/* * Copyright 2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.api.tasks.diagnostics.internal; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.gradle.api.Project; import org.gradle.api.Rule; import org.gradle.initialization.BuildClientMetaData; import org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput; import org.gradle.util.CollectionUtils; import org.gradle.util.GUtil; import java.util.List; import static org.gradle.internal.logging.text.StyledTextOutput.Style.*; /** * <p>A {@code TaskReportRenderer} is responsible for rendering the model of a project task report.</p> */ public class TaskReportRenderer extends TextReportRenderer { private boolean currentProjectHasTasks; private boolean currentProjectHasRules; private boolean hasContent; private boolean detail; @Override public void startProject(Project project) { currentProjectHasTasks = false; currentProjectHasRules = false; hasContent = false; detail = false; super.startProject(project); } @Override protected String createHeader(Project project) { String header = super.createHeader(project); return "All tasks runnable from " + StringUtils.uncapitalize(header); } public void showDetail(boolean detail) { this.detail = detail; } /** * Writes the default task names for the current project. * * @param defaultTaskNames The default task names (must not be null) */ public void addDefaultTasks(List<String> defaultTaskNames) { if (defaultTaskNames.size() > 0) { getTextOutput().formatln("Default tasks: %s", CollectionUtils.join(", ", defaultTaskNames)); hasContent = true; } } public void startTaskGroup(String taskGroup) { if (!GUtil.isTrue(taskGroup)) { addSubheading("Tasks"); } else { addSubheading(StringUtils.capitalize(taskGroup) + " tasks"); } currentProjectHasTasks = true; } /** * Writes a task for the current project. * * @param task The task */ public void addTask(TaskDetails task) { writeTask(task, ""); } private void writeTask(TaskDetails task, String prefix) { getTextOutput().text(prefix); getTextOutput().withStyle(Identifier).text(task.getPath()); if (GUtil.isTrue(task.getDescription())) { getTextOutput().withStyle(Description).format(" - %s", task.getDescription()); } getTextOutput().println(); } private void addSubheading(String header) { if (hasContent) { getTextOutput().println(); } hasContent = true; getBuilder().subheading(header); } /** * Marks the end of the tasks for the current project. */ public void completeTasks() { if (!currentProjectHasTasks) { getTextOutput().withStyle(Info).println("No tasks"); hasContent = true; } } /** * Writes a rule for the current project. * * @param rule The rule */ public void addRule(Rule rule) { if (!currentProjectHasRules) { addSubheading("Rules"); } getTextOutput().println(GUtil.elvis(rule.getDescription(), "")); currentProjectHasRules = true; } @Override public void complete() { if (!detail) { StyledTextOutput output = getTextOutput(); BuildClientMetaData clientMetaData = getClientMetaData(); output.println(); output.text("To see all tasks and more detail, run "); clientMetaData.describeCommand(output.withStyle(UserInput), "tasks --all"); output.println(); output.println(); output.text("To see more detail about a task, run "); clientMetaData.describeCommand(output.withStyle(UserInput), "help --task <task>"); output.println(); } super.complete(); } }