/* * Copyright 2011 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.gradle.api.artifacts; import groovy.lang.Closure; import groovy.lang.DelegatesTo; import org.gradle.api.Action; import org.gradle.api.Incubating; import org.gradle.api.attributes.HasConfigurableAttributes; import org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection; import org.gradle.api.specs.Spec; import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskDependency; import org.gradle.internal.HasInternalProtocol; import java.io.File; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static groovy.lang.Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST; /** * A {@code Configuration} represents a group of artifacts and their dependencies. * Find more information about declaring dependencies to a configuration * or about managing configurations in docs for {@link ConfigurationContainer} * <p> * Configuration is an instance of a {@link FileCollection} * that contains all dependencies (see also {@link #getAllDependencies()}) but not artifacts. * If you want to refer to the artifacts declared in this configuration * please use {@link #getArtifacts()} or {@link #getAllArtifacts()}. * Read more about declaring artifacts in the configuration in docs for {@link org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.ArtifactHandler} * <p> */ @HasInternalProtocol public interface Configuration extends FileCollection, HasConfigurableAttributes<Configuration> { /** * Returns the resolution strategy used by this configuration. * The resolution strategy provides extra details on how to resolve this configuration. * See docs for {@link ResolutionStrategy} for more info and examples. * * @return resolution strategy * @since 1.0-milestone-6 */ ResolutionStrategy getResolutionStrategy(); /** * The resolution strategy provides extra details on how to resolve this configuration. * See docs for {@link ResolutionStrategy} for more info and examples. * * @param closure closure applied to the {@link ResolutionStrategy} * @return this configuration instance * @since 1.0-milestone-6 */ Configuration resolutionStrategy(@DelegatesTo(value = ResolutionStrategy.class, strategy = DELEGATE_FIRST) Closure closure); /** * The resolution strategy provides extra details on how to resolve this configuration. * See docs for {@link ResolutionStrategy} for more info and examples. * * @param action action applied to the {@link ResolutionStrategy} * @return this configuration instance * @since 3.1 */ Configuration resolutionStrategy(Action<? super ResolutionStrategy> action); /** * The states a configuration can be into. A configuration is only mutable as long as it is * in the unresolved state. */ enum State { UNRESOLVED, RESOLVED, RESOLVED_WITH_FAILURES } /** * Returns the state of the configuration. * * @see org.gradle.api.artifacts.Configuration.State * @return The state of the configuration */ State getState(); /** * Returns the name of this configuration. * * @return The configuration name, never null. */ String getName(); /** * A {@link org.gradle.api.Namer} namer for configurations that returns {@link #getName()}. */ class Namer implements org.gradle.api.Namer<Configuration> { public String determineName(Configuration c) { return c.getName(); } } /** * Returns true if this is a visible configuration. A visible configuration is usable outside the project it belongs * to. The default value is true. * * @return true if this is a visible configuration. */ boolean isVisible(); /** * Sets the visibility of this configuration. When visible is set to true, this configuration is visible outside * the project it belongs to. The default value is true. * * @param visible true if this is a visible configuration * @return this configuration */ Configuration setVisible(boolean visible); /** * Returns the names of the configurations which this configuration extends from. The artifacts of the super * configurations are also available in this configuration. * * @return The super configurations. Returns an empty set when this configuration does not extend any others. */ Set<Configuration> getExtendsFrom(); /** * Sets the configurations which this configuration extends from. * * @param superConfigs The super configuration. Should not be null. * @return this configuration */ Configuration setExtendsFrom(Iterable<Configuration> superConfigs); /** * Adds the given configurations to the set of configuration which this configuration extends from. * * @param superConfigs The super configurations. * @return this configuration */ Configuration extendsFrom(Configuration... superConfigs); /** * Returns the transitivity of this configuration. A transitive configuration contains the transitive closure of its * direct dependencies, and all their dependencies. An intransitive configuration contains only the direct * dependencies. The default value is true. * * @return true if this is a transitive configuration, false otherwise. */ boolean isTransitive(); /** * Sets the transitivity of this configuration. When set to true, this configuration will contain the transitive * closure of its dependencies and their dependencies. The default value is true. * * @param t true if this is a transitive configuration. * @return this configuration */ Configuration setTransitive(boolean t); /** * Returns the description for this configuration. * * @return the description. May be null. */ String getDescription(); /** * Sets the description for this configuration. * * @param description the description. May be null * @return this configuration */ Configuration setDescription(String