package folioxml.export.html; import folioxml.config.ExportLocations; import folioxml.config.InfobaseSet; import folioxml.core.InvalidMarkupException; import folioxml.core.Pair; import folioxml.core.TokenUtils; import folioxml.css.CssUtils; import folioxml.css.StylesheetBuilder; import folioxml.export.ExportingNodeListProcessor; import folioxml.export.FileNode; import folioxml.export.LogStreamProvider; import folioxml.export.NodeListProcessor; import folioxml.text.TextLinesBuilder; import folioxml.text.TextLinesSequencer; import folioxml.text.VirtualCharSequence; import folioxml.translation.FolioCssUtils; import folioxml.xml.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class FauxTabs implements NodeListProcessor, ExportingNodeListProcessor { public FauxTabs(InfobaseSet config) { if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(config.getBool("faux_tabs"))) { enabled = false; } Integer min = config.getInteger("faux_tabs_window_min"); Integer max = config.getInteger("faux_tabs_window_max"); this.minWidthChars = min == null ? 80 : min; this.maxWidthChars = max == null ? 120 : max; } public FauxTabs(int minLineWidth, int maxLineWidth) { this.minWidthChars = minLineWidth; this.maxWidthChars = maxLineWidth; } @Override public void setFileNode(FileNode fn) { } @Override public void setLogProvider(LogStreamProvider provider) { logs = provider; } LogStreamProvider logs; @Override public void setExportLocations(ExportLocations el) { } //We are going to assume left-aligned text, since Folio Views doesn't seem to support other text alignments. //We are going to assume fixed-width font. public class TabStop { public String leaderPattern; public TabStopPosition position; public double inches; public TabStopJustify justification; } public enum TabStopPosition { CustomFromLeft, Center, Right } public enum TabStopJustify { Left, Center, Right, Decimal } public class FixedTabStop { public int location; public TabStopJustify just; public String leader; } private boolean enabled = true; private int minWidthChars; private int maxWidthChars; private String getLeaderOfLength(FixedTabStop ts, int lengthRequired) { int patternRepetitions = (int) Math.ceil((double) lengthRequired / (double) ts.leader.length()); StringBuilder leader = new StringBuilder(patternRepetitions * ts.leader.length()); for (int i = 0; i < patternRepetitions; i++) leader.append(ts.leader); return leader.substring(0, lengthRequired); } private void FakeTabsInLine(VirtualCharSequence line, List<FixedTabStop> tabStops, int paragraphWidth, int defaultTabSize) { int tabAt = line.indexOf("\t", 0); if (tabAt < 0) return; int nextTab = line.indexOf("\t", tabAt + 1); boolean moreTabs = true; if (nextTab < 0) { nextTab = line.length(); moreTabs = false; } //Find first tab stop with a location > tabAt. FixedTabStop next = null; for (FixedTabStop ts : tabStops) { if (ts.location > tabAt) { next = ts; break; } } if (next == null) { //Default tab stops next = new FixedTabStop(); int lastTabSet = tabStops.size() > 0 ? tabStops.get(tabStops.size() - 1).location : 0; int offset = (int) Math.ceil((double) (tabAt + 1 - lastTabSet) / (double) defaultTabSize) * defaultTabSize; next.location = lastTabSet + offset; next.leader = TokenUtils.entityDecodeString("  "); next.just = TabStopJustify.Left; } int offset = 0; int textLength = (nextTab - tabAt - 1); if (next.just == TabStopJustify.Center) offset = textLength / -2; if (next.just == TabStopJustify.Right) offset = -textLength; if (next.just == TabStopJustify.Decimal) { int decimalAt = line.indexOf(".", tabAt + 1); if (decimalAt < nextTab && decimalAt > -1) { offset = decimalAt - nextTab - 1; } } int leaderLength = Math.max(0, (next.location - tabAt) + offset); String leader = getLeaderOfLength(next, leaderLength); line.replace(tabAt, 1, leader); //Recurse until all tabs are gone. if (moreTabs) { FakeTabsInLine(line, tabStops, paragraphWidth, defaultTabSize); } } private void FakeTabs(Node paragraph, IFilter exclude) throws InvalidMarkupException { ParagraphInfo pi = getParagraphStyle(paragraph); if (pi == null) pi = new ParagraphInfo(); Double charWidth = pi.getCharWidthInches(); int defaultTabSize = (int) Math.ceil(0.5 / charWidth); //Abstract tree as a flat set of tokens to