/* (c) 2014 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved * (c) 2001 - 2013 OpenPlans * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.security.cas; import org.geoserver.security.config.PreAuthenticatedUserNameFilterConfig; /** * Configuration for cas authentication receiving proxy tickets * * * @author mcr * */ public class CasAuthenticationFilterConfig extends PreAuthenticatedUserNameFilterConfig { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * if true, no single sign on possible */ private boolean sendRenew; /** * The CAS server URL including context root * * example * "https://localhost:9443/cas" */ private String casServerUrlPrefix; /** * The geoserver url for the proxy callback * * example: * http://localhost:8080/geoserver */ private String proxyCallbackUrlPrefix; /** * Optional: * * After a successful CAS logout triggered by geoserver, * a cas response page is rendered. * * This url should be rendered as a link in the CAS response * page. * * example: * https://myhost:8443/geoserver */ private String urlInCasLogoutPage; /** * Participate in Single Sign Out. * */ private boolean singleSignOut; public boolean isSendRenew() { return sendRenew; } public void setSendRenew(boolean sendRenew) { this.sendRenew = sendRenew; } public String getCasServerUrlPrefix() { return casServerUrlPrefix; } public void setCasServerUrlPrefix(String casServerUrlPrefix) { this.casServerUrlPrefix = casServerUrlPrefix; } public String getProxyCallbackUrlPrefix() { return proxyCallbackUrlPrefix; } public void setProxyCallbackUrlPrefix(String proxyCallbackUrlPrefix) { this.proxyCallbackUrlPrefix = proxyCallbackUrlPrefix; } @Override public boolean providesAuthenticationEntryPoint() { return true; } public String getUrlInCasLogoutPage() { return urlInCasLogoutPage; } public void setUrlInCasLogoutPage(String urlInCasLogoutPage) { this.urlInCasLogoutPage = urlInCasLogoutPage; } public boolean isSingleSignOut() { return singleSignOut; } public void setSingleSignOut(boolean singleSignOut) { this.singleSignOut = singleSignOut; } }