package com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat; /* * (c) Copyright Sysdeo SA 2001, 2002. * All Rights Reserved. */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectNature; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.PlatformObject; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import com.sysdeo.eclipse.tomcat.editors.ProjectListElement; public class TomcatProject extends PlatformObject implements IProjectNature { // Persistence properties of projects private static final String PROPERTIES_FILENAME = ".tomcatplugin"; private static final String KEY_WEBPATH = "webPath"; private static final String KEY_UPDATEXML = "updateXml"; private static final String KEY_EXPORTSOURCE = "exportSource"; private static final String KEY_RELOADABLE="reloadable"; private static final String KEY_REDIRECTLOGGER="redirectLogger"; private static final String KEY_WARLOCATION = "warLocation"; private static final String KEY_ROOTDIR = "rootDir"; private static final String KEY_EXTRAINFO = "extraInfo"; private static final String KEY_WEBCLASSPATH = WebClassPathEntries.TAG_NAME; private static final String extraBeginTag = "<!-- Extra info begin -->"; private static final String extraEndTag = "<!-- Extra info end -->"; // private static final QualifiedName QN_WEBPATH = new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", KEY_WEBPATH); // private static final QualifiedName QN_UPDATEXML = new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", KEY_UPDATEXML); // private static final QualifiedName QN_EXPORTSOURCE = new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", KEY_EXPORTSOURCE); // private static final QualifiedName QN_RELOADABLE = new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", KEY_RELOADABLE); // private static final QualifiedName QN_REDIRECTLOGGER = new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", KEY_REDIRECTLOGGER); // private static final QualifiedName QN_WARLOCATION = new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", KEY_WARLOCATION); // private static final QualifiedName QN_ROOTDIR = new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", KEY_ROOTDIR); /** * The platform project this <code>TomcatProject</code> is based on */ protected IProject project; protected IJavaProject javaProject; protected String webPath = ""; protected String warLocation = ""; protected String rootDir = ""; protected String extraInfo = ""; protected boolean updateXml; protected boolean exportSource; protected boolean reloadable = true; protected boolean redirectLogger = false; protected WebClassPathEntries webClassPathEntries; protected IFolder rootDirFolder; /** * Gets the project. * @return Returns a IProject */ public IProject getProject() { return project; } /** * Sets the project. * @param project The project to set */ public void setProject(IProject project) { this.project = project; } /* * @see IProjectNature#configure() */ public void configure() throws CoreException { } /* * @see IProjectNature#deconfigure() */ public void deconfigure() throws CoreException { } /* * @see IProjectNature#getProject() */ public IJavaProject getJavaProject() { return javaProject; } /* * @see IProjectNature#setProject(IProject) */ public void setJavaProject(IJavaProject javaProject) { this.javaProject = javaProject; this.setProject(javaProject.getProject()); } static public void addTomcatNature(IJavaProject project) { try { JDTUtil.addNatureToProject(project.getProject(), TomcatLauncherPlugin.NATURE_ID); } catch(CoreException ex) { TomcatLauncherPlugin.log(ex.getMessage()); } } static public void removeTomcatNature(IJavaProject project) { try { JDTUtil.removeNatureToProject(project.getProject(), TomcatLauncherPlugin.NATURE_ID); } catch(CoreException ex) { TomcatLauncherPlugin.log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Return a TomcatProject if this javaProject has the tomcat nature * Return null if Project has not tomcat nature */ static public TomcatProject create(IJavaProject javaProject) { TomcatProject result = null; try { result = (TomcatProject)javaProject.getProject().getNature(TomcatLauncherPlugin.NATURE_ID); if(result != null) result.setJavaProject(javaProject); } catch(CoreException ex) { TomcatLauncherPlugin.log(ex.getMessage()); } return result; } /** * Return a TomcatProject if this Project has the tomcat nature * Return null if Project has not tomcat nature */ static public TomcatProject create(IProject project) { IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project); if(javaProject != null) { return TomcatProject.create(javaProject); } else { return null; } } private File getPropertiesFile() { return (this.getProject().getLocation().append(PROPERTIES_FILENAME).toFile()); } private String readProperty(String key) { String result = null; try { result = FileUtil.readPropertyInXMLFile(getPropertiesFile(), key); } catch (IOException e) { try { result = getJavaProject().getCorrespondingResource().getPersistentProperty(new QualifiedName("TomcatProject", key)); } catch (Exception e2) { TomcatLauncherPlugin.log(e2); } } if(result == null) { result = ""; } return result; } /** * Gets the rootDir. * @return Returns a String */ public String getRootDir() { return this.readProperty(KEY_ROOTDIR); } /** * Sets the rootDir. * @param rootDir The rootDir to set */ public void setRootDir(String rd) { this.rootDir = rd; this.rootDirFolder = null; } /** * Gets the webpath. * @return Returns a String */ public String getWebPath() { return this.readProperty(KEY_WEBPATH); } /** * Sets the webpath. * @param webpath The webpath to set */ public void setWebPath(String wp) { this.webPath = wp; } public void updateWebPath(String newWebPath) throws Exception { setWebPath(newWebPath); if(!newWebPath.equals(this.getWebPath())) { if(getUpdateXml()) { removeContext(); } } } /** * Gets the warfile. * @return Returns a String */ public String getWarLocation() { return this.readProperty(KEY_WARLOCATION); } /** * Sets the warfile * @param warfile The warfile to set */ public void setWarLocation(String wl) { this.warLocation = wl; } /** * Gets the updateXml. * @return Returns a boolean */ public boolean getUpdateXml() { return new Boolean(this.readProperty(KEY_UPDATEXML)).booleanValue(); } /** * Sets the updateXml. * @param updateXml The updateXml to set */ public void setUpdateXml(boolean updateXml) { this.updateXml = updateXml; } /** * Gets the updateXml. * @return Returns a boolean */ public boolean getExportSource() { return new Boolean(this.readProperty(KEY_EXPORTSOURCE)).booleanValue(); } /** * Sets the exportSource. * @param exportSource The exportSource to set */ public void setExportSource(boolean exportSource) { this.exportSource = exportSource; } /** * Gets the reloadable * @return Returns a boolean */ public boolean getReloadable(){ String reloadableProperty = this.readProperty(KEY_RELOADABLE); // Set default value to true if(reloadableProperty.equals("")) { reloadableProperty = "true"; } return new Boolean(reloadableProperty).booleanValue(); } /** * Sets the reloadable * @param reloadable The reloadable to set */ public void setReloadable(boolean reloadable){ this.reloadable = reloadable; } /** * Gets the reloadable * @return Returns a boolean */ public boolean getRedirectLogger(){ String redirectLoggerProperty = this.readProperty(KEY_REDIRECTLOGGER); // Set default value to false if(redirectLoggerProperty.equals("")) { redirectLoggerProperty = "false"; } return new Boolean(redirectLoggerProperty).booleanValue(); } /** * Sets the reloadable * @param reloadable The reloadable to set */ public void setRedirectLogger(boolean redirectLogger){ this.redirectLogger = redirectLogger; } /** * Gets the warfile. * @return Returns a String */ public String getExtraInfo() { return URLDecoder.decode(this.readProperty(KEY_EXTRAINFO)); } /** * Sets the warfile * @param warfile The warfile to set */ public void setExtraInfo(String extra) { this.extraInfo = extra; } /** * set the classpath entries which shall be loaded by the webclassloader * @param entries List of WebClasspathEntry objects */ public void setWebClassPathEntries(WebClassPathEntries entries) { webClassPathEntries = entries; } /** * return the webclasspath entries */ public WebClassPathEntries getWebClassPathEntries() { try { return WebClassPathEntries.xmlUnmarshal(FileUtil.readTextFile(getPropertiesFile())); } catch(IOException ioEx) { return null; } } /* * Store exportSource in project persistent properties */ public void saveProperties() { try { StringBuffer fileContent = new StringBuffer(); fileContent.