/* * Geotoolkit - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://www.geotoolkit.org * * (C) 2010, Geomatys * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotoolkit.xal.model; import java.util.List; /** * <p>This interface maps Dependent Thoroughfare element.</p> * * <p>DependentThroughfare is related to a street; occurs in GB, IE, ES, PT.</p> * * <pre> * <xs:element name="DependentThoroughfare" minOccurs="0"> * <xs:complexType> * <xs:sequence> * <xs:element ref="AddressLine" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> * <xs:element name="ThoroughfarePreDirection" type="ThoroughfarePreDirectionType" minOccurs="0">... * </xs:element> * <xs:element name="ThoroughfareLeadingType" type="ThoroughfareLeadingTypeType" minOccurs="0">... * </xs:element> * <xs:element name="ThoroughfareName" type="ThoroughfareNameType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">... * </xs:element> * <xs:element name="ThoroughfareTrailingType" type="ThoroughfareTrailingTypeType" minOccurs="0">... * </xs:element> * <xs:element name="ThoroughfarePostDirection" type="ThoroughfarePostDirectionType" minOccurs="0">... * </xs:element> * <xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> * </xs:sequence> * <xs:attribute name="Type"/> * <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other"/> * </xs:complexType> * </xs:element> * </pre> * * @author Samuel Andrés * @module */ public interface DependentThoroughfare { /** * * @return */ List<GenericTypedGrPostal> getAddressLines(); /** * <p>North Baker Street, where North is the pre-direction. * The direction appears before the name.</p> * * @return */ GenericTypedGrPostal getThoroughfarePreDirection(); /** * * <p>Appears before the thoroughfare name. * Ed. Spanish: Avenida Aurora, where Avenida is the leading type / * French: Rue Moliere, where Rue is the leading type.</p> * * @return */ GenericTypedGrPostal getThoroughfareLeadingType(); /** * <p>Specification of the name of a Thoroughfare (also dependant street name): * street name, canal name, etc.</p> * * @return */ List<GenericTypedGrPostal> getThoroughfareNames(); /** * <p>Appears after the thoroughfare name. * Ed. British: Baker Lane, where Lane is the trailing type.</p> * * @return */ GenericTypedGrPostal getThoroughfareTrailingType(); /** * <p>221-bis Baker Street North, where North is the post-direction. * The post-direction appears after the name.</p> * * @return */ GenericTypedGrPostal getThoroughfarePostDirection(); /** * * @return */ String getType(); /** * * @param addressLines */ void setAddressLines(List<GenericTypedGrPostal> addressLines); /** * * @param thoroughfarePredirection */ void setThoroughfarePredirection(GenericTypedGrPostal thoroughfarePreDirection); /** * * @param thoroughfareLeadingType */ void setThoroughfareLeadingType(GenericTypedGrPostal thoroughfareLeadingType); /** * * @param thoroughfareNames */ void setThoroughfareNames(List<GenericTypedGrPostal> thoroughfareNames); /** * * @param thoroughfareTrailingType */ void setThoroughfareTrailingType(GenericTypedGrPostal thoroughfareTrailingType); /** * * @param thoroughfarePostDirection */ void setThoroughfarePostDirection(GenericTypedGrPostal thoroughfarePostDirection); /** * * @param type */ void setType(String type); }