package folioxml.lucene.folioQueryParser; import folioxml.core.InvalidMarkupException; import folioxml.core.TokenInfo; import folioxml.core.TokenUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Opening angle brackets must be paired. Closing angle brackets cannot be present at all! (</example>) * * @author nathanael */ public class QueryToken { /*et [, the backslash \, the caret ^, the dollar sign $, the period or dot ., * the vertical bar or pipe symbol |, the question mark ?, the asterisk or star *, * the plus sign +, the opening round bracket ( and the closing round bracket ). And {} * */ public enum TokenType { None, OpenGroup, CloseGroup, OpenField, CloseField, Whitespace, Or, Xor, Not, FieldDelimiter, Term, TermSuffix } public static Pattern rGrouping = Pattern.compile("^[\\(\\)\\[\\]]"); // & and and are whitespace, and whitespace = &/and public static Pattern rWhitespace = Pattern.compile("^(?:\\&|and|\\s+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static Pattern rOr = Pattern.compile("^(?:\\||or)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static Pattern rXor = Pattern.compile("^(?:\\~|xor)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static Pattern rNot = Pattern.compile("^(?:\\^|not)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public static Pattern rColon = Pattern.compile("^\\:{1,2}"); //Unquoted strings may contain apostrophes, but they cannot start with them. public static Pattern rTerm = Pattern.compile("^(?:,|" + "\"(?:[^\"]++|\"\")++\"|" + "'(?:[^']++|'')++'|" + "[^'\",\\s~:/@#\\|\\^\\&\\[\\]\\(\\)\\\\\\{\\}][^\"\\s~:\\|\\^\\&\\[\\]\\(\\)\\\\\\{\\}]*+)"); public static Pattern rTermSuffix = Pattern.compile("^[/#@][0-9Ss]+"); /** * An array of the patterns we look for, in the correct order. */ public static Pattern[] tokenPatterns = new Pattern[]{rGrouping, rWhitespace, rNot, rOr, rXor, rColon, rWhitespace, rTermSuffix, rTerm}; public QueryToken(Pattern p, String text) throws InvalidMarkupException { this.text = text; if (p == rGrouping) { if (text.equals("(")) type = TokenType.OpenGroup; if (text.equals(")")) type = TokenType.CloseGroup; if (text.equals("[")) type = TokenType.OpenField; if (text.equals("]")) type = TokenType.CloseField; } if (p == rWhitespace) type = TokenType.Whitespace; if (p == rOr) type = TokenType.Or; if (p == rXor) type = TokenType.Xor; if (p == rNot) type = TokenType.Not; if (p == rColon) type = TokenType.FieldDelimiter; if (p == rTerm) type = TokenType.Term; if (p == rTermSuffix) type = TokenType.TermSuffix; if (this.type == TokenType.None) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Invalid token, could not be classified: " + text); } public QueryToken(TokenType type, String text) throws InvalidMarkupException { this.text = text; this.type = type; } /** * Comment, text, or tag */ public TokenType type = TokenType.None; public String text = null; public TokenInfo info = null; public String fieldName = null; public void setFieldNameRecursive(String name) { fieldName = name; if (children != null) { for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { children.get(i).setFieldNameRecursive(name); } } } public List<QueryToken> children; public List<QueryToken> headers; //For a field public void add(QueryToken child) { if (children == null) children = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(); children.add(child); } public void ParseChildrenIntoTree() throws InvalidMarkupException { /* Order of operations * 2) Proximity suffixes. Throw exception if the previous child is not a Term * 1) Groups and Fields, build them. * 3) Drop whitespace * 4) do not grouping * 5) do or grouping * 6) do xor grouping * 7) If an OpenParen, OpenField, or None token has more than one child, they are implicitly in an AND clause. */ applyTermSuffixes(); createGroup(false); stripWhitespace(); applyNot(); applyOrs(); } /* * Finds each term suffix and ensures the previous token is a term. Then it moves the term to be a child of the term suffix. */ protected void applyTermSuffixes() throws InvalidMarkupException { if (children == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (children.get(i).type == TokenType.TermSuffix) { if (i == 0 || children.get(i - 1).type != TokenType.Term) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Term suffixes must be preceeded by a term", children.get(i).info); children.get(i).add(children.get(i - 1)); children.remove(i - 1); i--; } } } /* * Behaves as if this token is a '(', and 'children' contains all the remaining tokens. If no matching ')' is found, it doesn't complain. * calls createField when it hits '['. Returns all tokens that don't fit into the current group. */ protected List<QueryToken> createGroup(boolean strict) throws InvalidMarkupException { if (children == null) return new ArrayList<QueryToken>(); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { QueryToken t = children.get(i); if (t.type == TokenType.CloseGroup) { List<QueryToken> remainder = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(i + 1, children.size())); children = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(0, i)); return remainder; } if (t.type == TokenType.CloseField) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Found closing ']' without matching opening '['",; if (t.type == TokenType.OpenGroup || t.type == TokenType.OpenField) { //Recursive t.children = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(i + 1, children.size())); List<QueryToken> newchildrenlist = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(0, i + 1)); newchildrenlist.addAll(t.type == TokenType.OpenGroup ? t.createGroup(true) : t.createField()); children = newchildrenlist; } } if (strict) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Failed to find closing ')'", info); else return new ArrayList<QueryToken>(); } protected List<QueryToken> createField() throws InvalidMarkupException { if (children == null) return new ArrayList<QueryToken>(); //Remove all leading whitespace from a field declaration. while (children.size() > 0 && children.get(0).type == TokenType.Whitespace) children.remove(0); headers = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(); //All child tokens prior to ':' are considered part of the heading, except [, ], (, ) //If there is no ':', then they're all headers //Process the children. boolean foundDelimiter = false; //For popup and note searches, the field is predefined, we want everything to be contents. if (children.size() > 0 && TokenUtils.fastMatches("popup|note", children.get(0).text)) { foundDelimiter = true; headers.add(children.get(0)); children.remove(0); } for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { QueryToken t = children.get(i); if (t.type == TokenType.CloseField) { List<QueryToken> remainder = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(i + 1, children.size())); children = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(0, i)); return remainder; } else if (t.type == TokenType.CloseGroup) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Found closing ')' without matching opening '(",; else if (t.type == TokenType.OpenGroup || t.type == TokenType.OpenField) { //Recursive t.children = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(i + 1, children.size())); List<QueryToken> newchildrenlist = new ArrayList<QueryToken>(children.subList(0, i + 1)); newchildrenlist.addAll(t.type == TokenType.OpenGroup ? t.createGroup(true) : t.createField()); children = newchildrenlist; } else if (!foundDelimiter && t.type == TokenType.FieldDelimiter) { foundDelimiter = true; children.remove(i); i--; } else if (!foundDelimiter) { headers.add(t); children.remove(i); i--; } } throw new InvalidMarkupException("Failed to find closing ']'", info); } protected void stripWhitespace() throws InvalidMarkupException { if (children == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (children.get(i).type == TokenType.Whitespace) { children.remove(i); i--; } else children.get(i).stripWhitespace(); //recursive. } } protected void applyNot() throws InvalidMarkupException { if (children == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (children.get(i).type == TokenType.Not) { if (i >= children.size() - 1) throw new InvalidMarkupException("No term found for not operator.", children.get(i).info); children.get(i).add(children.get(i + 1)); children.remove(i + 1); } children.get(i).applyNot(); //If the user double nots, this will cause an exception (good!). } } protected void applyOrs() throws InvalidMarkupException { if (children == null) return; //grandchildren first for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { children.get(i).applyOrs(); } //Then we do the or stuff. for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { if (children.get(i).type == TokenType.Or || children.get(i).type == TokenType.Xor) { if (i == 0 || i >= children.size() - 1) throw new InvalidMarkupException("OR and XOR operators require at least two operands", children.get(i).info); children.get(i).add(children.get(i - 1)); children.get(i).add(children.get(i + 1)); children.remove(i + 1); children.remove(i - 1); i--; } } } }