/* * Copyright 2010 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.api.internal; import com.google.common.collect.LinkedHashMultimap; import com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap; import groovy.lang.Closure; import groovy.lang.GroovyObject; import org.apache.commons.collections.map.AbstractReferenceMap; import org.apache.commons.collections.map.ReferenceMap; import org.gradle.api.Action; import org.gradle.api.GradleException; import org.gradle.api.NonExtensible; import org.gradle.api.Nullable; import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware; import org.gradle.internal.reflect.ClassDetails; import org.gradle.internal.reflect.ClassInspector; import org.gradle.internal.reflect.DirectInstantiator; import org.gradle.internal.reflect.JavaReflectionUtil; import org.gradle.internal.reflect.PropertyDetails; import org.gradle.internal.service.ServiceRegistry; import javax.inject.Inject; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Generates a subclass of the target class to mix-in some DSL behaviour. * * <ul> * <li>For each property, a convention mapping is applied. These properties may have a setter method.</li> * <li>For each property whose getter is annotated with {@code Inject}, a service instance will be injected instead. These properties may have a setter method.</li> * <li>For each mutable property as set method is generated.</li> * <li>For each method whose last parameter is an {@link org.gradle.api.Action}, an override is generated that accepts a {@link groovy.lang.Closure} instead.</li> * <li>Coercion from string to enum property is mixed in.</li> * <li>{@link groovy.lang.GroovyObject} is mixed in to the class.</li> * </ul> */ public abstract class AbstractClassGenerator implements ClassGenerator { private static final Map<Class<?>, Map<Class<?>, Class<?>>> GENERATED_CLASSES = new HashMap<Class<?>, Map<Class<?>, Class<?>>>(); private static final Lock CACHE_LOCK = new ReentrantLock(); private static final Collection<String> SKIP_PROPERTIES = Arrays.asList("class", "metaClass", "conventionMapping", "convention", "asDynamicObject", "extensions"); public <T> T newInstance(Class<T> type, Object... parameters) { return DirectInstantiator.instantiate(generate(type), parameters); } public <T> Class<? extends T> generate(Class<T> type) { try { CACHE_LOCK.lock(); return generateUnderLock(type); } finally { CACHE_LOCK.unlock(); } } private <T> Class<? extends T> generateUnderLock(Class<T> type) { Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> cache = GENERATED_CLASSES.get(getClass()); if (cache == null) { // WeakHashMap won't work here. It keeps a strong reference to the mapping value, which is the generated class in this case // However, the generated class has a strong reference to the source class (by extending it), so the keys will always be // strongly reachable while this Class is strongly reachable. Use weak references for both key and value of the mapping instead. cache = new ReferenceMap(AbstractReferenceMap.WEAK, AbstractReferenceMap.WEAK); GENERATED_CLASSES.put(getClass(), cache); } Class<?> generatedClass = cache.get(type); if (generatedClass != null) { return generatedClass.asSubclass(type); } if (Modifier.isPrivate(type.getModifiers())) { throw new GradleException(String.format("Cannot create a proxy class for private class '%s'.", type.getSimpleName())); } if (Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers())) { throw new GradleException(String.format("Cannot create a proxy class for abstract class '%s'.", type.getSimpleName())); } Class<? extends T> subclass; try { ClassMetaData classMetaData = inspectType(type); ClassBuilder<T> builder = start(type, classMetaData); builder.startClass(classMetaData.isShouldImplementWithServiceRegistry()); if (!DynamicObjectAware.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { if (ExtensionAware.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A type that implements ExtensionAware must currently also implement DynamicObjectAware."); } builder.mixInDynamicAware(); } if (!GroovyObject.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { builder.mixInGroovyObject(); } builder.addDynamicMethods(); if (classMetaData.conventionAware && !IConventionAware.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { builder.mixInConventionAware(); } Class noMappingClass = Object.class; for (Class<?