package; import org.apache.haox.asn1.type.Asn1FieldInfo; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.KrbSequenceType; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.common.CheckSum; import org.apache.kerberos.kerb.spec.common.EncryptedData; import; /** KrbFastFinished ::= SEQUENCE { timestamp [0] KerberosTime, usec [1] Microseconds, -- timestamp and usec represent the time on the KDC when -- the reply was generated. crealm [2] Realm, cname [3] PrincipalName, -- Contains the client realm and the client name. ticket-checksum [4] Checksum, -- checksum of the ticket in the KDC-REP using the armor -- and the key usage is KEY_USAGE_FAST_FINISH. -- The checksum type is the required checksum type -- of the armor key. } */ public class KrbFastFinished extends KrbSequenceType { private static int FAST_OPTIONS = 0; private static int PADATA = 1; private static int REQ_BODY = 2; static Asn1FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = new Asn1FieldInfo[] { new Asn1FieldInfo(FAST_OPTIONS, KrbFastArmor.class), new Asn1FieldInfo(PADATA, PaData.class), new Asn1FieldInfo(REQ_BODY, EncryptedData.class), }; public KrbFastFinished() { super(fieldInfos); } public KrbFastArmor getArmor() { return getFieldAs(FAST_OPTIONS, KrbFastArmor.class); } public void setArmor(KrbFastArmor armor) { setFieldAs(FAST_OPTIONS, armor); } public CheckSum getReqChecksum() { return getFieldAs(PADATA, CheckSum.class); } public void setReqChecksum(CheckSum checkSum) { setFieldAs(PADATA, checkSum); } public EncryptedData getEncFastReq() { return getFieldAs(REQ_BODY, EncryptedData.class); } public void setEncFastReq(EncryptedData encFastReq) { setFieldAs(REQ_BODY, encFastReq); } }