout scopes public int localIndex; // position for next variable public int startIndex; // start position in this scope - for ordering scopes vs. variables public int offset; // for variable allocation throughout scopes public int maxOffset; // for variable allocation throughout scopes // finally scopes must be shifted behind respective try&catch scope(s) so as to avoid // collisions of secret variables (return address, save value). public BlockScope[] shiftScopes; public Scope[] subscopes = new Scope[1]; // need access from code assist public int subscopeCount = 0; // need access from code assist // record the current case statement being processed (for entire switch case block). public CaseStatement enclosingCase; // from 1.4 on, local types should not be accessed across switch case blocks (52221) public final static VariableBinding[] EmulationPathToImplicitThis = {}; public final static VariableBinding[] NoEnclosingInstanceInConstructorCall = {}; public final static VariableBinding[] NoEnclosingInstanceInStaticContext = {}; public BlockScope(BlockScope parent) { this(parent, true); } public BlockScope(BlockScope parent, boolean addToParentScope) { this(Scope.BLOCK_SCOPE, parent); this.locals = new LocalVariableBinding[5]; this.methods=new MethodBinding[5]; if (addToParentScope) parent.addSubscope(this); this.startIndex = parent.localIndex; } public BlockScope(BlockScope parent, int variableCount) { this(Scope.BLOCK_SCOPE, parent); this.locals = new LocalVariableBinding[variableCount]; this.methods=new MethodBinding[5]; parent.addSubscope(this); this.startIndex = parent.localIndex; } protected BlockScope(int kind, Scope parent) { super(kind, parent); this.locals = new LocalVariableBinding[5]; this.methods=new MethodBinding[5]; } /* Create the class scope & binding for the anonymous type. */ public final void addAnonymousType(TypeDeclaration anonymousType, ReferenceBinding superBinding) { ClassScope anonymousClassScope = new ClassScope(this, anonymousType); anonymousClassScope.buildAnonymousTypeBinding( enclosingSourceType(), superBinding); } /* Create the class scope & binding for the local type. */ public final void addLocalType(TypeDeclaration localType) { ClassScope localTypeScope = new ClassScope(this, localType); addSubscope(localTypeScope); localTypeScope.buildLocalTypeBinding(enclosingSourceType()); } /* Insert a local variable into a given scope, updating its position * and checking there are not too many locals or arguments allocated. */ public void addLocalVariable(LocalVariableBinding binding) { checkAndSetModifiersForVariable(binding); // insert local in scope if (this.localIndex == this.locals.length) System.arraycopy( this.locals, 0, (this.locals = new LocalVariableBinding[this.localIndex * 2]), 0, this.localIndex); this.locals[this.localIndex++] = binding; // update local variable binding binding.declaringScope = this; MethodScope outerMostMethodScope = this.outerMostMethodScope(); binding.id = (outerMostMethodScope!=null)? outerMostMethodScope.analysisIndex++ : this.compilationUnitScope().analysisIndex++; // share the outermost method scope analysisIndex // added second checked for inferredType to fix // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=268991 if ((binding.declaration!=null && binding.declaration.initialization instanceof FunctionExpression) || (binding.declaration.inferredType != null && binding.declaration.inferredType.isFunction())) { MethodBinding methodBinding= new MethodBinding(0, binding.name, TypeBinding.UNKNOWN, null,this.enclosingTypeBinding()); methodBinding.createFunctionTypeBinding(this); addLocalMethod(methodBinding); } } public void addLocalMethod(MethodBinding methodBinding) { if (this.numberMethods == this.methods.length) System.arraycopy( this.methods, 0, (this.methods = new MethodBinding[this.numberMethods * 2]), 0, this.numberMethods); this.methods[this.numberMethods++] = methodBinding; } public void addSubscope(Scope childScope) { if (this.subscopeCount == this.subscopes.length) System.arraycopy( this.subscopes, 0, (this.subscopes = new Scope[this.subscopeCount * 2]), 0, this.subscopeCount); this.subscopes[this.subscopeCount++] = childScope; } /* Answer true if the receiver is suitable for assigning final blank fields. * * in other words, it is inside an initializer, a constructor or a clinit */ public final boolean allowBlankFinalFieldAssignment(FieldBinding binding) { if (enclosingReceiverType() != binding.declaringClass) return false; MethodScope methodScope = methodScope(); if (methodScope.isStatic != binding.isStatic()) return false; return methodScope.isInsideInitializer() // inside initializer || ((AbstractMethodDeclaration) methodScope.referenceContext).isInitializationMethod(); // inside constructor or clinit } String basicToString(int tab) { String newLine = "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = tab; --i >= 0;) newLine += "\t"; //$NON-NLS-1$ String s = newLine + "--- Block Scope ---"; //$NON-NLS-1$ newLine += "\t"; //$NON-NLS-1$ s += newLine + "locals:"; //$NON-NLS-1$ for (int i = 0; i < this.localIndex; i++) s += newLine + "\t" + this.locals[i].toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$ s += newLine + "startIndex = " + this.startIndex; //$NON-NLS-1$ return s; } private void checkAndSetModifiersForVariable(LocalVariableBinding varBinding) { int modifiers = varBinding.modifiers; int realModifiers = modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccJustFlag; varBinding.modifiers = modifiers; } public void reportUnusedDeclarations() { if (this.locals!=null) for (int i = 0; i < localIndex; i++) { LocalVariableBinding local = this.locals[i]; // if no local at all, will be locals[ilocal]==null // do not report fake used variable if (local.useFlag == LocalVariableBinding.UNUSED && (local.declaration != null) // unused (and non secret) local && ((local.declaration.bits & ASTNode.IsLocalDeclarationReachable) != 0)) { // declaration is reachable if (!(local.declaration instanceof Argument)) // do not report unused catch arguments this.problemReporter().unusedLocalVariable(local.declaration); } } } /* * Record the suitable binding denoting a synthetic field or constructor argument, * mapping to the actual outer local variable in the scope context. * Note that this may not need any effect, in case the outer local variable does not * need to be emulated and can directly be used as is (using its back pointer to its * declaring scope). */ public void emulateOuterAccess(LocalVariableBinding outerLocalVariable) { BlockScope outerVariableScope = outerLocalVariable.declaringScope; if (outerVariableScope == null) return; // no need to further emulate as already inserted (val$this$0) MethodScope currentMethodScope = this.methodScope(); if (outerVariableScope.methodScope() != currentMethodScope && this.enclosingSourceType() instanceof NestedTypeBinding) { NestedTypeBinding currentType = (NestedTypeBinding) this.enclosingSourceType(); //do nothing for member types, pre emulation was performed already if (!currentType.isLocalType()) { return; } } } /* Note that it must never produce a direct access to the targetEnclosingType, * but instead a field sequence (this$2.this$1.this$0) so as to handle such a test case: * * class XX { * void foo() { * class A { * class B { * class C { * boolean foo() { * return (Object) A.this == (Object) B.this; * } * } * } * } * new A().new B().new C(); * } * } * where we only want to deal with ONE enclosing instance for C (could not figure out an A for C) */ public final ReferenceBinding findLocalType(char[] name) { long compliance = compilerOptions().complianceLevel; for (int i = this.subscopeCount-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.subscopes[i] instanceof ClassScope) { LocalTypeBinding sourceType = (LocalTypeBinding)((ClassScope) this.subscopes[i]).getReferenceBinding(); // from 1.4 on, local types should not be accessed across switch case blocks (52221) if (compliance >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4 && sourceType.enclosingCase != null) { if (!this.isInsideCase(sourceType.enclosingCase)) { continue; } } if (CharOperation.equals(sourceType.sourceName(), name)) return sourceType; } } return null; } public MethodBinding findMethod(char[] methodName,TypeBinding[]argumentTypes, boolean checkVars) { int methodLength = methodName.length; for (int i = this.numberMethods-1; i >= 0; i--) { MethodBinding method; char[] name; if ((name = (method = this.methods[i]).selector).length == methodLength && CharOperation.equals(name, methodName)) return method; } if (checkVars) { LocalVariableBinding variable = findVariable(methodName); if (variable!=null) { MethodBinding binding; if (!