package org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Encoding; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.LogCompat; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.LogFactoryCompat; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.RefObject; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.StringHelper; public class EncryptionUtils { private static String algo = "RSA"; private static String certType = "JKS"; /** * Encrypts the specified source. * * @param source * The source. * @param cert * The cert. * @return base64 encoded result. */ private static String encrypt(String source, Certificate cert) throws GeneralSecurityException { String result = null; byte[] cipherbytes = Encoding.UTF8.getBytes(source.trim()); Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance(algo); rsa.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, cert.getPublicKey()); byte[] cipher = rsa.doFinal(cipherbytes); result = Encoding.Base64.getString(cipher); return result; } /** * Decrypts the specified source given a Private Key * * @param source * The source. * @param key * The private key. * @param error * The error. * @return */ private static String Decrypt(String source, Key key, RefObject<String> error) { error.argvalue = ""; String result = ""; try { { byte[] cipherbytes = Encoding.Base64.getBytes(source); { Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance(algo); rsa.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); { byte[] plainbytes = rsa.doFinal(cipherbytes); result = Encoding.ASCII.getString(plainbytes); } } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error in the Decryption", e); error.argvalue = e.getMessage(); } return result; } /** * Encrypts the specified source using certification file. * * @param source * The source. * @param certificateFile * The certificate file. * @param passwd * The passwd. * @param alis * The certificate alias. * @return * * Loads a private key from a JKS file using the supplied password and encrypts the value. The string which * is returned is first base64 encoded The keyfile is loaded first off of the classpath, then from the file * system. */ public final static String encrypt(String source, String certificateFile, String passwd, String alias) throws Exception { String result = ""; if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(source.trim())) { try { KeyStore store = EncryptionUtils.getKeyStore(certificateFile, passwd, certType); Certificate cert = store.getCertificate(alias); result = encrypt(source, cert); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error doing the encryption", e); throw e; } } return result; } /** * Decrypts the specified source using certification file. * * @param source * The source. * @param keyFile * The key file. * @param passwd * The passwd. * @param alias * The certificate alias. * @return * * Loads a private key from a JKS file using the supplied password and decrypts the value. The string to be * decrypted is assumed to have been base64 encoded. The keyfile is loaded from the file system */ public static String decrypt(String source, String keyFile, String passwd, String alias) throws Exception { String result = source; try { if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(source.trim())) { KeyStore store = EncryptionUtils.getKeyStore(keyFile, passwd, certType); Key key = store.getKey(alias, passwd.toCharArray()); result = decrypt(source, key); } } catch (Exception e) { log.errorFormat("Failed to decrypt", e.getMessage()); log.debug("Failed to decrypt", e); throw e; } return result; } private static String decrypt(String source, Key key) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException { String result = ""; byte[] cipherbytes = Encoding.Base64.getBytes(source); Cipher rsa = Cipher.getInstance(algo); rsa.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); byte[] plainbytes = rsa.doFinal(cipherbytes); result = Encoding.UTF8.getString(plainbytes); return result; } /** * Decrypts the specified source using Store. * * @param source * The source. * @param certificateFingerPrint * The certification finger print. * @param error * The error. * @return */ public static final String Decrypt(String source, String keyFile, String passwd, RefObject<String> error) { error.argvalue = ""; String result = source; if (!StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(source.trim())) { try { KeyStore store = EncryptionUtils.getKeyStore(keyFile, passwd, certType); // Get the first one. String alias = "None"; Enumeration<String> aliases = store.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { alias = aliases.nextElement(); break; } Key key = store.getKey(alias, passwd.toCharArray()); result = Decrypt(source, key, error); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error doing the decryption", e); error.argvalue = e.getMessage(); } } return result; } /** * Determines whether the specified name is a password holder. * * @param name * The name. * @return <c>true</c> if the specified name is password; otherwise, <c>false</c>. */ public static boolean IsPassword(String name) { final String PASSWORD = "NoSoup4U"; return (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(PASSWORD)); } public static KeyStore getKeyStore(String path, String passwd, String storeType) { try { InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(path); KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance(storeType); store.load(fis, passwd.toCharArray()); return store; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Encodes a given secret by specified key material and algorithm<BR> * If not supplying any key material and algorithm using defaults:<BR> * keyMaterial - <i>"jaas is the way"</i> <BR> * algorithm - <i>"Blowfish"<i> * * @param secret * the encrypted object * @param keyMaterial * the material for the encryption * @param algorithm * defines which algorithm to use * @return the encrypted secret or null if encryption fails */ public static String encode(String secret, String keyMaterial, String algorithm) { Cipher cipher; byte[] encoding = null; try { EncryptUtilParams params = new EncryptUtilParams(keyMaterial, algorithm); cipher = Cipher.getInstance(params.algorithm); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, params.secretKey); encoding = cipher.doFinal(secret.getBytes()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error in encrypting the secret", e); } return encoding != null ? (new BigInteger(encoding)).toString(16) : null; } /** * Decodes a given secret by specified key material and algorithm.<BR> * If no key material and algorithm are supplied, using defaults:<BR> * keyMaterial - <i>"jaas is the way"</i> <BR> * algorithm - <i>"Blowfish"<i> * * @param secret * the object to decode * @param keyMaterial * the material for the decoding action * @param algorithm * defines which algorithm to use * @return the decoded secret or null if decode fails */ public static String decode(String secret, String keyMaterial, String algorithm) { BigInteger n = new BigInteger(secret, 16); byte[] encoding = n.toByteArray(); byte[] decode = null; try { EncryptUtilParams params = new EncryptUtilParams(keyMaterial, algorithm); Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(params.algorithm); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, params.secretKey); decode = cipher.doFinal(encoding); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error in decrypting the secret", e); } return decode != null ? new String(decode) : null; } /** * Class use to holds and defines defaults values for encryption/decryption <BR> * based on. Targeted to set defaults values as used in JBoss security login module:<BR> * keyMaterial - <i>"jaas is the way"</i> <BR> * algorithm - <i>"Blowfish"<i> */ private static class EncryptUtilParams { private String algorithm = null; private SecretKeySpec secretKey = null; public EncryptUtilParams(String keyMaterial, String algorithm) { if (algorithm == null || "".equals(algorithm)) { this.algorithm = "Blowfish"; } else { this.algorithm = algorithm; } if (keyMaterial == null || "".equals(keyMaterial)) { secretKey = new SecretKeySpec("jaas is the way".getBytes(), this.algorithm); } else { secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyMaterial.getBytes(), this.algorithm); } } } private static LogCompat log = LogFactoryCompat.getLog(EncryptionUtils.class); }