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); fileContent.append("<tomcatProjectProperties>\n"); fileContent.append(" <rootDir>" + rootDir + "</rootDir>\n"); fileContent.append(" <exportSource>" + exportSource + "</exportSource>\n"); fileContent.append(" <reloadable>" + reloadable + "</reloadable>\n"); fileContent.append(" <redirectLogger>" + redirectLogger + "</redirectLogger>\n"); fileContent.append(" <updateXml>" + updateXml + "</updateXml>\n"); fileContent.append(" <warLocation>" + warLocation + "</warLocation>\n"); fileContent.append(" <extraInfo>" + URLEncoder.encode(extraInfo) + "</extraInfo>\n"); fileContent.append(" <webPath>" + webPath + "</webPath>\n"); if (webClassPathEntries != null) { fileContent.append(webClassPathEntries.xmlMarshal(4)); } fileContent.append("</tomcatProjectProperties>\n"); FileUtil.toTextFile(getPropertiesFile(), fileContent.toString()); // refresh the project files. project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_ONE, null); //Notification for VCM (Team plug-in) IFile propertiesIFile = this.getProject().getFile(PROPERTIES_FILENAME); ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().validateEdit(new IFile[]{propertiesIFile}, null); } catch (Exception ex) { TomcatLauncherPlugin.log(ex.getMessage()); } } /** * Run all the steps to configure a JavaProject as a TomcatProject */ public void fullConfiguration() throws CoreException, IOException { if(!rootDir.equals("")) { this.initRootDirFolder(true); } this.addProjectToSourcePathPref(); this.createWEBINFFolder(); this.createWEBINFSrcFolder(); this.createWorkFolder(); this.addTomcatJarToProjectClasspath(); this.addWEBINFLibJarFilesToProjectClasspath(); this.clearDefaultSourceEntries(); this.setClassesAsOutputFolder(); if(classesContainsJavaFiles()) { this.setClassesAsSourceFolder(); } this.setSrcAsSourceFolder(); this.setWEBINFSrcAsSourceFolder(); this.setWorkAsSourceFolder(); this.updateContext(); } public void clearDefaultSourceEntries() throws CoreException { IClasspathEntry[] entries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); List cp= new ArrayList(entries.length + 1); for(int i=0; i<entries.length; i++) { if(entries[i].getEntryKind() != IClasspathEntry.CPE_SOURCE) { cp.add(entries[i]); } } javaProject.setRawClasspath((IClasspathEntry[])cp.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[cp.size()]), null); } /* * Add servlet.jar and jasper.jar to project classpath */ public void addTomcatJarToProjectClasspath() throws CoreException { TomcatBootstrap tb = TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getTomcatBootstrap(); IClasspathEntry[] entries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); List cp = new ArrayList(entries.length + 1); for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { IClasspathEntry entry = entries[i]; if(!((entry.getEntryKind() == IClasspathEntry.CPE_VARIABLE) && (entry.getPath().toOSString().startsWith(TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getTomcatIPath().toOSString())))) { cp.add(entry); } } cp.addAll(tb.getTomcatJars()); javaProject.setRawClasspath((IClasspathEntry[])cp.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[cp.size()]), null); } /* * Add all jar in WEB-INF/lib to project classpath */ public void addWEBINFLibJarFilesToProjectClasspath() throws CoreException { IFolder libFolder = this.getWebInfFolder().getFolder("lib"); IResource[] libFiles = libFolder.members(); IClasspathEntry[] entries = javaProject.getRawClasspath(); List cp= new ArrayList(entries.length + 1); cp.addAll(Arrays.asList(entries)); for(int i=0; i<libFiles.length; i++) { if((libFiles[i].getType() == IResource.FILE) && (libFiles[i].getFileExtension().equalsIgnoreCase("jar"))) { cp.add(JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(libFiles[i].getFullPath(), null, null)); } } javaProject.setRawClasspath((IClasspathEntry[])cp.toArray(new IClasspathEntry[cp.size()]), null); } public IFolder getWebInfFolder() { if (getRootDirFolder() == null) { return project.getFolder("WEB-INF"); } else { return getRootDirFolder().getFolder("WEB-INF"); } } public IFolder getWorkFolder() { // if (getRootDirFolder() == null) { // return project.getFolder("work"); // } else { // return getRootDirFolder().getFolder("work"); // } return project.getFolder("work"); } public IFolder getRootDirFolder() { if (rootDirFolder == null) { this.initRootDirFolder(false); } return rootDirFolder; } private void initRootDirFolder(boolean create) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(this.getRootDir(), "/\\:"); IFolder folder = null; try { while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String each = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (folder == null) { folder = project.getFolder(each); } else { folder = folder.getFolder(each); } if (create) { this.createFolder(folder); } } } catch (CoreException