> c = type; c != null && noMappingClass == Object.class; c = c.getSuperclass()) { if (c.getAnnotation(NoConventionMapping.class) != null) { noMappingClass = c; } } if (classMetaData.isShouldImplementWithServiceRegistry()) { builder.generateServiceRegistrySupportMethods(); } Set<PropertyMetaData> conventionProperties = new HashSet<PropertyMetaData>(); for (PropertyMetaData property : classMetaData.properties.values()) { if (SKIP_PROPERTIES.contains(property.name)) { continue; } if (property.injector) { builder.addInjectorProperty(property); for (Method getter : property.getters) { builder.applyServiceInjectionToGetter(property, getter); } for (Method setter : property.setters) { builder.applyServiceInjectionToSetter(property, setter); } continue; } boolean needsConventionMapping = false; if (classMetaData.isExtensible()) { for (Method getter : property.getters) { if (!Modifier.isFinal(getter.getModifiers()) && !getter.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(noMappingClass)) { needsConventionMapping = true; break; } } } if (needsConventionMapping) { conventionProperties.add(property); builder.addConventionProperty(property); for (Method getter : property.getters) { builder.applyConventionMappingToGetter(property, getter); } } if (needsConventionMapping) { for (Method setter : property.setters) { if (!Modifier.isFinal(setter.getModifiers())) { builder.applyConventionMappingToSetter(property, setter); } } } } Set<Method> actionMethods = classMetaData.missingOverloads; for (Method method : actionMethods) { builder.addActionMethod(method); } // Adds a set method for each mutable property for (PropertyMetaData property : classMetaData.properties.values()) { if (property.setters.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) { // Currently not supported continue; } if (property.setMethods.isEmpty()) { for (Method setter : property.setters) { builder.addSetMethod(property, setter); } } else if (conventionProperties.contains(property)) { for (Method setMethod : property.setMethods) { builder.applyConventionMappingToSetMethod(property, setMethod); } } } for (Constructor<?> constructor : type.getConstructors()) { if (Modifier.isPublic(constructor.getModifiers())) { builder.addConstructor(constructor); } } subclass = builder.generate(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new GradleException(String.format("Could not generate a proxy class for class %s.", type.getName()), e); } cache.put(type, subclass); cache.put(subclass, subclass); return subclass; } protected abstract <T> ClassBuilder<T> start(Class<T> type, ClassMetaData classMetaData); private ClassMetaData inspectType(Class<?> type) { boolean isConventionAware = type.getAnnotation(NoConventionMapping.class) == null; boolean extensible = JavaReflectionUtil.getAnnotation(type, NonExtensible.class) == null; ClassMetaData classMetaData = new ClassMetaData(extensible, isConventionAware); inspectType(type, classMetaData); attachSetMethods(classMetaData); findMissingClosureOverloads(classMetaData); classMetaData.complete(); return classMetaData; } private void findMissingClosureOverloads(ClassMetaData classMetaData) { for (Method method : classMetaData.actionMethods) { Method overload = findClosureOverload(method, classMetaData.closureMethods.get(method.getName())); if (overload == null) { classMetaData.actionMethodRequiresOverload(method); } } } private Method findClosureOverload(Method method, Collection<Method> candidates) { for (Method candidate : candidates) { if (candidate.getParameterTypes().length != method.getParameterTypes().length) { continue; } boolean matches = true; for (int i = 0; matches && i < candidate.getParameterTypes().length - 1; i++) { if (!candidate.getParameterTypes()[i].equals(method.getParameterTypes()[i])) { matches = false; } } if (matches) { return candidate; } } return null; } private void attachSetMethods(ClassMetaData classMetaData) { for (Method method : classMetaData.setMethods) { PropertyMetaData property = classMetaData.getProperty(method.getName()); if (property != null) { property.addSetMethod(method); } } } private void inspectType(Class<?> type, ClassMetaData classMetaData) { ClassDetails classDetails = ClassInspector.inspect(type); boolean hasGetServicesMethod = false; for (Method method : classDetails.getAllMethods()) { if (method.getAnnotation(Inject.class) != null) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isProtected(method.getModifiers())) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot attach @Inject to method %s.%s() as it is not public or protected.", method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), method.getName())); } if (Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Cannot attach @Inject to method %s.