package org.ovirt.engine.core.bll; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.AuditLogType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.FileTypeExtension; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.RepoFileMetaData; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StorageDomainType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.StoragePoolStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.VDSStatus; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.storage_domains; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities.storage_pool_iso_map; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.Config; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.config.ConfigValues; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.IrsBaseVDSCommandParameters; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSCommandType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.vdscommands.VDSReturnValue; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.LogCompat; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.LogFactoryCompat; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.TransactionScopeOption; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.DbFacade; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogDirector; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dal.dbbroker.auditloghandling.AuditLogableBase; import org.ovirt.engine.core.dao.RepoFileMetaDataDAO; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.Pair; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.threadpool.ThreadPoolUtil; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.OnTimerMethodAnnotation; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.timer.SchedulerUtilQuartzImpl; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.transaction.TransactionMethod; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.transaction.TransactionSupport; /** * The class manages the Iso domain cache mechanism, <BR/> * which reflects upon support for Iso tool validation, activation of Iso domain, and fetching the Iso list by query.<BR/> * The cache is being refreshed with quartz scheduler which run by configuration value AutoRepoDomainRefreshTime. The * cache procedure using VDSM to fetch the Iso files from all the Data Centers and update the DB cache table with the * appropriate file data.<BR/> */ public class IsoDomainListSyncronizer { private List<RepoFileMetaData> problematicRepoFileList = new ArrayList<RepoFileMetaData>(); public static final String guestToolsSetupIsoPrefix = Config.<String> GetValue(ConfigValues.GuestToolsSetupIsoPrefix); public static final String regexToolPattern = guestToolsSetupIsoPrefix + "([0-9]{1,}.[0-9])(_{1})([0-9]{1,}).[i|I][s|S][o|O]$"; private final int MIN_TO_MILLISECONDS = 60 * 1000; private static final IsoDomainListSyncronizer isoDomainListSyncronizer = new IsoDomainListSyncronizer();; private int isoDomainRefreshRate; RepoFileMetaDataDAO repoStorageDom; private static ConcurrentMap<Object,Lock> syncDomainForFileTypeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object,Lock>(); /** * private constructor to initialize the quartz scheduler */ private IsoDomainListSyncronizer() { repoStorageDom = DbFacade.getInstance().getRepoFileMetaDataDao(); isoDomainRefreshRate = Config.<Integer> GetValue(ConfigValues.AutoRepoDomainRefreshTime) * MIN_TO_MILLISECONDS; SchedulerUtilQuartzImpl.getInstance().scheduleAFixedDelayJob(this, "fetchIsoDomains", new Class[] {}, new Object[] {}, 300000, isoDomainRefreshRate, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * Returns the singleton instance. * @return Singleton instance of IsoDomainManager */ public static IsoDomainListSyncronizer getInstance() { return isoDomainListSyncronizer; } /** * Check and update if needed each Iso domain in each Data Center in the system. */ @OnTimerMethodAnnotation("fetchIsoDomains") public void fetchIsoDomains() { // Gets all the active Iso storage domains. List<RepoFileMetaData> repofileList = DbFacade.getInstance() .getRepoFileMetaDataDao() .getAllRepoFilesForAllStoragePools(StorageDomainType.ISO, StoragePoolStatus.Up, StorageDomainStatus.Active, VDSStatus.Up); // Set count down latch to size of map for multiple threaded. final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(repofileList.size()); resetProblematicList(); // Iterate for each storage domain. for (final RepoFileMetaData repoFileMetaData : repofileList) { // If the list should be refreshed and the refresh from the VDSM was succeeded, fetch the file list again // from the DB. if (shouldRefreshIsoDomain(repoFileMetaData.getLastRefreshed())) { ThreadPoolUtil.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { updateCachedIsoFileListFromVdsm(repoFileMetaData, latch); } }); } else { latch.countDown(); log.debugFormat("Automatic refresh process for {0} file type in storage domain id {1} was not performed since refresh time out did not passed yet.", repoFileMetaData.getFileType(), repoFileMetaData.getRepoDomainId()); } } try { latch.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Automatic refresh process encounter a problem.", e); } // After refresh for all Iso domains finished, handle the log. handleErrorLog(problematicRepoFileList); } /** * Returns a RepoFilesMetaData list with Iso file names for storage domain Id and with file type extension.<BR> * If user choose to refresh the cache, and a problem occurs, then returns null. * * @param storageDomainId * - The storage domain Id, which we fetch the Iso list from. * @param fileTypeExtension * - The fileTypeExtension we want to fetch the files from the cache. * @param forceRefresh * - Indicates if the domain should be refreshed from VDSM. * @return List of RepoFilesMetaData files or null (If fetch from VDSM failed). */ public List<RepoFileMetaData> getUserRequestForStorageDomainRepoFileList(Guid storageDomainId, FileTypeExtension fileTypeExtension, boolean forceRefresh) { // The result list we send back. List<RepoFileMetaData> repoList = null; // Check storage pool Id validity. if (storageDomainId == null) { log.error("Storage domain ID recieved from command query is null."); return null; } List<RepoFileMetaData> tempProblematicRepoFileList = new ArrayList<RepoFileMetaData>(); // If user choose to force refresh. if (forceRefresh) { // Add an audit log if refresh succeeded. if (refreshIsoDomain(storageDomainId, tempProblematicRepoFileList, fileTypeExtension)) { // Print log Indicating the problematic pools (If was any). handleErrorLog(tempProblematicRepoFileList); // If refresh succeeded print an audit log Indicating that. storage_domains storageDomain = DbFacade.getInstance().getStorageDomainDAO().get(storageDomainId); addToAuditLogSuccessMessage(storageDomain.getstorage_name(),; } else { // Print log Indicating the problematic pools. handleErrorLog(tempProblematicRepoFileList); return null; } } // At any case, if refreshed or not, get Iso list from the cache. repoList = getCachedIsoListByDomainId(storageDomainId, fileTypeExtension); // Return list of repository files. return repoList; } /** * The procedure Try to refresh the repository files of the storage domain id, with storage pool Id. If succeeded * will return True, otherwise return false and update the list, of the problematic repository files with the * storage pool and storage domain id, that could not complete the cache update transaction. * * @param storageDomainId * - The Repository domain Id, we want to refresh. * @param storagePoolId * - The Storage pool Id, we use to fetch the Iso files from. * @param ProblematicRepoFileList * - List of business entities, each one indicating the problematic entity of storage pool id, storage * domain id, and file type. * @param fileTypeExtension * - The fileTypeExtension we want to fetch the files from the cache. * @return Boolean value indicating if the refresh succeeded or not. */ private boolean refreshIsoDomainFileForStoragePool(Guid storageDomainId, Guid storagePoolId, FileTypeExtension fileTypeExt) { boolean refreshSucceeded = false; // Check validation of storage pool and SPM. Boolean isValid = (Boolean) (Backend .getInstance() .getResourceManager() .RunVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.IsValid, new IrsBaseVDSCommandParameters(storagePoolId)).getReturnValue()); log.debugFormat("Validation of Storage pool id {0} returned {1}.", storagePoolId, isValid ? "valid" : "not valid"); // Setting the indication to the indication whether the storage pool is valid. boolean updateFromVDSMSucceeded = isValid; // If the SPM and the storage pool are valid, try to refresh the Iso list by fetching it from the SPM. if (isValid) { if (fileTypeExt == FileTypeExtension.ISO) { updateFromVDSMSucceeded = updateIsoListFromVDSM(storagePoolId, storageDomainId); } else if (fileTypeExt == FileTypeExtension.Floppy) { updateFromVDSMSucceeded = updateFloppyListFromVDSM(storagePoolId, storageDomainId) && updateFromVDSMSucceeded; } } // Log if the refresh succeeded or add the storage domain to the problematic list. if (updateFromVDSMSucceeded) { refreshSucceeded = true; log.debugFormat("Refresh