package org.apache.haox.asn1.type; import org.apache.haox.asn1.EncodingOption; import org.apache.haox.asn1.LimitedByteBuffer; import org.apache.haox.asn1.TagClass; import org.apache.haox.asn1.TaggingOption; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * For collection type that may consist of tagged fields */ public abstract class Asn1CollectionType extends AbstractAsn1Type<Asn1CollectionType> { private Asn1FieldInfo[] fieldInfos; private Asn1Type[] fields; public Asn1CollectionType(int universalTagNo, Asn1FieldInfo[] fieldInfos) { super(TagClass.UNIVERSAL, universalTagNo); setValue(this); this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos; this.fields = new Asn1Type[fieldInfos.length]; setEncodingOption(EncodingOption.CONSTRUCTED); } @Override public boolean isConstructed() { return true; } @Override protected int encodingBodyLength() { int allLen = 0; AbstractAsn1Type field; TaggingOption taggingOption; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { field = (AbstractAsn1Type) fields[i]; if (field != null) { if (fieldInfos[i].isTagged()) { taggingOption = fieldInfos[i].getTaggingOption(); allLen += field.taggedEncodingLength(taggingOption); } else { allLen += field.encodingLength(); } } } return allLen; } @Override protected void encodeBody(ByteBuffer buffer) { Asn1Type field; TaggingOption taggingOption; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) { field = fields[i]; if (field != null) { if (fieldInfos[i].isTagged()) { taggingOption = fieldInfos[i].getTaggingOption(); field.taggedEncode(buffer, taggingOption); } else { field.encode(buffer); } } } } @Override protected void decodeBody(LimitedByteBuffer content) throws IOException { initFields(); Asn1Collection coll = createCollection(); coll.decode(tagFlags(), tagNo(), content); int lastPos = -1, foundPos = -1; for (Asn1Item item : coll.getValue()) { foundPos = -1; for (int i = lastPos + 1; i < fieldInfos.length; ++i) { if (item.isContextSpecific()) { if(fieldInfos[i].getTagNo() == item.tagNo()) { foundPos = i; break; } } else if (fields[i].tagFlags() == item.tagFlags() && fields[i].tagNo() == item.tagNo()) { foundPos = i; break; } } if (foundPos == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected item with (tagFlags, tagNo): (" + item.tagFlags() + ", " + item.tagNo() + ")"); } if (! item.isFullyDecoded()) { AbstractAsn1Type fieldValue = (AbstractAsn1Type) fields[foundPos]; if (item.isContextSpecific()) { item.decodeValueWith(fieldValue, fieldInfos[foundPos].getTaggingOption()); } else { item.decodeValueWith(fieldValue); } } fields[foundPos] = item.getValue(); lastPos = foundPos; } } private void initFields() { for (int i = 0; i < fieldInfos.length; ++i) { try { fields[i] = fieldInfos[i].getType().newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad field info specified at index of " + i, e); } } } protected abstract Asn1Collection createCollection(); protected <T extends Asn1Type> T getFieldAs(int index, Class<T> t) { Asn1Type value = fields[index]; if (value == null) return null; return (T) value; } protected void setFieldAs(int index, Asn1Type value) { fields[index] = value; } protected String getFieldAsString(int index) { Asn1Type value = fields[index]; if (value == null) return null; if (value instanceof Asn1String) { return ((Asn1String) value).getValue(); } throw new RuntimeException("The targeted field type isn't of string"); } protected byte[] getFieldAsOctets(int index) { Asn1OctetString value = getFieldAs(index, Asn1OctetString.class); if (value != null) return value.getValue(); return null; } protected void setFieldAsOctets(int index, byte[] bytes) { Asn1OctetString value = new Asn1OctetString(bytes); setFieldAs(index, value); } protected Integer getFieldAsInteger(int index) { Asn1Integer value = getFieldAs(index, Asn1Integer.class); if (value != null) { return value.getValue(); } return null; } protected void setFieldAsInt(int index, int value) { setFieldAs(index, new Asn1Integer(value)); } protected Asn1Type getFieldAsAny(int index) { Asn1Any any = getFieldAs(index, Asn1Any.class); if (any != null) { return any.getValue(); } return null; } protected void setFieldAsAny(int index, Asn1Type value) { if (value != null) { setFieldAs(index, new Asn1Any(value)); } } }