package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import propra2012.gruppe33.bomberman.GameConstants; import propra2012.gruppe33.bomberman.GameRoutines; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.resources.Resource; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.resources.assets.AssetLoader; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.resources.assets.AssetManager; /** * This class loads the map for the Game and generates randomly destructible * blocks on it. Is able to throw IOExceptions. * * @author Malte Schmidt */ public final class GridLoader implements GameConstants { public static List<Point> find(char[][] map, char sign) { if (map == null) { throw new NullPointerException("map"); } // Calc the dim int rx = map[0].length, ry = map.length; // Create new array list List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(); for (int y = 0; y < ry; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < rx; x++) { if (map[y][x] == sign) { points.add(new Point(x, y)); } } } return points; } /** * Parses the given char array to setup the scene. * * @param map * The map. * @param scene * The scene. * @param broadcastTime * The time of broadcasting the positions. * @param seed * The item generation seed. * @return a graphics entity which contains the parsed map. * @throws Exception * If an exception occurs. */ public static GraphicsEntity parse(char[][] map, Scene scene, float w, float h, float broadcastTime, long seed, int minPlayers, float defBombChance, float nukeBombChance, float fastBombChance, float paliChance, float shieldPotionChance, float slowShroomChance, float fastShroomChance) throws Exception { if (map == null) { throw new NullPointerException("map"); } else if (scene == null) { throw new NullPointerException("scene"); } /* * Clamp all items chances. */ defBombChance = MathExt.clamp(defBombChance, 0, 1); nukeBombChance = MathExt.clamp(nukeBombChance, 0, 1); fastBombChance = MathExt.clamp(fastBombChance, 0, 1); paliChance = MathExt.clamp(paliChance, 0, 1); shieldPotionChance = MathExt.clamp(shieldPotionChance, 0, 1); slowShroomChance = MathExt.clamp(slowShroomChance, 0, 1); fastShroomChance = MathExt.clamp(fastShroomChance, 0, 1); // Check the values if (defBombChance + nukeBombChance + fastBombChance + paliChance + shieldPotionChance + slowShroomChance + fastShroomChance > 1f + MathExt.kEpsilon) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The sum of all items chances " + "is > 1. Please choose appropriate values."); } // Calc the dim int rx = map[0].length, ry = map.length; // Create a new grid entity GraphicsEntity gridEntity = GameRoutines.createGridEntity(rx, ry); // Add shift gridEntity.position().x += 0.5f; gridEntity.position().y += 0.5f; // Lookup the grid Grid grid = gridEntity.typeProp(Grid.class); // Create a new grid holder GraphicsEntity gridHolder = new GraphicsEntity(); // Set correct scale gridHolder.scale(new Vector2f(w, h).scale(grid.sizeAsVector() .invertLocal())); // Attach grid to holder gridHolder.attach(gridEntity); // Create new broadcaster DeltaPositionBroadcaster broadcaster = new DeltaPositionBroadcaster( broadcastTime, minPlayers); // Attach the broadcaster scene.attach(broadcaster); // Add broadcaster scene.addTypeProp(broadcaster); /* * The breakable image. */ Resource<? extends Image> breakable = scene.imageProp(BREAKABLE_IMAGE); /* * The solid image. */ Resource<? extends Image> solidImage = scene.imageProp(SOLID_IMAGE); /* * The ground image. */ Resource<? extends Image> groundImage = scene.imageProp(GROUND_IMAGE); /* * Load all components! */ Resource<? extends Image> wallUP = scene.imageProp(WALL_U_IMAGE); Resource<? extends Image> wallDOWN = scene.imageProp(WALL_D_IMAGE); Resource<? extends Image> wallLEFT = scene.imageProp(WALL_L_IMAGE); Resource<? extends Image> wallRIGHT = scene.imageProp(WALL_R_IMAGE); Resource<? extends Image> ulc = scene.imageProp(CORNER_LU_IMAGE); Resource<? extends Image> urc = scene.imageProp(CORNER_RU_IMAGE); Resource<? extends Image> dlc = scene.imageProp(CORNER_LD_IMAGE); Resource<? extends Image> drc = scene.imageProp(CORNER_RD_IMAGE); // The ground GraphicsEntity ground = new GraphicsEntity(); // The barriers GraphicsEntity solids = new GraphicsEntity(); // The list which contains all breakable nodes List<GraphicsEntity> breakableNodes = new LinkedList<GraphicsEntity>(); for (int y = 0; y < ry; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < rx; x++) { /* * PARSE FIELD! */ // Create and add tile RenderedImage tile = new RenderedImage(groundImage); tile.centered(false).position().set(x, y); ground.attach(tile); // Tmp barrier RenderedImage solid = null; // Switch switch (map[y][x]) { case DOWN_BARRIER: solid = new RenderedImage(wallDOWN); break; case UP_BARRIER: solid = new RenderedImage(wallUP); break; case RIGHT_BARRIER: solid = new RenderedImage(wallRIGHT); break; case LEFT_BARRIER: solid = new RenderedImage(wallLEFT); break; case DOWN_LEFT_CORNER: solid = new RenderedImage(dlc); break; case DOWN_RIGHT_CORNER: solid = new RenderedImage(drc); break; case UP_LEFT_CORNER: solid = new RenderedImage(ulc); break; case UP_RIGHT_CORNER: solid = new RenderedImage(urc); break; case SOLID: solid = new RenderedImage(solidImage); break; } // Add barrier if valid if (solid != null) { solid.position().set(x, y); solid.centered(false).tag(SOLID_TAG); solids.attach(solid); // Fill with solid gridEntity.typeProp(int[][][].class)[y][x] = null; } else { // Get the field entity Entity fieldNode = gridEntity.childAt(grid.index(x, y)); // Add speed float prop fieldNode.addTypeProp(3f); if (map[y][x] >= BREAKABLE_OFFSET) { // Not solid ? Well, maybe a breakable component ? fieldNode.attach(new RenderedImage(breakable).centered( true).tag(BREAKABLE_TAG)); // Add the breakable node! breakableNodes.add((GraphicsEntity) fieldNode); } } } } // Create new field chooser using the seed Random fieldChooser = new Random(seed); // Truncate everything int defBombs = (int) (breakableNodes.size() * defBombChance); int nukeBombs = (int) (breakableNodes.size() * nukeBombChance); int fastBombs = (int) (breakableNodes.size() * fastBombChance); int palis = (int) (breakableNodes.size() * paliChance); int shieldPotions = (int) (breakableNodes.size() * shieldPotionChance); int slowShrooms = (int) (breakableNodes.size() * slowShroomChance); int fastShrooms = (int) (breakableNodes.size() * fastShroomChance); /* * The def bombs. */ for (int i = 0; i < defBombs; i++) { // Create new default bomb item GameRoutines.createItem(breakableNodes.remove(fieldChooser .nextInt(breakableNodes.size())), CollectableItem.DefaultBomb, 1); } /* * The nuke bombs. */ for (int i = 0; i < nukeBombs; i++) { // Create new nuke bomb item GameRoutines.createItem(breakableNodes.remove(fieldChooser .nextInt(breakableNodes.size())), CollectableItem.NukeBomb, 1); } /* * The time bombs. */ for (int i = 0; i < fastBombs; i++) { // Create new time bomb item GameRoutines.createItem(breakableNodes.remove(fieldChooser .nextInt(breakableNodes.size())), CollectableItem.FastBomb, 1); } /* * The shield potions. */ for (int i = 0; i < shieldPotions; i++) { // Create new shield item GameRoutines.createItem(breakableNodes.remove(fieldChooser .nextInt(breakableNodes.size())), CollectableItem.ShieldPotion, 1); } /* * The palisade item. */ for (int i = 0; i < palis; i++) { // Create new palisade item GameRoutines.createItem(breakableNodes.remove(fieldChooser .nextInt(breakableNodes.size())), CollectableItem.Palisade, 1); } /* * The s-shroom item. */ for (int i = 0; i < slowShrooms; i++) { // Create new shroom item GameRoutines .createItem(breakableNodes.remove(fieldChooser .nextInt(breakableNodes.size())), CollectableItem.Speed, -1); } /* * The f-shroom item. */ for (int i = 0; i < fastShrooms; i++) { // Create new shroom item GameRoutines.createItem(breakableNodes.remove(fieldChooser .nextInt(breakableNodes.size())), CollectableItem.Speed, 1); } // Create a