package org.geoserver.platform.resource; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import static org.geoserver.platform.resource.Paths.*; public class PathsTest { final String BASE = ""; final String DIRECTORY = "directory"; final String FILE = "directory/file.txt"; final String SIDECAR = "directory/file.prj"; final String FILE2 = "directory/file2.txt"; final String SUBFOLDER = "directory/folder"; final String FILE3 = "directory/folder/file3.txt"; @Test public void pathTest() { assertEquals(2, names("a/b").size()); assertEquals(1, names("a/").size()); assertEquals(1, names("a").size()); assertEquals(0, names("").size()); assertEquals(BASE, path("")); assertEquals("directory/file.txt", path("directory", "file.txt")); assertEquals("directory/folder/file3.txt", path("directory/folder", "file3.txt")); // handling invalid values assertNull(path((String) null)); // edge case assertEquals("foo", path("foo/")); try { assertEquals("foo", path(".", "foo")); fail(". invalid relative path"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } try { assertEquals("foo", path("foo/bar", "..")); fail(".. invalid relative path"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } // test path elements that are always valid regardless of strictPath for (String name : new String[] { "foo", "foo.txt", "directory/bar" }) { assertEquals(name, Paths.path(true, name)); assertEquals(name, Paths.path(false, name)); } // test path elements that are always invalid regardless of strictPath for (String name : new String[] { ".", "..", "foo\\" }) { try { assertEquals(name, Paths.path(true, name)); fail("invalid: " + name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { // ignore } try { assertEquals(name, Paths.path(false, name)); fail("invalid: " + name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { // ignore } } // test path elements that are invalid if and only if strictPath is true for (char c : "*:,'&?\"<>|".toCharArray()) { for (String prefix : new String[] { "foo", "" }) { for (String suffix : new String[] { "bar", "" }) { String name = prefix + c + suffix; try { assertEquals(name, Paths.path(true, name)); fail("invalid: " + name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { // ignore } assertEquals(name, Paths.path(false, name)); } } } } @Test public void validTest() { // test path elements that are always valid regardless of strictPath for (String name : new String[] { "foo", "foo.txt", "directory/bar" }) { assertEquals(name, Paths.valid(true, name)); assertEquals(name, Paths.valid(false, name)); } // test path elements that are always invalid regardless of strictPath for (String name : new String[] { ".", "..", "foo\\" }) { try { assertEquals(name, Paths.valid(true, name)); fail("invalid: " + name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { // ignore } try { assertEquals(name, Paths.valid(false, name)); fail("invalid: " + name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { // ignore } } // test path elements that are invalid if and only if strictPath is true for (char c : "*:,'&?\"<>|".toCharArray()) { for (String prefix : new String[] { "foo", "" }) { for (String suffix : new String[] { "bar", "" }) { String name = prefix + c + suffix; try { assertEquals(name, Paths.valid(true, name)); fail("invalid: " + name); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { // ignore } assertEquals(name, Paths.valid(false, name)); } } } } @Test public void parentTest() { assertEquals(DIRECTORY, parent(FILE)); assertEquals(BASE, parent(DIRECTORY)); assertNull(parent(BASE)); // handling invalid values assertNull(null, parent(null)); assertEquals("foo", parent("foo/")); } @Test public void naming() { assertEquals("file.txt", name("directory/file.txt")); assertEquals("txt", extension("directory/file.txt")); assertEquals("directory/file.txt", sidecar("directory/file", "txt")); assertEquals("directory/file.prj", sidecar("directory/file.txt", "prj")); } @Test public void convert1() { File folder = new File("folder"); File file1 = new File("file1"); File file2 = new File(folder, "file2"); assertEquals("folder", Paths.convert(folder.getPath())); assertEquals("folder/file2", Paths.convert(file2.getPath())); assertEquals("file1", Paths.convert(file1.getPath())); } @Test public void convert2() { File home = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); File directory = new File(home, "directory"); File folder = new File(directory, "folder"); File file1 = new File(directory, "file1"); File file2 = new File(folder, "file2"); File relative = new File(new File(".."), "file1"); assertEquals("folder", Paths.convert(directory, folder)); assertEquals("folder/file2", Paths.convert(directory, file2)); assertEquals("file1", Paths.convert(directory, file1)); String relativePath = relative.getPath(); assertEquals("file1", Paths.convert(directory, folder, relativePath)); } }