/* (c) 2014 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved * (c) 2001 - 2013 OpenPlans * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.security.validation; import org.geoserver.security.impl.GeoServerRole; /** * Exception used for validation errors concerning {@link GeoServerRole} * * @author christian */ public class RoleServiceException extends AbstractSecurityException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final String NAME_REQUIRED = "NAME_REQUIRED"; //return MessageFormat.format("Role name is mandatory",args); public static final String NOT_FOUND = "NOT_FOUND"; //return MessageFormat.format("Role {0} does not exist",args); public static final String ALREADY_EXISTS = "ALREADY_EXISTS"; //return MessageFormat.format("Role {0} already exists",args); public static final String ALREADY_EXISTS_IN="ALREADY_EXISTS_IN"; public static final String CANNOT_CHECK_ROLE_IN_SERVICE= "CANNOT_CHECK_ROLE_IN_SERVICE"; public static final String RESERVED_NAME="RESERVED_NAME"; public static final String USERNAME_REQUIRED = "USERNAME_REQUIRED"; //return MessageFormat.format("User name is mandatory",args); public static final String GROUPNAME_REQUIRED = "GROUPNAME_REQUIRED"; //return MessageFormat.format("Group name is mandatory",args); public static final String USERNAME_NOT_FOUND_$1 = "USERNAME_NOT_FOUND"; //return MessageFormat.format("User name {0} not found",args); public static final String GROUPNAME_NOT_FOUND_$1 = "GROUPNAME_NOT_FOUND"; //return MessageFormat.format("Group name {0} not found",args); public static final String ROLE_IN_USE_$2 = "ROLE_IN_USE"; //return MessageFormat.format("The role {0} is used by the following rules: {1}",args); public static final String ADMIN_ROLE_NOT_REMOVABLE_$1 = "ADMIN_ROLE_NOT_REMOVABLE"; //return MessageFormat.format("Administrator role {0} is not removable",args); public static final String GROUP_ADMIN_ROLE_NOT_REMOVABLE_$1 = "GROUP_ADMIN_ROLE_NOT_REMOVABLE"; public RoleServiceException(String errorId, String message, Object[] args) { super(errorId, message, args); } public RoleServiceException(String errorId, Object[] args) { super(errorId, args); } }