/* * Geotoolkit.org - An Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://www.geotoolkit.org * * (C) 2009-2015, Geomatys * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotoolkit.filter.function; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; import org.apache.sis.util.iso.ResourceInternationalString; import org.apache.sis.util.resources.IndexedResourceBundle; /** * Locale-dependent resources for words or simple sentences. * * @author Martin Desruisseaux (Geomatys) */ public final class Bundle extends IndexedResourceBundle { /** * Resource keys. This class is used when compiling sources, but no dependencies to * {@code Keys} should appear in any resulting class files. Since the Java compiler * inlines final integer values, using long identifiers will not bloat the constant * pools of compiled classes. * * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD) */ public static final class Keys { private Keys() { } /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_AllPointsFunction_arg0 = 3; /** * Extract all points of the geometry, result is a <MultiPoint>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_AllPointsFunction_description = 4; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_AreaFunction_arg0 = 5; /** * Calculate the geometry area, result is a <Number> in the squared geometry coordinate * reference system unit. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_AreaFunction_description = 6; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to apply buffer on */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_BufferFunction_arg0 = 0; /** * <Number>, Buffer distance in units of the geometry coordinate reference system */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_BufferFunction_arg1 = 1; /** * Expand or shrink a geometry, result is a <Geometry>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_BufferFunction_description = 2; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to apply buffer on */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_BufferGeoFunction_arg0 = 7; /** * <Number>, Buffer distance in given units */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_BufferGeoFunction_arg1 = 8; /** * <String>, Buffer distance unit (km,m,...) */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_BufferGeoFunction_arg2 = 9; /** * Expand or shrink a geometry, result is a <Geometry>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_BufferGeoFunction_description = 10; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_EndAngleFunction_arg0 = 11; /** * Extract the last geometry segment angle, result is a <Number> in radians. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_EndAngleFunction_description = 12; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_EndPointFunction_arg0 = 13; /** * Extract the last point of the geometry, result is a <Point>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_EndPointFunction_description = 14; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_GeometryTypeFunction_arg0 = 15; /** * Get a string representation of the geometry type (POINT,LINESTRING,...), result is a * <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_GeometryTypeFunction_description = 16; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_LengthFunction_arg0 = 17; /** * Calculate the geometry length, result is a <Number> in the geometry coordinate reference * system unit. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_LengthFunction_description = 18; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_StartAngleFunction_arg0 = 19; /** * Extract the first geometry segment angle, result is a <Number> in radians. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_StartAngleFunction_description = 20; /** * <Geometry>, Base geometry to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_StartPointFunction_arg0 = 21; /** * Extract the first point of the geometry, result is a <Point>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_geometry_StartPointFunction_description = 22; /** * <String>, Groovy script to execute */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_groovy_GroovyFunction_arg0 = 23; /** * Execute a groovy script, result is the returned value of the script. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_groovy_GroovyFunction_description = 24; /** * <String>, Javascript to execute */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_javascript_JavaScriptFunction_arg0 = 25; /** * Execute a javascript, result is the returned value of the script. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_javascript_JavaScriptFunction_description = 26; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AbsFunction_arg0 = 27; /** * Calculate the absolute value of given number, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AbsFunction_description = 28; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AcosFunction_arg0 = 29; /** * Calculate the arc cosinus value of given angle, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AcosFunction_description = 30; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AsinFunction_arg0 = 31; /** * Calculate the arc sinus value of given angle, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AsinFunction_description = 32; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_Atan2Function_arg0 = 33; /** * Calculate the theta component of the point (r, theta) in polar coordinates that corresponds * to the point (x, y) in Cartesian coordinates. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_Atan2Function_description = 34; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AtanFunction_arg0 = 35; /** * Calculate the arc tangent value of given angle, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_AtanFunction_description = 36; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_CeilFunction_arg0 = 37; /** * Calculate the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is greater than or * equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_CeilFunction_description = 38; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_CosFunction_arg0 = 39; /** * Calculate the cosinus value of given angle, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_CosFunction_description = 40; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_ExpFunction_arg0 = 41; /** * Calculate exponential value, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_ExpFunction_description = 42; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_FloorFunction_arg0 = 43; /** * Calculate the largest (closest to positive infinity) double value that is less than or equal * to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_FloorFunction_description = 44; /** * <Number>, x1 value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_HypotFunction_arg0 = 45; /** * <Number>, x2 value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_HypotFunction_arg1 = 46; /** * Shortcut for equation sqrt(x1^2 + x2^2), called hypothenuse, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_HypotFunction_description = 47; /** * <Number>, f1 value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_IEEERemainderFunction_arg0 = 48; /** * <Number>, f2 value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_IEEERemainderFunction_arg1 = 49; /** * Computes the remainder operation on two arguments as prescribed by the IEEE 754 standard, * result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_IEEERemainderFunction_description = 50; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_LogFunction_arg0 = 51; /** * Calculate logarithm (base e), result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_LogFunction_description = 52; /** * <Number>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_MaxFunction_arg0 = 53; /** * <Number>, value value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_MaxFunction_arg1 = 54; /** * Compare and return the maximum value, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_MaxFunction_description = 55; /** * <Number>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_MinFunction_arg0 = 56; /** * <Number>, value value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_MinFunction_arg1 = 57; /** * Compare and return the minimum value, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_MinFunction_description = 58; /** * Returns the PI constant value with all digits, result is a <Double>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_PiFunction_description = 59; /** * <Number>, base value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_PowFunction_arg0 = 60; /** * <Number>, exponent value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_PowFunction_arg1 = 61; /** * Returns the value of the first argument raised to the power of the second argument, result * is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_PowFunction_description = 62; /** * Returns a random value between 0 and 1, result is a <Double>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_RandomFunction_description = 63; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_RintFunction_arg0 = 64; /** * Calculate the closest floating-point value to a that is equal to a mathematical integer, * result is a <Double>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_RintFunction_description = 65; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_RoundFunction_arg0 = 66; /** * Calculate the closest integer value, result is a <Integer>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_RoundFunction_description = 67; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_SinFunction_arg0 = 68; /** * Calculate the sinus value of given angle, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_SinFunction_description = 69; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_SqrtFunction_arg0 = 70; /** * Calculate the square root value, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_SqrtFunction_description = 71; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_TanFunction_arg0 = 72; /** * Calculate the tangent value of given angle, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_TanFunction_description = 73; /** * <Number>, angle in radians */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_ToDegreesFunction_arg0 = 74; /** * Convert from radians to degrees, result is a <Number> in degrees. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_ToDegreesFunction_description = 75; /** * <Number>, angle in degrees */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_ToRadiansFunction_arg0 = 76; /** * Convert from degrees to radians, result is a <Number> in radians. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_math_ToRadiansFunction_description = 77; /** * <Any>, base value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ConvertFunction_arg0 = 78; /** * <Class>, wanted result class. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ConvertFunction_arg1 = 79; /** * Convert a value to a different type, result is of given class type, if convertion failed a * null is returned. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ConvertFunction_description = 80; /** * <Date>, date value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_DateFormatFunction_arg0 = 81; /** * <String>, wanted date format pattern (example : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ) */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_DateFormatFunction_arg1 = 82; /** * Format a date to a string using given format, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_DateFormatFunction_description = 83; /** * <String>, date value in string format */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_DateParseFunction_arg0 = 84; /** * <String>, date format pattern (example : yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ) */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_DateParseFunction_arg1 = 85; /** * Parse a date from a string using given format, result is a <Date>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_DateParseFunction_description = 86; /** * <Any>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualToFunction_arg0 = 87; /** * <Any>, second value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualToFunction_arg1 = 88; /** * Test if two values are equal, this is a strict type test unlike the '=' operand, result is a * <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualToFunction_description = 89; /** * <Geometry>, first geometry */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualsExactFunction_arg0 = 90; /** * <Geometry>, second geometry */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualsExactFunction_arg1 = 91; /** * Test if two geometries are equal, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualsExactFunction_description = 92; /** * <Geometry>, first geometry */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualsExactToleranceFunction_arg0 = 93; /** * <Geometry>, second geometry */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualsExactToleranceFunction_arg1 = 94; /** * <Number>, distance tolerance in geometry coordinate system unit. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualsExactToleranceFunction_arg2 = 95; /** * Test if two geometries are equal with a tolerance margin, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_EqualsExactToleranceFunction_description = 96; /** * <Any>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_GreaterEqualThanFunction_arg0 = 97; /** * <Any>, second value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_GreaterEqualThanFunction_arg1 = 98; /** * Same as '>=' operand, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_GreaterEqualThanFunction_description = 99; /** * <Any>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_GreaterThanFunction_arg0 = 100; /** * <Any>, second value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_GreaterThanFunction_arg1 = 101; /** * Same as '>' operand, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_GreaterThanFunction_description = 102; /** * <Boolean>, expression which evaluates to a boolean */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IfThenElseFunction_arg0 = 103; /** * <Any>, returned value if first argument is true */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IfThenElseFunction_arg1 = 104; /** * <Any>, returned value if first argument is false */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IfThenElseFunction_arg2 = 105; /** * Simple conditional branch. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IfThenElseFunction_description = 106; /** * <Any>, searched value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_InFunction_arg0 = 107; /** * <Any>, multiple arguments which compose the search list */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_InFunction_arg1 = 108; /** * Test if a value is in the given list, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_InFunction_description = 109; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IntToBbool_arg0 = 110; /** * Convert a number to a <Boolean>, if value is 0 result is false, true otherwise. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IntToBbool_description = 111; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IntToDdoubleFunction_arg0 = 112; /** * Convert a number to a <Double>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IntToDdoubleFunction_description = 113; /** * <String>, string value to test */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IsLikeFunction_arg0 = 114; /** * <String>, regex pattern */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IsLikeFunction_arg1 = 115; /** * Test if the given string matches the regex pattern, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IsLikeFunction_description = 116; /** * <Any>, value to test */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IsNullFunction_arg0 = 117; /** * Test if the given value is null, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_IsNullFunction_description = 118; /** * <Any>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_LessEqualThanFunction_arg0 = 119; /** * <Any>, second value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_LessEqualThanFunction_arg1 = 120; /** * Same as '<=' operand, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_LessEqualThanFunction_description = 121; /** * <Any>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_LessThanFunction_arg0 = 122; /** * <Any>, second value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_LessThanFunction_arg1 = 123; /** * Same as '<' operand, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_LessThanFunction_description = 124; /** * <Any>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NotEqualToFunction_arg0 = 125; /** * <Any>, second value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NotEqualToFunction_arg1 = 126; /** * Test if two values are not equal, this is a strict type test unlike the '=' operand, result * is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NotEqualToFunction_description = 127; /** * <Boolean>, value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NotFunction_arg0 = 128; /** * Invert boolean value, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NotFunction_description = 129; /** * <Number>, number value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NumberFormatFunction_arg0 = 130; /** * <String>, wanted number format pattern (example : ###.##) */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NumberFormatFunction_arg1 = 131; /** * Format a number to a string using given format, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_NumberFormatFunction_description = 132; /** * <String>, boolean value as a string, can be '0','1','f','t,'false','true' */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseBooleanFunction_arg0 = 133; /** * Parse a boolean from string, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseBooleanFunction_description = 134; /** * <String>, double value as a string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseDoubleFunction_arg0 = 135; /** * Parse a double from string, result is a <Double>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseDoubleFunction_description = 136; /** * <String>, integer value as a string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseIntFunction_arg0 = 137; /** * Parse an integer from string, result is a <Integer>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseIntFunction_description = 138; /** * <String>, long value as a string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseLongFunction_arg0 = 139; /** * Parse a long from string, result is a <Long>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_ParseLongFunction_description = 140; /** * <String>, property name */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_PropertyExistsFunction_arg0 = 141; /** * Verify is a property exists in the evaluated object, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_PropertyExistsFunction_description = 142; /** * <Number>, value to evaluate */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_RoundDoubleFunction_arg0 = 143; /** * Calculate the closest integer value, result is a <Number>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_other_RoundDoubleFunction_description = 144; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ConcatFunction_arg0 = 145; /** * <String>, second string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ConcatFunction_arg1 = 146; /** * Concatenate two strings, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ConcatFunction_description = 147; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_EndsWithFunction_arg0 = 148; /** * <String>, second string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_EndsWithFunction_arg1 = 149; /** * Test if the first string ends with the second string, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_EndsWithFunction_description = 150; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_EqualsIgnoreCaseFunction_arg0 = 151; /** * <String>, second string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_EqualsIgnoreCaseFunction_arg1 = 152; /** * Test if the first string equals the second, this is case insensitive, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_EqualsIgnoreCaseFunction_description = 153; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_IndexOfFunction_arg0 = 154; /** * <String>, second string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_IndexOfFunction_arg1 = 155; /** * Find the index of the first occurence of second string in the first one, result is a * <Integer>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_IndexOfFunction_description = 156; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_LastIndexOfFunction_arg0 = 157; /** * <String>, second string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_LastIndexOfFunction_arg1 = 158; /** * Find the index of the last occurence of second string in the first one, result is a * <Integer>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_LastIndexOfFunction_description = 159; /** * <String>, string value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_LengthFunction_arg0 = 160; /** * Calculate string length, result is a <Integer>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_LengthFunction_description = 161; /** * <String>, string value to test */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_MatchesFunction_arg0 = 162; /** * <String>, regex pattern */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_MatchesFunction_arg1 = 163; /** * Test if the given string matches the regex pattern, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_MatchesFunction_description = 164; /** * <String>, string value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ReplaceFunction_arg0 = 165; /** * <String>, searched text */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ReplaceFunction_arg1 = 166; /** * <String>, replacement text */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ReplaceFunction_arg2 = 167; /** * <Boolean>, true to replace all occurences, false to replace only the first */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ReplaceFunction_arg3 = 168; /** * Replace text fragments in first string, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ReplaceFunction_description = 169; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_StartsWithFunction_arg0 = 170; /** * <String>, second string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_StartsWithFunction_arg1 = 171; /** * Test if the first string starts with the second string, result is a <Boolean>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_StartsWithFunction_description = 172; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_SubstringFunction_arg0 = 173; /** * <Integer>, start index inclusive */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_SubstringFunction_arg1 = 174; /** * <Integer>, end index exclusive */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_SubstringFunction_arg2 = 175; /** * Extract a range in the first string, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_SubstringFunction_description = 176; /** * <String>, first string */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_SubstringStartFunction_arg0 = 177; /** * <Integer>, start index inclusive */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_SubstringStartFunction_arg1 = 178; /** * Extract a range in the first string from start index to end, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_SubstringStartFunction_description = 179; /** * <String>, string value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ToLowerCaseFunction_arg0 = 180; /** * Convert to lower case, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ToLowerCaseFunction_description = 181; /** * <String>, string value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ToUpperCaseFunction_arg0 = 182; /** * Convert to upper case, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_ToUpperCaseFunction_description = 183; /** * <String>, string value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TrimFunction_arg0 = 184; /** * Remove all starting or ending spaces, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TrimFunction_description = 185; /** * <String>, string value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TruncateFirstFunction_arg0 = 186; /** * <Integer>, wanted length */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TruncateFirstFunction_arg1 = 187; /** * Truncate string, removing end characters to match requested length, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TruncateFirstFunction_description = 188; /** * <String>, string value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TruncateLastFunction_arg0 = 189; /** * <Integer>, wanted length */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TruncateLastFunction_arg1 = 190; /** * Truncate string, removing start characters to match requested length, result is a <String>. */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_filter_function_string_TruncateLastFunction_description = 191; /** * <Expression>, property name */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultCategorize_arg0 = 192; /** * <Expression>, first value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultCategorize_arg1 = 193; /** * <Expression,Expression>*, threshold property value and following value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultCategorize_arg2 = 194; /** * <Expression>, method : 'numeric' or 'color' */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultCategorize_arg3 = 195; /** * <Expression>, belong to : 'succeeding' or 'preceding' */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultCategorize_arg4 = 196; /** * Categorization function, result can be a <Number> or <Color> */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultCategorize_description = 197; /** * <Expression>, property name */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultInterpolate_arg0 = 198; /** * <Expression,Expression>*, interpolation point property value and result value */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultInterpolate_arg1 = 199; /** * <Expression>, method : 'numeric' or 'color' */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultInterpolate_arg2 = 200; /** * <Expression>, mode : 'linear', 'cosine', 'cubic' */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultInterpolate_arg3 = 201; /** * Linear interpolation, result can be a <Number> or <Color> */ public static final short org_geotoolkit_style_function_DefaultInterpolate_description = 202; } /** * Constructs a new resource bundle loading data from the given UTF file. * * @param filename The file or the JAR entry containing resources. */ public Bundle(final java.net.URL filename) { super(filename); } /** * Returns resources in the given locale. * * @param locale The locale, or {@code null} for the default locale. * @return Resources in the given locale. * @throws MissingResourceException if resources can't be found. */ public static Bundle getResources(Locale locale) throws MissingResourceException { return getBundle(Bundle.class, locale); } /** * The international string to be returned by {@link formatInternational}. */ private static final class International extends ResourceInternationalString { private static final long serialVersionUID = -9199238559657784488L; International(final int key) { super(Bundle.class.getName(), String.valueOf(key)); } @Override protected ResourceBundle getBundle(final Locale locale) { return getResources(locale); } } /** * Gets an international string for the given key. This method does not check for the key * validity. If the key is invalid, then a {@link MissingResourceException} may be thrown * when a {@link InternationalString#toString} method is invoked. * * @param key The key for the desired string. * @return An international string for the given key. */ public static InternationalString formatInternational(final short key) { return new International(key); } /** * Gets an international string for the given key. This method does not check for the key * validity. If the key is invalid, then a {@link MissingResourceException} may be thrown * when a {@link InternationalString#toString} method is invoked. * * {@note This method is redundant with the one expecting <code>Object...</code>, but is * provided for binary compatibility with previous Geotk versions. It also avoid the * creation of a temporary array. There is no risk of confusion since the two methods * delegate their work to the same <code>format</code> method anyway.} * * @param key The key for the desired string. * @param arg Values to substitute to "{0}". * @return An international string for the given key. * * @todo Current implementation just invokes {@link #format}. Need to format only when * {@code toString(Locale)} is invoked. */ public static InternationalString formatInternational(final short key, final Object arg) { return new org.apache.sis.util.iso.SimpleInternationalString(format(key, arg)); } /** * Gets an international string for the given key. This method does not check for the key * validity. If the key is invalid, then a {@link MissingResourceException} may be thrown * when a {@link InternationalString#toString} method is invoked. * * @param key The key for the desired string. * @param args Values to substitute to "{0}", "{1}", <i>etc</i>. * @return An international string for the given key. * * @todo Current implementation just invokes {@link #format}. Need to format only when * {@code toString(Locale)} is invoked. */ public static InternationalString formatInternational(final short key, final Object... args) { return new org.apache.sis.util.iso.SimpleInternationalString(format(key, args)); } /** * Gets a string for the given key from this resource bundle or one of its parents. * * @param key The key for the desired string. * @return The string for the given key. * @throws MissingResourceException If no object for the given key can be found. */ public static String format(final short key) throws MissingResourceException { return getResources(null).getString(key); } /** * Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurrence of "{0}" * with values of {@code arg0}. * * @param key The key for the desired string. * @param arg0 Value to substitute to "{0}". * @return The formatted string for the given key. * @throws MissingResourceException If no object for the given key can be found. */ public static String format(final short key, final Object arg0) throws MissingResourceException { return getResources(null).getString(key, arg0); } /** * Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurrence of "{0}", * "{1}", with values of {@code arg0}, {@code arg1}. * * @param key The key for the desired string. * @param arg0 Value to substitute to "{0}". * @param arg1 Value to substitute to "{1}". * @return The formatted string for the given key. * @throws MissingResourceException If no object for the given key can be found. */ public static String format(final short key, final Object arg0, final Object arg1) throws MissingResourceException { return getResources(null).getString(key, arg0, arg1); } /** * Gets a string for the given key are replace all occurrence of "{0}", * "{1}", with values of {@code arg0}, {@code arg1}, etc. * * @param key The key for the desired string. * @param arg0 Value to substitute to "{0}". * @param arg1 Value to substitute to "{1}". * @param arg2 Value to substitute to "{2}". * @return The formatted string for the given key. * @throws MissingResourceException If no object for the given key can be found. */ public static String format(final short key, final Object arg0, final Object arg1, final Object arg2) throws MissingResourceException { return getResources(null).getString(key, arg0, arg1, arg2); } }