package folioxml.slx; import folioxml.core.InvalidMarkupException; import folioxml.core.TokenUtils; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; /** * Works with both XML and SLX valid. Parses object definitions from the root record into a table. Expands <OB> object references to include the object definition data. * Unless you plan on doing dynamic reference expansion using javascript, you probably want your objects inlined. Object definitions don't include much more than the path and type of the data. * * @author nathanael */ public class ObjectResolver { SlxRecord root = null; public ObjectResolver(SlxRecord rootRecord) { root = rootRecord; } Map<String, Map<String, String>> defs = null; private void parseDefs() throws IOException, InvalidMarkupException { if (defs != null) return; //Don't parse twice defs = new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); ISlxTokenReader reader = root.getTokenReaderForRecord(); while (reader.canRead()) { SlxToken t =; if (t == null) break; if (t.matches("object-def")) { String key = t.get("name").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); Map<String, String> attrs = new HashMap<String, String>(); attrs.putAll(t.getAttributes()); attrs.remove("name"); //Remove the name attribute. No longer wanted... it's the key. if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(attrs.get("replaceDefinition")) || !defs.containsKey(key)) { defs.put(key, attrs); //Store if no existing key exists, or if replaceDefiniton is specified. attrs.remove("replaceDefinition"); //No need for it anymore - it's been used. } } } //Done. } /** * Fixes all the tokens within the record. * * @param r * @throws InvalidMarkupException * @throws IOException */ public void fixRecord(SlxRecord r) throws IOException, InvalidMarkupException { ISlxTokenReader reader = r.getTokenReaderForRecord(); while (reader.canRead()) { SlxToken t =; if (t == null) break; fixToken(t); } } /** * If the specified token is an <object> tag, it is resolved, and modified to include definition data. An exception is thrown if the reference doesn't exist in the definition. * * @param t * @throws InvalidMarkupException * @throws IOException */ public void fixToken(SlxToken t) throws InvalidMarkupException, IOException { if (!t.isTag()) return; if (!t.matches("object|link")) return; String key = null; if (t.matches("link")) { key = t.get("objectName"); //OL (Object link) if (key == null) key = t.get("dataLink"); //DL (Data link) if (key == null || t.get("infobase") != null) return; //Not the right type of link. Only local infobase links are supported. } else { key = t.get("name"); } key = key.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); parseDefs();//Make sure defs are parsed. Map<String, String> newAttrs = defs.get(key); if (newAttrs == null) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Object named \"" + t.get("name") + "\" was not found in the definiton.", t); //TODO: Isn't type a required attribute? if (t.matches("object") && newAttrs.get("type") != null && newAttrs.get("type").equalsIgnoreCase("data-link")) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Data-link objects cannot be embedded, only linked to."); //Ok, replace with the new attrs. (is this what we want)? t.getAttributes().putAll(newAttrs); //Link tags need special help. if (t.matches("link")) { //Type may be any of 'folio', 'data-link', 'ole', or 'class-object', as the attributes from the object definition have been merged in if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("folio", t.get("type"))) { //<link class="Object" handler="Bitmap" objectName="Faircom Logo - Used in Folio Validator" src="FolioHlp\FFF6.OB" type="folio"> //Rename 'src' to 'href'. if (t.get("src") != null) { t.set("href", t.get("src")); t.removeAttr("src"); } } else if (TokenUtils.fastMatches("data-link", t.get("type"))) { //Rename 'src' to 'href'. if (t.get("src") != null) { t.set("href", t.get("src")); t.removeAttr("src"); } } else throw new InvalidMarkupException("OL (Object Links) cannot point to OLE or class objects. Type=" + t.get("type")); } t.updateMarkup(); //We're done! Object resolved - definition arguments have been copied. The 'type' value will be replaced, but that's good. } }