/* * Copyright 2013 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.ivyservice.ivyresolve.strategy; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Matches version ranges: [1.0,2.0] matches all versions greater or equal to 1.0 and lower or equal * to 2.0 [1.0,2.0[ matches all versions greater or equal to 1.0 and lower than 2.0 ]1.0,2.0] * matches all versions greater than 1.0 and lower or equal to 2.0 ]1.0,2.0[ matches all versions * greater than 1.0 and lower than 2.0 [1.0,) matches all versions greater or equal to 1.0 ]1.0,) * matches all versions greater than 1.0 (,2.0] matches all versions lower or equal to 2.0 (,2.0[ * matches all versions lower than 2.0 This class uses a latest strategy to compare revisions. If * none is set, it uses the default one of the ivy instance set through setIvy(). If neither a * latest strategy nor a ivy instance is set, an IllegalStateException will be thrown when calling * accept(). Note that it can't work with latest time strategy, cause no time is known for the * limits of the range. Therefore only purely revision based LatestStrategy can be used. */ public class VersionRangeSelector extends AbstractVersionVersionSelector { private static final String OPEN_INC = "["; private static final String OPEN_EXC = "]"; private static final String OPEN_EXC_MAVEN = "("; private static final String CLOSE_INC = "]"; private static final String CLOSE_EXC = "["; private static final String CLOSE_EXC_MAVEN = ")"; private static final String LOWER_INFINITE = "("; private static final String UPPER_INFINITE = ")"; private static final String SEPARATOR = ","; // following patterns are built upon constants above and should not be modified private static final String OPEN_INC_PATTERN = "\\" + OPEN_INC; private static final String OPEN_EXC_PATTERN = "\\" + OPEN_EXC + "\\" + OPEN_EXC_MAVEN; private static final String CLOSE_INC_PATTERN = "\\" + CLOSE_INC; private static final String CLOSE_EXC_PATTERN = "\\" + CLOSE_EXC + "\\" + CLOSE_EXC_MAVEN; private static final String LI_PATTERN = "\\" + LOWER_INFINITE; private static final String UI_PATTERN = "\\" + UPPER_INFINITE; private static final String SEP_PATTERN = "\\s*\\" + SEPARATOR + "\\s*"; private static final String OPEN_PATTERN = "[" + OPEN_INC_PATTERN + OPEN_EXC_PATTERN + "]"; private static final String CLOSE_PATTERN = "[" + CLOSE_INC_PATTERN + CLOSE_EXC_PATTERN + "]"; private static final String ANY_NON_SPECIAL_PATTERN = "[^\\s" + SEPARATOR + OPEN_INC_PATTERN + OPEN_EXC_PATTERN + CLOSE_INC_PATTERN + CLOSE_EXC_PATTERN + LI_PATTERN + UI_PATTERN + "]"; private static final String FINITE_PATTERN = OPEN_PATTERN + "\\s*(" + ANY_NON_SPECIAL_PATTERN + "+)" + SEP_PATTERN + "(" + ANY_NON_SPECIAL_PATTERN + "+)\\s*" + CLOSE_PATTERN; private static final String LOWER_INFINITE_PATTERN = LI_PATTERN + SEP_PATTERN + "(" + ANY_NON_SPECIAL_PATTERN + "+)\\s*" + CLOSE_PATTERN; private static final String UPPER_INFINITE_PATTERN = OPEN_PATTERN + "\\s*(" + ANY_NON_SPECIAL_PATTERN + "+)" + SEP_PATTERN + UI_PATTERN; private static final String SINGLE_VALUE_PATTERN = OPEN_INC_PATTERN + "\\s*(" + ANY_NON_SPECIAL_PATTERN + "+)" + CLOSE_INC_PATTERN; private static final Pattern FINITE_RANGE = Pattern.compile(FINITE_PATTERN); private static final Pattern LOWER_INFINITE_RANGE = Pattern.compile(LOWER_INFINITE_PATTERN); private static final Pattern UPPER_INFINITE_RANGE = Pattern.compile(UPPER_INFINITE_PATTERN); private static final Pattern SINGLE_VALUE_RANGE = Pattern.compile(SINGLE_VALUE_PATTERN); public static final Pattern ALL_RANGE = Pattern.compile(FINITE_PATTERN + "|" + LOWER_INFINITE_PATTERN + "|" + UPPER_INFINITE_PATTERN + "|" + SINGLE_VALUE_RANGE); private final String upperBound; private final Version upperBoundVersion; private final boolean upperInclusive; private final String lowerBound; private final boolean lowerInclusive; private final Version lowerBoundVersion; private final Comparator<Version> comparator; public VersionRangeSelector(String selector, Comparator<Version> comparator) { super(selector); this.comparator = comparator; Matcher matcher; matcher = FINITE_RANGE.matcher(selector); if (matcher.matches()) { lowerBound = matcher.group(1); lowerInclusive = selector.startsWith(OPEN_INC); upperBound = matcher.group(2); upperInclusive = selector.endsWith(CLOSE_INC); } else { matcher = LOWER_INFINITE_RANGE.matcher(selector); if (matcher.matches()) { lowerBound = null; lowerInclusive = true; upperBound = matcher.group(1); upperInclusive = selector.endsWith(CLOSE_INC); } else { matcher = UPPER_INFINITE_RANGE.matcher(selector); if (matcher.matches()) { lowerBound = matcher.group(1); lowerInclusive = selector.startsWith(OPEN_INC); upperBound = null; upperInclusive = true; } else { matcher = SINGLE_VALUE_RANGE.matcher(selector); if (matcher.matches()) { lowerBound = matcher.group(1); lowerInclusive = true; upperBound = lowerBound; upperInclusive = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a version range selector: " + selector); } } } } lowerBoundVersion = lowerBound == null ? null : VersionParser.INSTANCE.transform(lowerBound); upperBoundVersion = upperBound == null ? null : VersionParser.INSTANCE.transform(upperBound); } public boolean isDynamic() { return true; } public boolean requiresMetadata() { return false; } public boolean matchesUniqueVersion() { return false; } public boolean accept(Version candidate) { if (lowerBound != null && !isHigher(candidate, lowerBoundVersion, lowerInclusive)) { return false; } if (upperBound != null && !isLower(candidate, upperBoundVersion, upperInclusive)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Tells if version1 is lower than version2. */ private boolean isLower(Version version1, Version version2, boolean inclusive) { int result = comparator.compare(version1, version2); return result <= (inclusive ? 0 : -1); } /** * Tells if version1 is higher than version2. */ private boolean isHigher(Version version1, Version version2, boolean inclusive) { int result = comparator.compare(version1, version2); return result >= (inclusive ? 0 : 1); } }