ex) { TomcatLauncherPlugin.log(ex); folder = null; setRootDir("/"); } this.rootDirFolder = folder; } public void createWEBINFFolder() throws CoreException { IFolder webinfFolder = this.getWebInfFolder(); this.createFolder(webinfFolder); this.createFolder(webinfFolder.getFolder("classes")); this.createFolder(webinfFolder.getFolder("lib")); // Create .cvsignore for classes this.createFile(webinfFolder.getFile(".cvsignore"), "classes"); } public void createWEBINFSrcFolder() throws CoreException { this.createFolder(this.getWebInfFolder().getFolder("src")); } public void createWorkFolder() throws CoreException { IFolder folderHandle = this.getWorkFolder(); this.createFolder(folderHandle); String tomcatVersion = TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getTomcatVersion(); if(tomcatVersion.equals(TomcatLauncherPlugin.TOMCAT_VERSION4) || tomcatVersion.equals(TomcatLauncherPlugin.TOMCAT_VERSION41)) { folderHandle = folderHandle.getFolder("org"); this.createFolder(folderHandle); folderHandle = folderHandle.getFolder("apache"); this.createFolder(folderHandle); folderHandle = folderHandle.getFolder("jsp"); this.createFolder(folderHandle); } // Add a .cvsignore file in work directory this.createFile(project.getFile(".cvsignore") , "work"); } public void setSrcAsSourceFolder() throws CoreException { // this.setFolderAsSourceEntry(project.getFolder("src")); } public void setWEBINFSrcAsSourceFolder() throws CoreException { this.setFolderAsSourceEntry(this.getWebInfFolder().getFolder("src"), null); } public void setClassesAsOutputFolder() throws CoreException { IFolder classesFolder = this.getWebInfFolder().getFolder("classes"); javaProject.setOutputLocation(classesFolder.getFullPath(),null); } public void setClassesAsSourceFolder() throws CoreException { IFolder classesFolder = this.getWebInfFolder().getFolder("classes"); this.setFolderAsSourceEntry(classesFolder, null); } public void setWorkAsSourceFolder() throws CoreException { this.setFolderAsSourceEntry(this.getWorkFolder(), this.getWorkFolder()); } private void createFolder(IFolder folderHandle) throws CoreException { try { // Create the folder resource in the workspace folderHandle.create(false, true, null); //new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 500)); } catch (CoreException e) { // If the folder already existed locally, just refresh to get contents if (e.getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.PATH_OCCUPIED) folderHandle.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); //new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 500)); else throw e; } } private void createFile(IFile fileHandle, String content) throws CoreException { try { fileHandle.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes()), 0, null); } catch (CoreException e) { // If the file already existed locally, just refresh to get contents if (e.getStatus().getCode() == IResourceStatus.PATH_OCCUPIED) fileHandle.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); //new SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 500)); else throw e; } } /* * ouput could be null (project default output will be used) */ private void setFolderAsSourceEntry(IFolder folderHandle, IFolder output) throws CoreException { IClasspathEntry[] entries= javaProject.getRawClasspath(); IClasspathEntry[] newEntries= new IClasspathEntry[entries.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(entries,0, newEntries,0, entries.length); IPath outputPath = null; if(output != null) outputPath = output.getFullPath(); IPath[] emptyPath = {}; newEntries[entries.length] = JavaCore.newSourceEntry(folderHandle.getFullPath(), emptyPath, outputPath); javaProject.setRawClasspath(newEntries, null); } /** * Add or update a Context definition */ public void updateContext() throws CoreException, IOException { if(TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getConfigMode().equals(TomcatLauncherPlugin.SERVERXML_MODE)) { this.updateServerXML(); } else { this.updateContextFile(); } } /* * Add or update a Context entry on Tomcat server.xml file */ private void updateServerXML() throws CoreException, IOException { if(getUpdateXml()) { this.backupServerXML(); String xml = FileUtil.readTextFile(getServerXML()); if(!contextExistsInXML(xml)) { this.addContextToServerXML(); } else { this.updateContextDefinitionInFile(getServerXML()); } } } /* * create or update a Context file */ private void updateContextFile() throws CoreException, IOException { if(getUpdateXml()) { File