(variable.type.isAnyType() || variable.type.isFunctionType())) { binding=new ProblemMethodBinding(methodName,null,ProblemReasons.NotAFunction); } else binding = new MethodBinding(ClassFileConstants.AccPublic, methodName,TypeBinding.UNKNOWN,null,variable.declaringScope.enclosingTypeBinding()); addLocalMethod(binding); return binding; } } return null; } /** * Returns all declarations of most specific locals containing a given position in their source range. * This code does not recurse in nested types. * Returned array may have null values at trailing indexes. */ public LocalDeclaration[] findLocalVariableDeclarations(int position) { // local variable init int ilocal = 0, maxLocals = this.localIndex; boolean hasMoreVariables = maxLocals > 0; LocalDeclaration[] localDeclarations = null; int declPtr = 0; // scope init int iscope = 0, maxScopes = this.subscopeCount; boolean hasMoreScopes = maxScopes > 0; // iterate scopes and variables in parallel while (hasMoreVariables || hasMoreScopes) { if (hasMoreScopes && (!hasMoreVariables || (this.subscopes[iscope].startIndex() <= ilocal))) { // consider subscope first Scope subscope = this.subscopes[iscope]; if (subscope.kind == Scope.BLOCK_SCOPE) { // do not dive in nested types localDeclarations = ((BlockScope)subscope).findLocalVariableDeclarations(position); if (localDeclarations != null) { return localDeclarations; } } hasMoreScopes = ++iscope < maxScopes; } else { // consider variable first LocalVariableBinding local = this.locals[ilocal]; // if no local at all, will be locals[ilocal]==null if (local != null) { LocalDeclaration localDecl = local.declaration; if (localDecl != null) { if (localDecl.declarationSourceStart <= position) { if (position <= localDecl.declarationSourceEnd) { if (localDeclarations == null) { localDeclarations = new LocalDeclaration[maxLocals]; } localDeclarations[declPtr++] = localDecl; } } else { return localDeclarations; } } } hasMoreVariables = ++ilocal < maxLocals; if (!hasMoreVariables && localDeclarations != null) { return localDeclarations; } } } return null; } public LocalVariableBinding findVariable(char[] variableName) { int varLength = variableName.length; for (int i = this.localIndex-1; i >= 0; i--) { // lookup backward to reach latest additions first LocalVariableBinding local; char[] localName; if ((localName = (local = this.locals[i]).name).length == varLength && CharOperation.equals(localName, variableName)) return local; } return null; } /* API * flag is a mask of the following values VARIABLE (= FIELD or LOCAL), TYPE. * Only bindings corresponding to the mask will be answered. * * if the VARIABLE mask is set then * If the first name provided is a field (or local) then the field (or local) is answered * Otherwise, package names and type names are consumed until a field is found. * In this case, the field is answered. * * if the TYPE mask is set, * package names and type names are consumed until the end of the input. * Only if all of the input is consumed is the type answered * * All other conditions are errors, and a problem binding is returned. * * NOTE: If a problem binding is returned, senders should extract the compound name * from the binding & not assume the problem applies to the entire compoundName. * * The VARIABLE mask has precedence over the TYPE mask. * * InvocationSite implements * isSuperAccess(); this is used to determine if the discovered field is visible. * setFieldIndex(int); this is used to record the number of names that were consumed. * * For example, getBinding({"foo","y","q", VARIABLE, site) will answer * the binding for the field or local named "foo" (or an error binding if none exists). * In addition, setFieldIndex(1) will be sent to the invocation site. * If a type named "foo" exists, it will not be detected (and an error binding will be answered) * * IMPORTANT NOTE: This method is written under the assumption that compoundName is longer than length 1. */ public Binding getBinding(char[][] compoundName, int mask, InvocationSite invocationSite, boolean needResolve) { Binding binding = getBinding(compoundName[0], mask | Binding.TYPE | Binding.PACKAGE, invocationSite, needResolve); invocationSite.setFieldIndex(1); if (binding instanceof VariableBinding) return binding; CompilationUnitScope unitScope = compilationUnitScope(); // in the problem case, we want to ensure we record the qualified dependency in case a type is added // and we do not know that its package was also added (can happen with validationParticipants) unitScope.recordQualifiedReference(compoundName); if (!binding.isValidBinding()) return binding; int length = compoundName.length; int currentIndex = 1; foundType : if (binding instanceof PackageBinding) { PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) binding; while (currentIndex < length) { unitScope.recordReference(packageBinding.compoundName, compoundName[currentIndex]); binding = packageBinding.getTypeOrPackage(compoundName[currentIndex++], mask); invocationSite.setFieldIndex(currentIndex); if (binding == null) { if (currentIndex == length) { // must be a type if its the last name, otherwise we have no idea if its a package or type return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), null, ProblemReasons.NotFound); } return new ProblemBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), ProblemReasons.NotFound); } if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) { if (!binding.isValidBinding()) return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), ((ReferenceBinding)binding).closestMatch(), binding.problemId()); if (!((ReferenceBinding) binding).canBeSeenBy(this)) return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), (ReferenceBinding) binding, ProblemReasons.NotVisible); break foundType; } packageBinding = (PackageBinding) binding; } // It is illegal to request a PACKAGE from this method. return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), null, ProblemReasons.NotFound); } // know binding is now a ReferenceBinding ReferenceBinding referenceBinding = (ReferenceBinding) binding; binding = referenceBinding; if (invocationSite instanceof ASTNode) { ASTNode invocationNode = (ASTNode) invocationSite; if (invocationNode.isTypeUseDeprecated(referenceBinding, this)) { problemReporter().deprecatedType(referenceBinding, invocationNode); } } while (currentIndex < length) { referenceBinding = (ReferenceBinding) binding; char[] nextName = compoundName[currentIndex++]; invocationSite.setFieldIndex(currentIndex); invocationSite.setActualReceiverType(referenceBinding); if ((mask & Binding.FIELD) != 0 && (binding = findField(referenceBinding, nextName, invocationSite, true /*resolve*/)) != null) { if (!binding.isValidBinding()) { return new ProblemFieldBinding( ((ProblemFieldBinding)binding).closestMatch, ((ProblemFieldBinding)binding).declaringClass, CharOperation.concatWith(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), '.'), binding.problemId()); } break; // binding is now a field } if ((binding = findMemberType(nextName, referenceBinding)) == null) { if ((mask & Binding.FIELD) != 0) { return new ProblemBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), referenceBinding, ProblemReasons.NotFound); } return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), referenceBinding, ProblemReasons.NotFound); } // binding is a ReferenceBinding if (!binding.isValidBinding()) return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), ((ReferenceBinding)binding).closestMatch(), binding.problemId()); if (invocationSite instanceof ASTNode) { referenceBinding = (ReferenceBinding) binding; ASTNode invocationNode = (ASTNode) invocationSite; if (invocationNode.isTypeUseDeprecated(referenceBinding, this)) { problemReporter().deprecatedType(referenceBinding, invocationNode); } } } if ((mask & Binding.FIELD) != 0 && (binding instanceof FieldBinding)) { // was looking for a field and found a field FieldBinding field = (FieldBinding) binding; if (!field.isStatic()) return new ProblemFieldBinding( field, field.declaringClass, CharOperation.concatWith(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), '.'), ProblemReasons.NonStaticReferenceInStaticContext); return binding; } if ((mask & Binding.TYPE) != 0 && (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding)) { // was looking for a type and found a type return binding; } // handle the case when a field or type was asked for but we resolved the compoundName to a type or field return new ProblemBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), ProblemReasons.NotFound); } // Added for code assist... NOT Public API public final Binding getBinding(char[][] compoundName, InvocationSite invocationSite) { int currentIndex = 0; int length = compoundName.length; Binding binding = getBinding( compoundName[currentIndex++], Binding.VARIABLE | Binding.TYPE | Binding.PACKAGE, invocationSite, true /*resolve*/); if (!binding.isValidBinding()) return binding; foundType : if (binding instanceof PackageBinding) { while (currentIndex < length) { PackageBinding packageBinding = (PackageBinding) binding; binding = packageBinding.getTypeOrPackage(compoundName[currentIndex++], Binding.VARIABLE | Binding.TYPE | Binding.PACKAGE); if (binding == null) { if (currentIndex == length) { // must be a type if its the last name, otherwise we have no idea if its a package or type return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), null, ProblemReasons.NotFound); } return new ProblemBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), ProblemReasons.NotFound); } if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) { if (!binding.isValidBinding()) return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), ((ReferenceBinding)binding).closestMatch(), binding.problemId()); if (!