package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.codefixia.drumcloud.DrumCloud; /** * This class can play audio files and includes an fx chain */ public class AudioPlayer implements Synth, AudioGenerator { private File file; private FXChain fxChain; boolean isPlaying; private boolean isLooping; private boolean analysing; private FFT fft; private int fftInd; private float[] fftFrame; private float[] powerSpectrum; private static final boolean STEREO_TO_MONO_AVERAGE=false; private int length; private short[] audioData; private float startPos; private float readHead; private float dReadHead; private float sampleRate; private float masterVolume; private short[][] audioClipArray; float x1, x2, y1, y2, x3, y3; public AudioPlayer(float sampleRate) { this.sampleRate = sampleRate; fxChain = new FXChain(sampleRate); } public File getFile() { return file; } public float getVolume(){ return masterVolume; } public float getDurationMS(){ return (float)audioData.length / (float)sampleRate * 0.001f; } public void resetAudioPlayer() { readHead = 0; startPos = 0; dReadHead = 1; isPlaying = false; isLooping = true; masterVolume = 1; } public void selectAudioClip(int index) { audioData = audioClipArray[index]; } public void loadAudioClips(String[] filenames) { audioClipArray = new short [filenames.length][]; for (int i = 0; i< filenames.length;i++) { audioClipArray[i] = justLoadAudioFile(filenames[i]); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") public short[] loadWavFile(File f) { short [] myAudioData = null; int fileSampleRate = 0; String filename=f.getName(); try { // how long is the file in bytes? long byteCount = 0; BufferedInputStream bis=null; try { byteCount = DrumCloud.X.getAssets().openFd(filename).getLength(); // check the format of the audio file first! // only accept mono 16 bit wavs InputStream is = DrumCloud.X.getAssets().open(filename); bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { DrumCloud.println("getAssets not working"); e.printStackTrace(); FileInputStream fIn = new FileInputStream(f); if (fIn!=null) { byteCount=fIn.available(); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fIn); } else { DrumCloud.println("FileInputStream not working"); } } DrumCloud.println("Opening file:"+filename); if (bis!=null) { // chop!! int bitDepth; int channels; boolean isPCM; // allows us to read up to 4 bytes at a time byte[] byteBuff = new byte[4]; // skip 20 bytes to get file format // (1 byte) bis.skip(20);, 0, 2); // read 2 so we are at 22 now isPCM = ((short)byteBuff[0]) == 1 ? true:false; //System.out.println("File isPCM "+isPCM); // skip 22 bytes to get # channels // (1 byte), 0, 2);// read 2 so we are at 24 now channels = (short)byteBuff[0]; System.out.println("#channels "+channels+" "+byteBuff[0]); // skip 24 bytes to get sampleRate // (32 bit int), 0, 4); // read 4 so now we are at 28 fileSampleRate = bytesToInt(byteBuff, 4); System.out.println("Sample rate "+fileSampleRate); // skip 34 bytes to get bits per sample // (1 byte) //bis.skip(6); // we were at 28... bis.skip(4);, 0, 2);// read 2 so we are at 34 now short blockAlign = (short)byteBuff[0]; System.out.println("block align "+blockAlign);, 0, 2);// read 2 so we are at 36 now bitDepth = (short)byteBuff[0]; System.out.println("bit depth "+bitDepth); // convert to word count... bitDepth /= 8; if (blockAlign/channels>bitDepth)bitDepth=blockAlign/channels; // now start processing the raw data //bis.skip(4); //skip Subchunk2ID now at 40 String subchunkId=""; int dataByteOffset=40; while (!subchunkId.equalsIgnoreCase("data") && bis.available()>=1) {, 0, 1); dataByteOffset++; subchunkId=""; if((char)byteBuff[0]=='d' || (char)byteBuff[0]=='D'){ subchunkId+=(char)byteBuff[0]; if(bis.available()>=1){, 0, 1); dataByteOffset++; if((char)byteBuff[0]=='a' || (char)byteBuff[0]=='A'){ subchunkId+=(char)byteBuff[0]; if(bis.available()>=1){, 0, 1); if((char)byteBuff[0]=='t' || (char)byteBuff[0]=='T'){ subchunkId+=(char)byteBuff[0]; if(bis.available()>=1){, 0, 1); if((char)byteBuff[0]=='a' || (char)byteBuff[0]=='A'){ subchunkId+=(char)byteBuff[0]; } } } } } //println("Search: "+subchunkId); } } } if (!subchunkId.equalsIgnoreCase("data")) { DrumCloud.println("Incompatible .wav file: "+filename); return new short[1]; } int sampleCount=0;, 0, 4); //reads Subchunk2Size now at 44 DrumCloud.println("Located \"data\" at byte:"+dataByteOffset); sampleCount = bytesToInt(byteBuff, 4)/ (bitDepth * channels); //println("0:"+byteBuff[0]+" 1:"+byteBuff[1]+" 2:"+byteBuff[2]+" 3:"+byteBuff[3]); System.out.println("total samples "+sampleCount+" resting bytes:"+(int) ((byteCount - 44) / (bitDepth * channels))); myAudioData = new short[sampleCount]; int skip = (channels -1) * bitDepth; int sample = 0; while (bis.available () >= (bitDepth+skip) && sample<sampleCount) { if(skip>0 && STEREO_TO_MONO_AVERAGE){, 0, bitDepth); short left=(short) bytesToIntLimited(byteBuff, bitDepth);, 0, bitDepth); short right=(short) bytesToIntLimited(byteBuff, bitDepth); myAudioData[sample] = (short)((left+right)/2.0f); }else{ bis.skip(skip);, 0, bitDepth); myAudioData[sample] = (short) bytesToIntLimited(byteBuff, bitDepth); } sample ++; } float secs = (float)sample / (float)sampleRate; //System.out.println("Read "+sample+" samples expected "+sampleCount+" time "+secs+" secs "); bis.close(); // unchop readHead = 0; startPos = 0; // default to 1 sample shift per tick dReadHead = 1; isPlaying = false; isLooping = true; masterVolume = 1; } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (fileSampleRate>0 && (float) fileSampleRate != this.sampleRate) { //throw new InputMismatchException("In File: "+filename+" The sample rate of: "+fileSampleRate+ " does not match the default sample rate of: "+this.sampleRate); Resampler resampler = new Resampler(); System.out.println("Resampling file" +filename+" from "+fileSampleRate+" Hz to "+this.sampleRate+ " Hz"); return resampler.reSample(myAudioData, (int)fileSampleRate, (int) (this.sampleRate)); } return myAudioData; } public short[] convertSampleRate(short[] originalAudio, int targetRate, int originalRate) { if (targetRate==originalRate) { //throw new InputMismatchException("In File: "+filename+" The sample rate of: "+fileSampleRate+ " does not match the default sample rate of: "+this.sampleRate); return originalAudio; } else { Resampler resampler = new Resampler(); return resampler.reSample(originalAudio, originalRate, targetRate); } } public short[] loadAiffFile(File f) { short [] myAudioData = null; AiffFileReader aiffFileReader=new AiffFileReader(); int sample = 0; String fileName=""; try { fileName=f.getName(); AudioFileFormat audioFileFormat=aiffFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(f); int bitDepth=audioFileFormat.getFormat().getFrameSize(); byte[] byteBuff=new byte[bitDepth]; DrumCloud.println("Aiff File framesize:"+bitDepth); AudioFormatJava af=audioFileFormat.getFormat(); int fileSampleRate=(int)af.getSampleRate(); int channels=af.getChannels(); boolean isBigEndian=af.isBigEndian(); DrumCloud.println("Aiff File frameRate:"+af.getFrameRate()+" sampleRate:"+fileSampleRate); DrumCloud.println("Aiff File is bigEndian?:"+isBigEndian+" sample bitsize:"+af.getSampleSizeInBits()+" channels:"+channels); int numBytesRead = 0; int skip = 0;//(channels -1) * bitDepth; AudioInputStream ais=aiffFileReader.getAudioInputStream(f); myAudioData=new short[(int)ais.getFrameLength()]; while ( (numBytesRead = (byteBuff)) != -1) { if(!isBigEndian) myAudioData[sample] = (short) bytesToIntLimited(byteBuff, numBytesRead); else myAudioData[sample] = (short) bytesToIntBigEndian(byteBuff, numBytesRead); if (skip>0 && ais.available()>=bitDepth) ais.skip(skip); sample ++; } if (fileSampleRate>0 && fileSampleRate != this.sampleRate) { System.out.println("Resampling file" +fileName+" from "+fileSampleRate+" Hz to "+this.sampleRate+ " Hz"); return convertSampleRate(myAudioData, (int) (this.sampleRate), fileSampleRate); } } catch(UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { e.printStackTrace(); DrumCloud.println("UnsupportedAudioFileException reading:"+fileName+"\n"+e); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); DrumCloud.println("IOException reading:"+fileName+"\n"+e); } return myAudioData; } public void reloadAudioFile (String filename) { this.setAudioData(this.justLoadAudioFile(filename)); this.resetAudioPlayer(); } public short[] justLoadAudioFile (String filename) { File f = new File(filename); this.file=f; boolean isAiff=false; AiffFileReader aiffFileReader=new AiffFileReader(); try { AudioFileFormat audioFileFormat=aiffFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(f); if (audioFileFormat.getType()==AudioFileFormat.Type.AIFC || audioFileFormat.getType()==AudioFileFormat.Type.AIFF) { DrumCloud.println("Aiff File detected type:"+audioFileFormat.getType()); isAiff=true; } } catch(UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { e.printStackTrace(); DrumCloud.println("UnsupportedAudioFileException:"+e); } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); DrumCloud.println("IOException:"+e); } if (isAiff) return loadAiffFile(f); else return loadWavFile(f); } public void setAnalysing(boolean analysing_) { this.analysing = analysing_; if (analysing) {// initialise the fft fft = new FFT(); fftInd = 0; fftFrame = new float[1024]; powerSpectrum = new float[fftFrame.length/2]; } } public float getAveragePower() { if (analysing) { // calc the average float sum = 0; for (int i=0;i<powerSpectrum.length;i++) { sum += powerSpectrum[i]; } sum /= powerSpectrum.length; return sum; } else { System.out.println("call setAnalysing to enable power analysis"); return 0; } } public float[] getPowerSpectrum() { if (analysing) { return powerSpectrum; } else { System.out.println("call setAnalysing to enable power analysis"); return null; } } /** *convert the sent byte array into an int. Assumes little endian byte ordering. *@param bytes - the byte array containing the data *@param wordSizeBytes - the number of bytes to read from bytes array *@return int - the byte array as an int */ private int bytesToIntLimited(byte[] bytes, int wordSizeBytes) { int val = 0; //LIMIT TO 16BITS if (wordSizeBytes>2)wordSizeBytes=2; for (int i=wordSizeBytes-1; i>=0; i--) { val <<= 8; val |= (int)bytes[i] & 0xFF; } return val; } private int bytesToInt(byte[] bytes, int wordSizeBytes) { int val = 0; for (int i=wordSizeBytes-1; i>=0; i--) { val <<= 8; val |= (int)bytes[i] & 0xFF; } return val; } private int bytesToIntBigEndian(byte[] bytes, int wordSizeBytes) { int val = 0; //LIMIT TO 16BITS int start=0; //if(wordSizeBytes>2)start=wordSizeBytes-2; if(wordSizeBytes>2)wordSizeBytes=2; for (int i=start;i<wordSizeBytes; i++) { val <<= 8; val |= (int)bytes[i] & 0xFF; } return val; } /** * Test if this audioplayer is playing right now * @return true if it is playing, false otherwise */ public boolean isPlaying() { return isPlaying; } /** * Set the loop mode for this audio player * @param looping */ public void setLooping(boolean looping) { isLooping = looping; } /** * Move the start pointer of the audio player to the sent time in ms * @param timeMs - the time in ms */ public void cue(int timeMs) { //startPos = ((timeMs / 1000) * sampleRate) % audioData.length; //readHead = startPos; //println("AudioPlayer Cueing to "+timeMs); if (timeMs >= 0) {// ignore crazy values readHead = (((float)timeMs / 1000f) * sampleRate) % audioData.length; //println("Read head went to "+readHead); } } /** * Set the playback speed, * @param speed - playback speed where 1 is normal speed, 2 is double speed */ public void speed(float speed) { //println("setting speed to "+speed); dReadHead = speed; } public float getSpeed() { return dReadHead; } /** * Set the master volume of the AudioPlayer */ public void volume(float volume) { masterVolume = volume; } /** * Get the length of the audio file in samples * @return int - the length of the audio file in samples */ public int getLength() { return audioData.length; } /** * Get the length of the sound in ms, suitable for sending to 'cue' */ public float getLengthMs() { return (audioData.length / sampleRate * 1000); } /** * Start playing the sound. */ public void play() { isPlaying = true; } /** * Stop playing the sound */ public void stop() { isPlaying = false; } /** * implementation of the AudioGenerator interface */ public short getSample() { if (!isPlaying) { return 0; } else { short sample; readHead += dReadHead; if (readHead > (audioData.length - 1)) {// got to the end //% (float)audioData.length; if (isLooping) {// back to the start for loop mode readHead = readHead % (float)audioData.length; } else { readHead = 0; isPlaying = false; } } //FIX FOR STARTING AND ENDING WRONG SAMPLE VALUES !=0 if (readHead==0 || readHead==audioData.length-1) { return 0; } // linear interpolation here // declaring these at the top... // easy to understand version... // float x1, x2, y1, y2, x3, y3; x1 = DrumCloud.floor(readHead); x2 = x1 + 1; y1 = audioData[(int)x1]; y2 = audioData[(int) (x2 % audioData.length)]; x3 = readHead; // calc y3 = y1 + ((x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1)); y3 *= masterVolume; sample = fxChain.getSample((short) y3); if (analysing) { // accumulate samples for the fft fftFrame[fftInd] = (float)sample / 32768f; fftInd ++; if (fftInd == fftFrame.length - 1) {// got a frame powerSpectrum = fft.process(fftFrame, true); fftInd = 0; } } return sample; //return (short)y3; } } public void setAudioData(short[] audioData) { this.audioData = audioData; } public short[] getAudioData() { return audioData; } public void setDReadHead(float dReadHead) { this.dReadHead = dReadHead; } /// //the synth interface // public void ramp(float val, float timeMs) { fxChain.ramp(val, timeMs); } public void setDelayTime(float delayMs) { fxChain.setDelayTime( delayMs); } public void setDelayFeedback(float fb) { fxChain.setDelayFeedback(fb); } public void setFilter(float cutoff, float resonance) { fxChain.setFilter( cutoff, resonance); } }