/* (c) 2016 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.wms.featureinfo; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; /** * Tests for {@link RasterLayerIdentifier}. * */ public class RasterLayerIdentifierTest { /** * Test that a null description is converted to "Unknown". */ @Test public void testNullDescriptionToNcCame() { Assert.assertEquals("Unknown", RasterLayerIdentifier.descriptionToNcName(null)); } /** * Test that an empty description is converted to "Unknown". */ @Test public void testEmptyDescriptionToNcCame() { Assert.assertEquals("Unknown", RasterLayerIdentifier.descriptionToNcName("")); } /** * Test that a description that is already a valid NCName is unchanged. */ @Test public void testUnchangedDescriptionToNcCame() { Assert.assertEquals("Band", RasterLayerIdentifier.descriptionToNcName("Band")); } /** * Test that a space (not permitted in an NCName) is replaced with an underscore. */ @Test public void testSpaceDescriptionToNcCame() { Assert.assertEquals("Band_1", RasterLayerIdentifier.descriptionToNcName("Band 1")); } /** * Test that a leading digit (not permitted in an NCName) is replaced with an underscore. */ @Test public void testLeadingDigitDescriptionToNcCame() { Assert.assertEquals("_Band", RasterLayerIdentifier.descriptionToNcName("1Band")); } }