package org.ovirt.engine.core.common.businessentities; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.common.queries.ValueObjectMap; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Guid; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.INotifyPropertyChanged; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.PropertyChangedEventArgs; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.StringHelper; import org.ovirt.engine.core.compat.Version; //VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER NOTE: There is no Java equivalent to C# namespace aliases: //using Timer=System.Timers.Timer; //VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.NONE) @XmlType(name = "VDS") public class VDS extends IVdcQueryable implements INotifyPropertyChanged, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7893976203379789926L; private VdsStatic mVdsStatic; private VdsDynamic mVdsDynamic; private VdsStatistics mVdsStatistics; // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement(name = "InterfaceList") private ArrayList<VdsNetworkInterface> mInterfaceList; // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement(name = "NetworkList") private java.util.ArrayList<network> mNetworkList; /** * This map holds the disk usage reported by the host. The mapping is path to usage (in MB). */ @XmlTransient private Map<String, Long> localDisksUsage; public VDS() { mVdsStatic = new VdsStatic(); mVdsDynamic = new VdsDynamic(); mVdsStatistics = new VdsStatistics(); mInterfaceList = new java.util.ArrayList<VdsNetworkInterface>(); mNetworkList = new java.util.ArrayList<network>(); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((_cpuName == null) ? 0 : _cpuName.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((_spm_status == null) ? 0 : _spm_status.hashCode()); result = prime * result + cpu_over_commit_duration_minutesField; result = prime * result + high_utilizationField; result = prime * result + low_utilizationField; result = prime * result + ((mImagesLastCheck == null) ? 0 : mImagesLastCheck.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mImagesLastDelay == null) ? 0 : mImagesLastDelay.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mInterfaceList == null) ? 0 : mInterfaceList.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mNetworkList == null) ? 0 : mNetworkList.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mVdsDynamic == null) ? 0 : mVdsDynamic.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mVdsStatic == null) ? 0 : mVdsStatic.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mVdsStatistics == null) ? 0 : mVdsStatistics.hashCode()); result = prime * result + max_vds_memory_over_commitField; result = prime * result + ((privateDomains == null) ? 0 : privateDomains.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((privatevds_spm_id == null) ? 0 : privatevds_spm_id.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((selection_algorithmField == null) ? 0 : selection_algorithmField.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((storage_pool_idField == null) ? 0 : storage_pool_idField.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((storage_pool_nameField == null) ? 0 : storage_pool_nameField.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vds_group_compatibility_versionField == null) ? 0 : vds_group_compatibility_versionField.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vds_group_cpu_nameField == null) ? 0 : vds_group_cpu_nameField.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vds_group_descriptionField == null) ? 0 : vds_group_descriptionField.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((vds_group_nameField == null) ? 0 : vds_group_nameField.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; VDS other = (VDS) obj; if (_cpuName == null) { if (other._cpuName != null) return false; } else if (!_cpuName.equals(other._cpuName)) return false; if (_spm_status != other._spm_status) return false; if (cpu_over_commit_duration_minutesField != other.cpu_over_commit_duration_minutesField) return false; if (high_utilizationField != other.high_utilizationField) return false; if (low_utilizationField != other.low_utilizationField) return false; if (mImagesLastCheck == null) { if (other.mImagesLastCheck != null) return false; } else if (!mImagesLastCheck.equals(other.mImagesLastCheck)) return false; if (mImagesLastDelay == null) { if (other.mImagesLastDelay != null) return false; } else if (!mImagesLastDelay.equals(other.mImagesLastDelay)) return false; if (mInterfaceList == null) { if (other.mInterfaceList != null) return false; } else if (!mInterfaceList.equals(other.mInterfaceList)) return false; if (mNetworkList == null) { if (other.mNetworkList != null) return false; } else if (!mNetworkList.equals(other.mNetworkList)) return false; if (mVdsStatic == null) { if (other.mVdsStatic != null) return false; } else if (!mVdsStatic.equals(other.mVdsStatic)) return false; if (max_vds_memory_over_commitField != other.max_vds_memory_over_commitField) return false; if (privateDomains == null) { if (other.privateDomains != null) return false; } else if (!privateDomains.equals(other.privateDomains)) return false; if (privatevds_spm_id == null) { if (other.privatevds_spm_id != null) return false; } else if (!privatevds_spm_id.equals(other.privatevds_spm_id)) return false; if (selection_algorithmField != other.selection_algorithmField) return false; if (storage_pool_idField == null) { if (other.storage_pool_idField != null) return false; } else if (!storage_pool_idField.equals(other.storage_pool_idField)) return false; if (storage_pool_nameField == null) { if (other.storage_pool_nameField != null) return false; } else if (!storage_pool_nameField.equals(other.storage_pool_nameField)) return false; if (vds_group_compatibility_versionField == null) { if (other.vds_group_compatibility_versionField != null) return false; } else if (!vds_group_compatibility_versionField.equals(other.vds_group_compatibility_versionField)) return false; if (vds_group_cpu_nameField == null) { if (other.vds_group_cpu_nameField != null) return false; } else if (!vds_group_cpu_nameField.equals(other.vds_group_cpu_nameField)) return false; if (vds_group_descriptionField == null) { if (other.vds_group_descriptionField != null) return false; } else if (!vds_group_descriptionField.equals(other.vds_group_descriptionField)) return false; if (vds_group_nameField == null) { if (other.vds_group_nameField != null) return false; } else if (!vds_group_nameField.equals(other.vds_group_nameField)) return false; return true; } public VDS(Guid vds_group_id, String vds_group_name, String vds_group_description, Guid vds_id, String vds_name, String ip, String host_name, int port, int status, Integer cpu_cores, String cpu_model, Double cpu_speed_mh, String if_total_speed, Boolean kvm_enabled, Integer physical_mem_mb, Double cpu_idle, Double cpu_load, Double cpu_sys, Double cpu_user, Integer mem_commited, Integer vm_active, int vm_count, Integer vm_migrating, Integer usage_mem_percent, Integer usage_cpu_percent, Integer usage_network_percent, Integer reserved_mem, Integer guest_overhead, VDSStatus previous_status, String software_version, String version_name, String build_name, Long mem_available, Long mem_shared, boolean server_SSL_enabled, String vds_group_cpu_name, String cpu_name, Boolean net_config_dirty, String pm_type, String pm_user, String pm_password, int pm_port, String pm_options, boolean pm_enabled) // Nullable<System.Int32> // mem_cached, { mVdsStatic = new VdsStatic(); mVdsDynamic = new VdsDynamic(); mVdsStatistics = new VdsStatistics(); mInterfaceList = new java.util.ArrayList<VdsNetworkInterface>(); mNetworkList = new java.util.ArrayList<network>(); this.setvds_group_id(vds_group_id); this.vds_group_nameField = vds_group_name; this.vds_group_descriptionField = vds_group_description; this.setvds_id(vds_id); this.setvds_name(vds_name); this.setManagmentIp(ip); this.sethost_name(host_name); this.setport(port); this.setstatus(VDSStatus.forValue(status)); this.setcpu_cores(cpu_cores); this.setcpu_model(cpu_model); this.setcpu_speed_mh(cpu_speed_mh); this.setif_total_speed(if_total_speed); this.setkvm_enabled(kvm_enabled); this.setphysical_mem_mb(physical_mem_mb); this.setcpu_idle(cpu_idle); this.setcpu_load(cpu_load); this.setcpu_sys(cpu_sys); this.setcpu_user(cpu_user); this.setmem_commited(mem_commited); this.setvm_active(vm_active); this.setvm_count(vm_count); this.setvm_migrating(vm_migrating); this.setusage_mem_percent(usage_mem_percent); this.setusage_cpu_percent(usage_cpu_percent); this.setusage_network_percent(usage_network_percent); this.setreserved_mem(reserved_mem); this.setguest_overhead(guest_overhead); this.setprevious_status(previous_status); this.setmem_available(mem_available); this.setmem_shared(mem_shared); this.setsoftware_version(software_version); this.setversion_name(version_name); this.setbuild_name(build_name); this.setserver_SSL_enabled(server_SSL_enabled); this.vds_group_cpu_nameField = vds_group_cpu_name; this.setcpu_flags(getcpu_flags()); this.setnet_config_dirty(net_config_dirty); // Power Management this.setpm_enabled(pm_enabled); this.setpm_password(pm_password); this.setpm_port(pm_port); this.setpm_options(pm_options); this.setpm_type(pm_type); this.setpm_user(pm_user); } public VDS(VdsStatic vdsStatic, VdsDynamic vdsDynamic, VdsStatistics vdsStatistics) { this.mVdsStatic = vdsStatic; this.mVdsDynamic = vdsDynamic; this.mVdsStatistics = vdsStatistics; } private Version vds_group_compatibility_versionField; @XmlElement public Version getvds_group_compatibility_version() { return this.vds_group_compatibility_versionField; } @XmlElement(name = "ContainingHooks") public boolean getContainingHooks() { // As VDSM reports the hooks in XMLRPCStruct that represents map of maps, we can assume that the string form of // the map begins with // { and ends with } String hooksStr = getHooksStr(); return hooksStr != null && hooksStr.length() > 2; } public void setContainingHooks(boolean isContainingHooks) { // Empty setter - this is a calculated field } public void setHooksStr(String hooksStr) { getDynamicData().setHooksStr(hooksStr); } public String getHooksStr() { return getDynamicData().getHooksStr(); } public void setvds_group_compatibility_version(Version value) { if (Version.OpInequality(vds_group_compatibility_versionField, value)) { this.vds_group_compatibility_versionField = value; OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vds_group_compatibility_version")); } } @XmlElement(name = "vds_group_id") public Guid getvds_group_id() { return this.mVdsStatic.getvds_group_id(); } public void setvds_group_id(Guid value) { this.mVdsStatic.setvds_group_id(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vds_group_id")); } private String vds_group_nameField; @XmlElement public String getvds_group_name() { return this.vds_group_nameField; } public void setvds_group_name(String value) { this.vds_group_nameField = value; OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vds_group_name")); } private String vds_group_descriptionField; @XmlElement public String getvds_group_description() { return this.vds_group_descriptionField; } public void setvds_group_description(String value) { this.vds_group_descriptionField = value; } private String vds_group_cpu_nameField; @XmlElement public String getvds_group_cpu_name() { return this.vds_group_cpu_nameField; } public void setvds_group_cpu_name(String value) { this.vds_group_cpu_nameField = value; } @XmlElement(name = "vds_id") public Guid getvds_id() { return this.mVdsStatic.getId(); } public void setvds_id(Guid value) { this.mVdsStatic.setId(value); this.mVdsDynamic.setId(value); this.mVdsStatistics.setId(value); } @XmlElement(name = "vds_name") public String getvds_name() { return this.mVdsStatic.getvds_name(); } public void setvds_name(String value) { if (!StringHelper.EqOp(this.mVdsStatic.getvds_name(), value)) { this.mVdsStatic.setvds_name(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vds_name")); } } @XmlElement(name = "ManagmentIp") public String getManagmentIp() { return this.mVdsStatic.getManagmentIp(); } public void setManagmentIp(String value) { this.mVdsStatic.setManagmentIp(value); } @XmlElement(name = "UniqueId") public String getUniqueId() { return mVdsStatic.getUniqueID(); } public void setUniqueId(String value) { mVdsStatic.setUniqueID(value); } @XmlElement(name = "host_name") public String gethost_name() { return this.mVdsStatic.gethost_name(); } public void sethost_name(String value) { this.mVdsStatic.sethost_name(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("host_name")); } @XmlElement(name = "port") public int getport() { return this.mVdsStatic.getport(); } public void setport(int value) { this.mVdsStatic.setport(value); } @XmlElement(name = "server_SSL_enabled") public boolean getserver_SSL_enabled() { return this.mVdsStatic.getserver_SSL_enabled(); } public void setserver_SSL_enabled(boolean value) { this.mVdsStatic.setserver_SSL_enabled(value); } @XmlElement(name = "vds_type") public VDSType getvds_type() { return this.mVdsStatic.getvds_type(); } public void setvds_type(VDSType value) { this.mVdsStatic.setvds_type(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vds_type")); } @XmlElement(name = "status") public VDSStatus getstatus() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getstatus(); } public void setstatus(VDSStatus value) { if (this.mVdsDynamic.getstatus() != value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setstatus(value); // TODO: check how to do deal with locks // mLockObj = mLockObj ?? new object(); // //lock (mLockObj) // //{ // if (((mVdsDynamic.status == VDSStatus.Up) || // (mVdsDynamic.status == VDSStatus.PreparingForMaintenance)) && // (value == VDSStatus.NonResponsive) && // (previous_status != mVdsDynamic.status)) // { // previous_status = mVdsDynamic.status; // } // this.mVdsDynamic.status = value; // if (value == VDSStatus.NonResponsive || // value == VDSStatus.Down || // value == VDSStatus.Maintenance) // { // this.cpu_sys = 0; // this.cpu_user = 0; // this.cpu_idle = 0; // this.tx_rate = 0; // this.rx_rate = 0; // this.cpu_load = 0; // this.usage_cpu_percent = 0; // this.usage_mem_percent = 0; // this.usage_network_percent = 0; // } // //} OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("status")); } } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_cores") public Integer getcpu_cores() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getcpu_cores(); } public void setcpu_cores(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setcpu_cores(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_sockets") public Integer getcpu_sockets() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getcpu_sockets(); } public void setcpu_sockets(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setcpu_sockets(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_model") public String getcpu_model() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getcpu_model(); } public void setcpu_model(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setcpu_model(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_speed_mh") public Double getcpu_speed_mh() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getcpu_speed_mh(); } public void setcpu_speed_mh(Double value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setcpu_speed_mh(value); } @XmlElement(name = "if_total_speed") public String getif_total_speed() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getif_total_speed(); } public void setif_total_speed(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setif_total_speed(value); } @XmlElement(name = "kvm_enabled") public Boolean getkvm_enabled() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getkvm_enabled(); } public void setkvm_enabled(Boolean value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setkvm_enabled(value); } @XmlElement(name = "physical_mem_mb", nillable = true) public Integer getphysical_mem_mb() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getphysical_mem_mb(); } public void setphysical_mem_mb(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setphysical_mem_mb(value); } @XmlElement(name = "supported_cluster_levels") public String getsupported_cluster_levels() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getsupported_cluster_levels(); } public void setsupported_cluster_levels(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setsupported_cluster_levels(value); } public java.util.HashSet<Version> getSupportedClusterVersionsSet() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getSupportedClusterVersionsSet(); } @XmlElement(name = "supported_engines") public String getsupported_engines() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getsupported_engines(); } public void setsupported_engines(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setsupported_engines(value); } public java.util.HashSet<Version> getSupportedENGINESVersionsSet() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getSupportedENGINESVersionsSet(); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_idle") public Double getcpu_idle() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getcpu_idle(); } public void setcpu_idle(Double value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setcpu_idle(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_load") public Double getcpu_load() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getcpu_load(); } public void setcpu_load(Double value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setcpu_load(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_sys") public Double getcpu_sys() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getcpu_sys(); } public void setcpu_sys(Double value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setcpu_sys(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_user") public Double getcpu_user() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getcpu_user(); } public void setcpu_user(Double value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setcpu_user(value); } @XmlElement(name = "mem_commited") public Integer getmem_commited() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getmem_commited(); } public void setmem_commited(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setmem_commited(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("mem_commited")); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("mem_commited_percent")); } @XmlElement(name = "vm_active", nillable = true) public Integer getvm_active() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getvm_active(); } public void setvm_active(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setvm_active(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vm_active")); } @XmlElement(name = "vm_count") public int getvm_count() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getvm_count(); } public void setvm_count(int value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setvm_count(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vm_count")); } @XmlElement(name = "vms_cores_count") public Integer getvms_cores_count() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getvms_cores_count(); } public void setvms_cores_count(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setvms_cores_count(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("vms_cores_count")); } @XmlElement(name = "vm_migrating") public Integer getvm_migrating() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getvm_migrating(); } public void setvm_migrating(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setvm_migrating(value); } @XmlElement(name = "usage_mem_percent", nillable = true) public Integer getusage_mem_percent() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getusage_mem_percent(); } public void setusage_mem_percent(Integer value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setusage_mem_percent(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("usage_mem_percent")); } @XmlElement(name = "usage_cpu_percent", nillable = true) public Integer getusage_cpu_percent() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getusage_cpu_percent(); } public void setusage_cpu_percent(Integer value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setusage_cpu_percent(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("usage_cpu_percent")); } @XmlElement(name = "usage_network_percent", nillable = true) public Integer getusage_network_percent() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getusage_network_percent(); } public void setusage_network_percent(Integer value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setusage_network_percent(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("usage_network_percent")); } @XmlElement(name = "guest_overhead", nillable = true) public Integer