package folioxml.directexport; import folioxml.core.InvalidMarkupException; import folioxml.core.TokenUtils; import folioxml.export.NodeListProcessor; import folioxml.export.deprecated.BookmarksAndJumpLinks; import folioxml.export.deprecated.FixImagePaths; import folioxml.export.deprecated.RecordAnchorWriter; import folioxml.export.html.*; import folioxml.slx.SlxRecord; import folioxml.slx.SlxRecordReader; import folioxml.xml.*; import; import; import; import; public class DirectXhtmlExporter extends DirectXmlExporter { public DirectXhtmlExporter(SlxRecordReader reader, OutputStreamWriter out) { super(reader, out); } public DirectXhtmlExporter(SlxRecordReader reader, String file) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, FileNotFoundException { super(reader, file); } /* * Set 'queryLinkResolver' to a ResolveQueryLinks instance to allow translation of query links. */ public NodeListProcessor queryLinkResolver = null; @Override public void writeRecord(SlxRecord r) throws IOException, InvalidMarkupException { boolean isRoot = "root".equals(r.getLevelType()); if (isRoot) return; //Don't write the root record in XHTMl XmlRecord rx = new SlxToXmlTransformer().convert(r); NodeList nodes = MultiRunner.process(new NodeList(rx), new RecordAnchorWriter(), new BookmarksAndJumpLinks(), //Drop x-infobase links, fix jump links and destinations new Images(), //Convert eligible object tags into img tags new Notes(), //Adds js notes new Popups(), //Adds js popups new FixImagePaths(""), //Switch to forward slashes new SplitSelfClosingTags(), new CleanupSlxStuff()); //Removes pagebreak|ss|pp, program links, span.recordHeading, record.groups, and renames group to div. if (queryLinkResolver != null) nodes = queryLinkResolver.process(nodes); //What links should we keep? - object links, popup links, jump links... some others we should leave just so we know we need to fix them. //Rename all link tags to a. (popup links) nodes.filterByTagName("link", true).setTagName("a"); out.write(nodes.toXmlString(true)); } @Override public void writeTop() throws IOException, InvalidMarkupException { topWritten = true; out.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + encoding + "\"?>\n"); out.append("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">\n"); out.append("<html xmlns=\"\">\n"); out.append("\t<head>\n"); out.append("\t\t<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" + encoding + "\" />\n"); //Parse root xml Node n = new SlxToXmlTransformer().convert(root); /*<infobase-meta type="author"> <p>Nathanael Jones</p> </infobase-meta>*/ String author = new NodeList(n).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "author")).getTextContents().trim(); /*<infobase-meta content=" Imazen --- SHADOW File --- ( NFO created: 2005-0805 ) 104,300 " type="title" />*/ String title = new NodeList(n).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "title")).first().get("content").trim(); //TODO: null ref if title is missing //<infobase-meta content="8/17/2009 5:10:09 PM" type="revision-date" /> String revised = new NodeList(n).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "revision-date")).first().get("content").trim(); /*<infobase-meta type="subject"> <p> subject for metadata </p> </infobase-meta> */ String subject = new NodeList(n).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "subject")).getTextContents().trim(); /*<infobase-meta type="abstract"> <p> description for metadata. </p> </infobase-meta>*/ String abstr = new NodeList(n).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "abstract")).getTextContents().trim(); /*<infobase-meta type="remark"> <p> remark for metadata </p> </infobase-meta>*/ String remark = new NodeList(n).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "remark")).getTextContents().trim(); //Parse title override //title = overrideTitle(title,settings); //Parse author override //author = (settings.get("author") != null) ? settings.get("author") : author; //Write title tag. out.append("\t\t<title>" + TokenUtils.lightEntityEncode(title) + "</title>\n"); //Write author out.append("\t\t<meta name=\"author\" content=\"" + TokenUtils.attributeEncode(author) + "\" />\n"); //The folio stylesheet boolean dropstylesheet = false; if (!dropstylesheet) { out.append("\n"); out.append("<style type=\"text/css\">"); //out.append("\t <!--/*--><![CDATA[/*><!-- */"); out.append(css); //out.append("\t/*]]>*/-->"); if (indentXml) out.append("\nbody{white-space:normal;}\n"); out.append("\n</style>"); out.append("\n\n"); } //The custom stylesheet //if (settings.get("stylesheet") != null){ // out.append("\t\t<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" + settings.get("stylesheet") + "\" type=\"text/css\" />\n"); //} //Start the body out.append("\t</head>\n\t<body>\n"); out.append("<div><a name=\"start\" id=\"start\"></a></div>\n"); } @Override public void writeBottom() throws IOException { bottomWritten = true; out.append("</body>\n</html>"); } public static String hashPath(String path) { //djl 09-22-2010 added in underscore since they can't start with #s or spaces return "z" + Integer.toHexString(path.hashCode()); } }