package; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.AssertUtil.*; import; import; public class GetFileData extends AbstractRequest<byte[]> { private final String repositoryName; private final String path; private final long offset; private final int length; public GetFileData(final String repositoryName, final String path, final long offset, final int length) { this.repositoryName = assertNotNull(repositoryName, "repositoryName"); this.path = path; this.offset = offset; this.length = length; } @Override public byte[] execute() { WebTarget webTarget = createWebTarget(urlEncode(repositoryName), encodePath(path)); if (offset > 0) // defaults to 0 webTarget = webTarget.queryParam("offset", offset); if (length >= 0) // defaults to -1 meaning "all" webTarget = webTarget.queryParam("length", length); return assignCredentials(webTarget.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)).get(byte[].class); } @Override public boolean isResultNullable() { return false; } }