package org.apache.kerberos.kerb.ccache; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.common.PrincipalName; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.ticket.Ticket; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class CredentialCache implements KrbCredentialCache { public static final int FCC_FVNO_1 = 0x501; public static final int FCC_FVNO_2 = 0x502; public static final int FCC_FVNO_3 = 0x503; public static final int FCC_FVNO_4 = 0x504; public static final int FCC_TAG_DELTATIME = 1; public static final int NT_UNKNOWN = 0; public static final int MAXNAMELENGTH = 1024; private int version = FCC_FVNO_4; private List<Tag> tags; private PrincipalName primaryPrincipal; private List<Credential> credentials = new ArrayList<Credential> (); @Override public void store(File ccacheFile) throws IOException { OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(ccacheFile); store(outputStream); } @Override public void store(OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { if (outputStream == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid and null output stream"); } CredCacheOutputStream ccos = new CredCacheOutputStream(outputStream); doStore(ccos); ccos.close(); } private void doStore(CredCacheOutputStream ccos) throws IOException { this.version = FCC_FVNO_3; writeVersion(ccos); if (version == FCC_FVNO_4) { writeTags(ccos); } ccos.writePrincipal(primaryPrincipal, version); for (Credential cred : credentials) {, version); } } @Override public void setVersion(int version) { this.version = version; } @Override public PrincipalName getPrimaryPrincipal() { return primaryPrincipal; } @Override public void setPrimaryPrincipal(PrincipalName principal) { primaryPrincipal = principal; } @Override public int getVersion() { return version; } public void setTags(List<Tag> tags) { this.tags = tags; } public List<Tag> getTags() { return this.tags; } @Override public List<Credential> getCredentials() { return credentials; } @Override public void addCredential(Credential credential) { if (credential != null) { this.credentials.add(credential); } } @Override public void addCredentials(List<Credential> credentials) { if (credentials != null) { this.credentials.addAll(credentials); } } @Override public void removeCredentials(List<Credential> credentials) { if (credentials != null) { for (Credential cred : credentials) { removeCredential(cred); } } } @Override public void removeCredential(Credential credential) { if (credential != null) { for (Credential cred : credentials) { if (cred.equals(credential)) { credentials.remove(cred); break; } } } } @Override public void load(File ccacheFile) throws IOException { if (! ccacheFile.exists() || ! ccacheFile.canRead()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ccache file: " + ccacheFile.getAbsolutePath()); } InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(ccacheFile); load(inputStream); } @Override public void load(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { if (inputStream == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid and null input stream"); } CredCacheInputStream ccis = new CredCacheInputStream(inputStream); doLoad(ccis); ccis.close(); } private void doLoad(CredCacheInputStream ccis) throws IOException { this.version = readVersion(ccis); this.tags = readTags(ccis); this.primaryPrincipal = ccis.readPrincipal(version); this.credentials = readCredentials(ccis); } private List<Credential> readCredentials(CredCacheInputStream ccis) throws IOException { List<Credential> results = new ArrayList<Credential>(2); Credential cred; while (ccis.available() > 0) { cred = new Credential(); cred.load(ccis, version); results.add(cred); } return results; } private int readVersion(CredCacheInputStream ccis) throws IOException { int result = ccis.readShort(); return result; } private List<Tag> readTags(CredCacheInputStream ccis) throws IOException { int len = ccis.readShort(); List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); int tag, tagLen, time, usec; while (len > 0) { tag = ccis.readShort(); tagLen = ccis.readShort(); switch (tag) { case FCC_TAG_DELTATIME: time = ccis.readInt(); usec = ccis.readInt(); tags.add(new Tag(tag, time, usec)); break; default: byte[tagLen], 0, tagLen); // ignore unknown tag } len = len - (4 + tagLen); } return tags; } private void writeVersion(CredCacheOutputStream ccos) throws IOException { ccos.writeShort(version); } private void writeTags(CredCacheOutputStream ccos) throws IOException { if (tags == null) { ccos.writeShort(0); return; } int length = 0; for (Tag tag : tags) { if (tag.tag != FCC_TAG_DELTATIME) { continue; } length += tag.length; } ccos.writeShort(length); for (Tag tag : tags) { if (tag.tag != CredentialCache.FCC_TAG_DELTATIME) { continue; } writeTag(ccos, tag); } } private void writeTag(CredCacheOutputStream ccos, Tag tag) throws IOException { ccos.writeShort(tag.tag); ccos.writeShort(tag.length); ccos.writeInt(tag.time); ccos.writeInt(tag.usec); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Dump credential cache file"); System.err.println("Usage: CredentialCache <ccache-file>"); System.exit(1); } String cacheFile = args[1]; CredentialCache cc = new CredentialCache(); cc.load(new File(cacheFile)); Ticket tkt; for (Credential cred : cc.getCredentials()) { tkt = cred.getTicket(); System.out.println("Tkt server name: " + tkt.getSname().getName()); System.out.println("Tkt client name: " + cred.getClientName().getName()); System.out.println("Tkt encrypt type: " + tkt.getEncryptedEncPart().getEType().getName()); } } }