succeeded for file type {0} at storage domain id {1} in storage pool id {2}.",, storageDomainId, storagePoolId); } return refreshSucceeded; } /** * The procedure Try to refresh the repository files of the storage domain id, By iterate over the storage pools of * this domain, and try to choose a valid storage pool, to fetch the repository files from the VDSM, and refresh the * cached table. <BR/> * If succeeded, will return True. Otherwise return false with updated list of problematic repository files with the * storage pool, storage domain, and file type, that could not complete the cache update transaction. * * @param storageDomainId * - The Repository domain Id, we want to refresh. * @param ProblematicRepoFileList * - List of business entities, each one indicating the problematic entity. * @param fileTypeExtension * - The fileTypeExtension we want to fetch the files from the cache. * @return Boolean value indicating if the refresh succeeded or not. */ private boolean refreshIsoDomain(Guid storageDomainId, List<RepoFileMetaData> problematicRepoFileList, FileTypeExtension fileTypeExt) { boolean refreshSucceeded = false; List<RepoFileMetaData> tempProblematicRepoFileList = new ArrayList<RepoFileMetaData>(); // Fetch all the Storage pools for this Iso domain Id. List<storage_pool_iso_map> isoMapList = DbFacade.getInstance() .getStoragePoolIsoMapDAO() .getAllForStorage(storageDomainId); log.debugFormat("Fetched {0} storage pools for {1} file type, in Iso domain {2}.", isoMapList.size(), fileTypeExt, storageDomainId); Iterator<storage_pool_iso_map> iter = isoMapList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext() && !refreshSucceeded) { storage_pool_iso_map storagePoolIsoMap =; Guid storagePoolId = storagePoolIsoMap.getstorage_pool_id().getValue(); if ((storagePoolIsoMap.getstatus() != null) && (storagePoolIsoMap.getstatus() == StorageDomainStatus.Active)) { // Try to refresh the domain of the storage pool id. refreshSucceeded = refreshIsoDomainFileForStoragePool(storageDomainId, storagePoolId, fileTypeExt); } else { log.debugFormat("Storage domain id {0}, is not active, and there for could not be refreshed for {1} file type (Iso domain status is {2}).", storageDomainId, fileTypeExt, storagePoolIsoMap.getstatus()); } if (!refreshSucceeded) { log.debugFormat("Failed refreshing Storage domain id {0}, for {1} file type in storage pool id {2}.", storageDomainId, fileTypeExt, storagePoolId); // set a mock repository file meta data with storage domain id and storage pool id. RepoFileMetaData repoFileMetaData = new RepoFileMetaData(); repoFileMetaData.setStoragePoolId(storagePoolId); repoFileMetaData.setRepoDomainId(storageDomainId); repoFileMetaData.setFileType(fileTypeExt); // Add the repository file to the list of problematic Iso domains. tempProblematicRepoFileList.add(repoFileMetaData); } } // If refreshed was not succeeded add the problematic storage Iso domain to the list. if (!refreshSucceeded) { problematicRepoFileList.addAll(tempProblematicRepoFileList); } return refreshSucceeded; } /** * Refresh the Iso domain when activating the domain, * with executing a new Thread to prevent long lock status for the domain. * * @param IsoStorageDomainId * - The storage domain Id we want to get the file list from. * @param storagePoolId * - The storage pool Id we get an Iso active domain, we want to get the file list from (used mainly for log issues). */ public void refresheIsoDomainWhenActivateDomain(final Guid isoStorageDomainId, final Guid storagePoolId) { if (storagePoolId != null && (isoStorageDomainId != null)) { ThreadPoolUtil.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { refreshActivatedStorageDomainFromVdsm(storagePoolId, isoStorageDomainId); } }); } } /** * Returns the cached Iso file meta data list, of the storage pool Id with the storage domain id. * * @param IsoStorageDomainId * - The storage domain Id we want to get the file list from. * @param IsoStoragePoolId * - The storage pool Id we want to get the file list from. * @return List of Iso file fetched from DB, if parameter is invalid returns an empty list. */ public List<RepoFileMetaData> getCachedIsoListByPoolAndDomainId(Guid isoStoragePoolId, Guid isoStorageDomainId) { List<RepoFileMetaData> fileListMD = new ArrayList<RepoFileMetaData>(); // Check validation of parameters. if (isoStorageDomainId != null && isoStoragePoolId != null) { // Get all the Iso files of storage and domain ID. fileListMD = repoStorageDom.getRepoListForStorageDomainAndStoragePool(isoStoragePoolId, isoStorageDomainId, FileTypeExtension.ISO); } return