package org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.ipa; import static org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.kerberos.InstallerConstants.ERROR_PREFIX; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import org.ovirt.engine.core.ldap.LdapProviderType; import org.ovirt.engine.core.ldap.RootDSEData; import org.ovirt.engine.core.utils.CLIParser; import org.springframework.ldap.AuthenticationException; import org.springframework.ldap.core.ContextMapper; import org.springframework.ldap.core.LdapTemplate; import; public class SimpleAuthenticationCheck { private static String INVALID_CREDENTIALS_ERROR_CODE = "49"; private LdapProviderType ldapProviderType; public enum Arguments { domain, user, password } private void printUsage() { System.out.println("Usage:"); System.out .println("SimpleAuthenticationCheck: -domain=<domains> -user=<user> -password=<password>"); } private String getLdapUrl(String ldapServer) { return "ldap://" + ldapServer; } private boolean validate(CLIParser parser) { Arguments[] argsToValidate = { Arguments.domain, Arguments.user, Arguments.password }; for (Arguments argument : argsToValidate) { if (!parser.hasArg( { System.out.println( + " is required"); return false; } } return true; } public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleAuthenticationCheck util = new SimpleAuthenticationCheck(); CLIParser parser = new CLIParser(args); if (!util.validate(parser)) { util.printUsage(); System.exit(ReturnStatus.INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILURE.ordinal()); } String username = parser.getArg(; String password = parser.getArg(; String domain = parser.getArg(; StringBuffer userGuid = new StringBuffer(); ReturnStatus status = util.printUserGuid(domain, username, password, "localhost:389", userGuid); System.exit(status.ordinal()); } private ReturnStatus updateProviderType(String ldapServer, String domain, String username, String password) { try { RootDSEData rootDSEData = new RootDSEData(getDirContext(getLdapUrl(ldapServer))); ldapProviderType = rootDSEData.getLdapProviderType(); return ReturnStatus.OK; } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ERROR_PREFIX + "Cannot detect LDAP provider type for domain " + domain + ", details: " + ex.getMessage()); return ReturnStatus.CANNOT_DETECT_PROVIDER_TYPE; } } public ReturnStatus printUserGuid(String domain, String username, String password, String ldapServerUrl, StringBuffer userGuid) { ReturnStatus updateProviderTypeStatus = updateProviderType(ldapServerUrl, domain, username, password); if (updateProviderTypeStatus != ReturnStatus.OK) { return updateProviderTypeStatus; } LdapContextSource contextSource = getContextSource(domain, username, password, ldapServerUrl); try { contextSource.afterPropertiesSet(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(ERROR_PREFIX + "Failed setting LDAP context for domain " + domain); return ReturnStatus.LDAP_CONTEXT_FAILURE; } if (updateProviderTypeStatus.equals(ReturnStatus.OK)) { LdapTemplate ldapTemplate = new LdapTemplate(contextSource); String query = ""; ContextMapper contextMapper; if (ldapProviderType.equals(LdapProviderType.ipa)) { query = "(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(objectClass=krbPrincipalAux)(uid=" + username + "))"; contextMapper = new IPAUserContextMapper(); // AD } else if (ldapProviderType.equals(LdapProviderType.activeDirectory)) { contextMapper = new ADUserContextMapper(); // RHDS } else { query = "(&(objectClass=person)(uid=" + username + "))"; contextMapper = new RHDSUserContextMapper(); } try { List searchResult ="", query, contextMapper); if (searchResult == null) { System.err.println(ERROR_PREFIX + "Cannot query user " + username + " from domain " + domain); return ReturnStatus.CANNOT_QUERY_USER; } else { userGuid.append((String) searchResult.get(0)); System.out.println("User guid is: " + userGuid.toString()); } } catch (org.springframework.ldap.AuthenticationException authEx) { return authenticationReturnStatus(authEx, username, domain); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ERROR_PREFIX + "Cannot query user " + username + " from domain " + domain + ", details: " + ex.getMessage()); return ReturnStatus.CANNOT_QUERY_USER; } return ReturnStatus.OK; } else { return updateProviderTypeStatus; } } /*** * Returns the ReturnStatus according to the given AuthenticationException. Either INVALID_CREDENTIALS if this is * the case, or the general CANNOT_AUTHENTICATE_USER otherwise. * @param authEx */ private ReturnStatus authenticationReturnStatus(AuthenticationException authEx, String userName, String domain) { ReturnStatus returnStatus = ReturnStatus.CANNOT_AUTHENTICATE_USER; String authExMessage = authEx.getMessage(); // Using contains() since the AuthenticationException does not have an error code property if (authExMessage != null && authExMessage.contains(INVALID_CREDENTIALS_ERROR_CODE)) { System.err.println(ERROR_PREFIX + "Invalid credentials for " + userName + " and domain " + domain + ", details: " + authEx.getMessage()); returnStatus = ReturnStatus.INVALID_CREDENTIALS; } else { System.err.println(ERROR_PREFIX + "Cannot authenticate user " + userName + " to domain " + domain + ", details: " + authEx.getMessage()); } return returnStatus; } private static String domainToDN(String domain) { String returnValue = "dc=" + domain.replaceAll("\\.", ",dc="); return returnValue; } private LdapContextSource getContextSource(String domain, String username, String password, String ldapServer) { LdapContextSource context = new LdapContextSource(); String ldapBaseDn = domainToDN(domain); StringBuilder ldapUserDn = new StringBuilder(); if (ldapProviderType.equals(LdapProviderType.ipa)) { ldapUserDn.append("uid=").append(username).append(",cn=Users").append(",cn=Accounts,"); } else if (ldapProviderType.equals(LdapProviderType.rhds)) { ldapUserDn.append("uid=").append(username).append(",ou=People"); } else { ldapUserDn.append("CN=").append(username).append(",CN=Users,"); } ldapUserDn.append(ldapBaseDn); context.setUrl(getLdapUrl(ldapServer)); context.setBase(ldapBaseDn); context.setUserDn(ldapUserDn.toString()); context.setPassword(password); context.setReferral("follow"); Map<String, String> baseEnvironmentProperties = new HashMap<String, String>(); // objectGUID - for AD baseEnvironmentProperties.put("java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary", "objectGUID"); context.setBaseEnvironmentProperties(baseEnvironmentProperties); return context; } private static DirContext getDirContext(String ldapServer) throws NamingException { Hashtable env = new Hashtable(11); env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "SIMPLE"); env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, ""); env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, ""); env.put(Context.REFERRAL, "follow"); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"); env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ldapServer.toString()); return new InitialDirContext(env); } }