%s() as it is static.", method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName(), method.getName())); } } if ("getServices".equals(method.getName()) && (method.getParameterTypes().length == 0) && ServiceRegistry.class.equals(method.getReturnType())) { hasGetServicesMethod = true; } } for (PropertyDetails property : classDetails.getProperties()) { PropertyMetaData propertyMetaData = classMetaData.property(property.getName()); for (Method method : property.getGetters()) { propertyMetaData.addGetter(method); } for (Method method : property.getSetters()) { propertyMetaData.addSetter(method); } } for (Method method : classDetails.getInstanceMethods()) { Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes(); if (parameterTypes.length == 1) { classMetaData.addCandidateSetMethod(method); } if (parameterTypes.length > 0 && parameterTypes[parameterTypes.length - 1].equals(Action.class)) { classMetaData.addActionMethod(method); } else if (parameterTypes.length > 0 && parameterTypes[parameterTypes.length - 1].equals(Closure.class)) { classMetaData.addClosureMethod(method); } } if (!hasGetServicesMethod) { for (PropertyMetaData metaData : classMetaData.properties.values()) { if (metaData.injector) { classMetaData.shouldImplementWithServiceRegistry = true; } } } } protected static class ClassMetaData { private final Map<String, PropertyMetaData> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, PropertyMetaData>(); private final Set<Method> missingOverloads = new LinkedHashSet<Method>(); private final boolean extensible; private final boolean conventionAware; private List<Method> actionMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(); private SetMultimap<String, Method> closureMethods = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); private List<Method> setMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(); private boolean shouldImplementWithServiceRegistry; public ClassMetaData(boolean extensible, boolean conventionAware) { this.extensible = extensible; this.conventionAware = conventionAware; } @Nullable public PropertyMetaData getProperty(String name) { return properties.get(name); } public PropertyMetaData property(String name) { PropertyMetaData property = properties.get(name); if (property == null) { property = new PropertyMetaData(name); properties.put(name, property); } return property; } public void addActionMethod(Method method) { actionMethods.add(method); } public void addClosureMethod(Method method) { closureMethods.put(method.getName(), method); } public void addCandidateSetMethod(Method method) { setMethods.add(method); } public void complete() { setMethods = null; actionMethods = null; closureMethods = null; } public void actionMethodRequiresOverload(Method method) { missingOverloads.add(method); } public boolean providesDynamicObjectImplementation() { PropertyMetaData property = properties.get("asDynamicObject"); return property != null && !property.getters.isEmpty(); } public boolean isExtensible() { return extensible; } public boolean isConventionAware() { return conventionAware; } public boolean isShouldImplementWithServiceRegistry() { return shouldImplementWithServiceRegistry; } } protected static class PropertyMetaData { final String name; final List<Method> getters = new ArrayList<Method>(); final List<Method> setters = new ArrayList<Method>(); final List<Method> setMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(); boolean injector; private PropertyMetaData(String name) { this.name = name; } @Override public String toString() { return "[property " + name + "]"; } public String getName() { return name; } public Class<?> getType() { if (!getters.isEmpty()) { return getters.get(0).getReturnType(); } return setters.get(0).getParameterTypes()[0]; } public void addGetter(Method method) { if (getters.add(method) && method.getAnnotation(Inject.class) != null) { injector = true; } } public void addSetter(Method method) { setters.add(method); } public void addSetMethod(Method method) { setMethods.add(method); } } protected interface ClassBuilder<T> { void startClass(boolean shouldImplementWithServices); void addConstructor(Constructor<?> constructor) throws Exception; void mixInDynamicAware() throws Exception; void mixInConventionAware() throws Exception; void mixInGroovyObject() throws Exception; void addDynamicMethods() throws Exception; void addInjectorProperty(PropertyMetaData property); void applyServiceInjectionToGetter(PropertyMetaData property, Method getter) throws Exception; void applyServiceInjectionToSetter(PropertyMetaData property, Method setter) throws Exception; void addConventionProperty(PropertyMetaData property) throws Exception; void applyConventionMappingToGetter(PropertyMetaData property, Method getter) throws Exception; void applyConventionMappingToSetter(PropertyMetaData property, Method setter) throws Exception; void applyConventionMappingToSetMethod(PropertyMetaData property, Method metaMethod) throws Exception; void addSetMethod(PropertyMetaData propertyMetaData, Method setter) throws Exception; void addActionMethod(Method method) throws Exception; void generateServiceRegistrySupportMethods() throws Exception; Class<? extends T> generate() throws Exception; } }