package; public class FXChain implements Synth { private float currentAmp; private float dAmp; private float targetAmp; private boolean goingUp; private Filter filter; private float[] dLine; private float sampleRate; public FXChain(float sampleRate_) { sampleRate = sampleRate_; currentAmp = 1; dAmp = 0; // filter = new MickFilter(sampleRate); filter = new RLPF(sampleRate); //filter.setFilter(0.1, 0.1); } public void ramp(float val, float timeMs) { // calc the dAmp; // - change per ms targetAmp = val; dAmp = (targetAmp - currentAmp) / (timeMs / 1000 * sampleRate); if (targetAmp > currentAmp) { goingUp = true; } else { goingUp = false; } } public void setDelayTime(float delayMs) { } public void setDelayFeedback(float fb) { } public void volume(float volume) { } public short getSample(short input) { float in; in = (float) input / 32768;// -1 to 1 in = filter.applyFilter(in); if (goingUp && currentAmp < targetAmp) { currentAmp += dAmp; } else if (!goingUp && currentAmp > targetAmp) { currentAmp += dAmp; } if (currentAmp > 1) { currentAmp = 1; } if (currentAmp < 0) { currentAmp = 0; } in *= currentAmp; return (short) (in * 32768); } public void setFilter(float f, float r) { filter.setFilter(f, r); } }