package; import org.apache.haox.asn1.type.Asn1FieldInfo; import org.apache.haox.asn1.type.Asn1Integer; import org.apache.haox.asn1.type.Asn1OctetString; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.KerberosTime; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.KrbSequenceType; /** PKAuthenticator ::= SEQUENCE { cusec [0] INTEGER (0..999999), ctime [1] KerberosTime, -- cusec and ctime are used as in [RFC4120], for -- replay prevention. nonce [2] INTEGER (0..4294967295), -- Chosen randomly; this nonce does not need to -- match with the nonce in the KDC-REQ-BODY. paChecksum [3] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, -- MUST be present. -- Contains the SHA1 checksum, performed over -- KDC-REQ-BODY. } */ public class PkAuthenticator extends KrbSequenceType { private static int CUSEC = 0; private static int CTIME = 1; private static int NONCE = 2; private static int PA_CHECKSUM = 3; static Asn1FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = new Asn1FieldInfo[] { new Asn1FieldInfo(CUSEC, Asn1Integer.class), new Asn1FieldInfo(CTIME, KerberosTime.class), new Asn1FieldInfo(NONCE, Asn1Integer.class), new Asn1FieldInfo(PA_CHECKSUM, Asn1OctetString.class) }; public PkAuthenticator() { super(fieldInfos); } public int getCusec() { return getFieldAsInt(CUSEC); } public void setCusec(int cusec) { setFieldAsInt(CUSEC, cusec); } public KerberosTime getCtime() { return getFieldAsTime(CTIME); } public void setCtime(KerberosTime ctime) { setFieldAs(CTIME, ctime); } public int getNonce() { return getFieldAsInt(NONCE); } public void setNonce(int nonce) { setFieldAsInt(NONCE, nonce); } public byte[] getPaChecksum() { return getFieldAsOctets(PA_CHECKSUM); } public void setPaChecksum(byte[] paChecksum) { setFieldAsOctets(PA_CHECKSUM, paChecksum); } }