contextFile = this.getContextFile(); if(!contextFile.exists()) { FileUtil.toTextFile(contextFile, this.createContextDefinition()); } else { updateContextDefinitionInFile(contextFile); } } } private File getContextFile() { File contextFile = new File(TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getContextsDir() + File.separator + getContextFileName()); return contextFile; } private String getContextFileName() { String contextFileName = this.getWebPath(); if(contextFileName.startsWith("/")) { contextFileName = contextFileName.substring(1); } // Tomcat 5 converts / to # in context file name contextFileName = contextFileName.replace('/', '#'); return contextFileName + ".xml"; } public void removeContext() throws CoreException, IOException { // Always call removeContext file because Tomcat create it automatically when using server.xml this.removeContextFile(); if(TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getConfigMode().equals(TomcatLauncherPlugin.SERVERXML_MODE)) { this.removeContextInServerXML(); } } private void removeContextFile() { this.getContextFile().delete(); } private void removeContextInServerXML() throws CoreException, IOException { this.backupServerXML(); String xml = FileUtil.readTextFile(getServerXML()); if(contextExistsInXML(xml)) { int contextTagIdx = this.getContextTagIndex(xml); int endTagIndex = xml.indexOf("</Context>", contextTagIdx); boolean hasNoBody = false; if (endTagIndex < 0) { endTagIndex = xml.indexOf('>', contextTagIdx); hasNoBody = true; } else endTagIndex+= "</Context>".length(); StringBuffer out = null; out = new StringBuffer(xml.substring(0, contextTagIdx)); out.append(xml.substring(endTagIndex+1, xml.length())); if (out != null) FileUtil.toTextFile(getServerXML(), out.toString()); } } /** * Backup Tomcat server.xml file using the following algorithm : * - Initial server.xml is backuped to server.xml.backup * - Before updating server.xml create a copy named server.xml.old */ public void backupServerXML() throws CoreException, IOException { String backup = getServerXMLLocation() + ".backup"; String old = getServerXMLLocation() + ".old"; if(!getServerXML().exists()) { String msg = "Tomcat server.xml file is not found in " + getServerXML().getAbsolutePath(); Status status = new Status(IStatus.ERROR, TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getDescriptor().getUniqueIdentifier(), IStatus.ERROR, msg, null); throw new CoreException(status); } File backupFile = new File(backup); if(!backupFile.exists()) { FileUtil.copy(getServerXML(), backupFile); } FileUtil.copy(getServerXML(), new File(old)); } private File getServerXML() { return new File(getServerXMLLocation()); } private String getServerXMLLocation() { return TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getConfigFile(); } /** * Quick and dirty implementations : using an XML Parser would be better */ private boolean contextExistsInXML(String xml) throws IOException { return (getContextTagIndex(xml) != -1); } private int getContextTagIndex(String xml) throws IOException { int pathIndex = xml.indexOf(getContextPath()); if(pathIndex == -1) return -1; int tagIndex = (xml.substring(0, pathIndex)).lastIndexOf('<'); String tag = xml.substring(tagIndex, tagIndex + 8); if(!tag.equalsIgnoreCase(getContextStartTag())) return -1; return tagIndex; } private void addContextToServerXML() throws IOException { String xml = FileUtil.readTextFile(getServerXML()); String tag = TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getTomcatBootstrap().getXMLTagAfterContextDefinition(); int tagIndex = xml.indexOf(tag); int insertIndex = (xml.substring(0, tagIndex)).lastIndexOf('\n'); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(xml.substring(0, insertIndex)); out.append(this.createContextDefinition()); out.append(xml.substring(insertIndex, xml.length())); FileUtil.toTextFile(getServerXML(), out.toString()); } private String createContextDefinition() { StringBuffer contextBuffer = new StringBuffer(); contextBuffer.append(getContextStartTag()); contextBuffer.append(' '); contextBuffer.append(getContextPath()); contextBuffer.append(' '); contextBuffer.append(getContextReloadable()); contextBuffer.append(' '); contextBuffer.append(getContextDocBase()); contextBuffer.append(' '); contextBuffer.append(getContextWorkDir()); contextBuffer.append(" />\n"); String context = contextBuffer.toString(); if (getWebClassPathEntries() != null) { context = this.addLoaderToContext(context); } if(getRedirectLogger()) { context = this.addLoggerToContext(context); } if(!