getguest_overhead() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getguest_overhead(); } public void setguest_overhead(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setguest_overhead(value); } @XmlElement(name = "reserved_mem", nillable = true) public Integer getreserved_mem() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getreserved_mem(); } public void setreserved_mem(Integer value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setreserved_mem(value); } @XmlElement(name = "previous_status") public VDSStatus getprevious_status() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getprevious_status(); } public void setprevious_status(VDSStatus value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setprevious_status(value); } @XmlElement(name = "mem_available", nillable = true) public Long getmem_available() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getmem_available(); } public void setmem_available(Long value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setmem_available(value); } @XmlElement(name = "mem_shared", nillable = true) public Long getmem_shared() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getmem_shared(); } public void setmem_shared(Long value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setmem_shared(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("mem_shared")); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("mem_shared_percent")); } @XmlElement(name = "mem_commited_percent", nillable = true) public Integer getmem_commited_percent() { Integer commited = mVdsDynamic.getmem_commited(); Integer physical = mVdsDynamic.getphysical_mem_mb(); if (commited == null || physical == null || physical == 0) { return 0; } return (commited * 100) / physical; } /** * This method is created for SOAP serialization of primitives that are readonly but sent by the client. The setter * implementation is empty and the field is not being changed. * * @param value */ @Deprecated public void setmem_commited_percent(Integer value) { } @XmlElement(name = "mem_shared_percent", nillable = true) public Integer getmem_shared_percent() { Long shared = mVdsStatistics.getmem_shared(); Integer physical = mVdsDynamic.getphysical_mem_mb(); if (shared == null || physical == null || physical == 0) { return 0; } return ((int) (shared * 100) / physical); } /** * This method is created for SOAP serialization of primitives that are readonly but sent by the client. The setter * implementation is empty and the field is not being changed. * * @param value */ @Deprecated public void setmem_shared_percent(Integer value) { } @XmlElement(name = "swap_free", nillable = true) public Long getswap_free() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getswap_free(); } public void setswap_free(Long value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setswap_free(value); } @XmlElement(name = "swap_total", nillable = true) public Long getswap_total() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getswap_total(); } public void setswap_total(Long value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setswap_total(value); } @XmlElement(name = "ksm_cpu_percent", nillable = true) public Integer getksm_cpu_percent() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getksm_cpu_percent(); } public void setksm_cpu_percent(Integer value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setksm_cpu_percent(value); } @XmlElement(name = "ksm_pages", nillable = true) public Long getksm_pages() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getksm_pages(); } public void setksm_pages(Long value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setksm_pages(value); } @XmlElement(name = "ksm_state") public Boolean getksm_state() { return this.mVdsStatistics.getksm_state(); } public void setksm_state(Boolean value) { this.mVdsStatistics.setksm_state(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("ksm_state")); } @XmlElement(name = "software_version") public String getsoftware_version() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getsoftware_version(); } public void setsoftware_version(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setsoftware_version(value); } @XmlElement(name = "version_name") public String getversion_name() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getversion_name(); } public void setversion_name(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setversion_name(value); } @XmlElement(name = "build_name") public String getbuild_name() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getbuild_name(); } public void setbuild_name(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setbuild_name(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_flags") public String getcpu_flags() { return mVdsDynamic.getcpu_flags(); } public void setcpu_flags(String value) { mVdsDynamic.setcpu_flags(value); } @XmlElement(name = "cpu_over_commit_time_stamp") public java.util.Date getcpu_over_commit_time_stamp() { return mVdsDynamic.getcpu_over_commit_time_stamp(); } public void setcpu_over_commit_time_stamp(java.util.Date value) { mVdsDynamic.setcpu_over_commit_time_stamp(value); } public HypervisorType gethypervisor_type() { return mVdsDynamic.gethypervisor_type(); } public