package co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.repo.transport; import static co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.AssertUtil.*; import; import java.util.UUID; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.UrlDecoder; import co.codewizards.cloudstore.core.util.UrlUtil; public abstract class AbstractRepoTransport implements RepoTransport { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractRepoTransport.class); private static final String SLASH = "/"; private RepoTransportFactory repoTransportFactory; private URL remoteRoot; private URL remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix; private String pathPrefix; private UUID clientRepositoryId; // Don't know, if fillInStackTrace() is necessary, but better do it. // I did a small test: 1 million invocations of new Exception() vs. new Exception() with fillInStackTrace(): 3 s vs 2.2 s private volatile Throwable repoTransportCreatedStackTraceException = new Exception("repoTransportCreatedStackTraceException").fillInStackTrace(); @Override public RepoTransportFactory getRepoTransportFactory() { return repoTransportFactory; } @Override public void setRepoTransportFactory(final RepoTransportFactory repoTransportFactory) { this.repoTransportFactory = assertNotNull(repoTransportFactory, "repoTransportFactory"); } @Override public URL getRemoteRoot() { return remoteRoot; } @Override public void setRemoteRoot(URL remoteRoot) { remoteRoot = UrlUtil.canonicalizeURL(remoteRoot); final URL rr = this.remoteRoot; if (rr != null && !rr.equals(remoteRoot)) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot re-assign remoteRoot!"); this.remoteRoot = remoteRoot; } public UUID getClientRepositoryIdOrFail() { final UUID clientRepositoryId = getClientRepositoryId(); if (clientRepositoryId == null) throw new IllegalStateException("clientRepositoryId == null :: You must invoke setClientRepositoryId(...) before!"); return clientRepositoryId; } @Override public UUID getClientRepositoryId() { return clientRepositoryId; } @Override public void setClientRepositoryId(final UUID clientRepositoryId) { this.clientRepositoryId = clientRepositoryId; } @Override public URL getRemoteRootWithoutPathPrefix() { if (remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix == null) { remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix = UrlUtil.canonicalizeURL(determineRemoteRootWithoutPathPrefix()); } return remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix; } protected abstract URL determineRemoteRootWithoutPathPrefix(); @Override public String getPathPrefix() { String pathPrefix = this.pathPrefix; if (pathPrefix == null) this.pathPrefix = pathPrefix = determinePathPrefix(); return pathPrefix; } protected String determinePathPrefix() { final URL rr = getRemoteRoot(); if (rr == null) throw new IllegalStateException("remoteRoot not yet assigned!"); final String remoteRoot = rr.toExternalForm(); final String remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix = getRemoteRootWithoutPathPrefix().toExternalForm(); if (!remoteRoot.startsWith(remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix)) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format( "remoteRoot='%s' does not start with remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix='%s'", remoteRoot, remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix)); String urlEncodedPathPrefix; if (remoteRoot.equals(remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix)) urlEncodedPathPrefix = ""; else { urlEncodedPathPrefix = remoteRoot.substring(remoteRootWithoutPathPrefix.length()); if (!urlEncodedPathPrefix.startsWith(SLASH)) urlEncodedPathPrefix = SLASH + urlEncodedPathPrefix; if (urlEncodedPathPrefix.endsWith(SLASH)) throw new IllegalStateException("pathPrefix should not end with '" + SLASH + "', but it does!"); } final String pathPrefix = UrlDecoder.decode(urlEncodedPathPrefix); return pathPrefix; } @Override public String prefixPath(final String path) { assertNotNull(path, "path"); if ("".equals(path) || SLASH.equals(path)) return getPathPrefix(); if (path.startsWith(SLASH)) return getPathPrefix() + path; else return getPathPrefix() + SLASH + path; } @Override public String unprefixPath(String path) { assertNotNull(path, "path"); final String pathPrefix = getPathPrefix(); if (pathPrefix.isEmpty()) return path; if (!path.startsWith(SLASH)) path = SLASH + path; if (!path.startsWith(pathPrefix)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("path='%s' does not start with pathPrefix='%s'!", path, pathPrefix)); final String result = path.substring(pathPrefix.length()); if (!result.isEmpty() && !result.startsWith(SLASH)) throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("pathAfterPathPrefix='%s' is neither empty nor does it start with a '/'! path='%s' pathPrefix='%s'", result, path, pathPrefix)); return result; } protected boolean isPathUnderPathPrefix(final String path) { assertNotNull(path, "path"); final String pathPrefix = getPathPrefix(); if (pathPrefix.isEmpty()) return true; return path.startsWith(pathPrefix); } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { if (repoTransportCreatedStackTraceException != null) { logger.warn("finalize: Detected forgotten close() invocation!", repoTransportCreatedStackTraceException); } super.finalize(); } @Override public void close() { repoTransportCreatedStackTraceException = null; } }