package org.ovirt.engine.ui.webadmin.widget.table.column; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A {@link Cell} used to render text, providing a tooltip in case the text does not fit within the parent element. * * @see TextCell */ public class TextCellWithTooltip extends AbstractSafeHtmlCell<String> { interface CellTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates { @Template("<div id=\"{0}\">{1}</div>") SafeHtml textContainer(String id, String text); } public static final int UNLIMITED_LENGTH = -1; private static final String TOO_LONG_TEXT_POSTFIX = "..."; // DOM element ID settings for the text container element private String elementIdPrefix = DOM.createUniqueId(); private String columnId; // Text longer than this value will be shortened, providing a tooltip with original text private final int maxTextLength; private static CellTemplate template; public TextCellWithTooltip(int maxTextLength) { super(SimpleSafeHtmlRenderer.getInstance(), "mouseover"); this.maxTextLength = maxTextLength; // Delay cell template creation until the first time it's needed if (template == null) { template = GWT.create(CellTemplate.class); } } public void setElementIdPrefix(String elementIdPrefix) { this.elementIdPrefix = elementIdPrefix; } public void setColumnId(String columnId) { this.columnId = columnId; } @Override public void render(Context context, SafeHtml value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { String rawData = value != null ? value.asString() : ""; sb.append(template.textContainer( getContainerElementId(context), getRenderedValue(rawData))); } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Cell.Context context, Element parent, String value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater) { super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater); // Ignore events other than 'mouseover' if (!"mouseover".equals(event.getType())) { return; } // Enforce tooltip when the presented text doesn't match original value boolean forceTooltip = (value != null && !value.equals(getRenderedValue(value))); // If the parent element content overflows its area, provide tooltip to the element if (forceTooltip || contentOverflows(parent)) { parent.setTitle(value); } else { parent.setTitle(""); } } /** * Returns the DOM element ID for the text container element. */ String getContainerElementId(Cell.Context context) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(elementIdPrefix); sb.append("_"); sb.append(columnId != null ? columnId : "col" + String.valueOf(context.getColumn())); sb.append("_row"); sb.append(String.valueOf(context.getIndex())); return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns the text value to be rendered by this cell. */ String getRenderedValue(final String text) { String result = text; // Check if the text needs to be shortened if (maxTextLength > 0 && text.length() > maxTextLength) { result = result.substring(0, Math.max(maxTextLength - TOO_LONG_TEXT_POSTFIX.length(), 0)); result = result + TOO_LONG_TEXT_POSTFIX; } return result; } /** * Returns {@code true} when the content of the given element overflows the element's content area, {@code false} * otherwise. */ boolean contentOverflows(Element elm) { String overflowValue = elm.getStyle().getOverflow(); // Temporarily allow element content to overflow through scroll bars elm.getStyle().setProperty("overflow", "auto"); boolean overflowX = elm.getScrollWidth() > elm.getClientWidth(); boolean overflowY = elm.getScrollHeight() > elm.getClientHeight(); // Revert to the original overflow value elm.getStyle().setProperty("overflow", overflowValue); return overflowX || overflowY; } }