/* * Copyright 2012 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.internal; import org.gradle.api.Action; import org.gradle.api.Transformer; import org.gradle.api.specs.Spec; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; public abstract class Actions { static final Action<?> DO_NOTHING = new NullAction<Object>(); /** * Creates an action implementation that simply does nothing. * * A new action instance is created each time. * * @return An action object with an empty implementation */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> Action<T> doNothing() { return (Action<T>) DO_NOTHING; } private static class NullAction<T> implements Action<T>, Serializable { public void execute(T t) { } } /** * Creates an action that will call each of the given actions in order. * * @param actions The actions to make a composite of. * @param <T> The type of the object that action is for * @return The composite action. */ public static <T> Action<T> composite(Iterable<? extends Action<? super T>> actions) { return new CompositeAction<T>(actions); } /** * Creates an action that will call each of the given actions in order. * * @param actions The actions to make a composite of. * @param <T> The type of the object that action is for * @return The composite action. */ public static <T> Action<T> composite(Action<? super T>... actions) { return composite(Arrays.asList(actions)); } private static class CompositeAction<T> implements Action<T> { private final Iterable<? extends Action<? super T>> actions; private CompositeAction(Iterable<? extends Action<? super T>> actions) { this.actions = actions; } public void execute(T item) { for (Action<? super T> action : actions) { action.execute(item); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } CompositeAction that = (CompositeAction) o; if (!actions.equals(that.actions)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return actions.hashCode(); } } /** * Creates a new composite action, where the argument is first transformed. * * @param action The action. * @param transformer The transformer to transform the argument with * @param <T> The type the action is expecting (that the argument is transformed to) * @param <I> The type of the original argument * @return An action that transforms an object of type I to type O to give to the given action */ public static <T, I> Action<I> transformBefore(final Action<? super T> action, final Transformer<? extends T, ? super I> transformer) { return new TransformingActionAdapter<T, I>(transformer, action); } private static class TransformingActionAdapter<T, I> implements Action<I> { private final Transformer<? extends T, ? super I> transformer; private final Action<? super T> action; private TransformingActionAdapter(Transformer<? extends T, ? super I> transformer, Action<? super T> action) { this.transformer = transformer; this.action = action; } public void execute(I thing) { T transformed = transformer.transform(thing); action.execute(transformed); } } /** * Adapts an action to a different type by casting the object before giving it to the action. * * @param actionType The type the action is expecting * @param action The action * @param <T> The type the action is expecting * @param <I> The type before casting * @return An action that casts the object to the given type before giving it to the given action */ public static <T, I> Action<I> castBefore(final Class<T> actionType, final Action<? super T> action) { return transformBefore(action, Transformers.cast(actionType)); } /** * Wraps the given runnable in an {@link Action}, where the execute implementation runs the runnable ignoring the argument. * * If the given runnable is {@code null}, the action returned is effectively a noop. * * @param runnable The runnable to run for the action execution. * @return An action that runs the given runnable, ignoring the argument. */ public static <T> Action<T> toAction(Runnable runnable) { //TODO SF this method accepts Closure instance as parameter but does not work correctly for it if (runnable == null) { return Actions.doNothing(); } else { return new RunnableActionAdapter<T>(runnable); } } private static class RunnableActionAdapter<T> implements Action<T> { private final Runnable runnable; private RunnableActionAdapter(Runnable runnable) { this.runnable = runnable; } public void execute(T t) { runnable.run(); } @Override public String toString() { return "RunnableActionAdapter{runnable=" + runnable + "}"; } } /** * Creates a new action that only forwards arguments on to the given filter is they are satisfied by the given spec. * * @param action The action to delegate filtered items to * @param filter The spec to use to filter items by * @param <T> The type of item the action expects * @return A new action that only forwards arguments on to the given filter is they are satisfied by the given spec. */ public static <T> Action<T> filter(Action<? super T> action, Spec<? super T> filter) { return new FilteredAction<T>(action, filter); } private static class FilteredAction<T> implements Action<T> { private final Spec<? super T> filter; private final Action<? super T> action; public FilteredAction(Action<? super T> action, Spec<? super T> filter) { this.filter = filter; this.action = action; } public void execute(T t) { if (filter.isSatisfiedBy(t)) { action.execute(t); } } } public static <T> T with(T instance, Action<? super T> action) { action.execute(instance); return instance; } public static <T> Action<T> add(final Collection<? super T> collection) { return new Action<T>() { @Override public void execute(T t) { collection.add(t); } }; } public static <T> Action<T> set(Action<T>... actions) { return ImmutableActionSet.of(actions); } }