static root GraphicsEntity staticRoot = new GraphicsEntity(); staticRoot.attach(ground); staticRoot.attach(solids); staticRoot.scale().set(gridHolder.scale()); // Merge to rendered entity scene.attach(scene.renderedOpaqueEntity(Color.white, staticRoot).index( BACKGROUND_INDEX)); // Attach the grid holder scene.attach(gridHolder); return gridEntity; } /* * The grid loader. */ public static final AssetLoader<char[][]> LOADER = new AssetLoader<char[][]>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public char[][] loadAsset(AssetManager assetManager, String assetPath) throws Exception { return GridLoader.load(; } }; /** * Berechnet die Map aus der Textdatei und gibt ein Array mit dem Inhalt der * Map zurueck. Wirft IOException, wenn die Karte nicht geladen werden kann, * z.B. wenn die File nicht geladen werden kann. * * @param input * the stream which loads the map * @return a 2D char array with the loaded map. * @throws IOException * If the map is empty or not compatible (g.E. if the length of * the strings differs from each other) */ public static char[][] load(InputStream input) throws IOException { if (input == null) { throw new NullPointerException("input"); } // Eine Zeile der Karte. String line; // Die map char[][] map; // Liste in der Zwischengespeichert wird List<String> cache = new LinkedList<String>(); // Laden des files BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(input)); try { // Lies Zeile fuer Zeile while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { cache.add(line); } // Nichts zu lesen if (cache.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Empty grid"); } } finally { // Schliesse den Stream br.close(); } // Neues array erstellen map = new char[cache.size()][]; // Alles in das char array kopieren int i = 0, len = -1; for (String row : cache) { if (len == -1) { len = row.length(); } else if (len != row.length()) { throw new IOException("Zeilen nicht alle gleich lang!"); } map[i++] = row.toCharArray(); } return map; } // Muss nicht erstellbar sein. private GridLoader() { } /** * Generates random destructible blocks through a seed. Gets the map as a 2D * char array and the seed to create the map. * * @param map * the array/map * @param seed * the needed seed to create the destructible blocks * @return the map with the changed values for destructible blocks */ public static char[][] generate(char[][] map, long seed) { // int blockcount = Math.round((map.length * map[0].length) * 0.8f); Random ran = new Random(seed); for (int y = 1; y < map.length - 1; y++) { for (int x = 1; x < map[0].length - 1; x++) { if (!nextTo(map, x, y, SPAWN) && map[y][x] != SOLID && map[y][x] != SPAWN) { if (ran.nextInt(10 - nextToCount(map, x, y)) > 2) { map[y][x] += BREAKABLE_OFFSET; } } } } return map; } /** * Get's one field of an array and controls whether their is a field of the * expected type next to it. * * @param map * the array * @param x * x coordinate of the field * @param y * y coordinate of the field * @param typ * the expected type * @return true, for their is a block next to it and false, for their is no * block of teh expected typ */ private static boolean nextTo(char[][] map, int x, int y, char typ) { if (map[y - 1][x] == typ) { return true; } else if (map[y][x + 1] == typ) { return true; } else if (map[y + 1][x] == typ) { return true; } else if (map[y][x - 1] == typ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get's one field of an array and counts the number of destructible blocks * around it. * * @param map * the array * @param x * x coordinate of the field * @param y * y coordinate of the field * @return the number of destructible blocks around the field. */ private static int nextToCount(char[][] map, int x, int y) { int count = 0; if (map[y - 1][x] >= BREAKABLE_OFFSET) { count++; } if (map[y][x + 1] >= BREAKABLE_OFFSET) { count++; } if (map[y + 1][x] >= BREAKABLE_OFFSET) { count++; } if (map[y][x - 1] >= BREAKABLE_OFFSET) { count++; } return count; } }