void sethypervisor_type(HypervisorType value) { mVdsDynamic.sethypervisor_type(value); } @XmlElement(name = "vds_strength") public int getvds_strength() { return this.mVdsStatic.getvds_strength(); } public void setvds_strength(int value) { this.mVdsStatic.setvds_strength(value); } private int high_utilizationField; // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement public int gethigh_utilization() { return this.high_utilizationField; } public void sethigh_utilization(int value) { this.high_utilizationField = value; } private int low_utilizationField; // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement public int getlow_utilization() { return this.low_utilizationField; } public void setlow_utilization(int value) { this.low_utilizationField = value; } private int cpu_over_commit_duration_minutesField; // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement public int getcpu_over_commit_duration_minutes() { return this.cpu_over_commit_duration_minutesField; } public void setcpu_over_commit_duration_minutes(int value) { this.cpu_over_commit_duration_minutesField = value; } private Guid storage_pool_idField = new Guid(); // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement public Guid getstorage_pool_id() { return this.storage_pool_idField; } public void setstorage_pool_id(Guid value) { this.storage_pool_idField = value; } private String storage_pool_nameField; // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement public String getstorage_pool_name() { return this.storage_pool_nameField; } public void setstorage_pool_name(String value) { this.storage_pool_nameField = value; } private VdsSelectionAlgorithm selection_algorithmField = VdsSelectionAlgorithm.forValue(0); // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement public VdsSelectionAlgorithm getselection_algorithm() { return this.selection_algorithmField; } public void setselection_algorithm(VdsSelectionAlgorithm value) { this.selection_algorithmField = value; } // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond // to .NET attributes: @XmlElement(name = "max_vds_memory_over_commit") private int max_vds_memory_over_commitField; public int getmax_vds_memory_over_commit() { return this.max_vds_memory_over_commitField; } public void setmax_vds_memory_over_commit(int value) { this.max_vds_memory_over_commitField = value; } @XmlElement public Integer getpending_vcpus_count() { return mVdsDynamic.getpending_vcpus_count(); } public void setpending_vcpus_count(Integer value) { mVdsDynamic.setpending_vcpus_count(value); } @XmlElement public int getpending_vmem_size() { return mVdsDynamic.getpending_vmem_size(); } public void setpending_vmem_size(int value) { mVdsDynamic.setpending_vmem_size(value); } @XmlElement(nillable = true) public Boolean getnet_config_dirty() { return mVdsDynamic.getnet_config_dirty(); } public void setnet_config_dirty(Boolean value) { mVdsDynamic.setnet_config_dirty(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("net_config_dirty")); } @XmlElement public String getpm_type() { return mVdsStatic.getpm_type(); } public void setpm_type(String value) { mVdsStatic.setpm_type(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("pm_type")); } @XmlElement public String getpm_user() { return mVdsStatic.getpm_user(); } public void setpm_user(String value) { mVdsStatic.setpm_user(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("pm_user")); } @XmlElement public String getpm_password() { return mVdsStatic.getpm_password(); } public void setpm_password(String value) { mVdsStatic.setpm_password(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("pm_password")); } @XmlElement(nillable = true) public Integer getpm_port() { return mVdsStatic.getpm_port(); } public void setpm_port(Integer value) { mVdsStatic.setpm_port(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("pm_port")); } public String getpm_options() { return mVdsStatic.getpm_options(); } public void setpm_options(String value) { mVdsStatic.setpm_options(value); } @XmlElement(name = "PmOptionsMap") public ValueObjectMap getPmOptionsMap() { return mVdsStatic.getPmOptionsMap(); } public void setPmOptionsMap(ValueObjectMap value) { mVdsStatic.setPmOptionsMap(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("PmOptionsMap")); } @XmlElement public boolean getpm_enabled() { return mVdsStatic.getpm_enabled(); } public void setpm_enabled(boolean value) { mVdsStatic.setpm_enabled(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("pm_enabled")); } @XmlElement public String gethost_os() { return this.mVdsDynamic.gethost_os(); } public void sethost_os(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.sethost_os(value); } @XmlElement public String getkvm_version() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getkvm_version(); } public void setkvm_version(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setkvm_version(value); } @XmlElement public String getspice_version() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getspice_version(); } public void setspice_version(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setspice_version(value); } @XmlElement public String getkernel_version() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getkernel_version(); } public