edit, grouped by line. List<VirtualCharSequence> lines = new TextLinesSequencer(new NodeList(paragraph), exclude).getLines(true); //Determine our fixed width int paragraphWidth = minWidthChars; for (VirtualCharSequence line : lines) { paragraphWidth = Math.max(minWidthChars, Math.min(maxWidthChars, line.length())); } //Get tab stops List<TabStop> tabs = pi.stops; //Assign inches to center/right tabs List<FixedTabStop> fixedTabs = fixTabStops(tabs, charWidth, paragraphWidth); //Replace tabs with leaders for (VirtualCharSequence line : lines) { FakeTabsInLine(line, fixedTabs, paragraphWidth, defaultTabSize); } } private List<FixedTabStop> fixTabStops(List<TabStop> tabStops, double charWidthInches, int maxChars) { if (tabStops == null) return new ArrayList<FixedTabStop>(); List<FixedTabStop> results = new ArrayList<FixedTabStop>(tabStops.size()); for (TabStop ts : tabStops) { FixedTabStop fts = new FixedTabStop(); fts.leader = ts.leaderPattern; fts.just = ts.justification; fts.location = (int) Math.ceil(ts.inches / charWidthInches); if (ts.position == TabStopPosition.Center) fts.location = maxChars / 2; if (ts.position == TabStopPosition.Right) fts.location = maxChars; results.add(fts); } return results; } private XmlRecord getInfobaseRootFor(Node p) throws InvalidMarkupException { Node recordRoot = p.rootNode(); if (recordRoot instanceof XmlRecord) { return ((XmlRecord) recordRoot).getRoot(); } else { throw new InvalidMarkupException("The root Node is not an XmlRecord!"); } } private Map<String, ParagraphInfo> getInfobaseStyles(XmlRecord root) throws InvalidMarkupException { Map<String, ParagraphInfo> results = new HashMap<String, ParagraphInfo>(); NodeList styleDefs = root.children.filterByTagName("style-def", true); for (Node t : styleDefs.list()) { String cls = t.get("class"); String style = t.get("style"); String type = t.get("type"); if (cls != null && style != null && "paragraph".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) { results.put(cls, infoFromStyle(style)); } } return results; } private Map<XmlRecord, Map<String, ParagraphInfo>> infobaseStyleCache = new HashMap<XmlRecord, Map<String, ParagraphInfo>>(); private Map<String, ParagraphInfo> getInfobaseStylesCached(XmlRecord root) throws InvalidMarkupException { if (infobaseStyleCache.containsKey(root)) { return infobaseStyleCache.get(root); } else { Map<String, ParagraphInfo> data = getInfobaseStyles(root); infobaseStyleCache.put(root, data); return data; } } private ParagraphInfo getParagraphStyle(Node p) throws InvalidMarkupException { ParagraphInfo pi = infoFromStyle(p.get("style")); String[] classes = p.get("class") == null ? null : p.get("class").split("\\s+"); if (classes == null || classes.length == 0) return pi; Map<String, ParagraphInfo> definedStyles = getInfobaseStylesCached(getInfobaseRootFor(p)); for (String cls : classes) { if (definedStyles.containsKey(cls)) { pi = cascadeInfo(pi, definedStyles.get(cls)); } } return pi; } public class ParagraphInfo { public List<TabStop> stops; public String fontSize; public String fontFamilies; public Double cssWidth; public void copyFrom(ParagraphInfo second) { if (second == null) return; if (second.fontFamilies != null) this.fontFamilies = second.fontFamilies; if (second.fontSize != null) this.fontSize = second.fontSize; if (second.cssWidth != null) this.cssWidth = second.cssWidth; if (second.stops != null && second.stops.size() > 0) this.stops = second.stops; //SHALLOW COPY of tab stops } public Double getCharWidthInches() { double fontInches = FolioCssUtils.toInches(StylesheetBuilder.DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE); if (fontSize != null) fontInches = FolioCssUtils.toInches(fontSize, fontInches); //We need to expand the tab positions to help account for the growth from variable-width to fixed-width font. //Thus the 0.8 return fontSizeToCharWidthRatio() * fontInches * 0.8; } } private Pattern tabStopSpec = Pattern.compile("\\A(Center|Right|[\\d.]+) (NM|CN|RT|CA) (NO|DS|DO|DA|UN)\\Z", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private TabStop parseTabStop(String folioSpec) throws InvalidMarkupException { Matcher m = tabStopSpec.matcher(folioSpec); if (!m.find()) throw new InvalidMarkupException("Invalid tab stop specification: " + folioSpec); TabStop ts = new TabStop(); if ("Center".