((ReferenceBinding) binding).canBeSeenBy(this)) return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), (ReferenceBinding) binding, ProblemReasons.NotVisible); break foundType; } } return binding; } foundField : if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) { while (currentIndex < length) { ReferenceBinding typeBinding = (ReferenceBinding) binding; char[] nextName = compoundName[currentIndex++]; if ((binding = findField(typeBinding, nextName, invocationSite, true /*resolve*/)) != null) { if (!binding.isValidBinding()) { return new ProblemFieldBinding( (FieldBinding) binding, ((FieldBinding) binding).declaringClass, CharOperation.concatWith(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), '.'), binding.problemId()); } if (!((FieldBinding) binding).isStatic()) return new ProblemFieldBinding( (FieldBinding) binding, ((FieldBinding) binding).declaringClass, CharOperation.concatWith(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), '.'), ProblemReasons.NonStaticReferenceInStaticContext); break foundField; // binding is now a field } if ((binding = findMemberType(nextName, typeBinding)) == null) { return new ProblemBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), typeBinding, ProblemReasons.NotFound); } if (!binding.isValidBinding()) { return new ProblemReferenceBinding( CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), ((ReferenceBinding)binding).closestMatch(), binding.problemId()); } } return binding; } VariableBinding variableBinding = (VariableBinding) binding; while (currentIndex < length) { TypeBinding typeBinding = variableBinding.type; if (typeBinding == null) { return new ProblemFieldBinding( null, null, CharOperation.concatWith(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), '.'), ProblemReasons.NotFound); } variableBinding = findField(typeBinding, compoundName[currentIndex++], invocationSite, true /*resolve*/); if (variableBinding == null) { return new ProblemFieldBinding( null, null, CharOperation.concatWith(CharOperation.subarray(compoundName, 0, currentIndex), '.'), ProblemReasons.NotFound); } if (!variableBinding.isValidBinding()) return variableBinding; } return variableBinding; } /* * This retrieves the argument that maps to an enclosing instance of the suitable type, * if not found then answers nil -- do not create one * * #implicitThis : the implicit this will be ok * #((arg) this$n) : available as a constructor arg * #((arg) this$n ... this$p) : available as as a constructor arg + a sequence of fields * #((fieldDescr) this$n ... this$p) : available as a sequence of fields * nil : not found * * Note that this algorithm should answer the shortest possible sequence when * shortcuts are available: * this$0 . this$0 . this$0 * instead of * this$2 . this$1 . this$0 . this$1 . this$0 * thus the code generation will be more compact and runtime faster */ public VariableBinding[] getEmulationPath(LocalVariableBinding outerLocalVariable) { MethodScope currentMethodScope = this.methodScope(); SourceTypeBinding sourceType = currentMethodScope.enclosingSourceType(); // identity check BlockScope variableScope = outerLocalVariable.declaringScope; if (variableScope == null /*val$this$0*/ || currentMethodScope == variableScope.methodScope()) { return new VariableBinding[] { outerLocalVariable }; // implicit this is good enough } return null; } /* * This retrieves the argument that maps to an enclosing instance of the suitable type, * if not found then answers nil -- do not create one * * #implicitThis : the implicit this will be ok * #((arg) this$n) : available as a constructor arg * #((arg) this$n access$m... access$p) : available as as a constructor arg + a sequence of synthetic accessors to synthetic fields * #((fieldDescr) this$n access#m... access$p) : available as a first synthetic field + a sequence of synthetic accessors to synthetic fields * null : not found * jls 15.9.2 + http://www.ergnosis.com/java-spec-report/java-language/jls- */ public Object[] getEmulationPath(ReferenceBinding targetEnclosingType, boolean onlyExactMatch, boolean denyEnclosingArgInConstructorCall) { MethodScope currentMethodScope = this.methodScope(); SourceTypeBinding