/* * Geotoolkit - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://www.geotoolkit.org * * (C) 2011, Geomatys * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotoolkit.ncwms.map; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import org.apache.sis.geometry.GeneralEnvelope; import org.geotoolkit.ncwms.NcWMSCoverageReference; import org.geotoolkit.ncwms.NcWebMapClient; import org.geotoolkit.wms.GetMapRequest; import org.geotoolkit.wms.map.WMSMapLayer; import org.opengis.geometry.Envelope; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.TransformException; import org.opengis.util.FactoryException; /** * Map representation of a ncWMS layer. * * @author Olivier Terral (Geomatys) * @module */ public class NcWMSMapLayer extends WMSMapLayer { private static NcWMSCoverageReference toReference(final NcWebMapClient server, final String... layers) { return new NcWMSCoverageReference(server, layers); } public NcWMSMapLayer(final NcWebMapClient server, final String... layers) { super(toReference(server, layers)); } @Override public NcWMSCoverageReference getCoverageReference(){ return (NcWMSCoverageReference) super.getCoverageReference(); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public void setOpacity(final Integer opacity) { getCoverageReference().setOpacity(opacity); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public Integer getNumColorBands() { return getCoverageReference().getNumColorBands(); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public void setNumColorBands(Integer numColorBands) { getCoverageReference().setNumColorBands(numColorBands); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public Boolean isLogScale() { return getCoverageReference().isLogScale(); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public void setLogScale(Boolean logScale) { getCoverageReference().setLogScale(logScale); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ @Override public void prepareQuery(final GetMapRequest request, final GeneralEnvelope env, final Dimension dim, final Point2D pickCoord) throws TransformException, FactoryException{ getCoverageReference().prepareQuery(request, env, dim, pickCoord); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ @Override public URL query(final Envelope env, final Dimension rect) throws MalformedURLException, TransformException, FactoryException { return getCoverageReference().query(env, rect); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ @Override public URL queryFeatureInfo(final Envelope env, final Dimension rect, int x, int y, final String[] queryLayers, final String infoFormat, final int featureCount) throws TransformException, FactoryException, MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryFeatureInfo(env, rect, x, y, queryLayers, infoFormat, featureCount).getURL(); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ @Override public URL queryLegend(final Dimension rect, final String format, final String rule, final Double scale) throws MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryLegend(rect, format, rule, scale).getURL(); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public URL queryMetadataLayerDetails() throws MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryMetadataLayerDetails(); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public URL queryMetadataAnimationTimesteps(final String start, final String end) throws MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryMetadataAnimationTimesteps(start, end); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public URL queryMetadataTimesteps() throws MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryMetadataTimesteps(); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public URL queryMetadataMinmax(final String crsCode, final String bbox, final String width, final String height) throws MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryMetadataMinmax(crsCode, bbox, width, height); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public URL queryTransect(final String crsCode, final String lineString, final String outputFormat) throws MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryTransect(crsCode, lineString, outputFormat); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public URL queryVerticalProfile(final String crsCode, float x, float y, final String outputFormat) throws MalformedURLException { return getCoverageReference().queryVerticalProfile(crsCode, x, y, outputFormat); } /** * @deprecated use getCoverageReference() methods */ public URL queryTimeseries(final Envelope env, final Dimension rect, int x, int y, final String infoFormat, final String dateBegin, final String dateEnd) throws MalformedURLException, TransformException, FactoryException { return getCoverageReference().queryTimeseries(env, rect, x, y, infoFormat, dateBegin, dateEnd); } }