package; /** * Construct new data points within the range of a discrete set of known data points by linear equation * * @author Jacquet Wong */ public class LinearInterpolation { public LinearInterpolation() { } /** * Do interpolation on the samples according to the original and destinated sample rates * * @param oldSampleRate sample rate of the original samples * @param newSampleRate sample rate of the interpolated samples * @param samples original samples * @return interpolated samples */ public short[] interpolate(int oldSampleRate, int newSampleRate, short[] samples) { if (oldSampleRate==newSampleRate) { return samples; } int newLength=(int)Math.round(((float)samples.length/oldSampleRate*newSampleRate)); float lengthMultiplier=(float)newLength/samples.length; short[] interpolatedSamples = new short[newLength]; // interpolate the value by the linear equation y=mx+c for (int i = 0; i < newLength; i++) { // get the nearest positions for the interpolated point float currentPosition = i / lengthMultiplier; int nearestLeftPosition = (int)currentPosition; int nearestRightPosition = nearestLeftPosition + 1; if (nearestRightPosition>=samples.length) { nearestRightPosition=samples.length-1; } float slope=samples[nearestRightPosition]-samples[nearestLeftPosition]; // delta x is 1 float positionFromLeft = currentPosition - nearestLeftPosition; interpolatedSamples[i] = (short)(slope*positionFromLeft+samples[nearestLeftPosition]); // y=mx+c } return interpolatedSamples; } }