package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.util.iteration.ArrayIterator; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.util.iteration.Filter; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.util.iteration.FilteredIterator; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.util.iteration.IterationRoutines; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.util.iteration.SerializableIterable; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.util.task.Task; import com.indyforge.twod.engine.util.task.TaskQueue; /** * * An entity is basically a node of a tree. Each entity (node) can have multiple * children which are sorted by their indeces. This ensures modifiable event * ordering. The entity-tree-concept is the key feature for processing * hierarchically ordered data. * * @author Christopher Probst * @see EntityFilter */ public class Entity implements Comparable<Entity>, Iterable<Entity>, Serializable { /** * Used for tags. */ public static final Object TAG_VALUE = Void.TYPE; /** * * The default entity events. * * @author Christopher Probst * */ public enum EntityEvent { Attached, Detached, Update } /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Fires the event for the given entity. * * @param entity * The entity which will receive the event. * * @param source * The entity which fired the event or null. * @param event * The event. * @param params * The parameters. */ public static void fireEvent(Entity entity, Entity source, Object event, Object... params) { if (entity != null && (source == null || { // Just call the method entity.onEvent(source, event, params); } } /** * Fires the given event for all entities. * * @param entityIterator * The entity iterator. * @param source * The entity which fired the event or null. * @param event * The event. * @param params * The parameters. */ public static void fireEvent(Iterator<? extends Entity> entityIterator, Entity source, Object event, Object... params) { if (entityIterator != null && (source == null || { // Post event to all entities while (entityIterator.hasNext()) { // Just call the method, event, params); } } } /* * The name of this entity. */ private String name = super.toString(); /* * The uuid of this entity which is the registration key. Used to identify * entities on multiple platforms. */ private UUID registrationKey = UUID.randomUUID(); /* * The ordering index of this entity. */ private int index = 0, /* * The index in the parent cache. This value will be set by the parent if * the cache changes. */ cacheIndex = 0; /* * The parent entity which ones this entity. */ private Entity parent = null; /* * The map which contains all children. The children are stored in sets * which are mapped to their indeces. */ private final NavigableMap<Integer, Set<Entity>> children = new TreeMap<Integer, Set<Entity>>(); /* * This map is used to map the uuids of all (sub-) children. The concept of * a registry is very important to identify single entities in a probably * complex hierarchy. */ private final Map<UUID, Entity> registry = new HashMap<UUID, Entity>(), readOnlyRegistry = Collections.unmodifiableMap(registry); /* * Used to create event iterators. */ private final Map<Object, Iterable<? extends Entity>> events = new HashMap<Object, Iterable<? extends Entity>>(); /* * The properties of this entity. */ private final Map<Object, Object> props = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); /* * Each entity can execute taskQueue before processing the update event. */ private final TaskQueue taskQueue = new TaskQueue(new LinkedList<Task>()); /* * Used to cache children iterations. */ private List<Entity> cachedChildren = null; /** * Removes the given set if it is empty. * * @param order * The order of the given set. * @param entities * The entity set. */ private void removeSetIfEmpty(int order, Set<Entity> entities) { if (entities != null && entities.isEmpty()) { // Try to remove the set from the map Set<Entity> removedEntities = children.remove(order); // If it is not the same set readd it (should never happen...) if (removedEntities != entities) { // Put again into map children.put(order, removedEntities); // Throw an exception throw new IllegalArgumentException("You tried to remove " + "a set which does not represent the set which " + "is mapped to the given order"); } } } /** * Returns the lazy entity set of the given order. If there is no set yet a * new one will be created. * * @param order * The order. * @return a valid set. */ private Set<Entity> lazyEntities(int order) { // Try to get the entities Set<Entity> entities = children.get(order); // Lazy creation if (entities == null) { /* * Always use linked-hash-set for better iteration performance and * correct ordering. */ children.put(order, entities = new LinkedHashSet<Entity>()); } return entities; } /** * Clears the cached children. */ private void clearCachedChildren() { cachedChildren = null; } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when an event is fired. * * @param source * The entity which fired the event or null. * @param event * The event. * @param params * The parameters. */ protected void onEvent(Entity source, Object event, Object... params) { /* * Process the default events. */ if (event instanceof EntityEvent) { switch ((EntityEvent) event) { case Attached: // Convert Entity parentPtr = (Entity) params[0], childPtr = (Entity) params[1]; // Invoke default event onEntityAttached(parentPtr, childPtr); // Evaluate the other events... if (this == parentPtr) { onChildAttached(parentPtr, childPtr); } else if (this == childPtr) { onAttached(parentPtr, childPtr); } else if (parent == childPtr) { onParentAttached(parentPtr, childPtr); } break; case Detached: // Convert parentPtr = (Entity) params[0]; childPtr = (Entity) params[1]; // Invoke default event onEntityDetached(parentPtr, childPtr); // Evaluate the other events... if (this == parentPtr) { onChildDetached(parentPtr, childPtr); } else if (this == childPtr) { onDetached(parentPtr, childPtr); } else if (parent == childPtr) { onParentDetached(parentPtr, childPtr); } break; case Update: // The tpf float tpf = (Float) params[0]; // Execute all tasks of this entity taskQueue.update(tpf); // Invoke callback method onUpdate(tpf); } } } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when an entity was attached to an entity. * * @param parent * The parent which attached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been attached. */ protected void onEntityAttached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when this entity was attached to an entity. * * @param parent * The parent which attached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been attached. */ protected void onAttached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when a child is attached to this entity. * * @param parent * The parent which attached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been attached. */ protected void onChildAttached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when the parent of this entity was attached to an * entity. * * @param parent * The parent which attached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been attached. */ protected void onParentAttached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when an entity was detached from an entity. * * @param parent * The parent which detached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been detached. */ protected void onEntityDetached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when this entity was detached from an entity. * * @param parent * The parent which detached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been detached. */ protected void onDetached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when a child is detached from this entity. * * @param parent * The parent which detached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been detached. */ protected void onChildDetached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM BEHAVIOUR. * * This method is called when the parent of this entity was detached from an * entity. * * @param parent * The parent which detached the given child. * @param child * The child which has been detached. */ protected void onParentDetached(Entity parent, Entity child) { } /** * OVERRIDE FOR CUSTOM UPDATE BEHAVIOUR. * * This method gets called every frame to update the state of this entity. * * @param tpf * The time per frame in seconds. Used to interpolate * time-sensitive data. */ protected void onUpdate(float tpf) { } public Entity() { // Register the default entity events events().put(EntityEvent.Attached, iterableChildren(true, true)); events().put(EntityEvent.Detached, iterableChildren(true, true)); events().put(EntityEvent.Update, iterableChildren(true, true)); /* * Very important! Put this entity into the own map! */ registry.put(registrationKey, this); } /** * @return the task queue. */ public TaskQueue taskQueue() { return taskQueue; } /** * @return the uuid of this entity which is the registration key. */ public UUID registrationKey() { return registrationKey; } /** * Sets the registration key of this entity. The new key will be checked to * be valid (not already in use). * * @param registrationKey * The new registration key. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity registrationKey(UUID registrationKey) { if (registrationKey == null) { throw new NullPointerException("registrationKey"); } // Find root entity Entity root = root(); // Lookup Entity ptr = root.registry.get(registrationKey); // Check the entity if (ptr != null) { /* * The registration key already exists but is owned by an other * entity. */ if (ptr != this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Registration key " + registrationKey + " is already in use by " + ptr); } } else { // Remove old registration root.registry.remove(this.registrationKey); // Put into registry and save the key root.registry.put(this.registrationKey = registrationKey, this); } return this; } /** * @return the registry of the root entity. */ public Map<UUID, Entity> registry() { return root().readOnlyRegistry; } /** * @return the name. */ public String name() { return name; } /** * Sets the name of this entity. * * @param name * The new name. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity name(String name) { if (name == null) { throw new NullPointerException("name"); } = name; return this; } /** * @return true if this entity has children, otherwise false. */ public boolean hasChildren() { return !children.isEmpty(); } /** * @return true if this entity has a parent, otherwise false. */ public boolean hasParent() { return parent != null; } /** * @param cacheIndex * The cache index. * @return the child which is stored at the given cache index. */ public Entity childAt(int cacheIndex) { return children().get(cacheIndex); } /** * @return a snapshot of all children sorted by their indeces as * unmodifiable list. */ public List<Entity> children() { // Do we already have created the cache? if (cachedChildren == null) { // Create a new list cachedChildren = new ArrayList<Entity>(); // Used to give the children cache indeces int counter = 