/* (c) 2014 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved * (c) 2001 - 2013 OpenPlans * This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root * application directory. */ package org.geoserver.catalog; /** * The AttributionInfo interface describes a data provider for attribution, such as in the WMS * Capabilities document. * * @author David Winslow <dwinslow@opengeo.org> */ public interface AttributionInfo extends Info { /** * Get the title field of the attribution, providing a human-readable name for the attribution. * * @return a String containing the title */ String getTitle(); /** * Get the href field of the attribution, indicating a link that users can follow for more * information about the providing organization. * * @return a String containing the href */ String getHref(); /** * Get the logoURL field of the attribution, providing a URL for an image representing the * providing organization. * * @return a String containing the logoURL */ String getLogoURL(); /** * Get the mimetype field of the attribution, indicating the mimetype of the logo image pointed * to by the logoURL. * * @return a String containing the logoType */ String getLogoType(); /** * Get the width field of the attribution, indicating the width of the logo image pointed to by * the logoURL. * * @return the logoWidth as an int */ int getLogoWidth(); /** * Get the height field of the attribution, indicating the height of the logo image pointed to * by the logoURL. * * @return the logoHeight as an int */ int getLogoHeight(); /** * Set the title field of the attribution, providing a human-readable name for the attribution. * * @param title a String containing the new title value */ void setTitle(String title); /** * Set the href field of the attribution, indicating a link that users can follow for more * information about the providing organization. * * @param href a String containing the new href value */ void setHref(String href); /** * Set the logoURL field of the attribution, providing a URL for an image representing the * providing organization. * * @param logoURL a String containing the new logoURL value */ void setLogoURL(String logoURL); /** * Set the mimetype field of the attribution, indicating the mimetype of the logo image pointed * to by the logoURL. * * @param logoType a String containing the new logoType value */ void setLogoType(String logoType); /** * Set the width field of the attribution, indicating the width of the logo image pointed to by * the logoURL. * * @param logoWidth the new logoWidth value */ void setLogoWidth(int logoWidth); /** * Set the height field of the attribution, indicating the height of the logo image pointed to * by the logoURL. * * @param logoHeight the new logoHeight value */ void setLogoHeight(int logoHeight); }