fileListMD; } /** * Returns the cached Iso file meta data list, for storage domain. * * @param IsoStorageDomainId * - The storage domain Id we want to get the file list from. * @return List of Iso files fetched from DB, if parameter is invalid returns an empty list. */ public List<RepoFileMetaData> getCachedIsoListByDomainId(Guid isoStorageDomainId,FileTypeExtension fileTypeExtension) { List<RepoFileMetaData> fileListMD = new ArrayList<RepoFileMetaData>(); if (isoStorageDomainId != null) { fileListMD = repoStorageDom.getRepoListForStorageDomain(isoStorageDomainId, fileTypeExtension); } return fileListMD; } /** * Handling the list of problematic repository files, to maintain multi thread caching. * @see #resetProblematicList() */ private synchronized void addRepoFileToProblematicList(List<RepoFileMetaData> repoFileMetaDataList) { problematicRepoFileList.addAll(repoFileMetaDataList); } /** * Reset the list of problematic repository files, before starting the refresh procedure. * uses for multy thread caching. * @see #addRepoFileToProblematicList() */ private synchronized void resetProblematicList() { problematicRepoFileList.clear(); } /** * Print information on the problematic storage domain. Mainly transfer the business entity to list, for handling * the error uniformly. * Create a mock RepoFileMetaData object in a list, to use the functionality of the handleErrorLog with list. * * @param IsoStorageDomainId * - The storage domain Id. * @param storagePoolId * - The storage pool Id. * @param fileTypeExt * - The file type extension (ISO or Floppy). * @see #handleErrorLog(List) */ private void handleErrorLog(Guid storagePoolId, Guid storageDomainId, FileTypeExtension fileTypeExt) { List<RepoFileMetaData> tempProblematicRepoFileList = new ArrayList<RepoFileMetaData>(); // set mock repo file meta data with storage domain id and storage pool id. RepoFileMetaData repoFileMetaData = new RepoFileMetaData(); repoFileMetaData.setStoragePoolId(storagePoolId); repoFileMetaData.setRepoDomainId(storageDomainId); repoFileMetaData.setFileType(fileTypeExt); // Add the repository file to the list, and use handleError. tempProblematicRepoFileList.add(repoFileMetaData); handleErrorLog(tempProblematicRepoFileList); } /** * Print information on the problematic storage domains and print an audit log.<BR/> * If the problematicFileListForHandleError list retrieved empty or null,<BR/> * then don't do nothing and return false flag. * * @param problematicFileListForHandleError * - List of repository file meta data, each one indicating a problematic repository domain. * @return true, if has problematic storage domains, false otherwise (List is empty). */ private boolean handleErrorLog(List<RepoFileMetaData> problematicFileListForHandleError) { boolean hasProblematic = false; if (problematicFileListForHandleError != null && !problematicFileListForHandleError.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder problematicStorages = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder problematicIsoDomainsForAuditLog = new StringBuilder(); Set<String> storageDomainNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (RepoFileMetaData repoMap : problematicFileListForHandleError) { problematicStorages.append(buildDetailedProblematicMapMsg(repoMap)); storageDomainNames.add(buildDetailedAuditLogMessage(repoMap)); } // Build Audit log message with problematic domains. for (String domainName : storageDomainNames) { problematicIsoDomainsForAuditLog.append(" ").append(domainName); } hasProblematic = true; log.errorFormat("The following storage domains had a problem retrieving data from VDSM {0}", problematicStorages.toString()); addToAuditLogErrorMessage(problematicIsoDomainsForAuditLog.toString()); } return hasProblematic; } /** * Returns a string builder contains problematic repoFileMetaData details. * * @param repoFileMetaData * - The problematic storage domain. */ private StringBuilder buildDetailedProblematicMapMsg(RepoFileMetaData repoFileMetaData) { StringBuilder problematicStorageMsg = new StringBuilder(); if (repoFileMetaData != null) { problematicStorageMsg.append(" ("); if (repoFileMetaData.getStoragePoolId() != null) { problematicStorageMsg.append(" Storage Pool Id: ").append(repoFileMetaData.getStoragePoolId()); } if (repoFileMetaData.getRepoDomainId() != null) { problematicStorageMsg.append(" Storage domain Id: ").append(repoFileMetaData.getRepoDomainId()); } problematicStorageMsg.append(" File type: ").append(repoFileMetaData.getFileType()).append(") "); } else { problematicStorageMsg.append("(A