package folioxml.translation; import folioxml.core.InvalidMarkupException; import folioxml.core.TokenUtils; import folioxml.folio.FolioToken; import folioxml.slx.SlxToken; import; import java.util.List; public class FolioObjectUtils { public static SlxToken translateObject(FolioToken ft) throws InvalidMarkupException { if (!ft.matches("OB")) return null; /* * <obj name="My Photo Name" type="folio|ole" style="width:x;height:y;border:opts;background-color:black;" /> */ if (ft.isClosing()) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Object (OB) tags are all self-closing. Closing </OB> tags should not exist", ft); SlxToken t = new SlxToken("<object />"); if (ft.count() < 2) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Object (OB) tags must have 2 or more arguments.", ft); List<String> opts = ft.getOptionsArray(); String type = opts.get(0); t.set("name", opts.get(1)); if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("FO", type)) t.set("type", "folio"); else if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("OL", type)) t.set("type", "ole"); else throw new InvalidMarkupException("Invalid Object Type: " + type); //Parse Borders, background color, width, and height StringWriter css = new StringWriter(50); int ix = 2; boolean hasWidth = false; boolean hasHeight = false; while (ix < opts.size()) { int i = ix; String s = opts.get(ix); if (FolioCssUtils.isNumber(s)) { double val = Double.parseDouble(s); if (!hasWidth) { css.append("width:" + ((val != 0) ? FolioCssUtils.fixUnits(s) : "auto") + ";"); hasWidth = true; } else if (hasWidth) { css.append("height:" + ((val != 0) ? FolioCssUtils.fixUnits(s) : "auto") + ";"); //Assuming 0 = auto... I hope? hasHeight = true; } else if (hasHeight) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Only Width and Height may be specified on OB tags. Unexpected number"); i++; } if (i == ix) i = FolioCssUtils.tryParseBorder(i, opts, css, false); if (i == ix) i = FolioCssUtils.tryParseParagraphBackgroundColor(i, opts, css); if (i == ix) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Unrecognized option encountered in Object (OB) tag"); else ix = i; } t.set("style", css.toString()); return t; } /** * RP (replace definition) must already be removed from ft. * object-def type="folio|data-link|ole|class-object" name="id" src="path" * [handler="Bitmap|Metafile|HyperGraphic|Picture" | mime="mime-type" | version="2.0" [linked="true"] [iconOnly="true] | className="class name"] /> * * @param ft * @return * @throws InvalidMarkupException */ public static SlxToken translateObjectDefinition(FolioToken ft) throws InvalidMarkupException { SlxToken t = new SlxToken("<object-def />"); if (ft.count() < 4) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Object Definition (OD) tags must have 4 or more arguments.", ft); List<String> opts = ft.getOptionsArray(); String type = opts.get(0); t.set("name", opts.get(1)); t.set("src", opts.get(3)); //File name is always #4 String thirdName = null; if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("FO", type)) { thirdName = "handler"; t.set("type", "folio"); } else if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("DL", type)) { thirdName = "mime"; t.set("type", "data-link"); } else if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("OL", type)) { thirdName = "version"; t.set("type", "ole"); int i = 4; while (i < opts.size()) { String s = opts.get(i); if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("LI", s)) t.set("linked", "true"); else if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("IC", s)) t.set("iconOnly", "true"); else throw new InvalidMarkupException("Invalid option found on OLE Object definition: " + s); i++; } } else if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("CL", type)) { thirdName = "className"; t.set("type", "class-object"); } else throw new InvalidMarkupException("Invalid Object Type: " + type); //The primary difference between the types is the meaning of the third argument. t.set(thirdName, opts.get(2)); //All types except OLE should have exactly 4 arguments (RP is removed before this is called). if (!TokenUtils.fastMatches("OL", type) && opts.size() > 4) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Object Definition (OD) tags OL, CL, and FO can only have 4 arguments.", ft); return t; } }