description); /** * Gets a ordered set including this configuration and all superconfigurations * recursively. * @return the list of all configurations */ Set<Configuration> getHierarchy(); /** * Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration, and returns * the resulting set of files. * * @return The files of this configuration. */ Set<File> resolve(); /** * Takes a closure which gets coerced into a {@link Spec}. Behaves otherwise in the same way as * {@link #files(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)}. * * @param dependencySpecClosure The closure describing a filter applied to the all the dependencies of this configuration (including dependencies from extended configurations). * @return The files of a subset of dependencies of this configuration. */ Set<File> files(Closure dependencySpecClosure); /** * Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. * But only the resulting set of files belonging to the subset of dependencies specified by the dependencySpec * is returned. * * @param dependencySpec The spec describing a filter applied to the all the dependencies of this configuration (including dependencies from extended configurations). * @return The files of a subset of dependencies of this configuration. */ Set<File> files(Spec<? super Dependency> dependencySpec); /** * Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. * But only the resulting set of files belonging to the specified dependencies * is returned. * * @param dependencies The dependencies to be resolved * @return The files of a subset of dependencies of this configuration. */ Set<File> files(Dependency... dependencies); /** * Resolves this configuration lazily. The resolve happens when the elements of the returned {@link FileCollection} get accessed the first time. * This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. Only the resulting set of files belonging to the subset * of dependencies specified by the dependencySpec is contained in the FileCollection. * * @param dependencySpec The spec describing a filter applied to the all the dependencies of this configuration (including dependencies from extended configurations). * @return The FileCollection with a subset of dependencies of this configuration. */ FileCollection fileCollection(Spec<? super Dependency> dependencySpec); /** * Takes a closure which gets coerced into a {@link Spec}. Behaves otherwise in the same way as * {@link #fileCollection(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)}. * * @param dependencySpecClosure The closure describing a filter applied to the all the dependencies of this configuration (including dependencies from extended configurations). * @return The FileCollection with a subset of dependencies of this configuration. */ FileCollection fileCollection(Closure dependencySpecClosure); /** * Resolves this configuration lazily. The resolve happens when the elements of the returned {@link FileCollection} get accessed the first time. * This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration. Only the resulting set of files belonging to specified * dependencies is contained in the FileCollection. * * @param dependencies The dependencies for which the FileCollection should contain the files. * @return The FileCollection with a subset of dependencies of this configuration. */ FileCollection fileCollection(Dependency... dependencies); /** * Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files which make up this configuration, and returns * a {@link ResolvedConfiguration} that may be used to determine information about the resolve (including errors). * * @return The ResolvedConfiguration object */ ResolvedConfiguration getResolvedConfiguration(); /** * Returns the name of the task that upload the artifacts of this configuration to repositories * declared by the user. * * @return The name of the associated upload task * @see org.gradle.api.tasks.Upload */ String getUploadTaskName(); /** * Returns a {@code TaskDependency} object containing all required dependencies to build the local dependencies * (e.g.<!-- --> project dependencies) belonging to this configuration or to one of its super configurations. * * @return a TaskDependency object */ TaskDependency getBuildDependencies(); /** * Returns a TaskDependency object containing dependencies on all tasks with the specified name from project * dependencies related to this configuration or one of its super configurations. These other projects may be * projects this configuration depends on or projects with a similarly named configuration that depend on this one * based on the useDependOn argument. * * @param useDependedOn if true, add tasks from project dependencies in this configuration, otherwise use projects * from configurations with the same name that depend on this one. * @param taskName name of task to depend on * @return the populated TaskDependency object */ TaskDependency getTaskDependencyFromProjectDependency(boolean useDependedOn, final String taskName); /** * Gets the set of dependencies directly contained in this configuration * (ignoring superconfigurations). * * @return the set of dependencies */ DependencySet getDependencies(); /** * <p>Gets the complete set of dependencies including those contributed by * superconfigurations.