void setkernel_version(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setkernel_version(value); } @XmlElement(name = "IScsiInitiatorName") public void setIScsiInitiatorName(String value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setIScsiInitiatorName(value); } public String getIScsiInitiatorName() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getIScsiInitiatorName(); } public void setTransparentHugePagesState(VdsTransparentHugePagesState value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setTransparentHugePagesState(value); } @XmlElement(name = "TransparentHugePagesState") public VdsTransparentHugePagesState getTransparentHugePagesState() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getTransparentHugePagesState(); } public int getAnonymousHugePages() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getAnonymousHugePages(); } public void setAnonymousHugePages(int value) { this.mVdsDynamic.setAnonymousHugePages(value); } public VdsStatic getStaticData() { return mVdsStatic; } public void setStaticData(VdsStatic value) { mVdsStatic = value; } public VdsDynamic getDynamicData() { return mVdsDynamic; } public void setDynamicData(VdsDynamic value) { mVdsDynamic = value; } public VdsStatistics getStatisticsData() { return mVdsStatistics; } public void setStatisticsData(VdsStatistics value) { mVdsStatistics = value; } public VdsFencingOptions getVdsFencingOptions() { return (StringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(getpm_type())) ? null : new VdsFencingOptions(getpm_type(), getpm_options()); } // VB & C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Events are not available in Java: // public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void OnPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { /* if (PropertyChanged != null) */ { /* PropertyChanged(this, e); */ } } public java.util.ArrayList<network> getNetworks() { return this.mNetworkList; } public java.util.ArrayList<VdsNetworkInterface> getInterfaces() { return this.mInterfaceList; } private java.util.ArrayList<VDSDomainsData> privateDomains; public java.util.ArrayList<VDSDomainsData> getDomains() { return privateDomains; } public void setDomains(java.util.ArrayList<VDSDomainsData> value) { privateDomains = value; } private Double mImagesLastCheck; private Double mImagesLastDelay; public Double getImagesLastCheck() { return mImagesLastCheck; } public void setImagesLastCheck(Double value) { mImagesLastCheck = value; } @XmlElement public Double getImagesLastDelay() { return mImagesLastDelay; } public void setImagesLastDelay(Double value) { mImagesLastDelay = value; } @XmlElement(name = "Version") public void setVersion(VdsVersion value) { mVdsDynamic.setVersion(value); OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Version")); } public VdsVersion getVersion() { return mVdsDynamic.getVersion(); } private ServerCpu _cpuName; @XmlElement(name = "CpuName") public ServerCpu getCpuName() { return _cpuName; } public void setCpuName(ServerCpu value) { _cpuName = value; OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("CpuName")); } @XmlElement(name = "vds_spm_id") private Integer privatevds_spm_id; public Integer getvds_spm_id() { return privatevds_spm_id; } public void setvds_spm_id(Integer value) { privatevds_spm_id = value; } public long getOtpValidity() { return mVdsStatic.getOtpValidity(); } public void setOtpValidity(long value) { mVdsStatic.setOtpValidity(value); } @Override public Object getQueryableId() { return getvds_id(); } private static final java.util.ArrayList<String> _vdsProperties = new java.util.ArrayList<String>( java.util.Arrays.asList(new String[] { "vds_name", "status", "usage_cpu_percent", "usage_mem_percent", "usage_network_percent", "mem_commited", "vm_count", "vm_active", "host_name", "vds_group_name", "vds_type", "CpuName", "vds_group_id", "net_config_dirty", "spm_status", "pm_enabled", "pm_user", "pm_password", "pm_type", "pm_port", "pm_options", "vms_cores_count", "ksm_state", "mem_shared", "Version", "vds_group_compatibility_version", "UniqueId", "TransparentHugePagesState", "swap_total", "PmOptionsMap", "swap_free", "mem_shared_percent", "ManagmentIp", "supported_cluster_levels", "ContainingHooks", "NonOperationalReason", "host_os", "kernel_version", "spice_version", "kvm_version", "storage_pool_id", "physical_mem_mb"})); @Override public java.util.ArrayList<String> getChangeablePropertiesList() { return _vdsProperties; } private VdsSpmStatus _spm_status = VdsSpmStatus.forValue(0); @XmlElement public VdsSpmStatus getspm_status() { return _spm_status; } public void setspm_status(VdsSpmStatus value) { _spm_status = value; OnPropertyChanged(new PropertyChangedEventArgs("spm_status")); } @XmlElement(name = "NonOperationalReason") public NonOperationalReason getNonOperationalReason() { return this.mVdsDynamic.getNonOperationalReason(); } public void setNonOperationalReason(NonOperationalReason nonOperationalReason) { this.mVdsDynamic.setNonOperationalReason(nonOperationalReason); } public Map<String, Long> getLocalDisksUsage() { return localDisksUsage; } public void setLocalDisksUsage(Map<String, Long> localDiskUsage) { this.localDisksUsage = localDiskUsage; } }