repository file meta data business entity, has null value) "); } return problematicStorageMsg; } /** * Returns String contains problematic iso domain name for audit log message. * @param repoFileMetaData * - The problematic storage domain. * @return */ private String buildDetailedAuditLogMessage(RepoFileMetaData repoFileMetaData) { String storageDomainName = "Repository not found"; if (repoFileMetaData != null && repoFileMetaData.getRepoDomainId() != null) { storage_domains storageDomain = DbFacade.getInstance().getStorageDomainDAO().get(repoFileMetaData.getRepoDomainId()); if (storageDomain != null) { storageDomainName = String.format("%s (%s file type)", storageDomain.getstorage_name(), repoFileMetaData.getFileType().name()); } } else { log.error("Repository file meta data not found for logging"); } return storageDomainName; } /** * Updates the DB cache table with files fetched from VDSM. * The method is dedicated for multiple threads refresh. * If refresh from VDSM has encounter problems, we update the problematic domain list. * @param repoFileMetaData */ private void updateCachedIsoFileListFromVdsm(RepoFileMetaData repoFileMetaData, final CountDownLatch latch) { boolean isRefreshed = false; try { List<RepoFileMetaData> problematicRepoFileList = new ArrayList<RepoFileMetaData>(); isRefreshed = refreshIsoDomain(repoFileMetaData.getRepoDomainId(),problematicRepoFileList,repoFileMetaData.getFileType()); addRepoFileToProblematicList(problematicRepoFileList); } finally { // At any case count down the latch, and print log message. latch.countDown(); log.infoFormat("Finished automatic refresh process for {0} file type with {1}, for storage domain id {2}.", repoFileMetaData.getFileType(), isRefreshed ? "success" : "failure", repoFileMetaData.getRepoDomainId()); } } /** * Create a new transaction to refresh the Iso file list in to the DB. * * @param repoDomainId * - The repository domain id we want to update. * @param storageDomainDao * - The Data Access Layer for storage domain. * @param isoDomainList * - The Iso files which refreshed in the cache. */ private static boolean refreshIsoFileListMetaData(final Guid repoStorageDomainId, final RepoFileMetaDataDAO repoFileMetaDataDao, final List<String> isoDomainList, final FileTypeExtension fileTypeExt) { Lock syncObject = getSyncObject(repoStorageDomainId, fileTypeExt); try { syncObject.lock(); return (Boolean) TransactionSupport.executeInScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, new TransactionMethod<Object>() { @Override public Object runInTransaction() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); repoFileMetaDataDao.removeRepoDomainFileList(repoStorageDomainId, fileTypeExt); RepoFileMetaData repo_md; for (String isoFile : isoDomainList) { repo_md = new RepoFileMetaData(); repo_md.setLastRefreshed(currentTime); repo_md.setSize(0); repo_md.setRepoDomainId(repoStorageDomainId); repo_md.setDateCreated(null); repo_md.setRepoFileName(isoFile); repo_md.setFileType(fileTypeExt); repoFileMetaDataDao.addRepoFileMap(repo_md); } return true; } }); } finally { syncObject.unlock(); } } /** * Try to update the cached table from the VDSM, if succeeded fetch the file list again from the DB. if not ,handle * the log message. * * @param IsoStorageDomainId * - The storage domain Id we want to get the file list from. * @param fileListMD * - File list of repository files. * @param repoFileMetaData * - repository file we fetch the domain counting on its domain id. */ private synchronized void refreshActivatedStorageDomainFromVdsm(Guid storagePoolId, Guid storageDomainId) { if (!updateIsoListFromVDSM(storagePoolId, storageDomainId)) { // Add an audit log that refresh was failed for Iso files. handleErrorLog(storagePoolId, storageDomainId, FileTypeExtension.ISO); } if (!updateFloppyListFromVDSM(storagePoolId, storageDomainId)) { // Add an audit log that refresh was failed for Floppy files. handleErrorLog(storagePoolId, storageDomainId, FileTypeExtension.Floppy); } } /** * Check if last refreshed time has exceeded the time limit configured in isoDomainRefreshRate. * * @param lastRefreshed * - Time when repository file was last refreshed. * @return True if time exceeded, and should refresh the domain, false otherwise. */ private boolean shouldRefreshIsoDomain(long lastRefreshed) { return ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastRefreshed) > isoDomainRefreshRate); } /** * Gets the Iso file list from VDSM, and if the fetch is valid refresh the Iso list in the DB. * * @param repoFileMetaData * - The repository