package org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.preauth; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.KrbContext; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.KrbOptions; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.preauth.builtin.EncTsPreauth; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.preauth.builtin.TgtPreauth; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.preauth.pkinit.PkinitPreauth; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.preauth.token.TokenPreauth; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.client.request.KdcRequest; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.codec.KrbCodec; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.KrbException; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.common.EtypeInfo; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.common.EtypeInfo2; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class PreauthHandler { private KrbContext krbContext; private List<KrbPreauth> preauths; public void init(KrbContext krbContext) { this.krbContext = krbContext; loadPreauthPlugins(krbContext); } private void loadPreauthPlugins(KrbContext context) { preauths = new ArrayList<KrbPreauth>(); KrbPreauth preauth = new EncTsPreauth(); preauth.init(context); preauths.add(preauth); preauth = new TgtPreauth(); preauth.init(context); preauths.add(preauth); preauth = new PkinitPreauth(); preauth.init(context); preauths.add(preauth); preauth = new TokenPreauth(); preauth.init(context); preauths.add(preauth); } public PreauthContext preparePreauthContext(KdcRequest kdcRequest) { PreauthContext preauthContext = new PreauthContext(); preauthContext.setPreauthRequired(krbContext.getConfig().isPreauthRequired()); for (KrbPreauth preauth : preauths) { PreauthHandle handle = new PreauthHandle(preauth); handle.initRequestContext(kdcRequest); preauthContext.getHandles().add(handle); } return preauthContext; } /** * Process preauth inputs and options, prepare and generate pdata to be out */ public void preauth(KdcRequest kdcRequest) throws KrbException { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); if (!preauthContext.isPreauthRequired()) { return; } if (!preauthContext.hasInputPaData()) { tryFirst(kdcRequest, preauthContext.getOutputPaData()); return; } attemptETypeInfo(kdcRequest, preauthContext.getInputPaData()); setPreauthOptions(kdcRequest, kdcRequest.getPreauthOptions()); prepareUserResponses(kdcRequest, preauthContext.getInputPaData()); preauthContext.getUserResponser().respondQuestions(); if (!kdcRequest.isRetrying()) { process(kdcRequest, preauthContext.getInputPaData(), preauthContext.getOutputPaData()); } else { tryAgain(kdcRequest, preauthContext.getInputPaData(), preauthContext.getOutputPaData()); } } public void prepareUserResponses(KdcRequest kdcRequest, PaData inPadata) throws KrbException { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); for (PaDataEntry pae : inPadata.getElements()) { if (! preauthContext.isPaTypeAllowed(pae.getPaDataType())) { continue; } PreauthHandle handle = findHandle(kdcRequest, pae.getPaDataType()); if (handle == null) { continue; } handle.prepareQuestions(kdcRequest); } } public void setPreauthOptions(KdcRequest kdcRequest, KrbOptions preauthOptions) throws KrbException { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); for (PreauthHandle handle : preauthContext.getHandles()) { handle.setPreauthOptions(kdcRequest, preauthOptions); } } public void tryFirst(KdcRequest kdcRequest, PaData outPadata) throws KrbException { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); PreauthHandle handle = findHandle(kdcRequest, preauthContext.getAllowedPaType()); handle.tryFirst(kdcRequest, outPadata); } public void process(KdcRequest kdcRequest, PaData inPadata, PaData outPadata) throws KrbException { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); /** * Process all informational padata types, then the first real preauth type * we succeed on */ for (int real = 0; real <= 1; real ++) { for (PaDataEntry pae : inPadata.getElements()) { // Restrict real mechanisms to the chosen one if we have one if (real >0 && !preauthContext.isPaTypeAllowed(pae.getPaDataType())) { continue; } PreauthHandle handle = findHandle(kdcRequest, preauthContext.getAllowedPaType()); if (handle == null) { continue; } // Make sure this type is for the current pass int tmpReal = handle.isReal(pae.getPaDataType()) ? 1 : 0; if (tmpReal != real) { continue; } if (real > 0 && preauthContext.checkAndPutTried(pae.getPaDataType())) { continue; } boolean gotData = handle.process(kdcRequest, pae, outPadata); if (real > 0 && gotData) { return; } } } } public void tryAgain(KdcRequest kdcRequest, PaData inPadata, PaData outPadata) { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); PreauthHandle handle; for (PaDataEntry pae : inPadata.getElements()) { handle = findHandle(kdcRequest, pae.getPaDataType()); if (handle == null) continue; boolean gotData = handle.tryAgain(kdcRequest, pae.getPaDataType(), preauthContext.getErrorPaData(), outPadata); } } public void destroy() { for (KrbPreauth preauth : preauths) { preauth.destroy(); } } private PreauthHandle findHandle(KdcRequest kdcRequest, PaDataType paType) { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); for (PreauthHandle handle : preauthContext.getHandles()) { for (PaDataType pt : handle.preauth.getPaTypes()) { if (pt == paType) { return handle; } } } return null; } private void attemptETypeInfo(KdcRequest kdcRequest, PaData inPadata) throws KrbException { PreauthContext preauthContext = kdcRequest.getPreauthContext(); // Find an etype-info2 or etype-info element in padata EtypeInfo etypeInfo = null; EtypeInfo2 etypeInfo2 = null; PaDataEntry pae = inPadata.findEntry(PaDataType.ETYPE_INFO); if (pae != null) { etypeInfo = KrbCodec.decode(pae.getPaDataValue(), EtypeInfo.class); } else { pae = inPadata.findEntry(PaDataType.ETYPE_INFO2); if (pae != null) { etypeInfo2 = KrbCodec.decode(pae.getPaDataValue(), EtypeInfo2.class); } } if (etypeInfo == null && etypeInfo2 == null) { attemptSalt(kdcRequest, inPadata); } } private void attemptSalt(KdcRequest kdcRequest, PaData inPadata) throws KrbException { } }