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.position = TabStopPosition.Center; else if ("Right".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.position = TabStopPosition.Right; else { ts.position = TabStopPosition.CustomFromLeft; ts.inches = Double.parseDouble(; } if ("NM".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.justification = TabStopJustify.Left; if ("CN".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.justification = TabStopJustify.Center; if ("RT".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.justification = TabStopJustify.Right; if ("CA".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.justification = TabStopJustify.Decimal; if ("NO".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.leaderPattern = TokenUtils.entityDecodeString("  "); if ("DS".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.leaderPattern = TokenUtils.entityDecodeString(" ."); if ("DO".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.leaderPattern = TokenUtils.entityDecodeString("."); if ("DA".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.leaderPattern = TokenUtils.entityDecodeString(" -"); if ("UN".equalsIgnoreCase( ts.leaderPattern = TokenUtils.entityDecodeString("_"); return ts; } /* var id = 0; var sum = 0; var fontname = "Courier New"; //This finds the ratio between inches (in font size) and character width of 'x' for a given font. for (var i = 0.09; i < 1; i += 0.001){ document.write("<span style='font-family: " + fontname + ";font-size:" + i + "in' id='x" + id + "'>x</span>"); var width = document.getElementById("x" + id).offsetWidth document.write(i.toString() + " -> " + width + " (" + (width / i) + ")"); sum += (width / i); document.write("<br>"); id++; } document.write("<strong>Avg: " + (sum / id) + "px, " + (sum / id / 96) + "in</strong>"); */ private double fontSizeToCharWidthRatio() { //See the javascript above for calculating this magic value for any font //This values was CourierNew on Chrome return 0.6138741700947206; } private ParagraphInfo infoFromStyle(String style) throws InvalidMarkupException { if (style == null) return null; ParagraphInfo pi = new ParagraphInfo(); List<TabStop> stops = new ArrayList<TabStop>(); List<Pair<String, String>> css = CssUtils.parseCssAsList(style, false); for (Pair<String, String> p : css) { if (p.getFirst().equals("width")) { pi.cssWidth = FolioCssUtils.toInches(p.getSecond(), null); } if (p.getFirst().equals("font-size")) { pi.fontSize = p.getSecond(); } if (p.getFirst().equals("font-family")) { pi.fontFamilies = p.getSecond(); } if (p.getFirst().equals("-folio-tab-set")) { stops.add(parseTabStop(p.getSecond())); } } pi.stops = stops; return pi; } private ParagraphInfo cascadeInfo(ParagraphInfo first, ParagraphInfo second) { ParagraphInfo pi = new ParagraphInfo(); pi.copyFrom(first); pi.copyFrom(second); return pi; } @Override public NodeList process(NodeList nodes) throws InvalidMarkupException, IOException { if (!enabled) return nodes; //We need to exclude any popups from being adjusted. IFilter exclusions = new NodeFilter("popup|table|td|th|note|div|record"); //For indentation-only use, we could apply a leader of "   " (decoded) and leave the class name unchanged. NodeList paragraphs = nodes.searchOuter(new NodeFilter("p")); for (Node p : paragraphs.list()) { List<StringBuilder> lines = new TextLinesBuilder().generateLines(new NodeList(p)); //Analyze tab usage TextLinesBuilder.TabUsage tabs = new TextLinesBuilder().analyzeTabUsage(lines); if (tabs == TextLinesBuilder.TabUsage.Indentation) { FakeTabs(p, exclusions); p.addClass("faux_tabs_indentation"); } else if (tabs == TextLinesBuilder.TabUsage.Tabulation) { FakeTabs(p, exclusions); p.addClass("faux_tabulation"); } else if (tabs == TextLinesBuilder.TabUsage.ListAlignment) { p.addClass("tabs_list_alignment"); } if (tabs != TextLinesBuilder.TabUsage.None) { //Do before/after per line List<StringBuilder> newLines = new TextLinesBuilder().generateLines(new NodeList(p)); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size() && i < newLines.size(); i++) { logs.getNamedStream("faux_" + tabs.toString().toLowerCase()).append(newLines.get(i)).append("\n"); } } } return nodes; } }