/* * Geotoolkit.org - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://www.geotoolkit.org * * (C) 2009-2012, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * (C) 2009-2012, Geomatys * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotoolkit.metadata; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import org.opengis.util.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.ObjectFactory; import org.apache.sis.metadata.MetadataStandard; import org.apache.sis.metadata.KeyNamePolicy; import org.apache.sis.metadata.ValueExistencePolicy; import org.geotoolkit.factory.Factory; import org.geotoolkit.factory.FactoryFinder; import org.geotoolkit.resources.Errors; import static org.apache.sis.util.collection.Containers.isNullOrEmpty; /** * Create metadata objects of the given {@link Class} using the properties given in a {@link Map}. * For any given type, this class tries to instantiate the metadata object in two ways: * * <ul> * <li><p>First, if a collection of factories has been given to the constructor, * then this method will search for a {@code create(Map, ...)} method returning * an object assignable to the requested one. For example if the user requests a * {@link org.opengis.referencing.crs.VerticalCRS} and this {@code MetadataFactory} has been * given a {@link org.opengis.referencing.crs.CRSFactory} at construction time, then the * {@code CRSFactory.createVerticalCRS(Map, ...)} method will be used.</p></li> * * <li><p>If no suitable factory is found, then {@code MetadataFactory} will try to instantiate * a metadata implementation directly using {@link Class#newInstance()}. The class can be an * interface like {@link org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation} or its implementation class * like {@link org.apache.sis.metadata.iso.citation.DefaultCitation}. * The keys in the map shall be the {@linkplain KeyNamePolicy#UML_IDENTIFIER UML identifiers} * or the {@linkplain KeyNamePolicy#JAVABEANS_PROPERTY Java Beans name} of metadata properties, * for example {@code "title"} for the value to be returned by * {@link org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation#getTitle()}.</p></li> * </ul> * * @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys) * @version 3.03 * * @since 3.03 * @module */ public class MetadataFactory extends Factory { /** * An optional set of factories to try before to create the metadata objects directly. * This is {@code null} if there is no such factory. */ private final Object[] factories; /** * The standards implemented by this factory. */ private final MetadataStandard[] standards; /** * The methods to use for instantiating object of the classes in the keys. * This is {@code null} if {@code factories} is null. */ private final Map<Class<?>, FactoryMethod> factoryMethods; /** * Creates a new factory implementing the {@linkplain MetadataStandard#ISO_19115 ISO 19115} * standard and using the referencing factories known to {@link FactoryFinder}. */ public MetadataFactory() { this(factories(), MetadataStandard.ISO_19115); } /** * Creates a new factory for the given metadata standards and the referencing factories * known to {@link FactoryFinder}. * * @param standards The metadata standards implemented by this factory. */ public MetadataFactory(final MetadataStandard... standards) { this(factories(), standards); } /** * Creates a new factory for the given metadata standards. The given collection of * factories will be used if possible before to instantiate a metadata object directly. * * @param factories The factories to try before to instantiate the metadata directly, * or {@code null} if none. * @param standards The metadata standards implemented by this factory. */ public MetadataFactory(final Set<?> factories, final MetadataStandard... standards) { if (!isNullOrEmpty(factories)) { this.factories = factories.toArray(); factoryMethods = new HashMap<>(); } else { this.factories = null; factoryMethods = null; } this.standards = standards.clone(); } /** * Returns the factories declared in {@link FactoryFinder}. */ private static Set<?> factories() { final Set<Object> factories = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (int i=0; ; i++) { final ObjectFactory factory; switch (i) { /* * We declare only the factories having create(Map<String,?>, ...) methods. * We pickup the DatumFactory first because in the particular case of Geotk * implementation, CRS and CS factories are also Datum factory and we don't * want them to hide the default DatumFactory. */ case 0: factory = FactoryFinder.getDatumFactory(null); break; case 1: factory = FactoryFinder.getCSFactory (null); break; case 2: factory = FactoryFinder.getCRSFactory (null); break; default: return factories; } factories.add(factory); } } /** * Creates a new metadata of the given type, initialized with the property values given in the * properties map. * * @param <T> The parameterized type of the {@code type} argument. * @param type The interface or implementation type of the metadata object to be created. * @param properties The property values to be given to the metadata object. * @return A new metadata object of the given class or implementation, filled with the given values. * @throws FactoryException If the metadata object can not be created. */ public <T> T create(final Class<T> type, final Map<String,?> properties) throws FactoryException { /* * First, check if there is a factory method for the given type. */ if (factoryMethods != null) { FactoryMethod method; synchronized (factoryMethods) { method = factoryMethods.get(type); if (method == null) { method = FactoryMethod.find(type, factories); if (method == null) { method = FactoryMethod.NULL; } else { // Found a method. Check if we already created an equal instance previously. // If yes, we can safely share the instance since FactoryMethod are immutable. for (final FactoryMethod existing : factoryMethods.values()) { if (method.equals(existing)) { method = existing; break; } } } factoryMethods.put(type, method); } } final Object metadata = method.create(properties); if (metadata != null) { return type.cast(metadata); } } /* * At this point, we have not found any suitable factory method. * Try to instantiate the implementation class directly. */ ReflectiveOperationException failure = null; for (final MetadataStandard standard : standards) { if (standard.isMetadata(type)) { Class<?> impl = standard.getImplementation(type); if (impl == null) { impl = type; // Will try to instantiate the type directly. } final Object metadata; try { metadata = impl.newInstance(); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { if (failure == null) { failure = e; } continue; } catch (Exception e) { /* * We catch all Exceptions because Class.newInstance() propagates all of them, * including the checked ones (it bypasses the compile-time exception checking). */ throw new FactoryException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } final Map<String,Object> asMap = standard.asValueMap(metadata, KeyNamePolicy.JAVABEANS_PROPERTY, ValueExistencePolicy.NON_EMPTY); try { asMap.putAll(properties); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new FactoryException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } return type.cast(metadata); } } throw new FactoryException(Errors.format(Errors.Keys.UnknownType_1, type), failure); } }