sourceType = currentMethodScope.enclosingSourceType(); // use 'this' if possible if (!currentMethodScope.isStatic && !currentMethodScope.isConstructorCall) { if (sourceType == targetEnclosingType || (!onlyExactMatch && sourceType.findSuperTypeWithSameErasure(targetEnclosingType) != null)) { return BlockScope.EmulationPathToImplicitThis; // implicit this is good enough } } if (!sourceType.isNestedType() || sourceType.isStatic()) { // no emulation from within non-inner types if (currentMethodScope.isConstructorCall) { return BlockScope.NoEnclosingInstanceInConstructorCall; } else if (currentMethodScope.isStatic){ return BlockScope.NoEnclosingInstanceInStaticContext; } return null; } boolean insideConstructor = currentMethodScope.isInsideInitializerOrConstructor(); // use a direct synthetic field then if (currentMethodScope.isStatic) { return BlockScope.NoEnclosingInstanceInStaticContext; } if (sourceType.isAnonymousType()) { ReferenceBinding enclosingType = sourceType.enclosingType(); if (enclosingType.isNestedType()) { NestedTypeBinding nestedEnclosingType = (NestedTypeBinding) enclosingType; } } // could be reached through a sequence of enclosing instance link (nested members) Object[] path = new Object[2]; // probably at least 2 of them ReferenceBinding currentType = sourceType.enclosingType(); if (insideConstructor) { } else { if (currentMethodScope.isConstructorCall){ return BlockScope.NoEnclosingInstanceInConstructorCall; } } if (path[0] != null) { // keep accumulating int count = 1; ReferenceBinding currentEnclosingType; while ((currentEnclosingType = currentType.enclosingType()) != null) { //done? if (currentType == targetEnclosingType || (!onlyExactMatch && currentType.findSuperTypeWithSameErasure(targetEnclosingType) != null)) break; if (currentMethodScope != null) { currentMethodScope = currentMethodScope.enclosingMethodScope(); if (currentMethodScope != null && currentMethodScope.isConstructorCall){ return BlockScope.NoEnclosingInstanceInConstructorCall; } if (currentMethodScope != null && currentMethodScope.isStatic){ return BlockScope.NoEnclosingInstanceInStaticContext; } } break; } if (currentType == targetEnclosingType || (!onlyExactMatch && currentType.findSuperTypeWithSameErasure(targetEnclosingType) != null)) { return path; } } return null; } /* Answer true if the variable name already exists within the receiver's scope. */ public final boolean isDuplicateLocalVariable(char[] name) { BlockScope current = this; while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < this.localIndex; i++) { if (CharOperation.equals(name, current.locals[i].name)) return true; } if (current.kind != Scope.BLOCK_SCOPE) return false; current = (BlockScope)current.parent; } } public int maxShiftedOffset() { int max = -1; if (this.shiftScopes != null){ for (int i = 0, length = this.shiftScopes.length; i < length; i++){ int subMaxOffset = this.shiftScopes[i].maxOffset; if (subMaxOffset > max) max = subMaxOffset; } } return max; } /* Answer the problem reporter to use for raising new problems. * * Note that as a side-effect, this updates the current reference context * (unit, type or method) in case the problem handler decides it is necessary * to abort. */ public ProblemReporter problemReporter() { Scope scope = outerMostMethodScope(); if (scope==null) scope=compilationUnitScope(); return scope.problemReporter(); } /* Answer the reference type of this scope. * * It is the nearest enclosing type of this scope. */ public TypeDeclaration referenceType() { return methodScope().referenceType(); } /* * Answer the index of this scope relatively to its parent. * For method scope, answers -1 (not a classScope relative position) */ public int scopeIndex() { if (this instanceof MethodScope ||this instanceof CompilationUnitScope) return -1; BlockScope parentScope = (BlockScope)this.parent; Scope[] parentSubscopes = parentScope.subscopes; for (int i = 0, max = parentScope.subscopeCount; i < max; i++) { if (parentSubscopes[i] == this) return i; } return -1; } public void setMethods(MethodBinding[] methods) { this.methods = methods; } // start position in this scope - for ordering scopes vs. variables int startIndex() { return this.startIndex; } public String toString() { return toString(0); } public String toString(int tab) { String s = basicToString(tab); for (int i = 0; i < this.subscopeCount; i++) if (this.subscopes[i] instanceof BlockScope) s += ((BlockScope) this.subscopes[i]).toString(tab + 1) + "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ return s; } }