package; /** * FFT performs a Fast Fourier Transform and forwards the complex data to any listeners. * The complex data is a float of the form float[2][frameSize], with real and imaginary * parts stored respectively. * * @beads.category analysis */ public class FFT { /** The real part. */ protected float[] fftReal; /** The imaginary part. */ protected float[] fftImag; private float[] dataCopy = null; private float[][] features; private float[] powers; private int numFeatures; /** * Instantiates a new FFT. */ public FFT() { features = new float[2][]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.olliebown.beads.core.UGen#calculateBuffer() */ public float[] process(float[] data, boolean direction) { if (powers == null) powers = new float[data.length/2]; if (dataCopy==null || dataCopy.length!=data.length) dataCopy = new float[data.length]; System.arraycopy(data, 0, dataCopy, 0, data.length); fft(dataCopy, dataCopy.length, direction); numFeatures = dataCopy.length; fftReal = calculateReal(dataCopy, dataCopy.length); fftImag = calculateImaginary(dataCopy, dataCopy.length); features[0] = fftReal; features[1] = fftImag; // now calc the powers return specToPowers(fftReal, fftImag, powers); } public float[] specToPowers(float[] real, float[] imag, float[] powers) { float re, im; double pow; for (int i=0;i<powers.length;i++) { //real = spectrum[i][j].re(); //imag = spectrum[i][j].im(); re = real[i]; im = imag[i]; powers[i] = (re*re + im * im); powers[i] = (float) Math.sqrt(powers[i]) / 10; // convert to dB pow = (double) powers[i]; powers[i] = (float)(10 * Math.log10(pow * pow)); // (-100 - 100) powers[i] = (powers[i] + 100) * 0.005f; // 0-1 } return powers; } /** * The frequency corresponding to a specific bin * * @param samplingFrequency The Sampling Frequency of the AudioContext * @param blockSize The size of the block analysed * @param binNumber */ public float binFrequency(float samplingFrequency, int blockSize, float binNumber) { return binNumber*samplingFrequency/blockSize; } /** * Returns the average bin number corresponding to a particular frequency. * Note: This function returns a float. Take the Math.round() of the returned value to get an integral bin number. * * @param samplingFrequency The Sampling Frequency of the AudioContext * @param blockSize The size of the fft block * @param freq The frequency */ public float binNumber(float samplingFrequency, int blockSize, float freq) { return blockSize*freq/samplingFrequency; } /** The nyquist frequency for this samplingFrequency * * @params samplingFrequency the sample */ public float nyquist(float samplingFrequency) { return samplingFrequency/2; } /* * All of the code below this line is taken from Holger Crysandt's MPEG7AudioEnc project. * See for license and copyright. */ /** * Gets the real part from the complex spectrum. * * @param spectrum * complex spectrum. * @param length * length of data to use. * * @return real part of given length of complex spectrum. */ protected float[] calculateReal(float[] spectrum, int length) { float[] real = new float[length]; real[0] = spectrum[0]; real[real.length/2] = spectrum[1]; for (int i=1, j=real.length-1; i<j; ++i, --j) real[j] = real[i] = spectrum[2*i]; return real; } /** * Gets the imaginary part from the complex spectrum. * * @param spectrum * complex spectrum. * @param length * length of data to use. * * @return imaginary part of given length of complex spectrum. */ protected float[] calculateImaginary(float[] spectrum, int length) { float[] imag = new float[length]; for (int i=1, j=imag.length-1; i<j; ++i, --j) imag[i] = -(imag[j] = spectrum[2*i+1]); return imag; } /** * Perform FFT on data with given length, regular or inverse. * * @param data the data * @param n the length * @param isign true for regular, false for inverse. */ protected void fft(float[] data, int n, boolean isign) { float c1 = 0.5f; float c2, h1r, h1i, h2r, h2i; double wr, wi, wpr, wpi, wtemp; double theta = 3.141592653589793f/(n>>1); if (isign) { c2 = -.5f; four1(data, n>>1, true); } else { c2 = .5f; theta = -theta; } wtemp = Math.sin(.5f*theta); wpr = -2.f*wtemp*wtemp; wpi = Math.sin(theta); wr = 1.f + wpr; wi = wpi; int np3 = n + 3; for (int i=2,imax = n >> 2, i1, i2, i3, i4; i <= imax; ++i) { /** @TODO this can be optimized */ i4 = 1 + (i3 = np3 - (i2 = 1 + (i1 = i + i - 1))); --i4; --i2; --i3; --i1; h1i = c1*(data[i2] - data[i4]); h2r = -c2*(data[i2] + data[i4]); h1r = c1*(data[i1] + data[i3]); h2i = c2*(data[i1] - data[i3]); data[i1] = (float) ( h1r + wr*h2r - wi*h2i); data[i2] = (float) ( h1i + wr*h2i + wi*h2r); data[i3] = (float) ( h1r - wr*h2r + wi*h2i); data[i4] = (float) (-h1i + wr*h2i + wi*h2r); wr = (wtemp=wr)*wpr - wi*wpi + wr; wi = wi*wpr + wtemp*wpi + wi; } if (isign) { float tmp = data[0]; data[0] += data[1]; data[1] = tmp - data[1]; } else { float tmp = data[0]; data[0] = c1 * (tmp + data[1]); data[1] = c1 * (tmp - data[1]); four1(data, n>>1, false); } } /** * four1 algorithm. * * @param data * the data. * @param nn * the nn. * @param isign * regular or inverse. */ private void four1(float data[], int nn, boolean isign) { int n, mmax, istep; double wtemp, wr, wpr, wpi, wi, theta; float tempr, tempi; n = nn << 1; for (int i = 1, j = 1; i < n; i += 2) { if (j > i) { // SWAP(data[j], data[i]); float swap = data[j-1]; data[j-1] = data[i-1]; data[i-1] = swap; // SWAP(data[j+1], data[i+1]); swap = data[j]; data[j] = data[i]; data[i] = swap; } int m = n >> 1; while (m >= 2 && j > m) { j -= m; m >>= 1; } j += m; } mmax = 2; while (n > mmax) { istep = mmax << 1; theta = 6.28318530717959f / mmax; if (!isign) theta = -theta; wtemp = Math.sin(0.5f * theta); wpr = -2.0f * wtemp * wtemp; wpi = Math.sin(theta); wr = 1.0f; wi = 0.0f; for (int m = 1; m < mmax; m += 2) { for (int i = m; i <= n; i += istep) { int j = i + mmax; tempr = (float) (wr * data[j-1] - wi * data[j]); tempi = (float) (wr * data[j] + wi * data[j-1]); data[j-1] = data[i-1] - tempr; data[j] = data[i] - tempi; data[i-1] += tempr; data[i] += tempi; } wr = (wtemp = wr) * wpr - wi * wpi + wr; wi = wi * wpr + wtemp * wpi + wi; } mmax = istep; } } }