package org.geoserver.script.wps; import; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.geoserver.wps.ppio.XMLPPIO; import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler; /** * PPIO that allows scripts to return a Map to be encoded as JSON. * * @author Justin Deoliveira, OpenGeo */ public class MapXMLPPIO extends XMLPPIO { public MapXMLPPIO() { super(Map.class, Map.class, "application/xml", new QName("result")); } @Override public void encode(Object object, ContentHandler handler) throws Exception { handler.startDocument(); Map map = (Map) object; if (map.size() > 1) { handler.startElement(null, "map", "map", null); encode((Map) object, handler); handler.endElement(null, "map", "map"); } else { encode((Map) object, handler); } handler.endDocument(); } void encode(Map<?,?> map, ContentHandler h) throws Exception { for (Map.Entry<?, ?> e : map.entrySet()) { Object key = e.getKey(); Object val = e.getValue(); String name = key != null ? key.toString() : "null"; //startKey(name, s); h.startElement(null, name, name, null); if (val != null) { if (val instanceof Map) { encode((Map) val, h); } else { String str = val.toString(); h.characters(str.toCharArray(), 0, str.length()); } } else { //nil(s); } h.endElement(null, name, name); //endKey(name, s); } } @Override public Object decode(InputStream input) throws Exception { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }