package org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridController; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class GridRefreshManager { // Refresh the grid every 60 seconds by default public static final int DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE = 60; // Refresh rates (in seconds) public static final int[] REFRESH_RATES = new int[]{ 10, 20, 30 ,60 }; // For saving refresh rate on client private static final String REFRESH_RATE_COOKIE_NAME = "RefreshRate"; private static GridRefreshManager instance = null; private HashSet<GridController<?>> gridControllerList = new HashSet<GridController<?>>(); private int globalRefreshRate = DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE; private GridRefreshManager() { // Add window's focus\blur events AttachWindowFocusEvents(); // Read refresh rate cookie setGlobalRefreshRate(readRefreshRateCookie()); // Save cookie on window close event and window refresh event Window.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<Window>() { @Override public void onClose(CloseEvent<Window> event) { saveRefreshRateCookie(); } }); } public static GridRefreshManager getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new GridRefreshManager(); } return instance; } // Subscribe the specified grid controller to the refresh service public void subscribe(GridController<?> controller) { if (!gridControllerList.contains(controller)) { gridControllerList.add(controller); controller.gridChangePerformed(); GWT.log("Subscribe grid: " + controller.getClass().getName() + ", refresh rate: " + controller.getRefreshRate()); } } // Unsubscribe the specified grid controller to the refresh service public void unsubscribe(GridController<?> controller) { if (gridControllerList.contains(controller)) { gridControllerList.remove(controller); controller.stopRepeatedSearch(); GWT.log("Unsubscribe grid: " + controller.getClass().getName()); } } // Return true if the specified controller is subscribed to the service; // Otherwise, false public boolean isSubscribed(GridController<?> controller) { return gridControllerList.contains(controller); } // Suspend refresh public void suspendRefresh() { for (GridController<?> controller : gridControllerList) { controller.stopRepeatedSearch(); } } // Refresh grids less frequently while not in focus public void backgroundRefresh() { for (GridController<?> controller : gridControllerList) { if (controller.isRapidTimerRunning()) { continue; } controller.stopRepeatedSearch(); controller.repeatSearch(DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE * 1000); GWT.log("Background refresh, grid: " + controller.getClass().getName() + ", refresh rate: " + DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE); } } // Start/Resume refresh public void refreshGrids() { for (GridController<?> controller : gridControllerList) { if (controller.isRapidTimerRunning()) { continue; }; controller.repeatSearch(controller.getRefreshRate() * 1000); GWT.log("Start/Resume refresh, grid: " + controller.getClass().getName() + ", refresh rate: " + controller.getRefreshRate()); } } // Set global refresh rate for all grids public void setGlobalRefreshRate(int refreshRate) { this.globalRefreshRate = refreshRate; for (GridController<?> controller : gridControllerList) { controller.setRefreshRate(refreshRate); controller.stopRepeatedSearch(); refreshGrids(); } } // Get global refresh rate // (global value - currently, all grids have the refresh same rate) public int getGlobalRefreshRate() { return globalRefreshRate; } // Save refresh rate value to a cookie and set expire date to fifty years from now // (only a single value is saved - currently, all grids have the refresh same rate) private void saveRefreshRateCookie() { long expire = new Date().getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 50); // fifty years if (gridControllerList.iterator().hasNext()) { int refreshRate = gridControllerList.iterator().next().getRefreshRate(); Cookies.setCookie(REFRESH_RATE_COOKIE_NAME, String.valueOf(refreshRate), new Date(expire)); } } // Return refresh rate value from the cookie - if exists; Otherwise, return default refresh rate // (connect automatically is true by default). private int readRefreshRateCookie() { String refreshRate = Cookies.getCookie(REFRESH_RATE_COOKIE_NAME); try { return new Integer(refreshRate).intValue(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return DEFAULT_REFRESH_RATE; } } private JavaScriptObject activeElement; private boolean lastEventWasBlur = false; public void onWindowFocus() { refreshGrids(); } public void onWindowBlur() { backgroundRefresh(); } public native void AttachWindowFocusEvents() /*-{ var clientAgentType = @org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.util.ClientAgentType::new()(); var browser = clientAgentType.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.util.ClientAgentType::browser; var isIE = browser.toLowerCase() == "explorer"; if (isIE) { $doc.attachEvent("onfocusin", onFocus); $doc.attachEvent("onfocusout", onBlur); } else { $wnd.addEventListener("focus", onFocus, false); $wnd.addEventListener("blur", onBlur, false); } var context = this; function onFocus() { // only focus if previous event was a blur or we get lots of focus events (On IE) if (context.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridRefreshManager::lastEventWasBlur) { context.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridRefreshManager::lastEventWasBlur = false; context.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridRefreshManager::onWindowFocus()(); } } function onBlur() { if (context.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridRefreshManager::activeElement != $doc.activeElement) { context.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridRefreshManager::activeElement = $doc.activeElement; } else { context.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridRefreshManager::lastEventWasBlur = true; context.@org.ovirt.engine.ui.userportal.client.components.GridRefreshManager::onWindowBlur()(); } } }-*/; }