(getExtraInfo().equals(""))) { context = this.addExtraInfoToContext(context); } return context; } private String updateContextDefinition(String context) { // if reloadable param not set int reloadableIndex = context.indexOf("reloadable"); if(reloadableIndex == -1) { context = this.addReloadableToContext(context); } else { context = this.updateReloadableInContext(context); } // update docBase if set int docBaseIndex = context.indexOf("docBase"); if(docBaseIndex == -1) { context = this.addDocBaseToContext(context); } else { context = this.updateDocBaseInContext(context); } // if work param not set int workIndex = context.indexOf("workDir"); if(workIndex == -1) { context = this.addWorkToContext(context); } else { context = this.updateWorkInContext(context); } // if loader not set int loaderIndex = context.indexOf("<Loader"); if((loaderIndex == -1) && (getWebClassPathEntries() != null)) { context = this.addLoaderToContext(context); } if((loaderIndex != -1) && (getWebClassPathEntries() == null)) { context = this.removeLoaderInContext(context); } if((loaderIndex != -1) && (getWebClassPathEntries() != null)) { context = this.updateLoaderInContext(context); } // if logger not set int loggerIndex = context.indexOf("<Logger"); if((loggerIndex == -1) && getRedirectLogger()) { context = this.addLoggerToContext(context); } if((loggerIndex != -1) && !getRedirectLogger()) { context = this.removeLoggerInContext(context); } if((loggerIndex != -1) && getRedirectLogger()) { context = this.updateLoggerInContext(context); } // Extra info int extraInfoIndex = context.indexOf(extraBeginTag); if((extraInfoIndex == -1) && !(getExtraInfo().equals(""))) { context = this.addExtraInfoToContext(context); } if((extraInfoIndex != -1) && getExtraInfo().equals("")) { context = this.removeExtraInfoInContext(context); } if((extraInfoIndex != -1) && !(getExtraInfo().equals(""))) { context = this.updateExtraInfoInContext(context); } return context; } private void updateContextDefinitionInFile(File xmlFile) throws IOException { String xml = FileUtil.readTextFile(xmlFile); int contextTagIndex = this.getContextTagIndex(xml); // If context doesn't exist do nothing if( contextTagIndex == -1) { return; } // Get context int endContextTagIndex = xml.indexOf(">",contextTagIndex); if(xml.charAt(endContextTagIndex-1) != '/') { endContextTagIndex = xml.indexOf(this.getContextEndTag(), contextTagIndex) + this.getContextEndTag().length() -1; } String context = xml.substring(contextTagIndex, endContextTagIndex+1); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(xml.substring(0, contextTagIndex)); out.append(this.updateContextDefinition(context)); out.append(xml.substring(endContextTagIndex+1)); FileUtil.toTextFile(xmlFile, out.toString()); } private String addDocBaseToContext(String context) { int reloadableIndex = context.indexOf(getContextReloadable()); int firstDoubleQuoteIndex = context.indexOf('"', reloadableIndex) + 1; int docBaseIndex = context.indexOf('"',firstDoubleQuoteIndex) + 1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, docBaseIndex)); out.append(' '); out.append(getContextDocBase()); out.append(' '); out.append(context.substring(docBaseIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String updateDocBaseInContext(String context) { int docBaseIndex = context.indexOf("docBase"); int startIndex = context.indexOf('"', docBaseIndex); int endIndex = context.indexOf('"',startIndex+1); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, docBaseIndex)); out.append(getContextDocBase()); out.append(context.substring(endIndex+1, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String getContextReloadable(){ return ("reloadable=" + '"' + getReloadable() + '"'); } private String addReloadableToContext(String context) { int pathIndex = context.indexOf(getContextPath()); int firstDoubleQuoteIndex = context.indexOf('"', pathIndex) + 1; int reloadableIndex = context.indexOf('"',firstDoubleQuoteIndex) + 1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, reloadableIndex)); out.append(' '); out.append(getContextReloadable()); out.append(' '); out.append(context.substring(reloadableIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String updateReloadableInContext(String context){ int reloadableIndex = context.indexOf("reloadable"); int startIndex = context.indexOf('"',reloadableIndex); int endIndex = context.indexOf('"',startIndex+1); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0,reloadableIndex)); out.append(getContextReloadable()); out.append(context.substring(endIndex+1,context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String addWorkToContext(String context) { int docBaseIndex = context.indexOf("docBase"); int firstDoubleQuoteIndex = context.indexOf('"',docBaseIndex) + 1; int workIndex = context.indexOf('"', firstDoubleQuoteIndex) + 1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, workIndex)); out.append(' '); out.append(getContextWorkDir()); out.append(' '); out.append(context.substring(workIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String updateWorkInContext(String context) { int workDirIndex = context.indexOf("workDir"); int startIndex = context.indexOf('"', workDirIndex); int endIndex = context.indexOf('"',startIndex+1); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, workDirIndex)); out.append(getContextWorkDir()); out.append(context.substring(endIndex+1, context.length())); return out.toString(); } // Add </Context> instead of />, and \n if needed private String formatContextEndTag(String context) { int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); StringBuffer newContext = new StringBuffer(); if(context.charAt(endContextStartTagIndex-1) == '/') { newContext.append(context.substring(0, endContextStartTagIndex-1)); newContext.append(">"); newContext.append("\n"); newContext.append(getContextEndTag()); newContext.append("\n"); context = newContext.toString(); endContextStartTagIndex--; } else { int endContextTagIndex = context.indexOf(getContextEndTag()); if(context.charAt(endContextTagIndex-1) != '\n') { newContext.append(context.substring(0,endContextTagIndex)); newContext.append("\n"); newContext.append(context.substring(endContextTagIndex)); } else { return context; } } return newContext.toString(); } private String addLoaderToContext(String context) { context = this.formatContextEndTag(context); int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int loaderIndex = endContextStartTagIndex + 1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, loaderIndex)); out.append(getContextWebAppClassLoader()); out.append(context.substring(loaderIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String updateLoaderInContext(String context) { context = this.formatContextEndTag(context); int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int startIndex = context.indexOf("<Loader", endContextStartTagIndex); if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\t') startIndex--; if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\n') startIndex--; int endIndex = context.indexOf("/>",startIndex+1)+1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, startIndex)); out.append(getContextWebAppClassLoader()); out.append(context.substring(endIndex+1, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String removeLoaderInContext(String context) { int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int startIndex = context.indexOf("<Loader", endContextStartTagIndex); if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\t') startIndex--; if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\n') startIndex--; int endIndex = context.indexOf("/>",startIndex+1)+1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, startIndex)); out.append(context.substring(endIndex+1, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String addLoggerToContext(String context) { context = this.formatContextEndTag(context); int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int loggerIndex = endContextStartTagIndex + 1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, loggerIndex)); out.append(getContextLogger()); out.append(context.substring(loggerIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String updateLoggerInContext(String context) { int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int startIndex = context.indexOf("<Logger", endContextStartTagIndex); if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\t') startIndex--; if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\n') startIndex--; int endIndex = context.indexOf("/>",startIndex)+1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, startIndex)); out.append(getContextLogger()); out.append(context.substring(endIndex+1, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String removeLoggerInContext(String context) { int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int startIndex = context.indexOf("<Logger", endContextStartTagIndex); if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\t') startIndex--; if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\n') startIndex--; int endIndex = context.indexOf("/>",startIndex)+1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, startIndex)); out.append(context.substring(endIndex+1, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String addExtraInfoToContext(String context) { context = this.formatContextEndTag(context); int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int extraInfoIndex = endContextStartTagIndex + 1; StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, extraInfoIndex)); out.append('\n'); out.append(extraBeginTag); out.append('\n'); out.append(getExtraInfo()); out.append('\n'); out.append(extraEndTag); out.append(context.substring(extraInfoIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String updateExtraInfoInContext(String context) { int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int startIndex = context.indexOf(extraBeginTag, endContextStartTagIndex); if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\t') startIndex--; if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\n') startIndex--; int extraEndTagStartIndex = context.indexOf(extraEndTag,startIndex); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, startIndex)); out.append('\n'); out.append(extraBeginTag); out.append('\n'); out.append(getExtraInfo()); out.append('\n'); out.append(context.substring(extraEndTagStartIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String removeExtraInfoInContext(String context) { int endContextStartTagIndex = context.indexOf(">"); int startIndex = context.indexOf(extraBeginTag, endContextStartTagIndex); if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\t') startIndex--; if(context.charAt(startIndex-1) == '\n') startIndex--; int extraEndTagStartIndex = context.indexOf(extraEndTag,startIndex); StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(context.substring(0, startIndex)); int endIndex = extraEndTagStartIndex + extraEndTag.length(); out.append(context.substring(endIndex, context.length())); return out.toString(); } private String getContextStartTag() { return ("<Context"); } private String getContextPath() { return ("path=" + '"' + getWebPath() + '"'); } private String getContextDocBase() { String docBaseLocation = ""; if(getRootDirFolder() == null) { docBaseLocation = project.getLocation().toOSString(); } else { docBaseLocation = this.getRootDirFolder().getLocation().toOSString(); } return ("docBase=" + '"' + docBaseLocation + '"'); } private String getContextWorkDir() { String workFolderLocation = this.getWorkFolder().getLocation().toOSString(); return (TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getTomcatBootstrap().getContextWorkDir(workFolderLocation)); } private String getContextWebAppClassLoader() { return "\n\t<Loader className=\"org.apache.catalina.loader.DevLoader\" reloadable=\"true\" debug=\"1\" useSystemClassLoaderAsParent=\"false\" />"; } private String getContextLogger() { return "\n\t<Logger className=\"org.apache.catalina.logger.SystemOutLogger\" verbosity=\"4\" timestamp=\"true\"/>"; } private String getContextEndTag() { return "</Context>"; } public void exportToWar() throws IOException { File warFile = new File(this.getWarLocation()); File directory = null; if(getRootDirFolder() == null) { directory = this.getProject().getLocation().toFile(); } else { directory = this.getRootDirFolder().getLocation().toFile(); } Zipper zipper = new TomcatProjectZipper(warFile, directory, getExportSource());; } /* * if WEB-INF classes contains Java files add it to source folders * Otherwise Eclipse will delete all those files */ private boolean classesContainsJavaFiles() { IFolder webinfFolder = this.getWebInfFolder(); IFolder classesFolder = webinfFolder.getFolder("classes"); File f = classesFolder.getLocation().toFile(); if (!f.exists()) return false; if (!f.isDirectory()) return false; return FileUtil.dirContainsFiles(f, "java", true); } /* * A new Tomcat project should be checked by default in source path preference page */ private void addProjectToSourcePathPref() { List projects = TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().getProjectsInSourcePath(); ProjectListElement ple = new ProjectListElement(getProject()); if(!projects.contains(ple)) { projects.add(ple); TomcatLauncherPlugin.getDefault().setProjectsInSourcePath(projects); } } }