package folioxml.export.plugins; import folioxml.config.*; import folioxml.core.InvalidMarkupException; import folioxml.export.FileNode; import folioxml.export.InfobaseSetPlugin; import folioxml.export.LogStreamProvider; import folioxml.slx.ISlxTokenReader; import folioxml.slx.SlxRecord; import folioxml.xml.*; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Deque; public class ExportXmlFile implements InfobaseSetPlugin { public ExportXmlFile() { } public ExportXmlFile(Boolean indentXml) { this.indentXml = indentXml; } private Boolean indentXml = null; private Deque<FileNode> openFileNodes = null; protected Writer out; private int indentLevel = 0; private String indentString = " "; private Boolean skipNormalRecords = true; private Boolean nestFileElements = true; @Override public void beginInfobaseSet(InfobaseSet set, ExportLocations export, LogStreamProvider logs) throws IOException { out = Files.newBufferedWriter(export.getLocalPath(set.getId() + ".xml", AssetType.Xml, FolderCreation.CreateParents), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); out.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"); openElement("infobases"); skipNormalRecords = set.getBool("skip_normal_records"); if (skipNormalRecords == null) skipNormalRecords = false; nestFileElements = set.getBool("nest_file_elements"); if (nestFileElements == null) nestFileElements = true; if (indentXml == null) indentXml = set.getBool("indent_xml"); if (indentXml == null) indentXml = false; } boolean infobaseTagOpened = false; InfobaseConfig current = null; @Override public void beginInfobase(InfobaseConfig infobase) throws IOException { current = infobase; openFileNodes = new ArrayDeque<FileNode>(); } @Override public ISlxTokenReader wrapSlxReader(ISlxTokenReader reader) { return reader; } @Override public void onSlxRecordParsed(SlxRecord clean_slx) throws InvalidMarkupException, IOException { } @Override public void onRecordTransformed(XmlRecord xr, SlxRecord dirty_slx) throws InvalidMarkupException, IOException { } @Override public FileNode assignFileNode(XmlRecord xr, SlxRecord dirty_slx) throws InvalidMarkupException, IOException { return null; } @Override public void onRecordComplete(XmlRecord xr, FileNode file) throws InvalidMarkupException, IOException { if (xr.isRootRecord() == infobaseTagOpened) throw new InvalidMarkupException("The first record of every infobase should be the root record"); if (!infobaseTagOpened) { String author = new NodeList(xr).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "author")).getTextContents().trim(); NodeList titleElements = new NodeList(xr).search(new NodeFilter("infobase-meta", "type", "title")); String title = titleElements.count() > 0 ? titleElements.first().get("content").trim() : ""; Node n = new Node("<infobase></infobase>"); n.set("author", author); n.set("title", title); n.set("name", current.getId()); n.set("levelDefOrder", xr.get("levelDefOrder")); n.set("levels", xr.get("levels")); openElement(n); infobaseTagOpened = true; } else { boolean skip = skipNormalRecords && !xr.isLevelRecord(); if (nestFileElements) { FileNode common = openFileNodes.isEmpty() ? null : getCommonAncestor(file, openFileNodes.peek(), true); closeAllUntil(common); if (common != file) { openChildren(); openFile(file); //We can't descend more than one node at a time; every file node must have 1 or more records. } if (skip) return; openBody(); } else { closeAllUntil(file); if (skip) return; openFile(file); } if (indentXml) out.write(new XmlFormatter(indentLevel, indentString).format(xr)); else out.write(xr.toXmlString(false)); } } public Deque<FileNode> getAncestors(FileNode n, boolean includeSelf) { Deque<FileNode> parents = new ArrayDeque<FileNode>(); FileNode current = n; if (includeSelf) parents.add(n); while (current.getParent() != null) { parents.addLast(current.getParent()); current = current.getParent(); } return parents; } public FileNode getCommonAncestor(FileNode a, FileNode b, boolean includeSelves) { Deque<FileNode> parents = getAncestors(a, includeSelves); Deque<FileNode> otherParents = getAncestors(b, includeSelves); FileNode common = null; while (!parents.isEmpty() && !otherParents.isEmpty()) { FileNode c = parents.removeLast(); if (c == otherParents.removeLast()) common = c; else break; } return common; } private boolean getBool(FileNode n, String key, boolean defaultValue) { Object o = n.getBag().get(key); return o == null ? defaultValue : (Boolean) o; } private void setBool(FileNode n, String key, boolean value) { n.getBag().put(key, value); } private void openFile(FileNode n) throws IOException, InvalidMarkupException { if (!openFileNodes.isEmpty() && openFileNodes.peek() == n) return; //Don't open the same node twice openFileNodes.push(n); Node xn = new Node("<file></file>"); xn.getAttributes().putAll(n.getAttributes()); openElement(xn); } private void openBody() throws IOException { FileNode top = openFileNodes.peek(); if (!getBool(top, "bodyOpen", false)) { openElement("body"); setBool(top, "bodyOpen", true); } } private void openChildren() throws IOException { FileNode top = openFileNodes.peek(); if (top == null) return; if (getBool(top, "bodyOpen", false)) { closeElement("body"); setBool(top, "bodyOpen", false); } if (!getBool(top, "childrenOpen", false)) { openElement("children"); setBool(top, "childrenOpen", true); } //Close body tag if open, open children tag. } private void closeAllUntil(FileNode until) throws IOException { while (!openFileNodes.isEmpty()) { if (openFileNodes.peek() == until) return; FileNode top = openFileNodes.removeFirst(); if (getBool(top, "bodyOpen", false)) { closeElement("body"); setBool(top, "bodyOpen", false); } if (getBool(top, "childrenOpen", false)) { closeElement("children"); setBool(top, "childrenOpen", false); } closeElement("file"); } } private void writeIndent() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < indentLevel; i++) { out.append(indentString); } } private void openElement(String elementName) throws IOException { writeIndent(); out.append("<"); out.append(elementName); out.append(">\n"); indentLevel++; } private void openElement(Node element) throws IOException, InvalidMarkupException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); writeIndent(); if (element.getAttributes().values().contains(null)) { // throw new IOException("Null attribute value in " + element.toXmlString(true)); } element.writeTokenTo(sb); out.append(sb); out.append("\n"); indentLevel++; } private void closeElement(String elementName) throws IOException { indentLevel--; writeIndent(); out.append("</"); out.append(elementName); out.append(">\n"); } @Override public void endInfobase(InfobaseConfig infobase) throws IOException { if (infobaseTagOpened) { closeAllUntil(null); closeElement("infobase"); infobaseTagOpened = false; } } @Override public void endInfobaseSet(InfobaseSet set) throws IOException { closeElement("infobases"); out.close(); } }