</p> * * @return the (read-only) set of dependencies */ DependencySet getAllDependencies(); /** * Returns the artifacts of this configuration excluding the artifacts of extended configurations. * * @return The set. */ PublishArtifactSet getArtifacts(); /** * Returns the artifacts of this configuration including the artifacts of extended configurations. * * @return The (read-only) set. */ PublishArtifactSet getAllArtifacts(); /** * Returns the exclude rules applied for resolving any dependency of this configuration. * * @see #exclude(java.util.Map) * @return The exclude rules */ Set<ExcludeRule> getExcludeRules(); /** * Adds an exclude rule to exclude transitive dependencies for all dependencies of this configuration. * You can also add exclude rules per-dependency. See {@link ModuleDependency#exclude(java.util.Map)}. * * @param excludeProperties the properties to define the exclude rule. * @return this */ Configuration exclude(Map<String, String> excludeProperties); /** * Execute the given action if the configuration has no defined dependencies when it first participates in * dependency resolution. A {@code Configuration} will participate in dependency resolution * when: * <ul> * <li>The {@link Configuration} itself is resolved</li> * <li>Another {@link Configuration} that extends this one is resolved</li> * <li>Another {@link Configuration} that references this one as a project dependency is resolved</li> * </ul> * * This method is useful for specifying default dependencies for a configuration: * <pre autoTested='true'> * configurations { conf } * configurations['conf'].defaultDependencies { dependencies -> * dependencies.add(owner.project.dependencies.create("org.gradle:my-util:1.0")) * } * </pre> * * A {@code Configuration} is considered empty even if it extends another, non-empty {@code Configuration}. * * If multiple actions are supplied, each action will be executed until the set of dependencies is no longer empty. * Remaining actions will be ignored. * * @param action the action to execute when the configuration has no defined dependencies. * @return this */ @Incubating Configuration defaultDependencies(Action<? super DependencySet> action); /** * Returns all the configurations belonging to the same configuration container as this * configuration (including this configuration). * * @return All of the configurations belong to the configuration container that this set belongs to. */ Set<Configuration> getAll(); /** * Returns the incoming dependencies of this configuration. * * @return The incoming dependencies of this configuration. Never {@code null}. */ ResolvableDependencies getIncoming(); /** * Returns the outgoing artifacts of this configuration. * * @return The outgoing artifacts of this configuration. * @since 3.4 */ @Incubating ConfigurationPublications getOutgoing(); /** * Configures the outgoing artifacts of this configuration. * * @param action The action to perform the configuration. * @since 3.4 */ @Incubating void outgoing(Action<? super ConfigurationPublications> action); /** * Creates a copy of this configuration that only contains the dependencies directly in this configuration * (without contributions from superconfigurations). The new configuration will be in the * UNRESOLVED state, but will retain all other attributes of this configuration except superconfigurations. * {@link #getHierarchy()} for the copy will not include any superconfigurations. * @return copy of this configuration */ Configuration copy(); /** * Creates a copy of this configuration that contains the dependencies directly in this configuration * and those derived from superconfigurations. The new configuration will be in the * UNRESOLVED state, but will retain all other attributes of this configuration except superconfigurations. * {@link #getHierarchy()} for the copy will not include any superconfigurations. * @return copy of this configuration */ Configuration copyRecursive(); /** * Creates a copy of this configuration ignoring superconfigurations (see {@link #copy()} but filtering * the dependencies using the specified dependency spec. * * @param dependencySpec filtering requirements * @return copy of this configuration */ Configuration copy(Spec<? super Dependency> dependencySpec); /** * Creates a copy of this configuration with dependencies from superconfigurations (see {@link #copyRecursive()}) * but filtering the dependencies using the dependencySpec. * * @param dependencySpec filtering requirements * @return copy of this configuration */ Configuration copyRecursive(Spec<? super Dependency> dependencySpec); /** * Takes a closure which gets coerced into a {@link Spec}. Behaves otherwise in the same way as {@link #copy(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)} * * @param dependencySpec filtering requirements * @return copy of this configuration */ Configuration copy(Closure dependencySpec); /** * Takes a closure which gets coerced into a {@link Spec}. Behaves otherwise in the same way as {@link #copyRecursive(org.gradle.api.specs.Spec)} * * @param dependencySpec filtering requirements * @return copy of this configuration */ Configuration copyRecursive(Closure dependencySpec); /** * Configures if a configuration can be consumed. * * @since 3.3 */ @Incubating void setCanBeConsumed(boolean allowed); /** * Returns true if this configuration can be consumed from another project, or published. Defaults to true. * @return true if this configuration can be consumed or published. * @since 3.3 */ @Incubating boolean isCanBeConsumed(); /** * Configures if a configuration can be resolved. * * @since 3.3 */ @Incubating void setCanBeResolved(boolean allowed); /** * Returns true if it is allowed to query or resolve this configuration. Defaults to true. * @return true if this configuration can be queried or resolved. * @since 3.3 */ @Incubating boolean isCanBeResolved(); }