0; // Copy all entities to the list for (Set<Entity> entities : children.values()) { for (Entity entity : entities) { // The cache index cachedChildren.add(entity); // Set the cache index entity.cacheIndex = counter++; } } // Make unmodifiable cachedChildren = Collections.unmodifiableList(cachedChildren); } return cachedChildren; } /** * @return the parent or null. */ public Entity parent() { return parent; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Iterable#iterator() */ @Override public Iterator<Entity> iterator() { return new ChildIterator(this, false); } /** * {@link SiblingIterator#SiblingIterator(Entity)} */ public Iterator<Entity> siblingIterator() { return new SiblingIterator(this); } /** * {@link SiblingIterator#SiblingIterator(Entity, boolean)} */ public Iterator<Entity> siblingIterator(boolean includeParent) { return new SiblingIterator(this, includeParent); } /** * * {@link ChildIterator#ChildIterator(Entity)} * <p> * OR * <p> * {@link RecursiveChildIterator#RecursiveChildIterator(Entity)} */ public Iterator<Entity> childIterator(boolean recursive) { return recursive ? new RecursiveChildIterator(this) : new ChildIterator(this); } /** * * {@link ChildIterator#ChildIterator(Entity, boolean)} * <p> * OR * <p> * {@link RecursiveChildIterator#RecursiveChildIterator(Entity, boolean)} */ public Iterator<Entity> childIterator(boolean includeThis, boolean recursive) { return recursive ? new RecursiveChildIterator(this, includeThis) : new ChildIterator(this, includeThis); } /** * Wrapps {@link Entity#childIterator(boolean, boolean)}. * * @return iterable children. */ public SerializableIterable<Entity> iterableChildren( final boolean includeThis, final boolean recursive) { return new SerializableIterable<Entity>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Iterable#iterator() */ @Override public Iterator<Entity> iterator() { return childIterator(includeThis, recursive); } }; } /** * {@link ParentIterator#ParentIterator(Entity)} */ public Iterator<Entity> parentIterator() { return new ParentIterator(this); } /** * {@link ParentIterator#ParentIterator(Entity, boolean)} */ public Iterator<Entity> parentIterator(boolean includeThis) { return new ParentIterator(this, includeThis); } /** * @return true if this entity has no parent, otherwise false. */ public boolean isRoot() { return parent == null; } /** * @return the ordering index of this entity. */ public int index() { return index; } /** * @return true if and only if the cache index is completely valid. */ public boolean isCacheIndexValid() { return parent != null && parent.cachedChildren != null && cacheIndex < parent.cachedChildren.size() ? parent.cachedChildren .get(cacheIndex) == this : false; } /** * @return the cache index of this entity. */ public int cacheIndex() { return cacheIndex; } /** * Sets the ordering index of this entity. If this entity is already * attached the parent will sort its children again. * * @param index * The new index. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity index(int index) { // A new index ?? if (index != this.index) { // Save the old index int oldIndex = this.index; // Is there already a parent ? if (parent != null) { // Lookup Set<Entity> entities = parent.children.get(oldIndex); // If the set exist if (entities != null) { // Remove this entity if (!entities.remove(this)) { throw new IllegalStateException("This entity could " + "not be removed from the old parent set. " + "Please check your code."); } else if (!parent.lazyEntities(index).add(this)) { throw new IllegalStateException("This entity could " + "not be added to the new parent set. " + "Please check your code."); } else { // Clear the client cache! parent.clearCachedChildren(); } // Clean up parent.removeSetIfEmpty(oldIndex, entities); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The parent set of this " + "entity is null. Please check your code."); } } // Save this.index = index; } return this; } /** * @return the root entity (an entity which has no parent) of this entity or * this entity if this entity has no parent (which means that this * entity is a root entity). */ public Entity root() { return findParent(RootFilter.INSTANCE, true); } /** * @see IterationRoutines#next(Iterator) * @see Entity#findParents(EntityFilter, boolean) */ public Entity findParent(Filter<? super Entity> entityFilter, boolean includeThis) { return, includeThis)); } /** * Returns a filtered parent iterator. * * @param entityFilter * The entity filter. * @param includeThis * If true, this entity will be part of the iteration, too. * @return an iterator. */ public Iterator<Entity> findParents(Filter<? super Entity> entityFilter, boolean includeThis) { return new FilteredIterator<Entity>(entityFilter, parentIterator(includeThis)); } /** * @see IterationRoutines#next(Iterator) * @see Entity#findChildren(EntityFilter, boolean, boolean) */ public Entity findChild(Filter<? super Entity> entityFilter, boolean includeThis, boolean recursive) { return, includeThis, recursive)); } /** * Returns a filtered children iterator. * * @param entityFilter * The entity filter. * @param includeThis * If true, this entity will be part of the iteration, too. * @param recursive * If true, the sub-children will be part of the iteration, too. * @return an iterator. */ public Iterator<Entity> findChildren(Filter<? super Entity> entityFilter, boolean includeThis, boolean recursive) { return new FilteredIterator<Entity>(entityFilter, childIterator( includeThis, recursive)); } /** * @see IterationRoutines#next(Iterator) * @see Entity#findSiblings(EntityFilter, boolean) */ public Entity findSibling(Filter<? super Entity> entityFilter, boolean includeParent) { return IterationRoutines .next(findSiblings(entityFilter, includeParent)); } /** * Returns a filtered sibling iterator. * * @param entityFilter * The entity filter. * @param includeParent * If true, the parent of the siblings will be part of the * iteration, too. * @return an iterator. */ public Iterator<Entity> findSiblings(Filter<? super Entity> entityFilter, boolean includeParent) { return new FilteredIterator<Entity>(entityFilter, siblingIterator(includeParent)); } /** * @return the event-to-iterable map. An entity must declare the event types * here first to be able to fire them. */ public Map<Object, Iterable<? extends Entity>> events() { return events; } /** * @param event * The event you want to fire. * @return a new iterator for the given event or null. */ public Iterator<? extends Entity> eventIterator(Object event) { Iterable<? extends Entity> iterableEntities = events.get(event); return iterableEntities != null ? iterableEntities.iterator() : null; } /** * Fires the given event for all entities using this entity as source. * * @param event * The event. * @param params * The parameters. */ public void fireEvent(Object event, Object... params) { fireEvent(null, event, params); } /** * Fires the given event for all entities using this entity as source. * * @param entityFilter * The entity event filter or null. * @param event * The event. * @param params * The parameters. */ public void fireEvent(EntityFilter entityFilter, Object event, Object... params) { fireEvent(entityFilter != null ? new FilteredIterator<Entity>( entityFilter, eventIterator(event)) : eventIterator(event), this, event, params); } /** * Attaches all children in the array to this entity. If these entities have * already parents they are detached automatically and will be attached * afterwards. * * @param children * The entities you want to attach as children. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity attach(Entity... children) { return attach((Iterator<Entity>) new ArrayIterator<Entity>(children)); } /** * Attaches all children given by the iterable interface to this entity. If * these entities have already parents they are detached automatically and * will be attached afterwards. * * @param children * The entities you want to attach as children. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity attach(Iterable<Entity> children) { if (children == null) { throw new NullPointerException("children"); } attach(children.iterator()); return this; } /** * Attaches all children given by the iterator to this entity. If these * entities have already parents they are detached automatically and will be * attached afterwards. * * @param children * The entities you want to attach as children. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity attach(Iterator<Entity> children) { if (children == null) { throw new NullPointerException("children"); } // Iterate over the given children while (children.hasNext()) { // Attach the next child attach(; } return this; } /** * Attaches a child to this entity. If this entity has already a parent it * is detached automatically and will be attached afterwards. * * @param child * The entity you want to attach as child. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity attach(Entity child) { if (child == null) { throw new NullPointerException("child"); } else if (child == this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot attach an entity " + "to it self"); } else if (child.parent != null) { // If this entity is already the parent... if (child.parent == this) { return this; } else if (!child.detach()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to detach child"); } } // Lookup entity set Set<Entity> entities = lazyEntities(child.index()); if (entities.add(child)) { // Lookup root Entity root = root(); /* * Very important! When we attach a child we have to copy its * registry to OUR root entity. */ root.registry.putAll(child.registry); // Clear the registry of the child child.registry.clear(); // Set parent child.parent = this; // Cache is invalid now clearCachedChildren(); // Fire the attached event for this entity fireEvent(EntityEvent.Attached, this, child); // Fire the attached event for the child child.fireEvent(EntityEvent.Attached, this, child); return this; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("This entity could not add the " + "given child to its set. Please check your code."); } } /** * @param typeClass * The type of the property. * @return the property with the given type. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T typeProp(Class<T> typeClass) { if (typeClass == null) { throw new NullPointerException("typeClass"); } return (T) props.get(typeClass); } /** * Puts the given property. The class of the property is used as key. * * @param value * The value you want to put. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity addTypeProp(Object value) { if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException("value"); } props.put(value.getClass(), value); return this; } /** * Removes the given property type. * * @param typeClass * The type of the property. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity removeTypeProp(Class<?> typeClass) { if (typeClass == null) { throw new NullPointerException("typeClass"); } props.remove(typeClass); return this; } /** * Puts the given property. If the key already exists the old value will be * replaced. * * @param key * The prop key. * @param value * The prop value. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity addProp(Object key, Object value) { props.put(key, value); return this; } /** * Removes the given property. * * @param key * The prop key. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity removeProp(Object key) { props.remove(key); return this; } /** * @param key * The key of the value you want to lookup. * @return the value of the given key or null. */ public Object prop(Object key) { return props.get(key); } /** * @param key * The key of the value you want to lookup. * @param propType * The type of the property. * @return the (converted) value of the given key or null. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T prop(Object key, Class<T> propType) { return (T) prop(key); } /** * @return the properties of this entity. */ public Map<Object, Object> props() { return props; } /** * Puts the given tag. If the key (tag) already exists the old value will be * replaced. * * @param tag * The tag. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity tag(Object tag) { return addProp(tag, TAG_VALUE); } /** * Removes the given tag. * * @param tag * The tag. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity untag(Object tag) { return removeProp(tag); } /** * Tells whether or not the given tag exists. * * @param tag * The tag you want to check. * @return true if the tag exists, otherwise false. */ public boolean tagged(Object tag) { return props.get(tag) == TAG_VALUE; } /** * Detaches all children from this entity. */ public boolean detachAll() { return detach(iterator()); } /** * Detaches all children in the array from this entity. * * @param children * The entities you want to detach from this entity. * @return true if all entities were children of this entity and are * detached successfully, otherwise false. */ public boolean detach(Entity... children) { return detach((Iterator<Entity>) new ArrayIterator<Entity>(children)); } /** * Detaches all children given by the iterable interface from this entity. * * @param children * The entities you want to detach from this entity. * @return true if all entities were children of this entity and are * detached successfully, otherwise false. */ public boolean detach(Iterable<Entity> children) { if (children == null) { throw new NullPointerException("children"); } return detach(children.iterator()); } /** * Detaches all children given by the iterator from this entity. * * @param children * The entities you want to detach from this entity. * @return true if all entities were children of this entity and are * detached successfully, otherwise false. */ public boolean detach(Iterator<Entity> children) { if (children == null) { throw new NullPointerException("children"); } boolean success = true; // Iterate over the given children while (children.hasNext()) { // Detach the next child if (!detach( { success = false; } } return success; } /** * Detaches this entity from its parent. * * @return true if there was a parent and this entity is detached * successfully, otherwise false. */ public boolean detach() { return parent != null ? parent.detach(this) : false; } /** * Detaches a entity from this entity. * * @param child * The entity you want to detach from this entity. * @return true if the entity was a child of this entity and is detached * successfully, otherwise false. */ public boolean detach(Entity child) { if (child == null) { throw new NullPointerException("child"); } else if (child == this) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot detach an entity " + "from it self"); } else if (child.parent != this) { return false; } // Lookup Set<Entity> entities = children.get(child.index()); // Check if (entities == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The entity set of the given " + "child order does not exist. Please check your code."); } else if (entities.remove(child)) { // Lookup root Entity root = root(); /* * Very important! When we detach a child we have to remove all * (sub-) children of this child from the root registry and copy * them to the child registry. */ for (Entity subChild : child.iterableChildren(true, true)) { root.registry.remove(subChild.registrationKey); child.registry.put(subChild.registrationKey, subChild); } // Clean up removeSetIfEmpty(child.index(), entities); // Clear parent child.parent = null; // Cache is invalid now clearCachedChildren(); // Fire the detached event for this entity fireEvent(EntityEvent.Detached, this, child); // Fire the detached event for the child child.fireEvent(EntityEvent.Detached, this, child); return true; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("This entity could not remove " + "the given child from its set. Please check your code."); } } /** * Updates this entity and all children. * * @param tpf * The passed time to update time-sensitive data. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity update(float tpf) { return update(null, tpf); } /** * Updates this entity and all children using the given filter. * * @param EntityFilter * The entity filter or null. * @param tpf * The passed time to update time-sensitive data. * @return this for chaining. */ public Entity update(EntityFilter entityFilter, float tpf) { // Fire event for all children fireEvent(entityFilter, EntityEvent.Update, tpf); return this; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public int compareTo(Entity o) { if (index > o.index) { return 1; } else if (index == o.index) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } @Override public String toString() { return "[Name = " + name + ", Index = " + index + ", Properties = " + props + "]"; } }