storage pool id, we want to update the file list. * @param repoStorageDomainId * - The repository storage domain id, for activate storage domain id. * @return True, if the fetch from VDSM has succeeded. False otherwise. */ private boolean updateIsoListFromVDSM(Guid repoStoragePoolId, Guid repoStorageDomainId) { boolean refreshIsoSucceeded = false; if (repoStorageDomainId != null) { try { // Get Iso domain file list from storage pool. VDSReturnValue returnValue = Backend .getInstance() .getResourceManager() .RunVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.GetIsoList, new IrsBaseVDSCommandParameters(repoStoragePoolId)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> isoDomainList = (List<String>) returnValue.getReturnValue(); if (returnValue.getSucceeded() && isoDomainList != null) { log.debugFormat("The refresh process from VDSM, for Iso files succeeded."); // Set the Iso domain file list fetched from VDSM into the DB. refreshIsoSucceeded = refreshIsoFileListMetaData(repoStorageDomainId, repoStorageDom, isoDomainList, FileTypeExtension.ISO); } } catch (Exception e) { refreshIsoSucceeded = false; log.warnFormat("The refresh process from VDSM, for Iso files failed."); log.error(e); } } return refreshIsoSucceeded; } /** * Gets the Iso floppy file list from VDSM, and if the fetch is valid refresh the Iso floppy list in the DB. * * @param repoFileMetaData * - The repository storage pool id, we want to update the file list. * @param repoStorageDomainId * - The repository storage domain id, for activate storage domain id. * @return True, if the fetch from VDSM has succeeded. False otherwise. */ private boolean updateFloppyListFromVDSM(Guid repoStoragePoolId, Guid repoStorageDomainId) { boolean refreshFloppySucceeded = false; if (repoStorageDomainId != null) { try { // Get Iso domain floppy file list from storage pool. VDSReturnValue returnValue = Backend .getInstance() .getResourceManager() .RunVdsCommand(VDSCommandType.GetFloppyList, new IrsBaseVDSCommandParameters(repoStoragePoolId)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> isoDomainFloppyList = (List<String>) returnValue.getReturnValue(); if (returnValue.getSucceeded() && isoDomainFloppyList != null) { // Set the Iso domain floppy file list fetched from VDSM into the DB. refreshFloppySucceeded = refreshIsoFileListMetaData(repoStorageDomainId, repoStorageDom, isoDomainFloppyList, FileTypeExtension.Floppy); } log.debugFormat("The refresh process from VDSM, for Floppy files succeeded."); } catch (Exception e) { refreshFloppySucceeded = false; log.warnFormat("The refresh process from VDSM, for Floppy files failed."); log.error(e); } } return refreshFloppySucceeded; } /** * Maintain a <code>ConcurrentMap</code> which contains <code>Lock</code> object.<BR/> * The key Object is a <code>Pair</code> object, which will represent the domain and the file type.<BR/> * If no synchronized object found, the <code>Lock</code> will be add to the <code>ConcurrentMap</code>. * * @param domainId * - The domain Id that supposed to be refreshed. * @param fileTypeExt * - The file type supposed to be refreshed. * @return - The Lock object, which represent the domain and the file type, to lock. */ private static Lock getSyncObject(Guid domainId, FileTypeExtension fileTypeExt) { Pair<Guid, FileTypeExtension> domainPerFileType = new Pair<Guid, FileTypeExtension>(domainId, fileTypeExt); syncDomainForFileTypeMap.putIfAbsent(domainPerFileType,new ReentrantLock()); return syncDomainForFileTypeMap.get(domainPerFileType); } /** * Add audit log message when fetch encounter problems. * * @param problematicRepoFilesList * - List of Iso domain names, which encounter problem fetching from VDSM. */ private void addToAuditLogErrorMessage(String problematicRepoFilesList) { AuditLogableBase logable = new AuditLogableBase(); // Get translated error by error code ,if no translation found (should not happened) , // will set the error code instead. logable.AddCustomValue("isoDomains", problematicRepoFilesList); AuditLogDirector.log(logable, AuditLogType.REFRESH_REPOSITORY_FILE_LIST_FAILED); } /** * Add audit log message when fetch encounter problems. */ private void addToAuditLogSuccessMessage(String IsoDomain, String fileTypeExt) { AuditLogableBase logable = new AuditLogableBase(); logable.AddCustomValue("isoDomains", String.format("%s (%s file type)", IsoDomain, fileTypeExt)); AuditLogDirector.log(logable, AuditLogType.REFRESH_REPOSITORY_FILE_LIST_SUCCEEDED); } private static LogCompat log = LogFactoryCompat.getLog(IsoDomainListSyncronizer.class); }