package org.apache.kerberos.kerb.crypto; /** * Camellia - based on RFC 3713, about half the size of CamelliaEngine. * * This is based on from bouncycastle library. */ public class Camellia { private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 16; private int[] state = new int[4]; // for encryption and decryption private CamelliaKey camKey; public void setKey(boolean forEncryption, byte[] key) { camKey = new CamelliaKey(key, forEncryption); } private void process128Block(byte[] in, int inOff, byte[] out, int outOff) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { state[i] = BytesUtil.bytes2int(in, inOff + (i * 4), true); state[i] ^=[i]; } camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 0); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 4); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 8); camKey.fls(state,, 0); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 12); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 16); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 20); camKey.fls(state,, 4); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 24); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 28); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 32); state[2] ^=[4]; state[3] ^=[5]; state[0] ^=[6]; state[1] ^=[7]; BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[2], out, outOff, true); BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[3], out, outOff + 4, true); BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[0], out, outOff + 8, true); BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[1], out, outOff + 12, true); } private void processBlockLargerBlock(byte[] in, int inOff, byte[] out, int outOff) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { state[i] = BytesUtil.bytes2int(in, inOff + (i * 4), true); state[i] ^=[i]; } camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 0); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 4); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 8); camKey.fls(state,, 0); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 12); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 16); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 20); camKey.fls(state,, 4); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 24); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 28); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 32); camKey.fls(state,, 8); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 36); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 40); camKey.f2(state, camKey.subkey, 44); state[2] ^=[4]; state[3] ^=[5]; state[0] ^=[6]; state[1] ^=[7]; BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[2], out, outOff, true); BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[3], out, outOff + 4, true); BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[0], out, outOff + 8, true); BytesUtil.int2bytes(state[1], out, outOff + 12, true); } public void processBlock(byte[] in, int inOff) { byte[] out = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; if (camKey.is128()) { process128Block(in, inOff, out, 0); } else { processBlockLargerBlock(in, inOff, out, 0); } System.arraycopy(out, 0, in, inOff, BLOCK_SIZE); } public void encrypt(byte[] data, byte[] iv) { byte[] cipher = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; byte[] cipherState = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; int blocksNum = (data.length + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE; int lastBlockLen = data.length - (blocksNum - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE; if (blocksNum == 1) { cbcEnc(data, 0, 1, cipherState); return; } if (iv != null) { System.arraycopy(iv, 0, cipherState, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } int contBlocksNum, offset = 0; while (blocksNum > 2) { contBlocksNum = (data.length - offset) / BLOCK_SIZE; if (contBlocksNum > 0) { // Encrypt a series of contiguous blocks in place if we can, but // don't touch the last two blocks. contBlocksNum = (contBlocksNum > blocksNum - 2) ? blocksNum - 2 : contBlocksNum; cbcEnc(data, offset, contBlocksNum, cipherState); offset += contBlocksNum * BLOCK_SIZE; blocksNum -= contBlocksNum; } else { cbcEnc(data, offset, 1, cipherState); offset += BLOCK_SIZE; blocksNum--; } } // Encrypt the last two blocks and store the results in reverse order byte[] blockN2 = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; byte[] blockN1 = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(data, offset, blockN2, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); cbcEnc(blockN2, 0, 1, cipherState); System.arraycopy(data, offset + BLOCK_SIZE, blockN1, 0, lastBlockLen); cbcEnc(blockN1, 0, 1, cipherState); System.arraycopy(blockN1, 0, data, offset, BLOCK_SIZE); System.arraycopy(blockN2, 0, data, offset + BLOCK_SIZE, lastBlockLen); if (iv != null) { System.arraycopy(cipherState, 0, iv, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } } public void decrypt(byte[] data, byte[] iv) { byte[] cipher = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; byte[] cipherState = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; int blocksNum = (data.length + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE; int lastBlockLen = data.length - (blocksNum - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE; if (blocksNum == 1) { cbcDec(data, 0, 1, cipherState); return; } if (iv != null) { System.arraycopy(iv, 0, cipherState, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } int contBlocksNum, offset = 0; while (blocksNum > 2) { contBlocksNum = (data.length - offset) / BLOCK_SIZE; if (contBlocksNum > 0) { // Decrypt a series of contiguous blocks in place if we can, but // don't touch the last two blocks. contBlocksNum = (contBlocksNum > blocksNum - 2) ? blocksNum - 2 : contBlocksNum; cbcDec(data, offset, contBlocksNum, cipherState); offset += contBlocksNum * BLOCK_SIZE; blocksNum -= contBlocksNum; } else { cbcDec(data, offset, 1, cipherState); offset += BLOCK_SIZE; blocksNum--; } } // Decrypt the last two blocks byte[] blockN2 = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; byte[] blockN1 = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(data, offset, blockN2, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); System.arraycopy(data, offset + BLOCK_SIZE, blockN1, 0, lastBlockLen); if (iv != null) { System.arraycopy(blockN2, 0, iv, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } byte[] tmpCipherState = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(blockN1, 0, tmpCipherState, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); cbcDec(blockN2, 0, 1, tmpCipherState); System.arraycopy(blockN2, lastBlockLen, blockN1, lastBlockLen, BLOCK_SIZE - lastBlockLen); cbcDec(blockN1, 0, 1, cipherState); System.arraycopy(blockN1, 0, data, offset, BLOCK_SIZE); System.arraycopy(blockN2, 0, data, offset + BLOCK_SIZE, lastBlockLen); } /** * CBC encrypt nblocks blocks of data in place, using and updating iv. */ public void cbcEnc(byte[] data, int offset, int blocksNum, byte[] cipherState) { byte[] cipher = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; for (int i = 0; i < blocksNum; ++i) { System.arraycopy(data, offset + i * BLOCK_SIZE, cipher, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); Util.xor(cipherState, 0, cipher); processBlock(cipher, 0); System.arraycopy(cipher, 0, data, offset + i * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE); System.arraycopy(cipher, 0, cipherState, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } } /** * CBC encrypt nblocks blocks of data in place, using and updating iv. */ public void cbcDec(byte[] data, int offset, int blocksNum, byte[] cipherState) { byte[] lastBlock = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; byte[] cipher = new byte[BLOCK_SIZE]; System.arraycopy(data, offset + (blocksNum - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, lastBlock, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); for (int i = blocksNum; i > 0; i--) { System.arraycopy(data, offset + (i - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, cipher, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); processBlock(cipher, 0); if (i == 1) { Util.xor(cipherState, 0, cipher); } else { Util.xor(data, offset + (i - 2) * BLOCK_SIZE, cipher); } System.arraycopy(cipher, 0, data, offset + (i - 1) * BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE); } System.arraycopy(lastBlock, 0, cipherState, 0, BLOCK_SIZE); } }